/* * libretroshare/src/rsserver: p3peers.cc * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2004-2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "util/radix64.h" #include "pgp/pgpkeyutil.h" #include "rsserver/p3peers.h" #include "rsserver/p3face.h" #include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h" #include "pqi/p3peermgr.h" #include "pqi/p3netmgr.h" #include "pqi/authssl.h" #include "pqi/authgpg.h" #include "retroshare/rsinit.h" #include "retroshare/rsfiles.h" #include "pgp/rscertificate.h" #include #include const std::string CERT_SSL_ID = "--SSLID--"; const std::string CERT_LOCATION = "--LOCATION--"; const std::string CERT_LOCAL_IP = "--LOCAL--"; const std::string CERT_EXT_IP = "--EXT--"; const std::string CERT_DYNDNS = "--DYNDNS--"; static const int MAX_TIME_KEEP_LOCATION_WITHOUT_CONTACT = 30*24*3600 ; // 30 days. #include "pqi/authssl.h" RsPeers *rsPeers = NULL; /******* * #define P3PEERS_DEBUG 1 *******/ //int ensureExtension(std::string &name, std::string def_ext); std::string RsPeerTrustString(uint32_t trustLvl) { std::string str; switch(trustLvl) { default: case RS_TRUST_LVL_UNKNOWN: str = "VALIDITY_UNKNOWN"; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_UNDEFINED: str = "VALIDITY_UNDEFINED"; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_NEVER: str = "VALIDITY_NEVER"; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_MARGINAL: str = "VALIDITY_MARGINAL"; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_FULL: str = "VALIDITY_FULL"; break; case RS_TRUST_LVL_ULTIMATE: str = "VALIDITY_ULTIMATE"; break; } return str; } std::string RsPeerNetModeString(uint32_t netModel) { std::string str; if (netModel == RS_NETMODE_EXT) { str = "External Port"; } else if (netModel == RS_NETMODE_UPNP) { str = "Ext (UPnP)"; } else if (netModel == RS_NETMODE_UDP) { str = "UDP Mode"; } else if (netModel == RS_NETMODE_HIDDEN) { str = "Hidden"; } else if (netModel == RS_NETMODE_UNREACHABLE) { str = "UDP Mode (Unreachable)"; } else { str = "Unknown NetMode"; } return str; } p3Peers::p3Peers(p3LinkMgr *lm, p3PeerMgr *pm, p3NetMgr *nm) :mLinkMgr(lm), mPeerMgr(pm), mNetMgr(nm) { return; } bool p3Peers::hasExportMinimal() { #ifdef GPGME_EXPORT_MODE_MINIMAL return true ; #else return false ; #endif } /* Updates ... */ bool p3Peers::FriendsChanged() { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::FriendsChanged()" << std::endl; #endif /* TODO */ return false; } bool p3Peers::OthersChanged() { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::OthersChanged()" << std::endl; #endif /* TODO */ return false; } /* Peer Details (Net & Auth) */ std::string p3Peers::getOwnId() { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getOwnId()" << std::endl; #endif return AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId(); } bool p3Peers::getOnlineList(std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getOnlineList()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mConnectMgr */ mLinkMgr->getOnlineList(ids); return true; } bool p3Peers::getFriendList(std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getFriendList()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mConnectMgr */ mLinkMgr->getFriendList(ids); return true; } //bool p3Peers::getOthersList(std::list &ids) //{ //#ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG // std::cerr << "p3Peers::getOthersList()"; // std::cerr << std::endl; //#endif // // /* get from mAuthMgr */ // AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->getAllList(ids); // return true; //} bool p3Peers::getPeerCount (unsigned int *friendCount, unsigned int *onlineCount, bool ssl) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerCount()" << std::endl; #endif if (friendCount) *friendCount = mPeerMgr->getFriendCount(ssl, false); if (onlineCount) *onlineCount = mPeerMgr->getFriendCount(ssl, true); return true; } bool p3Peers::isOnline(const std::string &id) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::isOnline() " << id << std::endl; #endif /* get from mConnectMgr */ peerConnectState state; if (mLinkMgr->getFriendNetStatus(id, state) && (state.state & RS_PEER_S_CONNECTED)) { return true; } return false; } bool p3Peers::isFriend(const std::string &ssl_id) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::isFriend() " << ssl_id << std::endl; #endif /* get from mConnectMgr */ return mPeerMgr->isFriend(ssl_id); } bool p3Peers::haveSecretKey(const std::string& id) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->haveSecretKey(id) ; } /* There are too many dependancies of this function * to shift it immeidately */ bool