/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Ricardo Villalba <rvm@escomposlinux.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "videopreviewconfigdialog.h" VideoPreviewConfigDialog::VideoPreviewConfigDialog( QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags f ) : QDialog(parent, f) { setupUi(this); connect(filename_edit->lineEdit(), SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(filenameChanged(const QString &)) ); dvd_device_label->setVisible(false); dvd_device_edit->setVisible(false); aspect_ratio_combo->addItem(tr("Default"), 0); aspect_ratio_combo->addItem("4:3", (double) 4/3); aspect_ratio_combo->addItem("16:9", (double) 16/9); aspect_ratio_combo->addItem("2.35:1", 2.35); format_combo->addItem("jpg", VideoPreview::JPEG); format_combo->addItem("png", VideoPreview::PNG); filename_edit->setWhatsThis( tr("The preview will be created for the video you specify here.") ); dvd_device_edit->setWhatsThis( tr("Enter here the DVD device or a folder with a DVD image.") ); columns_spin->setWhatsThis( tr("The thumbnails will be arranged on a table.") +" "+ tr("This option specifies the number of columns of the table.") ); rows_spin->setWhatsThis( tr("The thumbnails will be arranged on a table.") +" "+ tr("This option specifies the number of rows of the table.") ); osd_check->setWhatsThis( tr("If you check this option, the playing time will be displayed at the bottom of each thumbnail.") ); aspect_ratio_combo->setWhatsThis( tr("If the aspect ratio of the video is wrong, you can specify a different one here.") ); initial_step_spin->setWhatsThis( tr("Usually the first frames are black, so it's a good idea to skip some seconds at the beginning of the video. " "This option allows to specify how many seconds will be skipped.") ); max_width_spin->setWhatsThis( tr("This option specifies the maximum width in pixels that the generated preview image will have.") ); format_combo->setWhatsThis( tr("Some frames will be extracted from the video in order to create the preview. Here you can choose " "the image format for the extracted frames. PNG may give better quality.") ); layout()->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); } VideoPreviewConfigDialog::~VideoPreviewConfigDialog() { } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setVideoFile(const QString & video_file) { filename_edit->setText(video_file); } QString VideoPreviewConfigDialog::videoFile() { return filename_edit->text(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setDVDDevice(const QString & dvd_device) { dvd_device_edit->setText(dvd_device); } QString VideoPreviewConfigDialog::DVDDevice() { return dvd_device_edit->text(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setCols(int cols) { columns_spin->setValue(cols); } int VideoPreviewConfigDialog::cols() { return columns_spin->value(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setRows(int rows) { rows_spin->setValue(rows); } int VideoPreviewConfigDialog::rows() { return rows_spin->value(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setInitialStep(int step) { initial_step_spin->setValue(step); } int VideoPreviewConfigDialog::initialStep() { return initial_step_spin->value(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setMaxWidth(int w) { max_width_spin->setValue(w); } int VideoPreviewConfigDialog::maxWidth() { return max_width_spin->value(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setDisplayOSD(bool b) { osd_check->setChecked(b); } bool VideoPreviewConfigDialog::displayOSD() { return osd_check->isChecked(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setAspectRatio(double asp) { int idx = aspect_ratio_combo->findData(asp); if (idx < 0) idx = 0; aspect_ratio_combo->setCurrentIndex(idx); } double VideoPreviewConfigDialog::aspectRatio() { int idx = aspect_ratio_combo->currentIndex(); return aspect_ratio_combo->itemData(idx).toDouble(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::setFormat(VideoPreview::ExtractFormat format) { int idx = format_combo->findData(format); if (idx < 0) idx = 0; format_combo->setCurrentIndex(idx); } VideoPreview::ExtractFormat VideoPreviewConfigDialog::format() { int idx = format_combo->currentIndex(); return (VideoPreview::ExtractFormat) format_combo->itemData(idx).toInt(); } void VideoPreviewConfigDialog::filenameChanged(const QString & text) { qDebug("VideoPreviewConfigDialog::filenameChanged"); bool b = text.startsWith("dvd:"); dvd_device_label->setVisible(b); dvd_device_edit->setVisible(b); } #include "moc_videopreviewconfigdialog.cpp"