/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006,2007 crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/vmessagebox.h" #include "common/StatusDefs.h" #include "common/GroupDefs.h" #include "common/Emoticons.h" #include #include "retroshare/rsinit.h" #include "PeersDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "chat/PopupChatDialog.h" #include "msgs/MessageComposer.h" #include "connect/ConfCertDialog.h" #include "profile/ProfileView.h" #include "profile/ProfileWidget.h" #include "profile/StatusMessage.h" #include "connect/ConnectFriendWizard.h" #include "forums/CreateForum.h" #include "channels/CreateChannel.h" #include "groups/CreateGroup.h" #include "feeds/AttachFileItem.h" #include "im_history/ImHistoryBrowser.h" #include "common/RSTreeWidgetItem.h" #include "RetroShareLink.h" #include "MainWindow.h" #include "NewsFeed.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* Images for context menu icons */ #define IMAGE_REMOVEFRIEND ":/images/removefriend16.png" #define IMAGE_EXPORTFRIEND ":/images/exportpeers_16x16.png" #define IMAGE_PEERINFO ":/images/peerdetails_16x16.png" #define IMAGE_CHAT ":/images/chat.png" #define IMAGE_MSG ":/images/message-mail.png" #define IMAGE_CONNECT ":/images/connect_friend.png" /* Images for Status icons */ #define IMAGE_AVAILABLE ":/images/user/identityavaiblecyan24.png" #define IMAGE_CONNECT2 ":/images/reload24.png" #define IMAGE_PASTELINK ":/images/pasterslink.png" #define IMAGE_GROUP16 ":/images/user/group16.png" #define IMAGE_GROUP24 ":/images/user/group24.png" #define COLUMN_COUNT 3 #define COLUMN_NAME 0 #define COLUMN_STATE 1 #define COLUMN_INFO 2 #define COLUMN_DATA 0 // column for storing the userdata id #define ROLE_SORT Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_ID Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_STANDARD Qt::UserRole + 2 #define TYPE_GPG 0 #define TYPE_SSL 1 #define TYPE_GROUP 2 /****** * #define PEERS_DEBUG 1 *****/ /** Constructor */ PeersDialog::PeersDialog(QWidget *parent) : RsAutoUpdatePage(1500,parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); last_status_send_time = 0 ; groupsHasChanged = false; m_compareRole = new RSTreeWidgetItemCompareRole; m_compareRole->addRole(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT); m_compareRole->addRole(COLUMN_STATE, ROLE_SORT); connect( ui.peertreeWidget, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( peertreeWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) ); connect( ui.peertreeWidget, SIGNAL( itemDoubleClicked ( QTreeWidgetItem *, int)), this, SLOT(chatfriend(QTreeWidgetItem *))); connect( ui.avatartoolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(getAvatar())); connect( ui.mypersonalstatuslabel, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(statusmessage())); connect( ui.actionSet_your_Avatar, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(getAvatar())); connect( ui.actionSet_your_Personal_Message, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(statusmessage())); connect( ui.addfileButton, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this , SLOT(addExtraFile())); connect( ui.msgText, SIGNAL(anchorClicked(const QUrl &)), SLOT(anchorClicked(const QUrl &))); connect(ui.action_Hide_Offline_Friends, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(insertPeers())); connect(ui.action_Hide_Status_Column, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(statusColumn())); ui.peertabWidget->setTabPosition(QTabWidget::North); ui.peertabWidget->addTab(new ProfileWidget(),QString(tr("Profile"))); ui.peertabWidget->addTab(new NewsFeed(),QString(tr("Friends Storm"))); ui.peertreeWidget->setColumnCount(4); ui.peertreeWidget->setColumnHidden ( 3, true); ui.peertreeWidget->setColumnHidden ( 2, true); ui.peertreeWidget->sortItems( 0, Qt::AscendingOrder ); // set header text aligment QTreeWidgetItem * headerItem = ui.peertreeWidget->headerItem(); headerItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_STATE, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_INFO, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); connect(ui.Sendbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sendMsg())); connect(ui.emoticonBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(smileyWidgetgroupchat())); ui.lineEdit->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu) ; connect(ui.lineEdit,SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)),this,SLOT(contextMenu(QPoint))); pasteLinkAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/pasterslink.png"), tr( "Paste retroshare Link" ), this ); connect( pasteLinkAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( pasteLink() ) ); connect( ui.msgText, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint&)), this, SLOT(displayInfoChatMenu(const QPoint&))); connect(ui.textboldChatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFont())); connect(ui.textunderlineChatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFont())); connect(ui.textitalicChatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setFont())); connect(ui.fontsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getFont())); connect(ui.colorChatButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setColor())); connect(ui.actionSave_History, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileSaveAs())); ui.fontsButton->setIcon(QIcon(QString(":/images/fonts.png"))); _currentColor = Qt::black; QPixmap pxm(16,16); pxm.fill(_currentColor); ui.colorChatButton->setIcon(pxm); mCurrentFont.fromString(Settings->getChatScreenFont()); ui.lineEdit->setFont(mCurrentFont); style.setStyleFromSettings(ChatStyle::TYPE_PUBLIC); setChatInfo(tr("Welcome to RetroShare's group chat."), QString::fromUtf8("blue")); if (Settings->valueFromGroup("Chat", QString::fromUtf8("GroupChat_History"), true).toBool()) { historyKeeper.init(QString::fromStdString(RsInit::RsProfileConfigDirectory()) + "/chatPublic.xml"); QList historyItems; historyKeeper.getMessages(historyItems, 20); foreach(IMHistoryItem item, historyItems) { addChatMsg(item.incoming, true, item.name, item.sendTime, item.messageText); } } QMenu * grpchatmenu = new QMenu(); grpchatmenu->addAction(ui.actionClearChat); grpchatmenu->addAction(ui.actionSave_History); grpchatmenu->addAction(ui.actionMessageHistory); ui.menuButton->setMenu(grpchatmenu); _underline = false; QMenu *menu = new QMenu(); menu->addAction(ui.actionAdd_Friend); menu->addAction(ui.actionAdd_Group); menu->addSeparator(); menu->addAction(ui.actionCreate_New_Forum); #ifndef RS_RELEASE_VERSION menu->addAction(ui.actionCreate_New_Channel); #endif menu->addAction(ui.actionSet_your_Avatar); menu->addAction(ui.actionSet_your_Personal_Message); ui.menupushButton->setMenu(menu); //ui.msgText->setOpenExternalLinks ( false ); //ui.msgText->setOpenLinks ( false ); setAcceptDrops(true); ui.lineEdit->setAcceptDrops(false); updateAvatar(); loadmypersonalstatus(); displayMenu(); // load settings processSettings(true); // workaround for Qt bug, should be solved in next Qt release 4.7.0 // http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-8270 QShortcut *Shortcut = new QShortcut(QKeySequence (Qt::Key_Delete), ui.peertreeWidget, 0, 