/* * "$Id: pqistrings.cc,v 1.1 2007-02-19 20:08:30 rmf24 Exp $" * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "pqi/pqi.h" #include "pqi/pqinetwork.h" /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) #include "pqi/xpgpcert.h" #else /* X509 Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #include "pqi/sslcert.h" #endif /* X509 Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #include "rsserver/pqistrings.h" #include #include #include #include /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) std::string getXPGPInfo(XPGP *cert); #endif /* XPGP Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ std::string get_status_string(int status) { std::string sstr(""); if (status & PERSON_STATUS_CONNECTED) { sstr += "Online"; return sstr; } if (!(status & PERSON_STATUS_ACCEPTED)) { sstr += "Denied Access"; return sstr; } if (status & PERSON_STATUS_INUSE) { sstr += "Connecting"; /* if (status & PERSON_STATUS_WILL_LISTEN) { sstr += "Listening"; } sstr += "/"; if (status & PERSON_STATUS_WILL_CONNECT) { sstr += "Connecting"; } sstr += "]"; */ return sstr; } sstr += "Unknown"; return sstr; } std::string get_neighbourstatus_string(Person *p) { // if connected - show how long // if !autoconnected - tick to connect. // // if connecting. // show time to next connect attempt. // else show the last connect time. std::ostringstream connstr; connstr << "Last Conn/Recv: "; int lct = time(NULL) - p -> lc_timestamp; int lrt = time(NULL) - p -> lr_timestamp; if (lct < 100000000) { connstr << get_timeperiod_string(lct); } else { connstr << "Never"; } connstr << "/"; if (lrt < 100000000) { connstr << get_timeperiod_string(lrt); } else { connstr << "Never"; } return connstr.str(); } int get_lastconnecttime(Person *p) { std::ostringstream connstr; int lct = time(NULL) - p -> lc_timestamp; int lrt = time(NULL) - p -> lr_timestamp; if (lrt < lct) { lct = lrt; } return lct; } std::string get_lastconnecttime_string(Person *p) { int lct = get_lastconnecttime(p); if (lct < 32000000) { return get_timeperiod_string(lct); } else { return std::string("Never"); } } std::string get_autoconnect_string(Person *p) { // if connected - show how long // if !autoconnected - tick to connect. // // if connecting. // show time to next connect attempt. // else show the last connect time. std::ostringstream connstr; Person *own = getSSLRoot() -> getOwnCert(); if (p == own) { connstr << "Yourself"; return connstr.str(); } if (p -> Connected()) { /* long ct = p->lc_timestamp; if (ct < p->lr_timestamp) ct = p->lr_timestamp; connstr << "Online: " << get_timeperiod_string(time(NULL) - ct); */ connstr << "Online"; } else if (p -> Manual()) { if (p->trustLvl < TRUST_SIGN_AUTHEN) { connstr << "Please Authenticate"; } else { connstr << "Tick to Connect"; } } else { connstr << "Offline"; } /* else if (p -> WillConnect()) { connstr << "Connect in:"; connstr << get_timeperiod_string(p->nc_timestamp - time(NULL)); } else { connstr << "Last Conn:"; long ct = p->lc_timestamp; if (ct < p->lr_timestamp) { ct = p->lr_timestamp; connstr << "(I):"; } else { connstr << "(O):"; } connstr << get_timeperiod_string(time(NULL) - ct); } */ return connstr.str(); } std::string get_trust_string(Person *p) { std::ostringstream srvstr; /* This is now changing to display 2 things. * * (1) - Proxy * (2) - Auth Level. */ Person *own = getSSLRoot() -> getOwnCert(); if (p == own) { srvstr << "Yourself"; // Certificate"; return srvstr.str(); } switch(p -> trustLvl) { case TRUST_SIGN_OWN: srvstr << "Auth (S)"; //Good: Own Signature"; break; case