/* * xProgressBar: A custom progress bar for Qt 4. * Author: xEsk (Xesc & Technology 2008) * * Changelog: * * v1.0: * ----- * - First release * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include "xprogressbar.h" xProgressBar::xProgressBar(const CompressedChunkMap& cmap,QRect rect, QPainter *painter, int schemaIndex) : _cmap(cmap) { // assign internal data this->schemaIndex = schemaIndex; this->rect = rect; this->painter = painter; this->progressValue = 0.00; // set the progress bar colors setColor(); // configure span vSpan = 0; hSpan = 0; // text color textColor = QColor("black"); } void xProgressBar::setColor() { /* TEMPORAL SCHEMA DEFINITION */ switch (schemaIndex) { /* blue schema */ case 0: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(143, 180, 219); backgroundColor.setRgb(198, 209, 221); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(35, 96, 167); gradColor1.setRgb(100, 136, 252); gradColor2.setRgb(165, 183, 240); // ok break; /* green schema */ case 1: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(3, 194, 26); backgroundColor.setRgb(76, 214, 93); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(8, 77, 16); gradColor1.setRgb(0, 137, 16); gradColor2.setRgb(78, 194, 81); // ok break; /* red schema */ case 2: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(255, 62, 62); backgroundColor.setRgb(248, 175, 175); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(151, 0, 0); gradColor1.setRgb(251, 54, 54); gradColor2.setRgb(246, 118, 118); // ok break; /* gray schema */ case 3: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(116, 177, 160); backgroundColor.setRgb(178, 215, 205); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(106, 106, 106); gradColor1.setRgb(168, 168, 168); gradColor2.setRgb(197, 197, 197); // ok break; /* yellow schema */ case 4: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(227, 204, 79); backgroundColor.setRgb(255, 236, 130); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(215, 182, 0); gradColor1.setRgb(233, 197, 0); gradColor2.setRgb(255, 236, 130); // ok break; /* black schema */ case 5: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(99, 99, 99); backgroundColor.setRgb(134, 134, 134); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(0, 0, 0); gradColor1.setRgb(38, 38, 38); gradColor2.setRgb(113, 113, 113); // ok break; /* purple schema */ case 6: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(234, 127, 223); backgroundColor.setRgb(255, 164, 246); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(150, 0, 134); gradColor1.setRgb(218, 0, 195); gradColor2.setRgb(255, 121, 241); // ok break; /* maroon schema */ case 7: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(255, 174, 49); backgroundColor.setRgb(255, 204, 132); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(159, 94, 0); gradColor1.setRgb(223, 134, 6); gradColor2.setRgb(248, 170, 59); // ok break; /* clean schema */ case 8: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(143, 180, 219); backgroundColor.setRgb(198, 209, 221); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(209, 128, 24); gradColor1.setRgb(246, 199, 138); gradColor2.setRgb(255, 227, 190); // ok break; /* light gray */ case 9: // background backgroundBorderColor.setRgb(194, 194, 194); backgroundColor.setRgb(232, 233, 233); // progress gradBorderColor.setRgb(176, 176, 176); gradColor1.setRgb(201, 201, 201); gradColor2.setRgb(223, 223, 223); // set text color (white is not a good option) textColor = QColor(58, 58, 58); // ok break; } } void xProgressBar::paint() { // paint the progressBar background painter->setBrush(backgroundColor); painter->setPen(backgroundBorderColor); painter->drawRect(rect.x() + hSpan, rect.y() + vSpan, rect.width() - 1 - hSpan, rect.height() - 1 - vSpan * 2); // define gradient QLinearGradient linearGrad(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.x(), rect.y() + rect.height() - 1); linearGrad.setColorAt(0.00, gradColor1); linearGrad.setColorAt(0.16, gradColor2); linearGrad.setColorAt(1.00, gradColor1); painter->setPen(gradBorderColor); int width = static_cast(rect.width()-1-2*hSpan) ; painter->setBrush(linearGrad); uint32_t ss = _cmap._map.size()*32 ; if(ss > 1) // for small files we use a more progressive display for(int i=0;i0) { float o = std::min(1.0f,j/(float)ss*width) ; painter->setOpacity(o) ; painter->drawRect(rect.x() + hSpan+(int)rint(i*width/(float)ss), rect.y() + vSpan, (int)ceil(j*width/(float)ss), rect.height() - 1 - vSpan * 2); } i += j ; } else { // calculate progress value int preWidth = static_cast((rect.width() - 1 - hSpan)*(progressValue/100)); int progressWidth = rect.width() - preWidth; if (progressWidth == rect.width() - hSpan) return; // paint the progress painter->setBrush(linearGrad); painter->drawRect(rect.x() + hSpan, rect.y() + vSpan, rect.width() - progressWidth - hSpan, rect.height() - 1 - vSpan * 2); } painter->setOpacity(1.0f) ; // paint text? if (displayText) { QLocale locale; painter->setPen(textColor); painter->drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, locale.toString(progressValue, 'f', 2) + "%"); } } void xProgressBar::setColorSchema(const int value) { schemaIndex = value; // set the progress bar colors setColor(); } void xProgressBar::setValue(const float value) { progressValue = value < 0 ? 0 : value > 100 ? 100 : value; } void xProgressBar::setDisplayText(const bool display) { displayText = display; } void xProgressBar::setVerticalSpan(const int value) { vSpan = value; } void xProgressBar::setHorizontalSpan(const int value) { hSpan = value; }