0, Qt::WidgetShortcut); connect(Shortcut, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT( removefriend ())); ui.lineEdit->installEventFilter(this); // add self nick and Avatar to Friends. RsPeerDetails pd ; if (rsPeers->getPeerDetails(rsPeers->getOwnId(),pd)) { QString titleStr("%1"); ui.nicklabel->setText(titleStr.arg(QString::fromStdString(pd.name) + " (" + tr("me") + ") " + QString::fromStdString(pd.location))); } /* Hide platform specific features */ #ifdef Q_WS_WIN #endif } PeersDialog::~PeersDialog () { // save settings processSettings(false); delete(m_compareRole); } void PeersDialog::processSettings(bool bLoad) { QHeaderView *header = ui.peertreeWidget->header (); Settings->beginGroup(QString("PeersDialog")); if (bLoad) { // load settings // state of peer tree header->restoreState(Settings->value("PeerTree").toByteArray()); // state of hideUnconnected ui.action_Hide_Offline_Friends->setChecked(Settings->value("hideUnconnected", false).toBool()); // state of hideStatusColumn ui.action_Hide_Status_Column->setChecked(Settings->value("hideStatusColumn", false).toBool()); // state of splitter ui.splitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter").toByteArray()); ui.splitter_2->restoreState(Settings->value("GroupChatSplitter").toByteArray()); // open groups openGroups.clear(); int arrayIndex = Settings->beginReadArray("Groups"); for (int index = 0; index < arrayIndex; index++) { Settings->setArrayIndex(index); openGroups.push_back(Settings->value("open").toString().toStdString()); } Settings->endArray(); } else { // save settings // state of peer tree Settings->setValue("PeerTree", header->saveState()); // state of hideUnconnected Settings->setValue("hideUnconnected", ui.action_Hide_Offline_Friends->isChecked()); // state of hideStatusColumn Settings->setValue("hideStatusColumn", ui.action_Hide_Status_Column->isChecked()); // state of splitter Settings->setValue("Splitter", ui.splitter->saveState()); Settings->setValue("GroupChatSplitter", ui.splitter_2->saveState()); // open groups Settings->beginWriteArray("Groups"); int arrayIndex = 0; int itemCount = ui.peertreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui.peertreeWidget->topLevelItem(index); if (item->type() == TYPE_GROUP && item->isExpanded()) { Settings->setArrayIndex(arrayIndex++); Settings->setValue("open", item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString()); } } Settings->endArray(); } Settings->endGroup(); } void PeersDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { static bool first = true; if (first) { // Workaround: now the scroll position is correct calculated first = false; QScrollBar *scrollbar = ui.msgText->verticalScrollBar(); scrollbar->setValue(scrollbar->maximum()); } RsAutoUpdatePage::showEvent(event); } void PeersDialog::pasteLink() { ui.lineEdit->insertHtml(RSLinkClipboard::toHtml()) ; } void PeersDialog::contextMenu( QPoint point ) { if(RSLinkClipboard::empty()) return ; QMenu contextMnu(this); contextMnu.addAction( pasteLinkAct); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void PeersDialog::peertreeWidgetCostumPopupMenu( QPoint point ) { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); QMenu contextMnu( this ); QAction *action; QWidget *widget = new QWidget(&contextMnu); widget->setStyleSheet( ".QWidget{background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1,stop:0 #FEFEFE, stop:1 #E8E8E8); border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;}"); // create menu header QHBoxLayout *hbox = new QHBoxLayout(); hbox->setMargin(0); hbox->setSpacing(6); iconLabel = new QLabel( this ); iconLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/user/friends24.png")); iconLabel->setMaximumSize( iconLabel->frameSize().height() + 24, 24 ); hbox->addWidget(iconLabel); textLabel = new QLabel( tr("RetroShare instance"), widget ); hbox->addWidget(textLabel); spacerItem = new QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum); hbox->addItem(spacerItem); widget->setLayout( hbox ); QWidgetAction *widgetAction = new QWidgetAction(this); widgetAction->setDefaultWidget(widget); contextMnu.addAction( widgetAction); // create menu entries if (c) { int type = c->type(); // define header switch (type) { case TYPE_GROUP: //this is a GPG key textLabel->setText(tr("Group")); break; case TYPE_GPG: //this is a GPG key textLabel->setText(tr("GPG Key")); break; } switch (type) { case TYPE_GROUP: { bool standard = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_STANDARD).toBool(); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(), tr("Edit group"), this, SLOT(editGroup())); action->setDisabled(standard); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(), tr("Remove group"), this, SLOT(removeGroup())); action->setDisabled(standard); } break; case TYPE_GPG: case TYPE_SSL: { contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CHAT), tr("Chat"), this, SLOT(chatfriendproxy())); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_MSG), tr("Message Friend"), this, SLOT(msgfriend())); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERINFO), tr("Peer Details"), this, SLOT(configurefriend())); // contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PEERINFO), tr("Profile View"), this, SLOT(viewprofile())); // action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_EXPORTFRIEND), tr("Export Friend"), this, SLOT(exportfriend())); if (type == TYPE_GPG) { contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_EXPORTFRIEND), tr("Recomend this Friend to..."), this, SLOT(recommendfriend())); } contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CONNECT), tr("Connect To Friend"), this, SLOT(connectfriend())); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PASTELINK), tr("Paste Friend Link"), this, SLOT(pastePerson())); if (RSLinkClipboard::empty(RetroShareLink::TYPE_PERSON)) { action->setDisabled(true); } if (type == TYPE_GPG) { contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_REMOVEFRIEND), tr("Deny Friend"), this, SLOT(removefriend())); } else { //this is a SSL key contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_REMOVEFRIEND), tr("Remove Friend Location"), this, SLOT(removefriend())); } if (type == TYPE_GPG) { QMenu* groupsMenu = NULL; QMenu* addToGroupMenu = NULL; QMenu* moveToGroupMenu = NULL; std::list groupInfoList; rsPeers->getGroupInfoList(groupInfoList); GroupDefs::sortByName(groupInfoList); std::string gpgId = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); QTreeWidgetItem *parent = c->parent(); bool foundGroup = false; // add action for all groups, except the own group for (std::list::iterator groupIt = groupInfoList.begin(); groupIt != groupInfoList.end(); groupIt++) { if (std::find(groupIt->peerIds.begin(), groupIt->peerIds.end(), gpgId) == groupIt->peerIds.end()) { if (parent) { if (addToGroupMenu == NULL) { addToGroupMenu = new QMenu(tr("Add to group"), &contextMnu); } QAction* addToGroupAction = new QAction(GroupDefs::name(*groupIt), addToGroupMenu); addToGroupAction->setData(QString::fromStdString(groupIt->id)); connect(addToGroupAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addToGroup())); addToGroupMenu->addAction(addToGroupAction); } if (moveToGroupMenu == NULL) { moveToGroupMenu = new QMenu(tr("Move to group"), &contextMnu); } QAction* moveToGroupAction = new QAction(GroupDefs::name(*groupIt), moveToGroupMenu); moveToGroupAction->setData(QString::fromStdString(groupIt->id)); connect(moveToGroupAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(moveToGroup())); moveToGroupMenu->addAction(moveToGroupAction); } else { foundGroup = true; } } if (addToGroupMenu || moveToGroupMenu || foundGroup) { groupsMenu = contextMnu.addMenu(QIcon(IMAGE_GROUP16), tr("Groups")); if (addToGroupMenu) { groupsMenu->addMenu(addToGroupMenu); } if (moveToGroupMenu) { groupsMenu->addMenu(moveToGroupMenu); } if (foundGroup) { // add remove from group if (parent && parent->type() == TYPE_GROUP) { QAction *removeFromGroup = groupsMenu->addAction(tr("Remove from group")); removeFromGroup->setData(parent->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID)); connect(removeFromGroup, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeFromGroup())); } QAction *removeFromAllGroups = groupsMenu->addAction(tr("Remove from all groups")); removeFromAllGroups->setData(""); connect(removeFromAllGroups, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeFromGroup())); } } } } } } else { action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_PASTELINK), tr("Paste Friend Link"), this, SLOT(pastePerson())); if (RSLinkClipboard::empty(RetroShareLink::TYPE_PERSON)) { action->setDisabled(true); } } contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(), tr("Expand all"), ui.peertreeWidget, SLOT(expandAll())); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(), tr("Collapse all"), ui.peertreeWidget, SLOT(collapseAll())); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } // replaced by shortcut //void PeersDialog::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) //{ // if(e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete) // { // removefriend() ; // e->accept() ; // } // else // MainPage::keyPressEvent(e) ; //} void PeersDialog::updateDisplay() { insertPeers() ; } /* get the list of peers from the RsIface. */ void PeersDialog::insertPeers() { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::insertPeers() called." << std::endl; #endif std::list gpgFriends; std::list::iterator gpgIt; std::list statusInfo; rsStatus->getStatusList(statusInfo); if (!rsPeers) { /* not ready yet! */ std::cerr << "PeersDialog::insertPeers() not ready yet : rsPeers unintialized." << std::endl; return; } bool bHideUnconnected = ui.action_Hide_Offline_Friends->isChecked(); // get ids of existing private chat messages std::list privateChatIds; rsMsgs->getPrivateChatQueueIds(true, privateChatIds); // get existing groups std::list groupInfoList; std::list::iterator groupIt; rsPeers->getGroupInfoList(groupInfoList); rsPeers->getGPGAcceptedList(gpgFriends); //add own gpg id, if we have more than on location (ssl client) std::list ownSslContacts; std::string ownId = rsPeers->getGPGOwnId(); rsPeers->getSSLChildListOfGPGId(ownId, ownSslContacts); if (ownSslContacts.size() > 0) { gpgFriends.push_back(ownId); } /* get a link to the table */ QTreeWidget *peertreeWidget = ui.peertreeWidget; // remove items don't exist anymore QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(peertreeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *itemIterator) != NULL) { itemIterator++; switch (item->type()) { case TYPE_GPG: { QTreeWidgetItem *parent = item->parent(); std::string gpg_widget_id = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); // remove items that are not friends anymore if (std::find(gpgFriends.begin(), gpgFriends.end(), gpg_widget_id) == gpgFriends.end()) { if (parent) { delete(parent->takeChild(parent->indexOfChild(item))); } else { delete(peertreeWidget->takeTopLevelItem(peertreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem(item))); } break; } if (groupsHasChanged) { if (parent) { if (parent->type() == TYPE_GROUP) { std::string groupId = parent->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); // the parent is a group, check if the gpg id is assigned to the group for (groupIt = groupInfoList.begin(); groupIt != groupInfoList.end(); groupIt++) { if (groupIt->id == groupId) { if (std::find(groupIt->peerIds.begin(), groupIt->peerIds.end(), gpg_widget_id) == groupIt->peerIds.end()) { delete(parent->takeChild(parent->indexOfChild(item))); } break; } } } } else { // gpg item without group, check if the gpg id is assigned to the group for (groupIt = groupInfoList.begin(); groupIt != groupInfoList.end(); groupIt++) { if (std::find(groupIt->peerIds.begin(), groupIt->peerIds.end(), gpg_widget_id) != groupIt->peerIds.end()) { delete(peertreeWidget->takeTopLevelItem(peertreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem(item))); break; } } } } } break; case TYPE_GROUP: { if (groupsHasChanged) { // remove deleted groups std::string groupId = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); for (groupIt = groupInfoList.begin(); groupIt != groupInfoList.end(); groupIt++) { if (groupIt->id == groupId) { break; } } if (groupIt == groupInfoList.end() || groupIt->peerIds.size() == 0) { if (item->parent()) { delete(item->parent()->takeChild(item->parent()->indexOfChild(item))); } else { delete(peertreeWidget->takeTopLevelItem(peertreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem(item))); } } } } break; } } std::list fillGpgIds; // start with groups groupIt = groupInfoList.begin(); while (true) { QTreeWidgetItem *groupItem = NULL; RsGroupInfo *groupInfo = NULL; int onlineCount = 0; int availableCount = 0; if (groupIt != groupInfoList.end()) { groupInfo = &(*groupIt); if ((groupInfo->flag & RS_GROUP_FLAG_STANDARD) && groupInfo->peerIds.size() == 0) { // don't show empty standard groups groupIt++; continue; } // search existing group item int itemCount = peertreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { QTreeWidgetItem *groupItemLoop = peertreeWidget->topLevelItem(index); if (groupItemLoop->type() == TYPE_GROUP && groupItemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString() == groupInfo->id) { groupItem = groupItemLoop; break; } } if (groupItem == NULL) { // add group item groupItem = new RSTreeWidgetItem(m_compareRole, TYPE_GROUP); /* Add item to the list. Add here, because for setHidden the item must be added */ peertreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(groupItem); groupItem->setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem::DontShowIndicatorWhenChildless); groupItem->setSizeHint(COLUMN_NAME, QSize(26, 26)); groupItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); groupItem->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, QIcon(IMAGE_GROUP24)); /* used to find back the item */ groupItem->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID, QString::fromStdString(groupInfo->id)); groupItem->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_STANDARD, (groupInfo->flag & RS_GROUP_FLAG_STANDARD) ? true : false); if (openGroups.size()) { if (std::find(openGroups.begin(), openGroups.end(), groupInfo->id) != openGroups.end()) { groupItem->setExpanded(true); } } } else { // remove all gpg items that are not more assigned int childCount = groupItem->childCount(); int childIndex = 0; while (childIndex < childCount) { QTreeWidgetItem *gpgItemLoop = groupItem->child(childIndex); if (gpgItemLoop->type() == TYPE_GPG) { if (std::find(groupInfo->peerIds.begin(), groupInfo->peerIds.end(), gpgItemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString()) == groupInfo->peerIds.end()) { delete(groupItem->takeChild(groupItem->indexOfChild(gpgItemLoop))); childCount = groupItem->childCount(); continue; } } childIndex++; } } // name is set after calculation of online/offline items } // iterate through gpg friends for (gpgIt = gpgFriends.begin(); gpgIt != gpgFriends.end(); gpgIt++) { std::string gpgId = *gpgIt; if (groupInfo) { // we fill a group, check if gpg id is assigned if (std::find(groupInfo->peerIds.begin(), groupInfo->peerIds.end(), gpgId) == groupInfo->peerIds.end()) { continue; } } else { // we fill the not assigned gpg ids if (std::find(fillGpgIds.begin(), fillGpgIds.end(), gpgId) != fillGpgIds.end()) { continue; } } // add equal too, its no problem fillGpgIds.push_back(gpgId); //add the gpg friends #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::insertPeers() inserting gpg_id : " << *it << std::endl; #endif /* make a widget per friend */ QTreeWidgetItem *gpgItem = NULL; QTreeWidgetItem *gpgItemLoop = NULL; // search existing gpg item int itemCount = groupItem ? groupItem->childCount() : peertreeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < itemCount; index++) { gpgItemLoop = groupItem ? groupItem->child(index) : peertreeWidget->topLevelItem(index); if (gpgItemLoop->type() == TYPE_GPG && gpgItemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString() == gpgId) { gpgItem = gpgItemLoop; break; } } RsPeerDetails detail; if ((!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(gpgId, detail) || !detail.accept_connection) && detail.gpg_id != ownId) { // don't accept anymore connection, remove from the view if (gpgItem) { if (groupItem) { delete(groupItem->takeChild(groupItem->indexOfChild(gpgItem))); } else { delete (peertreeWidget->takeTopLevelItem(peertreeWidget->indexOfTopLevelItem(gpgItem))); } } continue; } if (gpgItem == NULL) { // create gpg item and add it to tree gpgItem = new RSTreeWidgetItem(m_compareRole, TYPE_GPG); //set type to 0 for custom popup menu /* Add gpg item to the list. Add here, because for setHidden the item must be added */ if (groupItem) { groupItem->addChild(gpgItem); } else { peertreeWidget->addTopLevelItem(gpgItem); } gpgItem->setChildIndicatorPolicy(QTreeWidgetItem::DontShowIndicatorWhenChildless); gpgItem->setSizeHint(COLUMN_NAME, QSize(26, 26)); gpgItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); /* not displayed, used to find back the item */ gpgItem->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID, QString::fromStdString(detail.id)); } availableCount++; gpgItem->setText(COLUMN_NAME, QString::fromStdString(detail.name)); gpgItem->setData(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT, "2 " + QString::fromStdString(detail.name)); // remove items that are not friends anymore int childCount = gpgItem->childCount(); int childIndex = 0; while (childIndex < childCount) { std::string ssl_id = gpgItem->child(childIndex)->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); if (!rsPeers->isFriend(ssl_id)) { delete (gpgItem->takeChild(childIndex)); // count again childCount = gpgItem->childCount(); } else { childIndex++; } } // update the childs (ssl certs) bool gpg_connected = false; bool gpg_online = false; bool gpg_hasPrivateChat = false; std::list sslContacts; rsPeers->getSSLChildListOfGPGId(detail.gpg_id, sslContacts); for (std::list::iterator sslIt = sslContacts.begin(); sslIt != sslContacts.end(); sslIt++) { QTreeWidgetItem *sslItem = NULL; std::string sslId = *sslIt; //find the corresponding sslItem child item of the gpg item bool newChild = true; childCount = gpgItem->childCount(); for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) { // we assume, that only ssl items are child of the gpg item, so we don't need to test the type if (gpgItem->child(childIndex)->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString() == sslId) { sslItem = gpgItem->child(childIndex); newChild = false; break; } } RsPeerDetails sslDetail; if (!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(sslId, sslDetail) || !rsPeers->isFriend(sslId)) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Removing widget from the view : id : " << sslId << std::endl; #endif //child has disappeared, remove it from the gpg_item if (sslItem) { gpgItem->removeChild(sslItem); } continue; } if (newChild) { sslItem = new RSTreeWidgetItem(m_compareRole, TYPE_SSL); //set type to 1 for custom popup menu #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::insertPeers() inserting sslItem." << std::endl; #endif /* Add ssl child to the list. Add here, because for setHidden the item must be added */ gpgItem->addChild(sslItem); } /* not displayed, used to find back the item */ sslItem->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID, QString::fromStdString(sslDetail.id)); QString sText; std::string customStateString; if (sslDetail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) { customStateString = rsMsgs->getCustomStateString(sslDetail.id); } sText = tr("location") + " : " + QString::fromStdString(sslDetail.location); if (customStateString.empty() == false) { sText += " - " + QString::fromStdString(customStateString); } sslItem->setText( COLUMN_NAME, sText); sslItem->setToolTip( COLUMN_NAME, sText); /* not displayed, used to find back the item */ sslItem->setText(COLUMN_STATE, QString::fromStdString(sslDetail.autoconnect)); // sort location sslItem->setData(COLUMN_STATE, ROLE_SORT, sText); /* change color and icon */ QIcon sslIcon; QFont sslFont; QColor sslColor; if (sslDetail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED) { sslItem->setHidden(false); gpg_connected = true; sslIcon = QIcon(":/images/connect_established.png"); sslItem -> setIcon(COLUMN_STATE,(QIcon(":/images/encrypted32.png"))); sslFont.setBold(true); sslColor = Qt::darkBlue; } else if (sslDetail.state & RS_PEER_STATE_ONLINE) { sslItem->setHidden(bHideUnconnected); gpg_online = true; sslFont.setBold(true); sslColor = Qt::black; } else { sslItem->setHidden(bHideUnconnected); if (sslDetail.autoconnect != "Offline") { sslIcon = QIcon(":/images/connect_creating.png"); } else { sslIcon = QIcon(":/images/connect_no.png"); } sslFont.setBold(false); sslColor = Qt::black; } if (std::find(privateChatIds.begin(), privateChatIds.end(), sslDetail.id) != privateChatIds.end()) { // private chat is available sslIcon = QIcon(":/images/chat.png"); gpg_hasPrivateChat = true; } sslItem -> setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, sslIcon); for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { sslItem -> setTextColor(i, sslColor); sslItem -> setFont(i, sslFont); } } int i = 0; QIcon gpgIcon; if (gpg_connected) { gpgItem->setHidden(false); onlineCount++; int bestPeerState = 0; // for gpg item std::string bestSslId; // for gpg item unsigned int bestRSState = 0; // for gpg item std::list::iterator it; for(it = statusInfo.begin(); it != statusInfo.end() ; it++) { // don't