/* * Retroshare file transfer module: ftTransferModule.h * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #ifndef FT_TRANSFER_MODULE_HEADER #define FT_TRANSFER_MODULE_HEADER /* * FUNCTION DESCRIPTION * * Each Transfer Module is paired up with a single File Creator, and responsible for the transfer of one file. * The Transfer Module is responsible for sending requests to peers at the correct data rates, and storing the returned data * in a FileCreator. * There are multiple Transfer Modules in the File Transfer system. Their requests are multiplexed through the Client Module. * The Transfer Module contains all the algorithms for sensible Data Requests. * It must be able to cope with varying data rates and dropped peers without flooding the system with too many requests. * */ #include #include #include #include "ft/ftfilecreator.h" #include "ft/ftdatamultiplex.h" #include "ft/ftcontroller.h" #include "util/rsthreads.h" const uint32_t PQIPEER_INIT = 0x0000; const uint32_t PQIPEER_NOT_ONLINE = 0x0001; const uint32_t PQIPEER_DOWNLOADING = 0x0002; const uint32_t PQIPEER_IDLE = 0x0004; const uint32_t PQIPEER_SUSPEND = 0x0010; class HashThread ; class peerInfo { public: peerInfo(std::string peerId_in):peerId(peerId_in),state(PQIPEER_NOT_ONLINE),desiredRate(0),actualRate(0), lastTS(0), recvTS(0), lastTransfers(0), nResets(0), rtt(0), rttActive(false), rttStart(0), rttOffset(0), mRateIncrease(1) { return; } peerInfo(std::string peerId_in,uint32_t state_in,uint32_t maxRate_in): peerId(peerId_in),state(state_in),desiredRate(maxRate_in),actualRate(0), lastTS(0), recvTS(0), lastTransfers(0), nResets(0), rtt(0), rttActive(false), rttStart(0), rttOffset(0), mRateIncrease(1) { return; } std::string peerId; uint32_t state; double desiredRate; double actualRate; time_t lastTS; /* last Request */ time_t recvTS; /* last Recv */ uint32_t lastTransfers; /* data recvd in last second */ uint32_t nResets; /* count to disable non-existant files */ /* rrt rate control */ uint32_t rtt; /* last rtt */ bool rttActive; /* have we initialised an rtt measurement */ time_t rttStart; /* ts of request */ uint64_t rttOffset; /* end of request */ float mRateIncrease; /* current rate */ }; class ftFileStatus { public: enum Status { PQIFILE_INIT, PQIFILE_NOT_ONLINE, PQIFILE_DOWNLOADING, PQIFILE_COMPLETE, PQIFILE_CHECKING, PQIFILE_FAIL, PQIFILE_FAIL_CANCEL, PQIFILE_FAIL_NOT_AVAIL, PQIFILE_FAIL_NOT_OPEN, PQIFILE_FAIL_NOT_SEEK, PQIFILE_FAIL_NOT_WRITE, PQIFILE_FAIL_NOT_READ, PQIFILE_FAIL_BAD_PATH }; ftFileStatus():hash(""),stat(PQIFILE_INIT) {} ftFileStatus(std::string hash_in):hash(hash_in),stat(PQIFILE_INIT) {} std::string hash; Status stat; }; class ftTransferModule { public: ftTransferModule(ftFileCreator *fc, ftDataMultiplex *dm, ftController *c); ~ftTransferModule(); //interface to download controller bool setFileSources(const std::list& peerIds); bool addFileSource(const std::string& peerId); bool removeFileSource(const std::string& peerId); bool setPeerState(const std::string& peerId,uint32_t state,uint32_t maxRate); //state = ONLINE/OFFLINE bool getFileSources(std::list &peerIds); bool getPeerState(const std::string& peerId,uint32_t &state,uint32_t &tfRate); uint32_t getDataRate(const std::string& peerId); bool cancelTransfer(); bool cancelFileTransferUpward(); bool completeFileTransfer(); bool isCheckingHash() ; void forceCheck() ; //interface to multiplex module bool recvFileData(const std::string& peerId, uint64_t offset, uint32_t chunk_size, void *data); void locked_requestData(const std::string& peerId, uint64_t offset, uint32_t chunk_size); //interface to file creator bool locked_getChunk(const std::string& peer_id,uint32_t size_hint,uint64_t &offset, uint32_t &chunk_size); bool locked_storeData(uint64_t offset, uint32_t chunk_size, void *data); int tick(); std::string hash() { return mHash; } uint64_t size() { return mSize; } //internal used functions bool queryInactive(); void adjustSpeed(); DwlSpeed downloadPriority() const { return mPriority ; } void setDownloadPriority(DwlSpeed p) { mPriority =p ; } // read/reset the last time the transfer module was active (either wrote data, or was solicitaded by clients) time_t lastActvTimeStamp() ; void resetActvTimeStamp() ; private: bool locked_tickPeerTransfer(peerInfo &info); bool locked_recvPeerData(peerInfo &info, uint64_t offset, uint32_t chunk_size, void *data); bool checkFile() ; bool checkCRC() ; /* These have independent Mutexes / are const locally (no Mutex protection)*/ ftFileCreator *mFileCreator; ftDataMultiplex *mMultiplexor; ftController *mFtController; std::string mHash; uint64_t mSize; RsMutex tfMtx; /* below is mutex protected */ std::list mOnlinePeers; std::map mFileSources; uint16_t mFlag; //2:file canceled, 1:transfer complete, 0: not complete, 3: checking hash, 4: checking chunks double desiredRate; double actualRate; time_t _last_activity_time_stamp ; ftFileStatus mFileStatus; //used for pause/resume file transfer HashThread *_hash_thread ; DwlSpeed mPriority ; // transfer speed priority }; #endif //FT_TRANSFER_MODULE_HEADER