p3Peers::getPeerDetails(const std::string &id, RsPeerDetails &d) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerDetails() called for id : " << id << std::endl; #endif // NOW Only for SSL Details. std::string sOwnId = AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId(); peerState ps; if (id == sOwnId) { mPeerMgr->getOwnNetStatus(ps); ps.gpg_id = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId(); } else { if (!mPeerMgr->getFriendNetStatus(id, ps)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerDetails() ERROR not an SSL Id: " << id << std::endl; #endif bool res = getGPGDetails(id, d); d.isOnlyGPGdetail = true; if(id.length() == 16) d.service_perm_flags = mPeerMgr->servicePermissionFlags(id) ; else if(id.length() == 32) d.service_perm_flags = mPeerMgr->servicePermissionFlags_sslid(id) ; else { std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerDetails() ERROR not an correct Id: " << id << std::endl; d.service_perm_flags = RS_SERVICE_PERM_NONE ; } return res ; } } /* get from gpg (first), to fill in the sign and trust details */ /* don't retrun now, we've got fill in the ssl and connection info */ getGPGDetails(ps.gpg_id, d); d.isOnlyGPGdetail = false; //get the ssl details d.id = id; d.location = ps.location; d.service_perm_flags = mPeerMgr->servicePermissionFlags(ps.gpg_id) ; /* generate */ d.authcode = "AUTHCODE"; /* fill from pcs */ d.lastConnect = ps.lastcontact; d.connectPeriod = 0; if (ps.hiddenNode) { d.isHiddenNode = true; rs_sprintf(d.hiddenNodeAddress, "%s:%u", ps.hiddenDomain.c_str(), ps.hiddenPort); d.localAddr = "hidden"; d.localPort = 0; d.extAddr = "hidden"; d.extPort = 0; d.dyndns = ""; } else { d.isHiddenNode = false; d.hiddenNodeAddress = ""; d.localAddr = sockaddr_storage_iptostring(ps.localaddr); d.localPort = sockaddr_storage_port(ps.localaddr); d.extAddr = sockaddr_storage_iptostring(ps.serveraddr); d.extPort = sockaddr_storage_port(ps.serveraddr); d.dyndns = ps.dyndns; std::list::iterator it; for(it = ps.ipAddrs.mLocal.mAddrs.begin(); it != ps.ipAddrs.mLocal.mAddrs.end(); it++) { std::string toto; toto += "L:"; toto += sockaddr_storage_tostring(it->mAddr); rs_sprintf_append(toto, " %ld sec", time(NULL) - it->mSeenTime); d.ipAddressList.push_back(toto); } for(it = ps.ipAddrs.mExt.mAddrs.begin(); it != ps.ipAddrs.mExt.mAddrs.end(); it++) { std::string toto; toto += "E:"; toto += sockaddr_storage_tostring(it->mAddr); rs_sprintf_append(toto, " %ld sec", time(NULL) - it->mSeenTime); d.ipAddressList.push_back(toto); } } switch(ps.netMode & RS_NET_MODE_ACTUAL) { case RS_NET_MODE_EXT: d.netMode = RS_NETMODE_EXT; break; case RS_NET_MODE_UPNP: d.netMode = RS_NETMODE_UPNP; break; case RS_NET_MODE_UDP: d.netMode = RS_NETMODE_UDP; break; case RS_NET_MODE_HIDDEN: d.netMode = RS_NETMODE_HIDDEN; break; case RS_NET_MODE_UNREACHABLE: case RS_NET_MODE_UNKNOWN: default: d.netMode = RS_NETMODE_UNREACHABLE; break; } d.visState = 0; if (!(ps.visState & RS_VIS_STATE_NODISC)) { d.visState |= RS_VS_DISC_ON; } if (!(ps.visState & RS_VIS_STATE_NODHT)) { d.visState |= RS_VS_DHT_ON; } /* Translate */ peerConnectState pcs; if (!mLinkMgr->getFriendNetStatus(id, pcs)) { if(id != sOwnId) std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerDetails() ERROR No Link Information : " << id << std::endl; return true; } #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerDetails() got a SSL id and is returning SSL and GPG details for id : " << id << std::endl; #endif d.state = 0; if (pcs.state & RS_PEER_S_FRIEND) d.state |= RS_PEER_STATE_FRIEND; if (pcs.state & RS_PEER_S_ONLINE) d.state |= RS_PEER_STATE_ONLINE; if (pcs.state & RS_PEER_S_CONNECTED) d.state |= RS_PEER_STATE_CONNECTED; if (pcs.state & RS_PEER_S_UNREACHABLE) d.state |= RS_PEER_STATE_UNREACHABLE; d.linkType = pcs.linkType; /* Finally determine AutoConnect Status */ d.foundDHT = pcs.dht.found; d.connectState = RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_OFFLINE; d.connectStateString.clear(); if (pcs.inConnAttempt) { if (pcs.currentConnAddrAttempt.type & RS_NET_CONN_TCP_ALL) { d.connectState = RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_TRYING_TCP; d.connectStateString = sockaddr_storage_tostring(pcs.currentConnAddrAttempt.addr); } else if (pcs.currentConnAddrAttempt.type & RS_NET_CONN_UDP_ALL) { d.connectState = RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_TRYING_UDP; d.connectStateString = sockaddr_storage_tostring(pcs.currentConnAddrAttempt.addr); } } else if (pcs.state & RS_PEER_S_CONNECTED) { if (pcs.connecttype == RS_NET_CONN_TCP_ALL) { d.connectState = RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_CONNECTED_TCP; } else