/* * libretroshare/src/ft: ftserver.cc * * File Transfer for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include "util/rsdebug.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/rsprint.h" #include "crypto/chacha20.h" #include "retroshare/rstypes.h" #include "retroshare/rspeers.h" const int ftserverzone = 29539; #include "file_sharing/p3filelists.h" #include "ft/ftturtlefiletransferitem.h" #include "ft/ftserver.h" #include "ft/ftextralist.h" #include "ft/ftfilesearch.h" #include "ft/ftcontroller.h" #include "ft/ftfileprovider.h" #include "ft/ftdatamultiplex.h" //#include "ft/ftdwlqueue.h" #include "turtle/p3turtle.h" #include "pqi/p3notify.h" #include "rsserver/p3face.h" #include "pqi/pqi.h" #include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h" #include "serialiser/rsfiletransferitems.h" #include "serialiser/rsserviceids.h" /*** * #define SERVER_DEBUG 1 * #define SERVER_DEBUG_CACHE 1 ***/ static const time_t FILE_TRANSFER_LOW_PRIORITY_TASKS_PERIOD = 5 ; // low priority tasks handling every 5 seconds /* Setup */ ftServer::ftServer(p3PeerMgr *pm, p3ServiceControl *sc) : p3Service(), mPeerMgr(pm), mServiceCtrl(sc), mFileDatabase(NULL), mFtController(NULL), mFtExtra(NULL), mFtDataplex(NULL), mFtSearch(NULL), srvMutex("ftServer") { addSerialType(new RsFileTransferSerialiser()) ; } const std::string FILE_TRANSFER_APP_NAME = "ft"; const uint16_t FILE_TRANSFER_APP_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t FILE_TRANSFER_APP_MINOR_VERSION = 0; const uint16_t FILE_TRANSFER_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION = 1; const uint16_t FILE_TRANSFER_MIN_MINOR_VERSION = 0; RsServiceInfo ftServer::getServiceInfo() { return RsServiceInfo(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER, FILE_TRANSFER_APP_NAME, FILE_TRANSFER_APP_MAJOR_VERSION, FILE_TRANSFER_APP_MINOR_VERSION, FILE_TRANSFER_MIN_MAJOR_VERSION, FILE_TRANSFER_MIN_MINOR_VERSION); } void ftServer::setConfigDirectory(std::string path) { mConfigPath = path; /* Must update the sub classes ... if they exist * TODO. */ std::string basecachedir = mConfigPath + "/cache"; std::string localcachedir = mConfigPath + "/cache/local"; std::string remotecachedir = mConfigPath + "/cache/remote"; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(basecachedir) ; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(localcachedir) ; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(remotecachedir) ; } /* Control Interface */ /* add Config Items (Extra, Controller) */ void ftServer::addConfigComponents(p3ConfigMgr */*mgr*/) { /* NOT SURE ABOUT THIS ONE */ } const RsPeerId& ftServer::OwnId() { static RsPeerId null_id ; if (mServiceCtrl) return mServiceCtrl->getOwnId(); else return null_id ; } /* Final Setup (once everything is assigned) */ void ftServer::SetupFtServer() { /* setup FiStore/Monitor */ std::string localcachedir = mConfigPath + "/cache/local"; std::string remotecachedir = mConfigPath + "/cache/remote"; RsPeerId ownId = mServiceCtrl->getOwnId(); /* search/extras List */ mFtExtra = new ftExtraList(); mFtSearch = new ftFileSearch(); /* Transport */ mFtDataplex = new ftDataMultiplex(ownId, this, mFtSearch); /* make Controller */ mFtController = new ftController(mFtDataplex, mServiceCtrl, getServiceInfo().mServiceType); mFtController -> setFtSearchNExtra(mFtSearch, mFtExtra); std::string tmppath = "."; mFtController->setPartialsDirectory(tmppath); mFtController->setDownloadDirectory(tmppath); /* complete search setup */ mFtSearch->addSearchMode(mFtExtra, RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA); mServiceCtrl->registerServiceMonitor(mFtController, getServiceInfo().mServiceType); return; } void ftServer::connectToFileDatabase(p3FileDatabase *fdb) { mFileDatabase = fdb ; mFtSearch->addSearchMode(fdb, RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL | RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE); } void ftServer::connectToTurtleRouter(p3turtle *fts) { mTurtleRouter = fts ; mFtController->setTurtleRouter(fts) ; mFtController->setFtServer(this) ; mTurtleRouter->registerTunnelService(this) ; } void ftServer::StartupThreads() { /* start up order - important for dependencies */ /* self contained threads */ /* startup ExtraList Thread */ mFtExtra->start("ft extra lst"); /* startup Monitor Thread */ /* startup the FileMonitor (after cache load) */ /* start it up */ mFileDatabase->startThreads(); /* Controller thread */ mFtController->start("ft ctrl"); /* Dataplex */ mFtDataplex->start("ft dataplex"); } void ftServer::StopThreads() { /* stop Dataplex */ mFtDataplex->join(); /* stop Controller thread */ mFtController->join(); /* self contained threads */ /* stop ExtraList Thread */ mFtExtra->join(); delete (mFtDataplex); mFtDataplex = NULL; delete (mFtController); mFtController = NULL; delete (mFtExtra); mFtExtra = NULL; /* stop Monitor Thread */ mFileDatabase->stopThreads(); delete mFileDatabase; mFileDatabase = NULL ; } /***************************************************************/ /********************** RsFiles Interface **********************/ /***************************************************************/ /***************************************************************/ /********************** Controller Access **********************/ /***************************************************************/ bool ftServer::ResumeTransfers() { mFtController->activate(); return true; } bool ftServer::getFileData(const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t offset, uint32_t& requested_size,uint8_t *data) { return mFtDataplex->getFileData(hash, offset, requested_size,data); } bool ftServer::alreadyHaveFile(const RsFileHash& hash, FileInfo &info) { return mFileDatabase->search(hash, RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL, info); } bool ftServer::FileRequest(const std::string& fname, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, const std::string& dest, TransferRequestFlags flags, const std::list& srcIds) { std::cerr << "Requesting " << fname << std::endl ; if(!mFtController->FileRequest(fname, hash, size, dest, flags, srcIds)) return false ; return true ; } bool ftServer::setDestinationName(const RsFileHash& hash,const std::string& name) { return mFtController->setDestinationName(hash,name); } bool ftServer::setDestinationDirectory(const RsFileHash& hash,const std::string& directory) { return mFtController->setDestinationDirectory(hash,directory); } bool ftServer::setChunkStrategy(const RsFileHash& hash,FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy s) { return mFtController->setChunkStrategy(hash,s); } uint32_t ftServer::freeDiskSpaceLimit()const { return mFtController->freeDiskSpaceLimit() ; } void ftServer::setFreeDiskSpaceLimit(uint32_t s) { mFtController->setFreeDiskSpaceLimit(s) ; } void ftServer::setDefaultChunkStrategy(FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy s) { mFtController->setDefaultChunkStrategy(s) ; } FileChunksInfo::ChunkStrategy ftServer::defaultChunkStrategy() { return mFtController->defaultChunkStrategy() ; } bool ftServer::FileCancel(const RsFileHash& hash) { // Remove from both queue and ftController, by default. // mFtController->FileCancel(hash); return true ; } bool ftServer::FileControl(const RsFileHash& hash, uint32_t flags) { return mFtController->FileControl(hash, flags); } bool ftServer::FileClearCompleted() { return mFtController->FileClearCompleted(); } void ftServer::setQueueSize(uint32_t s) { mFtController->setQueueSize(s) ; } uint32_t ftServer::getQueueSize() { return mFtController->getQueueSize() ; } /* Control of Downloads Priority. */ bool ftServer::changeQueuePosition(const RsFileHash& hash, QueueMove mv) { mFtController->moveInQueue(hash,mv) ; return true ; } bool ftServer::changeDownloadSpeed(const RsFileHash& hash, int speed) { mFtController->setPriority(hash, (DwlSpeed)speed); return true ; } bool ftServer::getDownloadSpeed(const RsFileHash& hash, int & speed) { DwlSpeed _speed; int ret = mFtController->getPriority(hash, _speed); if (ret) speed = _speed; return ret; } bool ftServer::clearDownload(const RsFileHash& /*hash*/) { return true ; } bool ftServer::FileDownloadChunksDetails(const RsFileHash& hash,FileChunksInfo& info) { return mFtController->getFileDownloadChunksDetails(hash,info); } void ftServer::requestDirUpdate(void *ref) { mFileDatabase->requestDirUpdate(ref) ; } /* Directory Handling */ void ftServer::setDownloadDirectory(std::string path) { mFtController->setDownloadDirectory(path); } std::string ftServer::getDownloadDirectory() { return mFtController->getDownloadDirectory(); } void ftServer::setPartialsDirectory(std::string path) { mFtController->setPartialsDirectory(path); } std::string ftServer::getPartialsDirectory() { return mFtController->getPartialsDirectory(); } /***************************************************************/ /************************* Other Access ************************/ /***************************************************************/ bool ftServer::copyFile(const std::string& source, const std::string& dest) { return mFtController->copyFile(source, dest); } void ftServer::FileDownloads(std::list &hashs) { mFtController->FileDownloads(hashs); } bool ftServer::FileUploadChunksDetails(const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id,CompressedChunkMap& cmap) { return mFtDataplex->getClientChunkMap(hash,peer_id,cmap); } bool ftServer::FileUploads(std::list &hashs) { return mFtDataplex->FileUploads(hashs); } bool ftServer::FileDetails(const RsFileHash &hash, FileSearchFlags hintflags, FileInfo &info) { if (hintflags & RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD) if(mFtController->FileDetails(hash, info)) return true ; if(hintflags & RS_FILE_HINTS_UPLOAD) if(mFtDataplex->FileDetails(hash, hintflags, info)) { // We also check if the file is a DL as well. In such a case we use // the DL as the file name, to replace the hash. If the file is a cache // file, we skip the call to fileDetails() for efficiency reasons. // FileInfo info2 ; if(mFtController->FileDetails(hash, info2)) info.fname = info2.fname ; return true ; } if(hintflags & ~(RS_FILE_HINTS_UPLOAD | RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD)) if(mFtSearch->search(hash, hintflags, info)) return true ; return false; } RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *ftServer::deserialiseItem(void *data,uint32_t size) const { uint32_t rstype = getRsItemId(data); #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3turtle: deserialising packet: " << std::endl ; #endif if ((RS_PKT_VERSION_SERVICE != getRsItemVersion(rstype)) || (RS_SERVICE_TYPE_TURTLE != getRsItemService(rstype))) { std::cerr << " Wrong type !!" << std::endl ; return NULL; /* wrong type */ } try { switch(getRsItemSubType(rstype)) { case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_REQUEST : return new RsTurtleFileRequestItem(data,size) ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_DATA : return new RsTurtleFileDataItem(data,size) ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_MAP_REQUEST : return new RsTurtleFileMapRequestItem(data,size) ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_MAP : return new RsTurtleFileMapItem(data,size) ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_CHUNK_CRC_REQUEST : return new RsTurtleChunkCrcRequestItem(data,size) ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_CHUNK_CRC : return new RsTurtleChunkCrcItem(data,size) ; default: return NULL ; } } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cerr << "(EE) deserialisation error in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": " << e.what() << std::endl; return NULL ; } } void ftServer::addVirtualPeer(const TurtleFileHash& hash,const TurtleVirtualPeerId& virtual_peer_id,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction dir) { if(dir == RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::DIRECTION_SERVER) mFtController->addFileSource(hash,virtual_peer_id) ; } void ftServer::removeVirtualPeer(const TurtleFileHash& hash,const TurtleVirtualPeerId& virtual_peer_id) { mFtController->removeFileSource(hash,virtual_peer_id) ; } bool ftServer::handleTunnelRequest(const RsFileHash& hash,const RsPeerId& peer_id) { FileInfo info ; bool res = FileDetails(hash, RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE | RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL | RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA | RS_FILE_HINTS_SPEC_ONLY, info); #warning need code here => turn H(H) into real hash if( (!res) && FileDetails(hash,RS_FILE_HINTS_DOWNLOAD,info)) { // This file is currently being downloaded. Let's look if we already have a chunk or not. If not, no need to // share the file! FileChunksInfo info2 ; if(rsFiles->FileDownloadChunksDetails(hash, info2)) for(uint32_t i=0;igetSharedDirectories(dirList); #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG for(it = dirList.begin(); it != dirList.end(); ++it) { std::cerr << "ftServer::removeSharedDirectory()"; std::cerr << " existing: " << (*it).filename; std::cerr << std::endl; } #endif for(it = dirList.begin();it!=dirList.end() && (*it).filename != dir;++it) ; if(it == dirList.end()) { std::cerr << "(EE) ftServer::removeSharedDirectory(): Cannot Find Directory... Fail" << std::endl; return false; } #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::removeSharedDirectory()"; std::cerr << " Updating Directories"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif dirList.erase(it); mFileDatabase->setSharedDirectories(dirList); return true; } bool ftServer::watchEnabled() { return mFileDatabase->watchEnabled() ; } int ftServer::watchPeriod() const { return mFileDatabase->watchPeriod()/60 ; } void ftServer::setWatchEnabled(bool b) { mFileDatabase->setWatchEnabled(b) ; } void ftServer::setWatchPeriod(int minutes) { mFileDatabase->setWatchPeriod(minutes*60) ; } bool ftServer::getShareDownloadDirectory() { std::list dirList; mFileDatabase->getSharedDirectories(dirList); std::string dir = mFtController->getDownloadDirectory(); // check if the download directory is in the list. for (std::list::const_iterator it(dirList.begin()); it != dirList.end(); ++it) if ((*it).filename == dir) return true; return false; } bool ftServer::shareDownloadDirectory(bool share) { if (share) { /* Share */ SharedDirInfo inf ; inf.filename = mFtController->getDownloadDirectory(); inf.shareflags = DIR_FLAGS_NETWORK_WIDE_OTHERS ; return addSharedDirectory(inf); } else { /* Unshare */ std::string dir = mFtController->getDownloadDirectory(); return removeSharedDirectory(dir); } } /***************************************************************/ /****************** End of RsFiles Interface *******************/ /***************************************************************/ //bool ftServer::loadConfigMap(std::map &/*configMap*/) //{ // return true; //} /***************************************************************/ /********************** Data Flow **********************/ /***************************************************************/ bool ftServer::sendTurtleItem(const RsPeerId& peerId,const RsFileHash& hash,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *item) { // first, we look for the encrypted hash map #warning code needed here if(true) { // we don't encrypt mTurtleRouter->sendTurtleData(peerId,item) ; } else { // we encrypt the item RsTurtleGenericDataItem *encrypted_item ; if(!encryptItem(item, hash, encrypted_item)) return false ; delete item ; mTurtleRouter->sendTurtleData(peerId,encrypted_item) ; } return true ; } /* Client Send */ bool ftServer::sendDataRequest(const RsPeerId& peerId, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset, uint32_t chunksize) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendDataRequest() to peer " << peerId << " for hash " << hash << ", offset=" << offset << ", chunk size="<< chunksize << std::endl; #endif if(mTurtleRouter->isTurtlePeer(peerId)) { RsTurtleFileRequestItem *item = new RsTurtleFileRequestItem ; item->chunk_offset = offset ; item->chunk_size = chunksize ; sendTurtleItem(peerId,hash,item) ; } else { /* create a packet */ /* push to networking part */ RsFileTransferDataRequestItem *rfi = new RsFileTransferDataRequestItem(); /* id */ rfi->PeerId(peerId); /* file info */ rfi->file.filesize = size; rfi->file.hash = hash; /* ftr->hash; */ /* offsets */ rfi->fileoffset = offset; /* ftr->offset; */ rfi->chunksize = chunksize; /* ftr->chunk; */ sendItem(rfi); } return true; } bool ftServer::sendChunkMapRequest(const RsPeerId& peerId,const RsFileHash& hash,bool is_client) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendChunkMapRequest() to peer " << peerId << " for hash " << hash << std::endl; #endif if(mTurtleRouter->isTurtlePeer(peerId)) { RsTurtleFileMapRequestItem *item = new RsTurtleFileMapRequestItem ; sendTurtleItem(peerId,hash,item) ; } else { /* create a packet */ /* push to networking part */ RsFileTransferChunkMapRequestItem *rfi = new RsFileTransferChunkMapRequestItem(); /* id */ rfi->PeerId(peerId); /* file info */ rfi->hash = hash; /* ftr->hash; */ rfi->is_client = is_client ; sendItem(rfi); } return true ; } bool ftServer::sendChunkMap(const RsPeerId& peerId,const RsFileHash& hash,const CompressedChunkMap& map,bool is_client) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendChunkMap() to peer " << peerId << " for hash " << hash << std::endl; #endif if(mTurtleRouter->isTurtlePeer(peerId)) { RsTurtleFileMapItem *item = new RsTurtleFileMapItem ; item->compressed_map = map ; sendTurtleItem(peerId,hash,item) ; } else { /* create a packet */ /* push to networking part */ RsFileTransferChunkMapItem *rfi = new RsFileTransferChunkMapItem(); /* id */ rfi->PeerId(peerId); /* file info */ rfi->hash = hash; /* ftr->hash; */ rfi->is_client = is_client; /* ftr->hash; */ rfi->compressed_map = map; /* ftr->hash; */ sendItem(rfi); } return true ; } bool ftServer::sendSingleChunkCRCRequest(const RsPeerId& peerId,const RsFileHash& hash,uint32_t chunk_number) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendSingleCRCRequest() to peer " << peerId << " for hash " << hash << ", chunk number=" << chunk_number << std::endl; #endif if(mTurtleRouter->isTurtlePeer(peerId)) { RsTurtleChunkCrcRequestItem *item = new RsTurtleChunkCrcRequestItem; item->chunk_number = chunk_number ; sendTurtleItem(peerId,hash,item) ; } else { /* create a packet */ /* push to networking part */ RsFileTransferSingleChunkCrcRequestItem *rfi = new RsFileTransferSingleChunkCrcRequestItem(); /* id */ rfi->PeerId(peerId); /* file info */ rfi->hash = hash; /* ftr->hash; */ rfi->chunk_number = chunk_number ; sendItem(rfi); } return true ; } bool ftServer::sendSingleChunkCRC(const RsPeerId& peerId,const RsFileHash& hash,uint32_t chunk_number,const Sha1CheckSum& crc) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendSingleCRC() to peer " << peerId << " for hash " << hash << ", chunk number=" << chunk_number << std::endl; #endif if(mTurtleRouter->isTurtlePeer(peerId)) { RsTurtleChunkCrcItem *item = new RsTurtleChunkCrcItem; item->chunk_number = chunk_number ; item->check_sum = crc ; sendTurtleItem(peerId,hash,item) ; } else { /* create a packet */ /* push to networking part */ RsFileTransferSingleChunkCrcItem *rfi = new RsFileTransferSingleChunkCrcItem(); /* id */ rfi->PeerId(peerId); /* file info */ rfi->hash = hash; /* ftr->hash; */ rfi->check_sum = crc; rfi->chunk_number = chunk_number; sendItem(rfi); } return true ; } /* Server Send */ bool ftServer::sendData(const RsPeerId& peerId, const RsFileHash& hash, uint64_t size, uint64_t baseoffset, uint32_t chunksize, void *data) { /* create a packet */ /* push to networking part */ uint32_t tosend = chunksize; uint64_t offset = 0; uint32_t chunk; #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendData() to " << peerId << std::endl; std::cerr << "hash: " << hash; std::cerr << " offset: " << baseoffset; std::cerr << " chunk: " << chunksize; std::cerr << " data: " << data; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif while(tosend > 0) { //static const uint32_t MAX_FT_CHUNK = 32 * 1024; /* 32K */ //static const uint32_t MAX_FT_CHUNK = 16 * 1024; /* 16K */ // static const uint32_t MAX_FT_CHUNK = 8 * 1024; /* 16K */ /* workout size */ chunk = MAX_FT_CHUNK; if (chunk > tosend) { chunk = tosend; } /******** New Serialiser Type *******/ if(mTurtleRouter->isTurtlePeer(peerId)) { RsTurtleFileDataItem *item = new RsTurtleFileDataItem ; item->chunk_offset = offset+baseoffset ; item->chunk_size = chunk; item->chunk_data = rs_malloc(chunk) ; if(item->chunk_data == NULL) { delete item; return false; } memcpy(item->chunk_data,&(((uint8_t *) data)[offset]),chunk) ; sendTurtleItem(peerId,hash,item) ; } else { RsFileTransferDataItem *rfd = new RsFileTransferDataItem(); /* set id */ rfd->PeerId(peerId); /* file info */ rfd->fd.file.filesize = size; rfd->fd.file.hash = hash; rfd->fd.file.name = ""; /* blank other data */ rfd->fd.file.path = ""; rfd->fd.file.pop = 0; rfd->fd.file.age = 0; rfd->fd.file_offset = baseoffset + offset; /* file data */ rfd->fd.binData.setBinData( &(((uint8_t *) data)[offset]), chunk); sendItem(rfd); /* print the data pointer */ #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::sendData() Packet: " << std::endl; std::cerr << " offset: " << rfd->fd.file_offset; std::cerr << " chunk: " << chunk; std::cerr << " len: " << rfd->fd.binData.bin_len; std::cerr << " data: " << rfd->fd.binData.bin_data; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } offset += chunk; tosend -= chunk; } /* clean up data */ free(data); return true; } // Encrypts the given item using aead-chacha20-poly1305 // // The format is the following // // [encryption format] [random initialization vector] [encrypted data size] [encrypted data] [authentication tag] // 4 bytes 12 bytes 4 bytes variable 16 bytes // // +-------------------- authenticated data part ----------------------+ // // // Encryption format: // ae ad 01 01 : encryption using AEAD, format 01 (authed with Poly1305 ), version 01 // ae ad 02 01 : encryption using AEAD, format 02 (authed with HMAC Sha256), version 01 // // void ftServer::deriveEncryptionKey(const RsFileHash& hash, uint8_t *key) { // The encryption key is simply the 256 hash of the SHA256_CTX sha_ctx ; if(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH != 32) throw std::runtime_error("Warning: can't compute Sha1Sum with sum size != 32") ; SHA256_Init(&sha_ctx); SHA256_Update(&sha_ctx, hash.toByteArray(), hash.SIZE_IN_BYTES); SHA256_Final (key, &sha_ctx); } static const uint32_t ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE = 12 ; static const uint32_t ENCRYPTED_FT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG_SIZE = 16 ; static const uint32_t ENCRYPTED_FT_HEADER_SIZE = 4 ; static const uint32_t ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE = 4 ; static const uint8_t ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 = 0x01 ; static const uint8_t ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_SHA256 = 0x02 ; bool ftServer::encryptItem(RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *clear_item,const RsFileHash& hash,RsTurtleGenericDataItem *& encrypted_item) { uint8_t initialization_vector[ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE] ; RSRandom::random_bytes(initialization_vector,ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE) ; std::cerr << "ftServer::Encrypting ft item." << std::endl; std::cerr << " random nonce : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(initialization_vector,ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE) << std::endl; uint32_t total_data_size = ENCRYPTED_FT_HEADER_SIZE + ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE + clear_item->serial_size() + ENCRYPTED_FT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG_SIZE ; std::cerr << " clear part size : " << clear_item->serial_size() << std::endl; std::cerr << " total item size : " << total_data_size << std::endl; encrypted_item = new RsTurtleGenericDataItem ; encrypted_item->data_bytes = rs_malloc( total_data_size ) ; encrypted_item->data_size = total_data_size ; if(encrypted_item->data_bytes == NULL) return false ; uint8_t *edata = (uint8_t*)encrypted_item->data_bytes ; uint32_t edata_size = clear_item->serial_size() ; uint32_t offset = 0; edata[0] = 0xae ; edata[1] = 0xad ; edata[2] = ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_SHA256 ; // means AEAD_chacha20_sha256 edata[3] = 0x01 ; offset += ENCRYPTED_FT_HEADER_SIZE; uint32_t aad_offset = offset ; uint32_t aad_size = ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE + ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE ; memcpy(&edata[offset], initialization_vector, ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE) ; offset += ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE ; edata[offset+0] = (edata_size >> 0) & 0xff ; edata[offset+1] = (edata_size >> 8) & 0xff ; edata[offset+2] = (edata_size >> 16) & 0xff ; edata[offset+3] = (edata_size >> 24) & 0xff ; offset += ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE ; uint32_t ser_size = (uint32_t)((int)total_data_size - (int)offset); clear_item->serialize(&edata[offset], ser_size); std::cerr << " clear item : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(&edata[offset],std::min(50,(int)total_data_size-(int)offset)) << "(...)" << std::endl; uint32_t clear_item_offset = offset ; offset += edata_size ; uint32_t authentication_tag_offset = offset ; assert(ENCRYPTED_FT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG_SIZE + offset == total_data_size) ; uint8_t encryption_key[32] ; deriveEncryptionKey(hash,encryption_key) ; if(edata[2] == ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305) librs::crypto::AEAD_chacha20_poly1305(encryption_key,initialization_vector,&edata[clear_item_offset],edata_size, &edata[aad_offset],aad_size, &edata[authentication_tag_offset],true) ; else if(edata[2] == ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_SHA256) librs::crypto::AEAD_chacha20_sha256(encryption_key,initialization_vector,&edata[aad_offset],edata_size+ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE+ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE, &edata[authentication_tag_offset],true) ; else return false ; std::cerr << " encryption key : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(encryption_key,32) << std::endl; std::cerr << " authen. tag : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(&edata[authentication_tag_offset],ENCRYPTED_FT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG_SIZE) << std::endl; std::cerr << " final item : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(&edata[0],std::min(50u,total_data_size)) << "(...)" << std::endl; return true ; } // Decrypts the given item using aead-chacha20-poly1305 bool ftServer::decryptItem(RsTurtleGenericDataItem *encrypted_item,const RsFileHash& hash,RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *& decrypted_item) { uint8_t encryption_key[32] ; deriveEncryptionKey(hash,encryption_key) ; uint8_t *edata = (uint8_t*)encrypted_item->data_bytes ; uint32_t offset = 0; if(encrypted_item->data_size < ENCRYPTED_FT_HEADER_SIZE + ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE + ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE) return false ; if(edata[0] != 0xae) return false ; if(edata[1] != 0xad) return false ; if(edata[2] != ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305 && edata[2] != ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_SHA256) return false ; if(edata[3] != 0x01) return false ; offset += ENCRYPTED_FT_HEADER_SIZE ; uint32_t aad_offset = offset ; uint32_t aad_size = ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE + ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE ; uint8_t *initialization_vector = &edata[offset] ; std::cerr << "ftServer::decrypting ft item." << std::endl; std::cerr << " item data : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(edata,std::min(50u,encrypted_item->data_size)) << "(...)" << std::endl; std::cerr << " hash : " << hash << std::endl; std::cerr << " encryption key : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(encryption_key,32) << std::endl; std::cerr << " random nonce : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(initialization_vector,ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE) << std::endl; offset += ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE ; uint32_t edata_size = 0 ; edata_size += ((uint32_t)edata[offset+0]) << 0 ; edata_size += ((uint32_t)edata[offset+1]) << 8 ; edata_size += ((uint32_t)edata[offset+2]) << 16 ; edata_size += ((uint32_t)edata[offset+3]) << 24 ; offset += ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE ; uint32_t