# To disable RetroShare-gui append the following # assignation to qmake command line "CONFIG+=no_retroshare_gui" CONFIG *= retroshare_gui no_retroshare_gui:CONFIG -= retroshare_gui # To disable RetroShare-nogui append the following # assignation to qmake command line "CONFIG+=no_retroshare_nogui" CONFIG *= retroshare_nogui no_retroshare_nogui:CONFIG -= retroshare_nogui # To disable RetroShare plugins append the following # assignation to qmake command line "CONFIG+=no_retroshare_plugins" CONFIG *= retroshare_plugins no_retroshare_plugins:CONFIG -= retroshare_plugins # To enable RetroShare-android-service append the following assignation to # qmake command line "CONFIG+=retroshare_android_service" CONFIG *= no_retroshare_android_service retroshare_android_service:CONFIG -= no_retroshare_android_service # To enable RetroShare-QML-app append the following assignation to # qmake command line "CONFIG+=retroshare_qml_app" CONFIG *= no_retroshare_qml_app retroshare_qml_app:CONFIG -= no_retroshare_qml_app # To enable libresapi via local socket (unix domain socket or windows named # pipes) append the following assignation to qmake command line #"CONFIG+=libresapilocalserver" CONFIG *= no_libresapilocalserver libresapilocalserver:CONFIG -= no_libresapilocalserver # To disable libresapi via HTTP (based on libmicrohttpd) append the following # assignation to qmake command line "CONFIG+=no_libresapihttpserver" CONFIG *= libresapihttpserver no_libresapihttpserver:CONFIG -= libresapihttpserver # To disable SQLCipher support append the following assignation to qmake # command line "CONFIG+=no_sqlcipher" CONFIG *= sqlcipher no_sqlcipher:CONFIG -= sqlcipher # To enable autologin (this is higly discouraged as it may compromise your node # security in multiple ways) append the following assignation to qmake command # line "CONFIG+=rs_autologin" CONFIG *= no_rs_autologin rs_autologin:CONFIG -= no_rs_autologin # To disable GXS (General eXchange System) append the following # assignation to qmake command line "CONFIG+=no_rs_gxs" CONFIG *= rs_gxs no_rs_gxs:CONFIG -= rs_gxs unix { isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = "/usr" } isEmpty(BIN_DIR) { BIN_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/bin" } isEmpty(INC_DIR) { INC_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/include/retroshare06" } isEmpty(LIB_DIR) { LIB_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/lib" } isEmpty(DATA_DIR) { DATA_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/share/RetroShare06" } isEmpty(PLUGIN_DIR) { PLUGIN_DIR = "$${LIB_DIR}/retroshare/extensions6" } rs_autologin { !macx { DEFINES *= HAS_GNOME_KEYRING PKGCONFIG *= gnome-keyring-1 } } } android-g++ { CONFIG *= no_libresapihttpserver no_sqlcipher upnp_libupnp CONFIG -= libresapihttpserver sqlcipher upnp_miniupnpc QT *= androidextras DEFINES *= "fopen64=fopen" DEFINES *= "fseeko64=fseeko" DEFINES *= "ftello64=ftello" INCLUDEPATH += $$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/sysroot/usr/include LIBS *= -L$$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/sysroot/usr/lib/ LIBS *= -lbz2 -lupnp -lixml -lthreadutil -lsqlite3 ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS *= $$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH/sysroot/usr/lib/libsqlite3.so # message(LIBS: $$LIBS) # message(ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS: $$ANDROID_EXTRA_LIBS) # message(ANDROID_PLATFORM: $$ANDROID_PLATFORM) # message(ANDROID_PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH: $$ANDROID_PLATFORM_ROOT_PATH) # message(NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH: $$NDK_TOOLCHAIN_PATH) } win32 { message(***retroshare.pri:Win32) exists($$PWD/../libs) { message(Get pre-compiled libraries.) isEmpty(PREFIX) { PREFIX = "$$PWD/../libs" } isEmpty(BIN_DIR) { BIN_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/bin" } isEmpty(INC_DIR) { INC_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/include" } isEmpty(LIB_DIR) { LIB_DIR = "$${PREFIX}/lib" } } # Check for msys2 PREFIX_MSYS2 = $$(MINGW_PREFIX) isEmpty(PREFIX_MSYS2) { exists(C:/msys32/mingw32/include) { message(MINGW_PREFIX is empty. Set it in your environment variables.) message(Found it here:C:\msys32\mingw32) PREFIX_MSYS2 = "C:\msys32\mingw32" } exists(C:/msys64/mingw32/include) { message(MINGW_PREFIX is empty. Set it in your environment variables.) message(Found it here:C:\msys64\mingw32) PREFIX_MSYS2 = "C:\msys64\mingw32" } } !isEmpty(PREFIX_MSYS2) { message(msys2 is installed.) BIN_DIR += "$${PREFIX_MSYS2}/bin" INC_DIR += "$${PREFIX_MSYS2}/include" LIB_DIR += "$${PREFIX_MSYS2}/lib" } } macx { message(***retroshare.pri:MacOSX) BIN_DIR += "/usr/bin" INC_DIR += "/usr/include" INC_DIR += "/usr/local/include" INC_DIR += "/opt/local/include" LIB_DIR += "/usr/local/lib" LIB_DIR += "/opt/local/lib" !QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET { message(***retroshare.pri: No Target. Set it to MacOS 10.11 ) QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.11 } !QMAKE_MAC_SDK { message(***retroshare.pri: No SDK. Set it to MacOS 10.11 ) QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.11 } CONFIG += c++11 } unfinished { CONFIG += gxscircles CONFIG += gxsthewire CONFIG += gxsphotoshare CONFIG += wikipoos } wikipoos:DEFINES *= RS_USE_WIKI rs_gxs:DEFINES *= RS_ENABLE_GXS libresapilocalserver:DEFINES *= LIBRESAPI_LOCAL_SERVER libresapihttpserver:DEFINES *= ENABLE_WEBUI sqlcipher:DEFINES -= NO_SQLCIPHER no_sqlcipher:DEFINES *= NO_SQLCIPHER rs_autologin { DEFINES *= RS_AUTOLOGIN warning(You have enabled RetroShare autologin this is strongly discouraged as it may compromise your node security in multiple ways) }