if (pcs.connecttype == RS_NET_CONN_UDP_ALL) { d.connectState = RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_CONNECTED_UDP; } else { d.connectState = RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_CONNECTED_UNKNOWN; } } d.wasDeniedConnection = pcs.wasDeniedConnection; d.deniedTS = pcs.deniedTS; return true; } bool p3Peers::isKeySupported(const std::string& id) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isKeySupported(id); } std::string p3Peers::getGPGName(const std::string &gpg_id) { /* get from mAuthMgr as it should have more peers? */ return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGName(gpg_id); } bool p3Peers::isGPGAccepted(const std::string &gpg_id_is_friend) { /* get from mAuthMgr as it should have more peers? */ return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGAccepted(gpg_id_is_friend); } std::string p3Peers::getPeerName(const std::string &ssl_or_gpg_id) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerName() " << ssl_or_gpg_id << std::endl; #endif std::string name; if (ssl_or_gpg_id == AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId()) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnName(); } if (mPeerMgr->getPeerName(ssl_or_gpg_id, name)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPeerName() got a ssl id. Name is : " << name << std::endl; #endif return name; } return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGName(ssl_or_gpg_id); } bool p3Peers::getGPGAllList(std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getGPGAllList()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mAuthMgr */ AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGAllList(ids); return true; } bool p3Peers::getGPGValidList(std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPGPOthersList()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mAuthMgr */ AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGValidList(ids); return true; } bool p3Peers::getGPGSignedList(std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPGPOthersList()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mAuthMgr */ AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGSignedList(ids); return true; } bool p3Peers::getGPGAcceptedList(std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getGPGAcceptedList()" << std::endl; #endif AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGAcceptedList(ids); return true; } bool p3Peers::getAssociatedSSLIds(const std::string &gpg_id, std::list &ids) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getAssociatedSSLIds() for id : " << gpg_id << std::endl; #endif return mPeerMgr->getAssociatedPeers(gpg_id, ids); } bool p3Peers::gpgSignData(const void *data, const uint32_t len, unsigned char *sign, unsigned int *signlen) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->SignDataBin(data,len,sign,signlen); } bool p3Peers::getGPGDetails(const std::string &id, RsPeerDetails &d) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPgpDetails() called for id : " << id << std::endl; #endif /* get from mAuthMgr */ return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGDetails(id, d); } std::string p3Peers::getGPGOwnId() { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPGPOwnId()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mAuthMgr */ return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId(); } std::string p3Peers::getGPGId(const std::string &sslid_or_gpgid) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPGPId()" << std::endl; #endif /* get from mAuthMgr */ if (sslid_or_gpgid == AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId()) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId(); } peerState pcs; if (mPeerMgr->getFriendNetStatus(sslid_or_gpgid, pcs) || mPeerMgr->getOthersNetStatus(sslid_or_gpgid, pcs)) { return pcs.gpg_id; } else { if ( AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGId(sslid_or_gpgid)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getPGPId() given id is already an gpg id : " << sslid_or_gpgid << std::endl; #endif return sslid_or_gpgid; } } return ""; } /* These Functions are now the only way to authorize a new gpg user... * if we are passed a ssl_id, then use it... otherwise just auth gpg_id */ /* Add/Remove Friends */ bool p3Peers::addFriend(const std::string &ssl_id, const std::string &gpg_id,ServicePermissionFlags perm_flags) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addFriend() with : id : " << id << "; gpg_id : " << gpg_id << std::endl; #endif