forget the kids std::list::iterator cont_it; for (cont_it = sslContacts.begin(); cont_it != sslContacts.end(); cont_it++) { if((it->id == *cont_it) && (rsPeers->isOnline(*cont_it))){ int peerState = 0; gpgItem->setText(COLUMN_INFO, StatusDefs::name(it->status)); switch (it->status) { case RS_STATUS_INACTIVE: peerState = PEER_STATE_INACTIVE; break; case RS_STATUS_ONLINE: peerState = PEER_STATE_ONLINE; break; case RS_STATUS_AWAY: peerState = PEER_STATE_AWAY; break; case RS_STATUS_BUSY: peerState = PEER_STATE_BUSY; break; } /* find the best ssl contact for the gpg item */ if (bestPeerState == 0) { /* first ssl contact */ bestPeerState = peerState; bestSslId = *cont_it; bestRSState = it->status; } else if (peerState < bestPeerState) { /* higher state */ bestPeerState = peerState; bestSslId = *cont_it; bestRSState = it->status; } else if (peerState == bestPeerState) { /* equal state ... use first */ } } } } if (bestPeerState == 0) { // show as online bestPeerState = PEER_STATE_ONLINE; bestRSState = RS_STATUS_ONLINE; } QColor textColor = StatusDefs::textColor(bestRSState); QFont font = StatusDefs::font(bestRSState); for(i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { gpgItem->setTextColor(i, textColor); gpgItem->setFont(i, font); } gpgIcon = QIcon(StatusDefs::imageUser(bestRSState)); gpgItem->setText(COLUMN_STATE, StatusDefs::name(bestRSState)); gpgItem->setToolTip(COLUMN_NAME, StatusDefs::tooltip(bestRSState)); gpgItem->setData(COLUMN_STATE, ROLE_SORT, BuildStateSortString(true, gpgItem->text(COLUMN_NAME), bestPeerState)); } else if (gpg_online) { onlineCount++; gpgItem->setHidden(bHideUnconnected); gpgIcon = QIcon(IMAGE_AVAILABLE); gpgItem->setText(COLUMN_STATE, tr("Available")); gpgItem->setData(COLUMN_STATE, ROLE_SORT, BuildStateSortString(true, gpgItem->text(COLUMN_NAME), PEER_STATE_AVAILABLE)); QFont font; font.setBold(true); for(i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { gpgItem->setTextColor(i,(Qt::black)); gpgItem->setFont(i,font); } } else { gpgItem->setHidden(bHideUnconnected); gpgIcon = QIcon(StatusDefs::imageUser(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE)); gpgItem->setText(COLUMN_STATE, StatusDefs::name(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE)); gpgItem->setData(COLUMN_STATE, ROLE_SORT, BuildStateSortString(true, gpgItem->text(COLUMN_NAME), PEER_STATE_OFFLINE)); QColor textColor = StatusDefs::textColor(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE); QFont font = StatusDefs::font(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE); for(i = 0; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { gpgItem->setTextColor(i, textColor); gpgItem->setFont(i, font); } } if (gpg_hasPrivateChat) { gpgIcon = QIcon(":/images/chat.png"); } gpgItem->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, gpgIcon); } if (groupInfo && groupItem) { if ((groupInfo->flag & RS_GROUP_FLAG_STANDARD) && groupItem->childCount() == 0) { // there are some dead id's assigned groupItem->setHidden(true); } else { groupItem->setText(COLUMN_NAME, QString("%1 (%2/%3)").arg(GroupDefs::name(*groupInfo)).arg(onlineCount).arg(availableCount)); // show first the standard groups, than the user groups groupItem->setData(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT, ((groupInfo->flag & RS_GROUP_FLAG_STANDARD) ? "0 " : "1 ") + QString::fromUtf8(groupInfo->name.c_str())); } } if (groupIt != groupInfoList.end()) { groupIt++; } else { // all done break; } } QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); if (c && c->isHidden()) { // active item is hidden, deselect it ui.peertreeWidget->setCurrentItem(NULL); } groupsHasChanged = false; openGroups.clear(); } /* Utility Fns */ std::string getPeerRsCertId(QTreeWidgetItem *i) { std::string id = i -> data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); return id; } /** Open a QFileDialog to browse for export a file. */ void PeersDialog::exportfriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::exportfriend()" << std::endl; #endif if (!c) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::exportfriend() None Selected -- sorry" << std::endl; #endif return; } std::string id = getPeerRsCertId(c); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save Certificate"), "", tr("Certificates (*.pqi)")); std::string file = fileName.toStdString(); if (file != "") { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::exportfriend() Saving to: " << file << std::endl; #endif if (rsPeers) { rsPeers->saveCertificateToFile(id, file); } } } void PeersDialog::chatfriendproxy() { chatfriend(getCurrentPeer()); } void PeersDialog::chatfriend(QTreeWidgetItem *pPeer) { if (pPeer == NULL) { return; } std::string id = pPeer->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); PopupChatDialog::chatFriend(id); } void PeersDialog::msgfriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *peer = getCurrentPeer(); if (!peer) return; std::string id = peer->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); MessageComposer::msgFriend(id); } void PeersDialog::recommendfriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *peer = getCurrentPeer(); if (!peer) return; std::list ids; ids.push_back(peer->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString()); MessageComposer::recommendFriend(ids); } void PeersDialog::pastePerson() { RSLinkClipboard::process(RetroShareLink::TYPE_PERSON, RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ERROR); } QTreeWidgetItem *PeersDialog::getCurrentPeer() { /* get the current, and extract the Id */ /* get a link to the table */ QTreeWidget *peerWidget = ui.peertreeWidget; QTreeWidgetItem *item = peerWidget -> currentItem(); if (!item) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Invalid Current Item" << std::endl; #endif return NULL; } #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG /* Display the columns of this item. */ std::ostringstream out; out << "CurrentPeerItem: " << std::endl; for(int i = 1; i < COLUMN_COUNT; i++) { QString txt = item -> text(i); out << "\t" << i << ":" << txt.toStdString() << std::endl; } std::cerr << out.str(); #endif return item; } /* So from the Peers Dialog we can call the following control Functions: * (1) Remove Current. FriendRemove(id) * (2) Allow/DisAllow. FriendStatus(id, accept) * (2) Connect. FriendConnectAttempt(id, accept) * (3) Set Address. FriendSetAddress(id, str, port) * (4) Set Trust. FriendTrustSignature(id, bool) * (5) Configure (GUI Only) -> 3/4 * * All of these rely on the finding of the current Id. */ void PeersDialog::removefriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::removefriend()" << std::endl; #endif if (!c) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::removefriend() None Selected -- sorry" << std::endl; #endif return; } if (rsPeers) { if ((QMessageBox::question(this, tr("RetroShare"),tr("Do you want to remove this Friend?"),QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes))== QMessageBox::Yes) { rsPeers->removeFriend(getPeerRsCertId(c)); emit friendsUpdated() ; } else return; } } void PeersDialog::connectfriend() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::connectfriend()" << std::endl; #endif if (!c) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::connectfriend() Noone Selected -- sorry" << std::endl; #endif return; } if (rsPeers) { if (c->type() == TYPE_GPG) { int childCount = c->childCount(); for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = c->child(childIndex); if (item->type() == TYPE_SSL) { rsPeers->connectAttempt(getPeerRsCertId(item)); item->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME,(QIcon(IMAGE_CONNECT2))); } } } else { //this is a SSL key rsPeers->connectAttempt(getPeerRsCertId(c)); c->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME,(QIcon(IMAGE_CONNECT2))); } } } /* GUI stuff -> don't do anything directly with Control */ void PeersDialog::configurefriend() { ConfCertDialog::show(getPeerRsCertId(getCurrentPeer())); } void PeersDialog::resetStatusBar() { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog: reseting status bar." << std::endl ; #endif ui.statusStringLabel->setText(QString("")) ; } void PeersDialog::updateStatusTyping() { if(time(NULL) - last_status_send_time > 5) // limit 'peer is typing' packets to at most every 10 sec { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog: sending group chat typing info." << std::endl ; #endif #ifdef ONLY_FOR_LINGUIST tr("is typing..."); #endif rsMsgs->sendGroupChatStatusString("is typing..."); last_status_send_time = time(NULL) ; } } // Called by libretroshare through notifyQt to display the peer's status // void PeersDialog::updateStatusString(const QString& peer_id, const QString& status_string) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog: received group chat typing info. updating gui." << std::endl ; #endif QString status = QString::fromStdString(rsPeers->getPeerName(peer_id.toStdString())) + " " + tr(status_string.toAscii()); ui.statusStringLabel->setText(status) ; // displays info for 5 secs. QTimer::singleShot(5000,this,SLOT(resetStatusBar())) ; } void PeersDialog::updatePeersAvatar(const QString& peer_id) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog: Got notified of new avatar for peer " << peer_id.toStdString() << std::endl ; #endif PopupChatDialog *pcd = PopupChatDialog::getPrivateChat(peer_id.toStdString(), 0); if (pcd) { pcd->updatePeerAvatar(peer_id.toStdString()); } } void PeersDialog::updatePeerStatusString(const QString& peer_id,const QString& status_string,bool is_private_chat) { if(is_private_chat) { PopupChatDialog *pcd = PopupChatDialog::getPrivateChat(peer_id.toStdString(), 0); if (pcd) { pcd->updateStatusString(peer_id, status_string); } } else { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Updating public chat msg from peer " << rsPeers->getPeerName(peer_id.toStdString()) << ": " << status_string.toStdString() << std::endl ; #endif updateStatusString(peer_id, status_string); } } void PeersDialog::publicChatChanged(int type) { if (type == NOTIFY_TYPE_ADD) { insertChat(); } } void PeersDialog::addChatMsg(bool incoming, bool history, QString &name, QDateTime &sendTime, QString &message) { unsigned int formatFlag = CHAT_FORMATMSG_EMBED_LINKS; // embed smileys ? if (Settings->valueFromGroup(QString("Chat"), QString::fromUtf8("Emoteicons_GroupChat"), true).toBool()) { formatFlag |= CHAT_FORMATMSG_EMBED_SMILEYS; } ChatStyle::enumFormatMessage type; if (incoming) { if (history) { type = ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_HINCOMING; } else { type = ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_INCOMING; } } else { if (history) { type = ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_HOUTGOING; } else { type = ChatStyle::FORMATMSG_OUTGOING; } } QString formatMsg = style.formatMessage(type, name, sendTime, message, formatFlag); ui.msgText->append(formatMsg); } void PeersDialog::insertChat() { std::list newchat; if (!rsMsgs->getPublicChatQueue(newchat)) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "no chat available." << std::endl ; #endif return; } #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "got new chat." << std::endl; #endif std::list::iterator it; /* add in lines at the bottom */ for(it = newchat.begin(); it != newchat.end(); it++) { /* are they private? */ if (it->chatflags & RS_CHAT_PRIVATE) { /* this should not happen */ continue; } QDateTime sendTime = QDateTime::fromTime_t(it->sendTime); QString name = QString::fromStdString(rsPeers->getPeerName(it->rsid)); QString msg = QString::fromStdWString(it->msg); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::insertChat(): " << msg << std::endl; #endif bool incoming = false; // notify with a systray icon msg if(it->rsid != rsPeers->getOwnId()) { incoming = true; // This is a trick to translate HTML into text. QTextEdit editor; editor.setHtml(msg); QString notifyMsg = name + ": " + editor.toPlainText(); if(notifyMsg.length() > 30) emit notifyGroupChat(QString("New group chat"), notifyMsg.left(30) + QString("...")); else emit notifyGroupChat(QString("New group chat"), notifyMsg); } historyKeeper.addMessage(incoming, it->rsid, name, sendTime, msg); addChatMsg(incoming, false, name, sendTime, msg); } } bool PeersDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event) { if (obj == ui.lineEdit) { if (event->type() == QEvent::KeyPress) { updateStatusTyping() ; QKeyEvent *keyEvent = static_cast(event); if (keyEvent && (keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Return)) { // Enter pressed if (Settings->getChatSendMessageWithCtrlReturn()) { if (keyEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // send message with Ctrl+Enter sendMsg(); return true; // eat event } } else { if (keyEvent->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) { // insert return ui.lineEdit->textCursor().insertText("\n"); } else { // send message with Enter sendMsg(); } return true; // eat event } } } } // pass the event on to the parent class return RsAutoUpdatePage::eventFilter(obj, event); } void PeersDialog::sendMsg() { QTextEdit *lineWidget = ui.lineEdit; if (lineWidget->toPlainText().isEmpty()) { // nothing to send return; } std::wstring message = lineWidget->toHtml().toStdWString(); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::string msg(ci.msg.begin(), ci.msg.end()); std::cerr << "PeersDialog::sendMsg(): " << msg << std::endl; #endif rsMsgs->sendPublicChat(message); ui.lineEdit->clear(); setFont(); /* redraw send list */ insertSendList(); } void PeersDialog::insertSendList() { #ifdef false std::list peers; std::list::iterator it; if (!rsPeers) { /* not ready yet! */ return; } rsPeers->getOnlineList(peers); /* get a link to the table */ //QTreeWidget *sendWidget = ui.msgSendList; QList items; for(it = peers.begin(); it != peers.end(); it++) { RsPeerDetails details; if (!