clear_item_offset = offset ; uint32_t authentication_tag_offset = offset + edata_size ; std::cerr << " authen. tag : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(&edata[authentication_tag_offset],ENCRYPTED_FT_AUTHENTICATION_TAG_SIZE) << std::endl; bool result ; if(edata[2] == ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305) result = librs::crypto::AEAD_chacha20_poly1305(encryption_key,initialization_vector,&edata[clear_item_offset],edata_size, &edata[aad_offset],aad_size, &edata[authentication_tag_offset],false) ; else if(edata[2] == ENCRYPTED_FT_FORMAT_AEAD_CHACHA20_SHA256) result = librs::crypto::AEAD_chacha20_sha256(encryption_key,initialization_vector,&edata[aad_offset],edata_size+ENCRYPTED_FT_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR_SIZE+ENCRYPTED_FT_EDATA_SIZE, &edata[authentication_tag_offset],false) ; else return false ; std::cerr << " authen. result : " << result << std::endl; std::cerr << " decrypted daya : " << RsUtil::BinToHex(&edata[clear_item_offset],std::min(50u,edata_size)) << "(...)" << std::endl; if(!result) { std::cerr << "(EE) decryption/authentication went wrong." << std::endl; return false ; } decrypted_item = deserialiseItem(&edata[clear_item_offset],edata_size) ; if(decrypted_item == NULL) return false ; return true ; } bool ftServer::findRealHash(const RsFileHash& hash, RsFileHash& real_hash) { std::map::const_iterator it = mEncryptedHashes.find(hash) ; if(it != mEncryptedHashes.end()) { real_hash = it->second ; return true ; } else return false ; } // Dont delete the item. The client (p3turtle) is doing it after calling this. // void ftServer::receiveTurtleData(RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *i, const RsFileHash& hash, const RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id, RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::Direction direction) { if(i->PacketSubType() == RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_GENERIC_DATA) { std::cerr << "Received encrypted data item. Trying to decrypt" << std::endl; RsFileHash real_hash ; if(!findRealHash(hash,real_hash)) { std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot find real hash for encrypted data item with H(H(F))=" << hash << ". This is unexpected." << std::endl; return ; } RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem *decrypted_item ; if(!decryptItem(dynamic_cast(i),real_hash,decrypted_item)) { std::cerr << "(EE) decryption error." << std::endl; return ; } receiveTurtleData(decrypted_item, real_hash, virtual_peer_id,direction) ; delete decrypted_item ; return ; } switch(i->PacketSubType()) { case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_REQUEST: { RsTurtleFileRequestItem *item = dynamic_cast(i) ; if (item) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::receiveTurtleData(): received file data request for " << hash << " from peer " << virtual_peer_id << std::endl; #endif getMultiplexer()->recvDataRequest(virtual_peer_id,hash,0,item->chunk_offset,item->chunk_size) ; } } break ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_DATA : { RsTurtleFileDataItem *item = dynamic_cast(i) ; if (item) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::receiveTurtleData(): received file data for " << hash << " from peer " << virtual_peer_id << std::endl; #endif getMultiplexer()->recvData(virtual_peer_id,hash,0,item->chunk_offset,item->chunk_size,item->chunk_data) ; item->chunk_data = NULL ; // this prevents deletion in the destructor of RsFileDataItem, because data will be deleted // down _ft_server->getMultiplexer()->recvData()...in ftTransferModule::recvFileData } } break ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_MAP : { RsTurtleFileMapItem *item = dynamic_cast(i) ; if (item) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::receiveTurtleData(): received chunk map for hash " << hash << " from peer " << virtual_peer_id << std::endl; #endif getMultiplexer()->recvChunkMap(virtual_peer_id,hash,item->compressed_map,direction == RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::DIRECTION_CLIENT) ; } } break ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_FILE_MAP_REQUEST: { //RsTurtleFileMapRequestItem *item = dynamic_cast(i) ; #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::receiveTurtleData(): received chunkmap request for hash " << hash << " from peer " << virtual_peer_id << std::endl; #endif getMultiplexer()->recvChunkMapRequest(virtual_peer_id,hash,direction == RsTurtleGenericTunnelItem::DIRECTION_CLIENT) ; } break ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_CHUNK_CRC : { RsTurtleChunkCrcItem *item = dynamic_cast(i) ; if (item) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::receiveTurtleData(): received single chunk CRC for hash " << hash << " from peer " << virtual_peer_id << std::endl; #endif getMultiplexer()->recvSingleChunkCRC(virtual_peer_id,hash,item->chunk_number,item->check_sum) ; } } break ; case RS_TURTLE_SUBTYPE_CHUNK_CRC_REQUEST: { RsTurtleChunkCrcRequestItem *item = dynamic_cast(i) ; if (item) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::receiveTurtleData(): received single chunk CRC request for hash " << hash << " from peer " << virtual_peer_id << std::endl; #endif getMultiplexer()->recvSingleChunkCRCRequest(virtual_peer_id,hash,item->chunk_number) ; } } break ; default: std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown packet type received: sub_id=" << reinterpret_cast(i->PacketSubType()) << ". Is somebody trying to poison you ?" << std::endl ; } } /* NB: The rsCore lock must be activated before calling this. * This Lock should be moved lower into the system... * most likely destination is in ftServer. */ int ftServer::tick() { bool moreToTick = false ; if(handleIncoming()) moreToTick = true; static time_t last_law_priority_tasks_handling_time = 0 ; time_t now = time(NULL) ; if(last_law_priority_tasks_handling_time + FILE_TRANSFER_LOW_PRIORITY_TASKS_PERIOD < now) { last_law_priority_tasks_handling_time = now ; mFtDataplex->deleteUnusedServers() ; mFtDataplex->handlePendingCrcRequests() ; mFtDataplex->dispatchReceivedChunkCheckSum() ; } return moreToTick; } int ftServer::handleIncoming() { // now File Input. int nhandled = 0 ; RsItem *item = NULL ; #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming() " << std::endl; #endif while(NULL != (item = recvItem())) { nhandled++ ; switch(item->PacketSubType()) { case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FT_DATA_REQUEST: { RsFileTransferDataRequestItem *f = dynamic_cast(item) ; if (f) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming: received data request for hash " << f->file.hash << ", offset=" << f->fileoffset << ", chunk size=" << f->chunksize << std::endl; #endif mFtDataplex->recvDataRequest(f->PeerId(), f->file.hash, f->file.filesize, f->fileoffset, f->chunksize); } } break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FT_DATA: { RsFileTransferDataItem *f = dynamic_cast(item) ; if (f) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming: received data for hash " << f->fd.file.hash << ", offset=" << f->fd.file_offset << ", chunk size=" << f->fd.binData.bin_len << std::endl; #endif mFtDataplex->recvData(f->PeerId(), f->fd.file.hash, f->fd.file.filesize, f->fd.file_offset, f->fd.binData.bin_len, f->fd.binData.bin_data); /* we've stolen the data part -> so blank before delete */ f->fd.binData.TlvShallowClear(); } } break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FT_CHUNK_MAP_REQUEST: { RsFileTransferChunkMapRequestItem *f = dynamic_cast(item) ; if (f) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming: received chunkmap request for hash " << f->hash << ", client=" << f->is_client << std::endl; #endif mFtDataplex->recvChunkMapRequest(f->PeerId(), f->hash,f->is_client) ; } } break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FT_CHUNK_MAP: { RsFileTransferChunkMapItem *f = dynamic_cast(item) ; if (f) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming: received chunkmap for hash " << f->hash << ", client=" << f->is_client << /*", map=" << f->compressed_map <<*/ std::endl; #endif mFtDataplex->recvChunkMap(f->PeerId(), f->hash,f->compressed_map,f->is_client) ; } } break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FT_CHUNK_CRC_REQUEST: { RsFileTransferSingleChunkCrcRequestItem *f = dynamic_cast(item) ; if (f) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming: received single chunk crc req for hash " << f->hash << ", chunk number=" << f->chunk_number << std::endl; #endif mFtDataplex->recvSingleChunkCRCRequest(f->PeerId(), f->hash,f->chunk_number) ; } } break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FT_CHUNK_CRC: { RsFileTransferSingleChunkCrcItem *f = dynamic_cast(item) ; if (f) { #ifdef SERVER_DEBUG std::cerr << "ftServer::handleIncoming: received single chunk crc req for hash " << f->hash << ", chunk number=" << f->chunk_number << ", checksum = " << f->check_sum << std::endl; #endif mFtDataplex->recvSingleChunkCRC(f->PeerId(), f->hash,f->chunk_number,f->check_sum); } } break ; } delete item ; } return nhandled; } /********************************** ********************************** ********************************** *********************************/ /***************************** CONFIG ****************************/ bool ftServer::addConfiguration(p3ConfigMgr *cfgmgr) { /* add all the subbits to config mgr */ cfgmgr->addConfiguration("ft_database.cfg", mFileDatabase); cfgmgr->addConfiguration("ft_extra.cfg", mFtExtra); cfgmgr->addConfiguration("ft_transfers.cfg", mFtController); return true; }