/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 crypton * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include "ShareManager.h" #include #include "ShareDialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Images for context menu icons */ #define IMAGE_CANCEL ":/images/delete.png" #define COLUMN_PATH 0 #define COLUMN_VIRTUALNAME 1 #define COLUMN_NETWORKWIDE 2 #define COLUMN_BROWSABLE 3 ShareManager *ShareManager::_instance = NULL ; /** Default constructor */ ShareManager::ShareManager(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : QDialog(parent, flags) { /* Invoke Qt Designer generated QObject setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); isLoading = false; load(); connect(ui.addButton, SIGNAL(clicked( bool ) ), this , SLOT( showShareDialog() ) ); connect(ui.removeButton, SIGNAL(clicked( bool ) ), this , SLOT( removeShareDirectory() ) ); connect(ui.closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close())); connect( ui.shareddirList, SIGNAL( customContextMenuRequested( QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( shareddirListCostumPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) ); ui.addButton->setToolTip(tr("Add a Share Directory")); ui.removeButton->setToolTip(tr("Stop sharing selected Directory")); ui.shareddirList->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode( COLUMN_PATH, QHeaderView::Stretch); ui.shareddirList->horizontalHeader()->setResizeMode( COLUMN_BROWSABLE, QHeaderView::Interactive); ui.shareddirList->horizontalHeader()->resizeSection( COLUMN_PATH, 360 ); ui.shareddirList->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(false); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); } ShareManager::~ShareManager() { _instance = NULL; } void ShareManager::shareddirListCostumPopupMenu( QPoint point ) { QMenu contextMnu( this ); removeAct = new QAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CANCEL), tr( "Remove" ), this ); connect( removeAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( removeShareDirectory() ) ); contextMnu.addAction( removeAct ); contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } /** Loads the settings for this page */ void ShareManager::load() { isLoading = true; std::cerr << "ShareManager:: In load !!!!!" << std::endl ; std::list::const_iterator it; std::list dirs; rsFiles->getSharedDirectories(dirs); /* get a link to the table */ QTableWidget *listWidget = ui.shareddirList; /* set new row count */ listWidget->setRowCount(dirs.size()); connect(this,SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTableWidgetItem*)),this,SLOT(updateFlags(QTableWidgetItem*))) ; #ifndef USE_COMBOBOX QString ToolTips [2] = { QString("If checked, the share is anonymously shared to anybody."), QString("If checked, the share is browsable by your friends.") }; int Flags [2] = { RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE, RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE }; #endif int row=0 ; for(it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); it++,++row) { listWidget->setItem(row, COLUMN_PATH, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromUtf8((*it).filename.c_str()))); listWidget->setItem(row, COLUMN_VIRTUALNAME, new QTableWidgetItem(QString::fromUtf8((*it).virtualname.c_str()))); #ifdef USE_COMBOBOX QComboBox *cb = new QComboBox ; cb->addItem(QString("Network Wide")) ; cb->addItem(QString("Browsable")) ; cb->addItem(QString("Universal")) ; cb->setToolTip(QString("Decide here whether this directory is\n* Network Wide: \tanonymously shared over the network (including your friends)\n* Browsable: \tbrowsable by your friends\n* Universal: \t\tboth")) ; // TODO // - set combobox current value depending on what rsFiles reports. // - use a signal mapper to get the correct row that contains the combo box sending the signal: // mapper = new SignalMapper(this) ; // // for(all cb) // { // signalMapper->setMapping(cb,...) // } // int index = 0 ; index += ((*it).shareflags & RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE) > 0 ; index += (((*it).shareflags & RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE) > 0) * 2 ; listWidget->setCellWidget(row,1,cb); if(index < 1 || index > 3) std::cerr << "******* ERROR IN FILE SHARING FLAGS. Flags = " << (*it).shareflags << " ***********" << std::endl ; else index-- ; cb->setCurrentIndex(index) ; #else int col; for (col = 0; col <= 1; col++) { QModelIndex index = listWidget->model()->index(row, col + COLUMN_NETWORKWIDE, QModelIndex()); QCheckBox *cb = (QCheckBox*) listWidget->indexWidget(index); if (cb == NULL) { cb = new QCheckBox; cb->setToolTip(ToolTips [col]); listWidget->setCellWidget(row, col + COLUMN_NETWORKWIDE, cb); QObject::connect(cb, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateFlags(bool))) ; } cb->setChecked((*it).shareflags & Flags [col]); } #endif } //ui.incomingDir->setText(QString::fromStdString(rsFiles->getDownloadDirectory())); listWidget->update(); /* update display */ update(); isLoading = false ; } void ShareManager::showYourself() { if(_instance == NULL) _instance = new ShareManager(NULL,0) ; _instance->show() ; _instance->activateWindow(); } /*static*/ void ShareManager::postModDirectories(bool update_local) { if (_instance == NULL || _instance->isHidden()) { return; } if (update_local) { _instance->load(); } } void ShareManager::updateFlags(bool b) { if(isLoading) return ; std::cerr << "Updating flags (b=" << b << ") !!!" << std::endl ; std::list::iterator it; std::list dirs; rsFiles->getSharedDirectories(dirs); int row=0 ; for(it = dirs.begin(); it != dirs.end(); it++,++row) { std::cerr << "Looking for row=" << row << ", file=" << (*it).filename << ", flags=" << (*it).shareflags << std::endl ; uint32_t current_flags = 0 ; current_flags |= (dynamic_cast(ui.shareddirList->cellWidget(row,COLUMN_NETWORKWIDE)))->isChecked()? RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE:0 ; current_flags |= (dynamic_cast(ui.shareddirList->cellWidget(row,COLUMN_BROWSABLE)))->isChecked()? RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE:0 ; if( (*it).shareflags ^ current_flags ) { (*it).shareflags = current_flags ; rsFiles->updateShareFlags(*it) ; // modifies the flags std::cout << "Updating share flags for directory " << (*it).filename << std::endl ; } } } void ShareManager::removeShareDirectory() { /* id current dir */ /* ask for removal */ QTableWidget *listWidget = ui.shareddirList; int row = listWidget -> currentRow(); QTableWidgetItem *qdir = listWidget->item(row, COLUMN_PATH); QString queryWrn; queryWrn.clear(); queryWrn.append(tr("Do you really want to stop sharing this directory ?")); if (qdir) { if ((QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Warning!"),queryWrn,QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes))== QMessageBox::Yes) { rsFiles->removeSharedDirectory( qdir->text().toUtf8().constData()); load(); } } } void ShareManager::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { if (!event->spontaneous()) { load(); } } void ShareManager::showShareDialog() { ShareDialog sharedlg (this); sharedlg.exec(); }