TRUST_SIGN_TRSTED: srvstr << "Trusted (ST)"; //Good: Trusted Signer"; break; case TRUST_SIGN_AUTHEN: srvstr << "Auth"; //Good: Authenticated"; break; case TRUST_SIGN_BASIC: srvstr << "Untrusted"; // : Acquaintance "; break; case TRUST_SIGN_UNTRUSTED: srvstr << "Unknown (2)"; break; case TRUST_SIGN_UNKNOWN: srvstr << "Unknown (1)"; break; case TRUST_SIGN_NONE: srvstr << "Unknown (0)"; break; case TRUST_SIGN_BAD: /* not checked yet */ srvstr << "Not Avail"; break; default: srvstr << "UNKNOWN"; break; } return srvstr.str(); } std::string get_server_string(Person *p) { std::ostringstream srvstr; if ((0 == inaddr_cmp(p -> serveraddr, 0)) || (p -> Local())) { if (0 == inaddr_cmp(p -> localaddr, 0)) { srvstr << "Unknown Addr"; } else { srvstr << "L: " << inet_ntoa(p -> localaddr.sin_addr); srvstr << ":" << ntohs(p -> localaddr.sin_port); } } else { srvstr << "S: " << inet_ntoa(p -> serveraddr.sin_addr); srvstr << ":" << ntohs(p -> serveraddr.sin_port); } // need own cert! Person *own = getSSLRoot() -> getOwnCert(); if ((isValidNet(&(p->serveraddr.sin_addr))) && (!isPrivateNet(&(p->serveraddr.sin_addr))) && (!sameNet(&(own->localaddr.sin_addr), &(p->serveraddr.sin_addr)))) { srvstr << " (Proxy-S) "; } else if ((!p->Firewalled()) && (isValidNet(&(p->localaddr.sin_addr))) && (!isPrivateNet(&(p->localaddr.sin_addr))) && (!sameNet(&(own->localaddr.sin_addr), &(p->localaddr.sin_addr)))) { srvstr << " (Proxy-L) "; } return srvstr.str(); } const int sec_per_min = 60; const int sec_per_hour = 3600; const int sec_per_day = 3600 * 24; std::string get_timeperiod_string(int secs) { int days = secs / sec_per_day; secs -= days * sec_per_day; int hours = secs / sec_per_hour; secs -= hours * sec_per_hour; int mins = secs / sec_per_min; secs -= mins * sec_per_min; std::ostringstream srvstr; if (days > 0) { srvstr << days << " days "; } else if (hours > 0) { srvstr << hours << ":" << mins << " hours"; } else { srvstr << mins << ":" << secs << " min"; } return srvstr.str(); } std::string get_neighbour_info(cert *c) { std::ostringstream ostr; /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) ostr << getX509CNString(c -> certificate -> subject -> subject); #else /* X509 Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ ostr << getX509CNString(c -> certificate -> cert_info -> subject); #endif /* X509 Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ ostr << "\t" << get_neighbourstatus_string(c); return ostr.str(); } std::string get_cert_info(cert *c) { std::ostringstream ostr; ostr << "************ Certificate **************" << std::endl; /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) ostr << getXPGPInfo(c -> certificate); #else /* X509 Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ ostr << getX509Info(c -> certificate); #endif /* X509 Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ ostr << "********** Connection Info ************" << std::endl; ostr << "Local Addr : " << inet_ntoa(c -> localaddr.sin_addr); ostr << ":" << ntohs(c -> localaddr.sin_port) << std::endl; ostr << "Server Addr : " << inet_ntoa(c -> serveraddr.sin_addr); ostr << ":" << ntohs(c -> serveraddr.sin_port) << std::endl; ostr << "FLAGS: "; if (!c -> Firewalled()) { ostr << "Not "; } ostr << "Firewalled, "; if (!c -> Forwarded()) { ostr << "Not "; } ostr << "Forwarded" << std::endl; ostr << std::endl; ostr << "Last Connect Addr: " << inet_ntoa(c -> lastaddr.sin_addr); ostr << ":" << ntohs(c -> lastaddr.sin_port) << std::endl; ostr << "Last Connect Time: "; ostr << get_timeperiod_string(time(NULL) - c -> lc_timestamp); ostr << std::endl; ostr << "Last Receive Time: "; ostr << get_timeperiod_string(time(NULL) - c -> lr_timestamp); ostr << std::endl; ostr << std::endl; ostr << "Next Connect in : "; ostr << get_timeperiod_string(c->nc_timestamp - time(NULL)); ostr << std::endl; ostr << "AutoConnect: " << get_autoconnect_string(c); ostr << std::endl; ostr << "***************************************" << std::endl; return ostr.str(); } std::string getX509Info(X509 *cert) { // Details from the structure // cert_info (X509_CINF *) // sig_alg (X509_ALGOR *) // signature (ASN1_BIT_STRING *) // valid (int) // references (int) // name (char *) // // random flags // // skid (ASN1_OCTET_STRING *) // akid (AUTHORITY_KEYID *) // aux (X509_CERT_AUX *) std::string certstr; char numstr[1000]; sprintf(numstr, "%ld", ASN1_INTEGER_get(cert -> cert_info -> version)); certstr += "Version: "; certstr += numstr; sprintf(numstr, "%ld", ASN1_INTEGER_get(cert -> cert_info -> serialNumber)); certstr += "\nSerial Number: "; certstr += numstr; // switch(cert -> cert_info -> signature) // { // case STANDRD: // certstr += "\nSig Algorithm: Standard"; // break; // default: // certstr += "\nSig Algorithm: Unknown"; // break; // } // certstr += "\nSubject:\n"; certstr += getX509NameString(cert -> cert_info -> subject); // Validity in Here. cert -> cert_info -> validity; certstr += "\nIssuer:\n"; certstr += getX509NameString(cert -> cert_info -> issuer); // Key cert -> cert_info -> key; // // IDS + extensions. cert -> cert_info -> issuerUID/subjectUID; // cert -> cert_info -> extensions; // END OF INFO. // Next sigalg again? // next sig... certstr += "\nSignature:"; for(int i = 0; i < cert -> signature -> length;) { if (i % 128 == 0) { certstr += "\n\t"; } char hbyte = 0; for(int j = 0; (j < 4) && (i < cert -> signature -> length); j++, i++) { hbyte = hbyte << 1; if (ASN1_BIT_STRING_get_bit(cert -> signature, i) == 1) { hbyte++; //std::cerr << "1"; } else { //std::cerr << "0"; } } if (hbyte > 9) { certstr += ('a' + (hbyte - 10)); } else { certstr += ('0' + hbyte); } //std::cerr << " " << i << " " << (char) ('0' + hbyte); //std::cerr << " " << (int) hbyte << std::endl; } sprintf(numstr, "%d/%d", cert -> valid, cert -> references); certstr += "\nValid/References: "; certstr += numstr; certstr += "\n"; // That will do for now. return certstr; } /* Helper function to convert a Epoch Timestamp * into a string. */ static const char *TIME_FORMAT_STR_BRIEF = "%H:%M:%S"; static const char *TIME_FORMAT_STR_OLDVAGUE_NOW = "%H:%M:%S"; static const char *TIME_FORMAT_STR_OLDVAGUE_WEEK = "%a %H:%M"; static const char *TIME_FORMAT_STR_OLDVAGUE_OLD = "%a, %d %b"; static const char *TIME_FORMAT_STR_LONG = "%c"; static const char *TIME_FORMAT_STR_NORMAL = "%a, %H:%M:%S"; std::string timeFormat(int epoch, int format) { time_t ctime = epoch; struct tm *stime = localtime(&ctime); size_t msize = 1024; char space[msize]; const char *fmtstr = NULL; if (format == TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE) { int itime = time(NULL); int delta = abs(itime - ctime); if (delta < 12 * 3600) { format = TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE_NOW; } else if (delta < 3 * 24 * 3600) { format = TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE_WEEK; } else { format = TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE_OLD; } } switch(format) { case TIME_FORMAT_BRIEF: fmtstr = TIME_FORMAT_STR_BRIEF; break; case TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE_NOW: fmtstr = TIME_FORMAT_STR_OLDVAGUE_NOW; break; case TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE_WEEK: fmtstr = TIME_FORMAT_STR_OLDVAGUE_WEEK; break; case TIME_FORMAT_OLDVAGUE_OLD: fmtstr = TIME_FORMAT_STR_OLDVAGUE_OLD; break; case TIME_FORMAT_LONG: fmtstr = TIME_FORMAT_STR_LONG; break; case TIME_FORMAT_NORMAL: default: fmtstr = TIME_FORMAT_STR_NORMAL; break; } if (fmtstr != NULL) // Short -> Only Time. { int usize = strftime(space, msize, fmtstr, stime); if (usize > 0) return std::string(space); } return std::string(""); } /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) std::string getXPGPInfo(XPGP *cert) { std::stringstream out; long l; int i,j; out << "XPGP Certificate:" << std::endl; l=XPGP_get_version(cert); out << " Version: " << l+1 << "(0x" << l << ")" << std::endl; out << " Subject: " << std::endl; out << " " << getX509NameString(cert -> subject -> subject); out << std::endl; out << std::endl; out << " Signatures:" << std::endl; for(i = 0; i < sk_XPGP_SIGNATURE_num(cert->signs); i++) { out << "Sign[" << i << "] -> ["; XPGP_SIGNATURE *sig = sk_XPGP_SIGNATURE_value(cert->signs,i); ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature = sig->signature; int signlen = ASN1_STRING_length(signature); unsigned char *signdata = ASN1_STRING_data(signature); /* only show the first 8 bytes */ if (signlen > 8) signlen = 8; for(j=0;jissuer); out << std::endl; out << std::endl; } return out.str(); } std::string getXPGPAuthCode(XPGP *xpgp) { /* get the self signature -> the first signature */ std::stringstream out; if (1 > sk_XPGP_SIGNATURE_num(xpgp->signs)) { out.str(); } XPGP_SIGNATURE *sig = sk_XPGP_SIGNATURE_value(xpgp->signs,0); ASN1_BIT_STRING *signature = sig->signature; int signlen = ASN1_STRING_length(signature); unsigned char *signdata = ASN1_STRING_data(signature); /* extract the authcode from the signature */ /* convert it to a string, inverse of 2 bytes of signdata */ if (signlen > 2) signlen = 2; int j; for(j=0;j getXPGPsigners(XPGP *cert) { std::list signers; int i; for(i = 0; i < sk_XPGP_SIGNATURE_num(cert->signs); i++) { XPGP_SIGNATURE *sig = sk_XPGP_SIGNATURE_value(cert->signs,i); std::string str = getX509CNString(sig->issuer); signers.push_back(str); std::cerr << "XPGPsigners(" << i << ")" << str << std::endl; } return signers; } #endif /* XPGP Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ std::string get_cert_name(cert *c) { /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) return getX509CNString(c->certificate->subject -> subject); #else return getX509CNString(c->certificate->cert_info -> subject); #endif /* XPGP Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ } std::string get_cert_org(cert *c) { /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) return getX509OrgString(c->certificate->subject -> subject); #else return getX509OrgString(c->certificate->cert_info -> subject); #endif /* XPGP Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ } std::string get_cert_loc(cert *c) { /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) return getX509LocString(c->certificate->subject -> subject); #else return getX509LocString(c->certificate->cert_info -> subject); #endif /* XPGP Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ } std::string get_cert_country(cert *c) { /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ #if defined(PQI_USE_XPGP) return getX509CountryString(c->certificate->subject -> subject); #else return getX509CountryString(c->certificate->cert_info -> subject); #endif /* XPGP Certificates */ /**************** PQI_USE_XPGP ******************/ }