@echo off


:: Initialize environment
call "%~dp0env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env
call "%EnvPath%\env.bat"
if errorlevel 1 goto error_env

%cecho% info "Build libraries"
call "%~dp0build-libs\build-libs.bat"
if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Failed to build libraries." & exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%

%cecho% info "Build %SourceName%"
call "%~dp0build\build.bat" release autologin webui plugins nativedialogs service
if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Failed to build %SourceName%." & exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%

%cecho% info "Pack %SourceName%"
call "%~dp0build\pack.bat" release webui plugins service
if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Failed to pack %SourceName%." & exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%

%cecho% info "Build installer"
call "%~dp0build\build-installer.bat"
if errorlevel 1 %cecho% error "Failed to build installer." & exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%

exit /B 0

echo Failed to initialize environment.
exit /B 1