#include "serialiser/rsserviceids.h" #include "file_sharing/p3filelists.h" #include "file_sharing/directory_storage.h" #include "file_sharing/directory_updater.h" #include "file_sharing/rsfilelistitems.h" #include "retroshare/rsids.h" #include "retroshare/rspeers.h" #include "rsserver/p3face.h" #define P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() std::cerr << "p3FileLists: " static const uint32_t P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_NOTHING_CHANGED = 0x0000 ; static const uint32_t P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOTE_MAP_CHANGED = 0x0001 ; static const uint32_t P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_LOCAL_DIRS_CHANGED = 0x0002 ; static const uint32_t P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOTE_DIRS_CHANGED = 0x0004 ; static const uint32_t NB_FRIEND_INDEX_BITS = 10 ; static const uint32_t NB_ENTRY_INDEX_BITS = 22 ; static const uint32_t ENTRY_INDEX_BIT_MASK = 0x003fffff ; // used for storing (EntryIndex,Friend) couples into a 32bits pointer. static const uint32_t DELAY_BETWEEN_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_SYNC_REQ = 60 ; // every minute, for debugging. Should be evey 10 minutes or so. p3FileDatabase::p3FileDatabase(p3ServiceControl *mpeers) : mServCtrl(mpeers), mFLSMtx("p3FileLists") { // loads existing indexes for friends. Some might be already present here. // mRemoteDirectories.clear() ; // we should load them! mOwnId = mpeers->getOwnId() ; mLocalSharedDirs = new LocalDirectoryStorage("local_file_store.bin",mOwnId); mHashCache = new HashStorage("hash_cache.bin") ; mLocalDirWatcher = new LocalDirectoryUpdater(mHashCache,mLocalSharedDirs) ; mUpdateFlags = P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_NOTHING_CHANGED ; mLastRemoteDirSweepTS = 0 ; } void p3FileDatabase::setSharedDirectories(const std::list& shared_dirs) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; mLocalSharedDirs->setSharedDirectoryList(shared_dirs) ; mLocalDirWatcher->forceUpdate(); } void p3FileDatabase::getSharedDirectories(std::list& shared_dirs) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; mLocalSharedDirs->getSharedDirectoryList(shared_dirs) ; } void p3FileDatabase::updateShareFlags(const SharedDirInfo& info) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; mLocalSharedDirs->updateShareFlags(info) ; } p3FileDatabase::~p3FileDatabase() { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; for(uint32_t i=0;iprint(); last_print_time = now ; //#warning this should be removed, but it's necessary atm for updating the GUI // RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_FRIENDS, 0); } if(mUpdateFlags) { IndicateConfigChanged(); if(mUpdateFlags & P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_LOCAL_DIRS_CHANGED) RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_LOCAL, 0); if(mUpdateFlags & P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOTE_DIRS_CHANGED) RsServer::notify()->notifyListChange(NOTIFY_LIST_DIRLIST_FRIENDS, 0); mUpdateFlags = P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_NOTHING_CHANGED ; } if(mLastRemoteDirSweepTS + 5 < now) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; for(uint32_t i=0;iroot()) ; mLastRemoteDirSweepTS = now; } return 0; } void p3FileDatabase::startThreads() { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; std::cerr << "Starting directory watcher thread..." ; mLocalDirWatcher->start(); std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl; } void p3FileDatabase::stopThreads() { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; std::cerr << "Stopping hash cache thread..." ; std::cerr.flush() ; mHashCache->fullstop(); std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl; std::cerr << "Stopping directory watcher thread..." ; std::cerr.flush() ; mLocalDirWatcher->fullstop(); std::cerr << "Done." << std::endl; } void p3FileDatabase::tickWatchers() { } bool p3FileDatabase::loadList(std::list& items) { // This loads // // - list of locally shared directories, and the permissions that go with them NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return true ; } bool p3FileDatabase::saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list&) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return true ; } void p3FileDatabase::cleanup() { { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; // look through the list of friend directories. Remove those who are not our friends anymore. // std::set friend_set ; { std::list friend_lst ; rsPeers->getFriendList(friend_lst); for(std::list::const_iterator it(friend_lst.begin());it!