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it, details)) { continue; /* BAD */ } /* make a widget per friend */ QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem((QTreeWidget*)0); /* add all the labels */ /* (0) Person */ item -> setText(0, QString::fromStdString(details.name)); item -> setFlags(Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled); //item -> setFlags(Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); item -> setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked); if (rsicontrol->IsInChat(*it)) { item -> setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked); } else { item -> setCheckState(0, Qt::Unchecked); } /* disable for the moment */ item -> setFlags(Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable); item -> setCheckState(0, Qt::Checked); /* add to the list */ items.append(item); } /* remove old items */ //sendWidget->clear(); //sendWidget->setColumnCount(1); /* add the items in! */ //sendWidget->insertTopLevelItems(0, items); //sendWidget->update(); /* update display */ #endif } /* to toggle the state */ void PeersDialog::toggleSendItem( QTreeWidgetItem *item, int col ) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "ToggleSendItem()" << std::endl; #endif /* extract id */ std::string id = (item -> text(4)).toStdString(); /* get state */ bool inChat = (Qt::Checked == item -> checkState(0)); /* alway column 0 */ /* call control fns */ rsicontrol -> SetInChat(id, inChat); return; } //============================================================================ void PeersDialog::setColor() { bool ok; QRgb color = QColorDialog::getRgba(ui.lineEdit->textColor().rgba(), &ok, this); if (ok) { _currentColor = QColor(color); QPixmap pxm(16,16); pxm.fill(_currentColor); ui.colorChatButton->setIcon(pxm); } setFont(); } void PeersDialog::getFont() { bool ok; mCurrentFont = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, mCurrentFont, this); setFont(); } void PeersDialog::setFont() { mCurrentFont.setBold(ui.textboldChatButton->isChecked()); mCurrentFont.setUnderline(ui.textunderlineChatButton->isChecked()); mCurrentFont.setItalic(ui.textitalicChatButton->isChecked()); ui.lineEdit->setFont(mCurrentFont); ui.lineEdit->setTextColor(_currentColor); Settings->setChatScreenFont(mCurrentFont.toString()); ui.lineEdit->setFocus(); } void PeersDialog::underline() { _underline = !_underline; ui.lineEdit->setFontUnderline(_underline); } // Update Chat Info information void PeersDialog::setChatInfo(QString info, QColor color) { static unsigned int nbLines = 0; ++nbLines; // Check log size, clear it if too big if(nbLines > 200) { ui.msgText->clear(); nbLines = 1; } ui.msgText->append(QString::fromUtf8("")+ QTime::currentTime().toString(QString::fromUtf8("hh:mm:ss")) + QString::fromUtf8(" - ") + info + QString::fromUtf8("")); } void PeersDialog::on_actionClearChat_triggered() { ui.msgText->clear(); } void PeersDialog::displayInfoChatMenu(const QPoint& pos) { // Log Menu QMenu myChatMenu(this); myChatMenu.addAction(ui.actionClearChat); // XXX: Why mapToGlobal() is not enough? myChatMenu.exec(mapToGlobal(pos)+QPoint(0,80)); } void PeersDialog::smileyWidgetgroupchat() { Emoticons::showSmileyWidget(this, ui.emoticonBtn, SLOT(addSmileys()), true); } void PeersDialog::addSmileys() { ui.lineEdit->textCursor().insertText(qobject_cast(sender())->toolTip().split("|").first()); } /* GUI stuff -> don't do anything directly with Control */ void PeersDialog::viewprofile() { /* display Dialog */ QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); static ProfileView *profileview = new ProfileView(); if (!c) return; /* set the Id */ std::string id = getPeerRsCertId(c); profileview -> setPeerId(id); profileview -> show(); } void PeersDialog::updateAvatar() { unsigned char *data = NULL; int size = 0 ; rsMsgs->getOwnAvatarData(data,size); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Image size = " << size << std::endl ; #endif if(size == 0) std::cerr << "Got no image" << std::endl ; // set the image QPixmap pix ; pix.loadFromData(data,size,"PNG") ; ui.avatartoolButton->setIcon(pix); // writes image into ba in PNG format PopupChatDialog::updateAllAvatars(); delete[] data ; } void PeersDialog::getAvatar() { QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Load File", QDir::homePath(), "Pictures (*.png *.xpm *.jpg *.tiff *.gif)"); if(!fileName.isEmpty()) { QPixmap picture; picture = QPixmap(fileName).scaled(96,96, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation); #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Sending avatar image down the pipe" << std::endl ; #endif // send avatar down the pipe for other peers to get it. QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer(&ba); buffer.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); picture.save(&buffer, "PNG"); // writes image into ba in PNG format #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Image size = " << ba.size() << std::endl ; #endif rsMsgs->setOwnAvatarData((unsigned char *)(ba.data()),ba.size()) ; // last char 0 included. // I suppressed this because it gets called already by rsMsgs->setOwnAvatarData() through a Qt notification signal //updateAvatar() ; } } void PeersDialog::changeAvatarClicked() { updateAvatar(); } void PeersDialog::on_actionAdd_Friend_activated() { ConnectFriendWizard connectwiz (this); connectwiz.exec (); } void PeersDialog::on_actionCreate_New_Forum_activated() { MainWindow::activatePage (MainWindow::Forums); CreateForum cf (this); cf.exec(); } void PeersDialog::on_actionCreate_New_Channel_activated() { #ifndef RS_RELEASE_VERSION MainWindow::activatePage (MainWindow::Channels); CreateChannel cf (this); cf.exec(); #endif } /** Loads own personal status */ void PeersDialog::loadmypersonalstatus() { ui.mypersonalstatuslabel->setText(QString::fromStdString(rsMsgs->getCustomStateString())); } void PeersDialog::statusmessage() { StatusMessage statusmsgdialog (this); statusmsgdialog.exec(); } void PeersDialog::addExtraFile() { // select a file QString qfile = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Add Extra File"), "", "", 0, QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks); std::string filePath = qfile.toStdString(); if (filePath != "") { PeersDialog::addAttachment(filePath); } } void PeersDialog::addAttachment(std::string filePath) { /* add a AttachFileItem to the attachment section */ std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::addExtraFile() hashing file." << std::endl; /* add widget in for new destination */ AttachFileItem *file = new AttachFileItem(filePath); //file-> ui.verticalLayout->addWidget(file, 1, 0); //when the file is local or is finished hashing, call the fileHashingFinished method to send a chat message if (file->getState() == AFI_STATE_LOCAL) { fileHashingFinished(file); } else { QObject::connect(file,SIGNAL(fileFinished(AttachFileItem *)), SLOT(fileHashingFinished(AttachFileItem *))) ; } } void PeersDialog::fileHashingFinished(AttachFileItem* file) { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::fileHashingFinished() started." << std::endl; //check that the file is ok tos end if (file->getState() == AFI_STATE_ERROR) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PopupChatDialog::fileHashingFinished error file is not hashed." << std::endl; #endif return; } //convert fileSize from uint_64 to string for html link // char fileSizeChar [100]; // sprintf(fileSizeChar, "%lld", file->FileSize()); // std::string fileSize = *(&fileSizeChar); std::string mesgString = RetroShareLink(QString::fromUtf8(file->FileName().c_str()), file->FileSize(), QString::fromStdString(file->FileHash())).toHtml().toStdString() ; // std::string mesgString = "" // + "retroshare://file|" + (file->FileName()) + "|" + fileSize + "|" + (file->FileHash()) + ""; #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::fileHashingFinished mesgString : " << mesgString << std::endl; #endif rsMsgs->sendPublicChat(QString::fromStdString(mesgString).toStdWString()); setFont(); } void PeersDialog::anchorClicked (const QUrl& link ) { #ifdef PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "PeersDialog::anchorClicked link.scheme() : " << link.scheme().toStdString() << std::endl; #endif RetroShareLink::processUrl(link, NULL, RSLINK_PROCESS_NOTIFY_ALL); } void PeersDialog::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event) { if (!