IdDialog 0 0 826 752 0 0 0 0 0 QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 2 0 0 24 24 :/images/user/friends24.png true People Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Todo Qt::NoFocus :/images/64px_help.png:/images/64px_help.png true true Qt::Horizontal QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 2 0 0 Qt::NoFocus Create new Identity New ID :/images/identity/identity_create_32.png:/images/identity/identity_create_32.png 24 24 true 0 0 true Identity name Key ID Owned by node... QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised Identity Info 6 6 Owner node ID : Qt::Vertical 20 40 true true Identity name : true true Identity ID : Owner node name : true true true true Type: 0 0 Reputation 75 true Overall true Implicit true Opinion true Peers true Qt::NoFocus Edit Reputation :/images/edit_24.png:/images/edit_24.png 24 24 Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon true 0 0 Tweak Opinion Accept (+100) Positive (+10) Negative (-10) Ban (-100) Custom -100 100 Modify Qt::Vertical 20 40 :/images/edit_16.png:/images/edit_16.png Edit Identity Edit Identity :/images/delete.png:/images/delete.png Delete Identity :/images/toaster/chat.png:/images/toaster/chat.png Chat with this peer Launches a distant chat with this peer RSTreeWidget QTreeWidget
LineEditClear QLineEdit
StyledLabel QLabel
HeaderFrame QFrame
todoPushButton treeWidget_IdList lineEdit_Nickname lineEdit_KeyId lineEdit_GpgId lineEdit_GpgName line_RatingOverall line_RatingImplicit line_RatingOwn