=friend_lst.end();++it) friend_set.insert(*it) ; } for(uint32_t i=0;ipeerId()) == friend_set.end()) { P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " removing file list of non friend " << mRemoteDirectories[i]->peerId() << std::endl; delete mRemoteDirectories[i]; mRemoteDirectories[i] = NULL ; mUpdateFlags |= P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOTE_MAP_CHANGED ; friend_set.erase(mRemoteDirectories[i]->peerId()); mFriendIndexMap.erase(mRemoteDirectories[i]->peerId()); mFriendIndexTab[i].clear(); } // look through the remaining list of friends, which are the ones for which no remoteDirectoryStorage class has been allocated. // for(std::set::const_iterator it(friend_set.begin());it!=friend_set.end();++it) { // Check if a remote directory exists for that friend, possibly creating the index. uint32_t friend_index = locked_getFriendIndex(*it) ; if(mRemoteDirectories.size() > friend_index && mRemoteDirectories[friend_index] != NULL) continue ; P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << " adding missing remote dir entry for friend " << *it << ", with index " << friend_index << std::endl; mRemoteDirectories[friend_index] = new RemoteDirectoryStorage(*it,makeRemoteFileName(*it)); mUpdateFlags |= P3FILELISTS_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOTE_MAP_CHANGED ; } } } std::string p3FileDatabase::makeRemoteFileName(const RsPeerId& pid) const { #warning we should use the default paths here. Ask p3config return "dirlist_"+pid.toStdString()+".txt" ; } uint32_t p3FileDatabase::locked_getFriendIndex(const RsPeerId& pid) { std::map::const_iterator it = mFriendIndexMap.find(pid) ; if(it == mFriendIndexMap.end()) { // allocate a new index for that friend, and tell that we should save. uint32_t found = 0 ; for(uint32_t i=0;i= (1 << NB_FRIEND_INDEX_BITS) ) { std::cerr << "(EE) FriendIndexTab is full. This is weird. Do you really have more than " << (1<second) mRemoteDirectories.resize(it->second,NULL) ; return it->second; } } const RsPeerId& p3FileDatabase::locked_getFriendFromIndex(uint32_t indx) const { static const RsPeerId null_id ; if(indx >= mFriendIndexTab.size()) return null_id ; if(mFriendIndexTab[indx].isNull()) { std::cerr << "(EE) null friend id requested from index " << indx << ": this is a bug, most likely" << std::endl; return null_id ; } return mFriendIndexTab[indx]; } bool p3FileDatabase::convertPointerToEntryIndex(const void *p, EntryIndex& e, uint32_t& friend_index) { // trust me, I can do this ;-) e = EntryIndex( *reinterpret_cast(&p) & ENTRY_INDEX_BIT_MASK ) ; friend_index = (*reinterpret_cast(&p)) >> NB_ENTRY_INDEX_BITS ; if(friend_index == 0) { std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot find friend index in pointer. Encoded value is zero!" << std::endl; return false; } friend_index--; return true; } bool p3FileDatabase::convertEntryIndexToPointer(const EntryIndex& e, uint32_t fi, void *& p) { // the pointer is formed the following way: // // [ 10 bits | 22 bits ] // // This means that the whoel software has the following build-in limitation: // * 1024 friends // * 4M shared files. uint32_t fe = (uint32_t)e ; if(fi+1 >= (1<= (1<< NB_ENTRY_INDEX_BITS)) { std::cerr << "(EE) cannot convert entry index " << e << " of friend with index " << fi << " to pointer." << std::endl; return false ; } p = reinterpret_cast( ( (1+fi) << NB_ENTRY_INDEX_BITS ) + (fe & ENTRY_INDEX_BIT_MASK)) ; return true; } // This function converts a pointer into directory details, to be used by the AbstractItemModel for browsing the files. int p3FileDatabase::RequestDirDetails(void *ref, DirDetails& d, FileSearchFlags flags) const { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; // Case where the pointer is NULL, which means we're at the top of the list of shared directories for all friends (including us) // or at the top of our own list of shred directories, depending on the flags. if (ref == NULL) { d.ref = NULL ; d.type = DIR_TYPE_ROOT; d.count = 1; d.parent = NULL; d.prow = -1; d.ref = NULL; d.name = "root"; d.hash.clear() ; d.path = ""; d.age = 0; d.flags.clear() ; d.min_age = 0 ; d.children.clear(); if(flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL) { void *p; convertEntryIndexToPointer(0,0,p); DirStub stub; stub.type = DIR_TYPE_PERSON; stub.name = mServCtrl->getOwnId().toStdString(); stub.ref = p; d.children.push_back(stub); } else for(uint32_t i=0;iroot(),i,p); DirStub stub; stub.type = DIR_TYPE_PERSON; stub.name = mRemoteDirectories[i]->peerId().toStdString(); stub.ref = p; d.children.push_back(stub); } d.count = d.children.size(); return true ; } uint32_t fi; DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex e ; convertPointerToEntryIndex(ref,e,fi); // Case where the index is the top of a single person. Can be us, or a friend. bool res = (flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL)? (mLocalSharedDirs->extractData(e,d)) : (mRemoteDirectories[fi]->extractData(e,d)) ; // update indexes. This is a bit hacky, but does the job. The cast to intptr_t is the proper way to convert // a pointer into an int. convertEntryIndexToPointer((intptr_t)d.ref,fi,d.ref) ; for(uint32_t i=0;iparentRow(e) ; convertEntryIndexToPointer((intptr_t)d.parent,fi,d.parent) ; } if(flags & RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL) d.id = mOwnId ; else d.id = mRemoteDirectories[fi]->peerId(); std::cerr << "ExtractData: ref=" << ref << ", flags=" << flags << " : returning this: " << std::endl; std::cerr << d << std::endl; return true; } int p3FileDatabase::RequestDirDetails(const RsPeerId& uid,const std::string& path, DirDetails &details) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } int p3FileDatabase::RequestDirDetails(const std::string& path, DirDetails &details) const { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } uint32_t p3FileDatabase::getType(void *ref) const { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; EntryIndex e ; uint32_t fi; if(ref == NULL) return DIR_TYPE_ROOT ; convertPointerToEntryIndex(ref,e,fi); if(e == 0) return DIR_TYPE_PERSON ; return mRemoteDirectories[fi]->getEntryType(e) ; } void p3FileDatabase::forceDirectoryCheck() // Force re-sweep the directories and see what's changed { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } bool p3FileDatabase::inDirectoryCheck() { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } void p3FileDatabase::setWatchPeriod(uint32_t seconds) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } uint32_t p3FileDatabase::watchPeriod() { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } void p3FileDatabase::setRememberHashCacheDuration(uint32_t days) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } uint32_t p3FileDatabase::rememberHashCacheDuration() { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } void p3FileDatabase::clearHashCache() { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } bool p3FileDatabase::rememberHashCache() { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return false; } void p3FileDatabase::setRememberHashCache(bool) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } bool p3FileDatabase::findLocalFile(const RsFileHash& hash,FileSearchFlags flags,const RsPeerId& peer_id, std::string &fullpath, uint64_t &size,FileStorageFlags& storage_flags,std::list& parent_groups) const { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; std::list firesults; mLocalSharedDirs->searchHash(hash,firesults) ; NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return false; } int p3FileDatabase::SearchKeywords(const std::list& keywords, std::list& results,FileSearchFlags flags,const RsPeerId& client_peer_id) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; std::list firesults; mLocalSharedDirs->searchTerms(keywords,firesults) ; return filterResults(firesults,results,flags,client_peer_id) ; } int p3FileDatabase::SearchBoolExp(Expression *exp, std::list& results,FileSearchFlags flags,const RsPeerId& client_peer_id) const { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; std::list firesults; mLocalSharedDirs->searchBoolExp(exp,firesults) ; return filterResults(firesults,results,flags,client_peer_id) ; } bool p3FileDatabase::search(const RsFileHash &hash, FileSearchFlags hintflags, FileInfo &info) const { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; if(hintflags & RS_FILE_HINTS_LOCAL) { std::list res; mLocalSharedDirs->searchHash(hash,res) ; if(res.empty()) return false; EntryIndex indx = *res.begin() ; // no need to report duplicates mLocalSharedDirs->getFileInfo(indx,info) ; return true; } if(hintflags & RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return false; } } int p3FileDatabase::filterResults(const std::list& firesults,std::list& results,FileSearchFlags flags,const RsPeerId& peer_id) const { results.clear(); #ifdef P3FILELISTS_DEBUG if((flags & ~RS_FILE_HINTS_PERMISSION_MASK) > 0) std::cerr << "(EE) ***** FileIndexMonitor:: Flags ERROR in filterResults!!" << std::endl; #endif /* translate/filter results */ for(std::list::const_iterator rit(firesults.begin()); rit != firesults.end(); ++rit) { DirDetails cdetails ; RequestDirDetails ((void*)(intptr_t)*rit,cdetails,FileSearchFlags(0u)); #ifdef P3FILELISTS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Filtering candidate " << (*rit) << ", flags=" << cdetails.flags << ", peer=" << peer_id ; #endif if(!peer_id.isNull()) { FileSearchFlags permission_flags = rsPeers->computePeerPermissionFlags(peer_id,cdetails.flags,cdetails.parent_groups) ; if (cdetails.type == DIR_TYPE_FILE && ( permission_flags & flags )) { cdetails.id.clear() ; results.push_back(cdetails); #ifdef P3FILELISTS_DEBUG std::cerr << ": kept" << std::endl ; #endif } #ifdef P3FILELISTS_DEBUG else std::cerr << ": discarded" << std::endl ; #endif } else results.push_back(cdetails); } return !results.empty() ; } bool p3FileDatabase::convertSharedFilePath(const std::string& path,std::string& fullpath) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mFLSMtx) ; return mLocalSharedDirs->convertSharedFilePath(path,fullpath) ; } //==============================================================================================================================// // Update of remote directories // //==============================================================================================================================// // Algorithm: // // Local dirs store the last modif time of the file, in local time // - the max time is computed upward until the root of the hierarchy // - because the hash is performed late, the last modf time upward is updated only when the hash is obtained. // // Remote dirs store the last modif time of the files/dir in the friend's time // - local node sends the last known modf time to friends, // - friends respond with either a full directory content, or an acknowledge that the time is right // void p3FileDatabase::tickRecv() { RsItem *item ; while( NULL != (item = recvItem()) ) { switch(item->PacketSubType()) { case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FILELISTS_SYNC_REQ_ITEM: handleDirSyncRequest( dynamic_cast(item) ) ; break ; case RS_PKT_SUBTYPE_FILELISTS_SYNC_DIR_ITEM: handleDirSyncContent( dynamic_cast(item) ) ; break ; default: std::cerr << "(EE) unhandled packet subtype " << item->PacketSubType() << " in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << std::endl; } delete item ; } } void p3FileDatabase::tickSend() { // go through the list of out requests and send them to the corresponding friends, if they are online. } void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncRequest(RsFileListsSyncReqItem *item) { // look at item TS. If local is newer, send the full directory content. time_t recurs_max_modf_TS, last_update_TS; P3FILELISTS_DEBUG() << "Received directory sync request. index=" << item->entry_index << ", flags=" << (void*)(intptr_t)item->flags << ", request id: " << std::hex << item->request_id << std::dec << ", last known TS: " << item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS << std::endl; if(!mLocalSharedDirs->getUpdateTS(item->entry_index,recurs_max_modf_TS,last_update_TS)) { std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot get update TS for entry " << item->entry_index << " in local dir, asked by " << item->PeerId() << std::endl; return ; } if(item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS < recurs_max_modf_TS) { // send full update of directory content } else { // send last recurs update TS. } } void p3FileDatabase::handleDirSyncContent(RsFileListsSyncDirItem *item) { // update the directory content for the specified friend. // set the update TS, and the remote modif TS accordingly // notify the GUI if the hierarchy has changed } void p3FileDatabase::locked_recursSweepRemoteDirectory(RemoteDirectoryStorage *rds,DirectoryStorage::EntryIndex e) { time_t now = time(NULL) ; // get the info for this entry // compare TS // if not up to date, request update, and return (content is not certified, so no need to recurs yet). // if up to date, return, because TS is about the last modif TS below, so no need to recurs either. time_t recurs_max_modf_TS,last_update_TS ; if(!rds->getUpdateTS(e,recurs_max_modf_TS,last_update_TS)) { std::cerr << "(EE) Cannot get update TS for entry " << e << " in remote dir from " << rds->peerId() << std::endl; return ; } if(now > last_update_TS + DELAY_BETWEEN_REMOTE_DIRECTORY_SYNC_REQ) { // check if a request already exists and is not too old either: no need to re-ask. DirSyncRequestId sync_req_id = makeDirSyncReqId(rds->peerId(),e) ; std::map::iterator it = mPendingSyncRequests.find(sync_req_id) ; if(it != mPendingSyncRequests.end()) { std::cerr << "Not asking for sync of directory " << e << " to friend " << rds->peerId() << " because a recent pending request still exists." << std::endl; return ; } std::cerr << "Asking for sync of directory " << e << " because it's " << (now - last_update_TS) << " secs old since last check." << std::endl; DirSyncRequestData data ; data.request_TS = now ; mPendingSyncRequests[sync_req_id] = data ; RsFileListsSyncReqItem *item = new RsFileListsSyncReqItem ; item->entry_index = e ; item->last_known_recurs_modf_TS = recurs_max_modf_TS ; item->PeerId(rds->peerId()) ; sendItem(item) ; return ; } }