/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2013, Cyril Soler * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RsAutoUpdatePage.h" #include "PopupDistantChatDialog.h" #define IMAGE_RED_LED ":/icons/bullet_red_64.png" #define IMAGE_YEL_LED ":/icons/bullet_yellow_64.png" #define IMAGE_GRN_LED ":/icons/bullet_green_64.png" #define IMAGE_GRY_LED ":/icons/bullet_grey_64.png" PopupDistantChatDialog::~PopupDistantChatDialog() { _update_timer->stop() ; delete _update_timer ; } PopupDistantChatDialog::PopupDistantChatDialog(const DistantChatPeerId& tunnel_id,QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags) : PopupChatDialog(parent,flags) { _tunnel_id = tunnel_id ; _status_label = new QToolButton ; _update_timer = new QTimer ; _status_label->setAutoRaise(true); _status_label->setIconSize(QSize(24,24)); _update_timer->setInterval(1000) ; QObject::connect(_update_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(updateDisplay())) ; _update_timer->start() ; getChatWidget()->addChatBarWidget(_status_label) ; updateDisplay() ; } void PopupDistantChatDialog::init(const DistantChatPeerId &peer_id) { _tunnel_id = peer_id; DistantChatPeerInfo tinfo; if(!rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(_tunnel_id,tinfo)) return ; RsIdentityDetails iddetails ; if(rsIdentity->getIdDetails(tinfo.to_id,iddetails)) PopupChatDialog::init(ChatId(peer_id), QString::fromUtf8(iddetails.mNickname.c_str())) ; else PopupChatDialog::init(ChatId(peer_id), QString::fromStdString(tinfo.to_id.toStdString())) ; // Do not use setOwnId, because we don't want the user to change the GXS avatar from the chat window // it will not be transmitted. ui.ownAvatarWidget->setOwnId() ; // sets the flag ui.ownAvatarWidget->setId(ChatId(peer_id)) ; // sets the actual Id } void PopupDistantChatDialog::updateDisplay() { if(RsAutoUpdatePage::eventsLocked()) // we need to do that by end, because it's not possible to derive from both PopupChatDialog and RsAutoUpdatePage return ; // which both derive from QObject. Signals-slot connexions won't work anymore. if(!isVisible()) return ; //std::cerr << "Checking tunnel..." ; // make sure about the tunnel status // DistantChatPeerInfo tinfo; rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(_tunnel_id,tinfo) ; ui.avatarWidget->setId(ChatId(_tunnel_id)); QString msg; switch(tinfo.status) { case RS_DISTANT_CHAT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: //std::cerr << "Unknown hash. Error!" << std::endl; _status_label->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_GRY_LED)) ; msg = tr("Chat remotely closed. Please close this window."); _status_label->setToolTip(msg) ; getChatWidget()->updateStatusString("%1", msg, true); getChatWidget()->blockSending(tr("Can't send message, because there is no tunnel.")); setPeerStatus(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE) ; break ; case RS_DISTANT_CHAT_STATUS_REMOTELY_CLOSED: std::cerr << "Chat remotely closed. " << std::endl; _status_label->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_RED_LED)) ; _status_label->setToolTip(QObject::tr("Distant peer has closed the chat")) ; getChatWidget()->updateStatusString("%1", tr("The person you're talking to has deleted the secured chat tunnel. You may remove the chat window now."), true); getChatWidget()->blockSending(tr("Can't send message, because the chat partner deleted the secure tunnel.")); setPeerStatus(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE) ; break ; case RS_DISTANT_CHAT_STATUS_TUNNEL_DN: //std::cerr << "Tunnel asked. Waiting for reponse. " << std::endl; _status_label->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_RED_LED)) ; msg = QObject::tr("Tunnel is pending..."); _status_label->setToolTip(msg) ; getChatWidget()->updateStatusString("%1", msg, true); getChatWidget()->blockSending(msg); setPeerStatus(RS_STATUS_OFFLINE) ; break ; case RS_DISTANT_CHAT_STATUS_CAN_TALK: //std::cerr << "Tunnel is ok and data is transmitted." << std::endl; _status_label->setIcon(QIcon(IMAGE_GRN_LED)) ; msg = QObject::tr("Secured tunnel is working. You can talk!"); _status_label->setToolTip(msg) ; getChatWidget()->unblockSending(); setPeerStatus(RS_STATUS_ONLINE) ; break ; } } void PopupDistantChatDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *e) { //std::cerr << "Closing window => closing distant chat for hash " << _pid << std::endl; DistantChatPeerInfo tinfo ; rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(_tunnel_id,tinfo) ; if(tinfo.status != RS_DISTANT_CHAT_STATUS_REMOTELY_CLOSED) { QString msg = tr("Closing this window will end the conversation, notify the peer and remove the encrypted tunnel.") ; if(QMessageBox::Ok == QMessageBox::critical(NULL,tr("Kill the tunnel?"),msg, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Cancel)) rsMsgs->closeDistantChatConnexion(_tunnel_id) ; else { e->ignore() ; return ; } } e->accept() ; PopupChatDialog::closeEvent(e) ; } QString PopupDistantChatDialog::getPeerName(const ChatId &/*id*/) const { DistantChatPeerInfo tinfo; rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(_tunnel_id,tinfo) ; RsIdentityDetails details ; if(rsIdentity->getIdDetails(tinfo.to_id,details)) return QString::fromUtf8( details.mNickname.c_str() ) ; else return QString::fromStdString(tinfo.to_id.toStdString()) ; } QString PopupDistantChatDialog::getOwnName() const { DistantChatPeerInfo tinfo; rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(_tunnel_id,tinfo) ; RsIdentityDetails details ; if(rsIdentity->getIdDetails(tinfo.own_id,details)) return QString::fromUtf8( details.mNickname.c_str() ) ; else return QString::fromStdString(tinfo.own_id.toStdString()) ; }