(Qt::CopyAction & event->possibleActions())) { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dropEvent() Rejecting uncopyable DropAction" << std::endl; /* can't do it */ return; } std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dropEvent() Formats" << std::endl; QStringList formats = event->mimeData()->formats(); QStringList::iterator it; for(it = formats.begin(); it != formats.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "Format: " << (*it).toStdString() << std::endl; } if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dropEvent() Urls:" << std::endl; QList urls = event->mimeData()->urls(); QList::iterator uit; for(uit = urls.begin(); uit != urls.end(); uit++) { QString localpath = uit->toLocalFile(); std::cerr << "Whole URL: " << uit->toString().toStdString() << std::endl; std::cerr << "or As Local File: " << localpath.toStdString() << std::endl; if (localpath.isEmpty() == false) { //Check that the file does exist and is not a directory QDir dir(localpath); if (dir.exists()) { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dropEvent() directory not accepted."<< std::endl; QMessageBox mb(tr("Drop file error."), tr("Directory can't be dropped, only files are accepted."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Ok, "OK" ); mb.exec(); } else if (QFile::exists(localpath)) { PeersDialog::addAttachment(localpath.toUtf8().constData()); } else { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dropEvent() file does not exists."<< std::endl; QMessageBox mb(tr("Drop file error."), tr("File not found or file name not accepted."),QMessageBox::Information,QMessageBox::Ok,0,0); mb.setButtonText( QMessageBox::Ok, "OK" ); mb.exec(); } } } } event->setDropAction(Qt::CopyAction); event->accept(); } void PeersDialog::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event) { /* print out mimeType */ std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dragEnterEvent() Formats" << std::endl; QStringList formats = event->mimeData()->formats(); QStringList::iterator it; for(it = formats.begin(); it != formats.end(); it++) { std::cerr << "Format: " << (*it).toStdString() << std::endl; } if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dragEnterEvent() Accepting Urls" << std::endl; event->acceptProposedAction(); } else { std::cerr << "PeersDialog::dragEnterEvent() No Urls" << std::endl; } } bool PeersDialog::fileSave() { if (fileName.isEmpty()) return fileSaveAs(); QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QFile::WriteOnly)) return false; QTextStream ts(&file); ts.setCodec(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); ts << ui.msgText->document()->toPlainText(); ui.msgText->document()->setModified(false); return true; } bool PeersDialog::fileSaveAs() { QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save as..."), QString(), tr("Text File (*.txt );;All Files (*)")); if (fn.isEmpty()) return false; setCurrentFileName(fn); return fileSave(); } void PeersDialog::setCurrentFileName(const QString &fileName) { this->fileName = fileName; ui.msgText->document()->setModified(false); setWindowModified(false); } ////play sound when recv a message void PeersDialog::playsound(){ Settings->beginGroup("Sound"); Settings->beginGroup("SoundFilePath"); QString OnlineSound = Settings->value("NewChatMessage","").toString(); Settings->endGroup(); Settings->beginGroup("Enable"); bool flag = Settings->value("NewChatMessage",false).toBool(); Settings->endGroup(); Settings->endGroup(); if(!OnlineSound.isEmpty()&&flag) if(QSound::isAvailable()) QSound::play(OnlineSound); } void PeersDialog::displayMenu() { QMenu *displaymenu = new QMenu(); displaymenu->addAction(ui.action_Hide_Offline_Friends); displaymenu->addAction(ui.action_Hide_Status_Column); ui.displayButton->setMenu(displaymenu); } void PeersDialog::statusColumn() { /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView * peerheader = ui.peertreeWidget->header(); if(ui.action_Hide_Status_Column->isChecked()) { ui.peertreeWidget->setColumnHidden ( 1, true); peerheader->resizeSection ( 0, 200 ); } else { ui.peertreeWidget->setColumnHidden ( 1, false); peerheader->resizeSection ( 0, 200 ); } } void PeersDialog::on_actionMessageHistory_triggered() { ImHistoryBrowser imBrowser(false, historyKeeper, ui.lineEdit, this); imBrowser.exec(); } void PeersDialog::on_actionAdd_Group_activated() { CreateGroup createGrpDialog ("", this); createGrpDialog.exec(); } void PeersDialog::addToGroup() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); if (c == NULL) { return; } if (c->type() != TYPE_GPG) { // wrong type return; } std::string groupId = qobject_cast(sender())->data().toString().toStdString(); std::string gpgId = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); if (gpgId.empty() || groupId.empty()) { return; } // add to group rsPeers->assignPeerToGroup(groupId, gpgId, true); } void PeersDialog::moveToGroup() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); if (c == NULL) { return; } if (c->type() != TYPE_GPG) { // wrong type return; } std::string groupId = qobject_cast(sender())->data().toString().toStdString(); std::string gpgId = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); if (gpgId.empty() || groupId.empty()) { return; } // remove from all groups rsPeers->assignPeerToGroup("", gpgId, false); // add to group rsPeers->assignPeerToGroup(groupId, gpgId, true); } void PeersDialog::removeFromGroup() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); if (c == NULL) { return; } if (c->type() != TYPE_GPG) { // wrong type return; } std::string groupId = qobject_cast(sender())->data().toString().toStdString(); std::string gpgId = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); if (gpgId.empty()) { return; } // remove from (all) group(s) rsPeers->assignPeerToGroup(groupId, gpgId, false); } void PeersDialog::editGroup() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); if (c == NULL) { return; } if (c->type() != TYPE_GROUP) { // wrong type return; } std::string groupId = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); if (groupId.empty()) { return; } CreateGroup editGrpDialog (groupId, this); editGrpDialog.exec(); } void PeersDialog::removeGroup() { QTreeWidgetItem *c = getCurrentPeer(); if (c == NULL) { return; } if (c->type() != TYPE_GROUP) { // wrong type return; } std::string groupId = c->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().toStdString(); if (groupId.empty()) { return; } rsPeers->removeGroup(groupId); } void PeersDialog::groupsChanged(int type) { Q_UNUSED(type); groupsHasChanged = true; }