if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGId(gpg_id)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addFriend() Authorising GPG Id: " << gpg_id << std::endl; #endif if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->AllowConnection(gpg_id, true)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addFriend() Authorization OK." << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addFriend() Authorization FAILED." << std::endl; #endif return false; } } else { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addFriend() Bad gpg_id : " << gpg_id << std::endl; #endif return false; } if (ssl_id == gpg_id || ssl_id == "") { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addFriend() WARNING id is NULL or gpgId" << std::endl; #endif return true; } /* otherwise - we install as ssl_id..... * If we are adding an SSL certificate. we flag lastcontact as now. * This will cause the SSL certificate to be retained for 30 days... and give the person a chance to connect! * */ time_t now = time(NULL); return mPeerMgr->addFriend(ssl_id, gpg_id, RS_NET_MODE_UDP, RS_VIS_STATE_STD, now, perm_flags); } bool p3Peers::removeKeysFromPGPKeyring(const std::list& pgp_ids,std::string& backup_file,uint32_t& error_code) { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->removeKeysFromPGPKeyring(pgp_ids,backup_file,error_code) ; } bool p3Peers::removeFriendLocation(const std::string &sslId) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriendLocation() " << sslId << std::endl; #endif //will remove if it's a ssl id mPeerMgr->removeFriend(sslId, false); return true; } bool p3Peers::removeFriend(const std::string &gpgId) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriend() " << gpgId << std::endl; #endif if (gpgId == AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId()) { std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriend() ERROR we're not going to remove our own GPG id." << std::endl; return false; } if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->isGPGId(gpgId)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriend() Removing GPG Id: " << gpgId << std::endl; #endif if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->AllowConnection(gpgId, false)) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriend() OK." << std::endl; #endif mPeerMgr->removeAllFriendLocations(gpgId); return true; } else { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriend() FAILED." << std::endl; #endif mPeerMgr->removeAllFriendLocations(gpgId); return false; } } else { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeFriend() Not GPG Id: " << gpg_id << std::endl; #endif return removeFriendLocation(gpgId); } return false; } /* Network Stuff */ bool p3Peers::connectAttempt(const std::string &id) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::connectAttempt() " << id << std::endl; #endif return mLinkMgr->retryConnect(id); } void p3Peers::getIPServersList(std::list& ip_servers) { mNetMgr->getIPServersList(ip_servers) ; } void p3Peers::allowServerIPDetermination(bool b) { mNetMgr->setIPServersEnabled(b) ; } bool p3Peers::getAllowServerIPDetermination() { return mNetMgr->getIPServersEnabled() ; } bool p3Peers::setLocation(const std::string &ssl_id, const std::string &location) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setLocation() " << ssl_id << std::endl; #endif return mPeerMgr->setLocation(ssl_id, location); } bool p3Peers::setHiddenNode(const std::string &id, const std::string &hidden_node_address) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setHiddenNode() " << id << std::endl; #endif size_t cpos = hidden_node_address.rfind(':'); if (cpos == std::string::npos) { std::cerr << "p3Peers::setHiddenNode() Failed to parse (:) " << hidden_node_address << std::endl; return false; } int lenport = hidden_node_address.length() - (cpos + 1); // +1 to skip over : char. if (lenport <= 0) { std::cerr << "p3Peers::setHiddenNode() Missing Port: " << hidden_node_address << std::endl; return false; } std::string domain = hidden_node_address.substr(0, cpos); std::string port = hidden_node_address.substr(cpos + 1, std::string::npos); int portint = atoi(port.c_str()); if ((portint < 0) || (portint > 65535)) { std::cerr << "p3Peers::setHiddenNode() Invalid Port: " << hidden_node_address << std::endl; return false; } std::cerr << "p3Peers::setHiddenNode() Domain: " << domain << " Port: " << portint; std::cerr << std::endl; mPeerMgr->setNetworkMode(id, RS_NET_MODE_HIDDEN); mPeerMgr->setHiddenDomainPort(id, domain, (uint16_t) portint); return true; } bool p3Peers::setLocalAddress(const std::string &id, const std::string &addr_str, uint16_t port) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setLocalAddress() " << id << std::endl; #endif struct sockaddr_storage addr; struct sockaddr_in *addrv4p = (struct sockaddr_in *) &addr; addrv4p->sin_family = AF_INET; addrv4p->sin_port = htons(port); int ret = 1; /********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART *******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS if (ret && (0 != inet_aton(addr_str.c_str(), &(addrv4p->sin_addr)))) #else addrv4p->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr_str.c_str()); if (ret) #endif /********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART *******************/ { return mPeerMgr->setLocalAddress(id, addr); } return false; } bool p3Peers::setExtAddress(const std::string &id, const std::string &addr_str, uint16_t port) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setExtAddress() " << id << std::endl; #endif // NOTE THIS IS IPV4 FOR NOW. struct sockaddr_storage addr; struct sockaddr_in *addrv4p = (struct sockaddr_in *) &addr; addrv4p->sin_family = AF_INET; addrv4p->sin_port = htons(port); int ret = 1; /********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART *******************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS if (ret && (0 != inet_aton(addr_str.c_str(), &(addrv4p->sin_addr)))) #else addrv4p->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr_str.c_str()); if (ret) #endif /********************************** WINDOWS/UNIX SPECIFIC PART *******************/ { return mPeerMgr->setExtAddress(id, addr); } return false; } bool p3Peers::setDynDNS(const std::string &id, const std::string &dyndns) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setDynDNS() called with id: " << id << " dyndns: " << dyndns <setDynDNS(id, dyndns); } bool p3Peers::setNetworkMode(const std::string &id, uint32_t extNetMode) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setNetworkMode() " << id << std::endl; #endif /* translate */ uint32_t netMode = 0; switch(extNetMode) { case RS_NETMODE_EXT: netMode = RS_NET_MODE_EXT; break; case RS_NETMODE_UPNP: netMode = RS_NET_MODE_UPNP; break; case RS_NETMODE_UDP: netMode = RS_NET_MODE_UDP; break; case RS_NETMODE_HIDDEN: netMode = RS_NET_MODE_HIDDEN; break; case RS_NETMODE_UNREACHABLE: netMode = RS_NET_MODE_UNREACHABLE; break; default: break; } return mPeerMgr->setNetworkMode(id, netMode); } bool p3Peers::setVisState(const std::string &id, uint32_t extVisState) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::setVisState() " << id << std::endl; #endif std::cerr << "p3Peers::setVisState() " << id << " " << extVisState << std::endl; uint32_t visState = 0; if (!(extVisState & RS_VS_DHT_ON)) visState |= RS_VIS_STATE_NODHT; if (!(extVisState & RS_VS_DISC_ON)) visState |= RS_VIS_STATE_NODISC; return mPeerMgr->setVisState(id, visState); } //=========================================================================== /* Auth Stuff */ std::string p3Peers::GetRetroshareInvite(bool include_signatures,bool old_format) { return GetRetroshareInvite(getOwnId(),include_signatures,old_format); } bool p3Peers::GetPGPBase64StringAndCheckSum( const std::string& gpg_id, std::string& gpg_base64_string, std::string& gpg_base64_checksum) { gpg_base64_string = "" ; gpg_base64_checksum = "" ; unsigned char *mem_block ; size_t mem_block_size ; if(!AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->exportPublicKey(PGPIdType(gpg_id),mem_block,mem_block_size,false,false)) return false ; Radix64::encode((const char *)mem_block,mem_block_size,gpg_base64_string) ; uint32_t crc = PGPKeyManagement::compute24bitsCRC((unsigned char *)mem_block,mem_block_size) ; unsigned char tmp[3] = { (crc >> 16) & 0xff, (crc >> 8) & 0xff, crc & 0xff } ; Radix64::encode((const char *)tmp,3,gpg_base64_checksum) ; delete[] mem_block ; return true ; } std::string p3Peers::GetRetroshareInvite(const std::string& ssl_id,bool include_signatures,bool old_format) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::GetRetroshareInvite()" << std::endl; #endif //add the sslid, location, ip local and external address after the signature RsPeerDetails Detail; std::string invite ; if (getPeerDetails(ssl_id, Detail)) { unsigned char *mem_block = NULL; size_t mem_block_size = 0; if(!AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->exportPublicKey(PGPIdType(Detail.gpg_id),mem_block,mem_block_size,false,include_signatures)) { std::cerr << "Cannot output certificate for id \"" << Detail.gpg_id << "\". Sorry." << std::endl; return "" ; } RsCertificate cert( Detail,mem_block,mem_block_size ) ; if(old_format) return cert.toStdString_oldFormat() ; else return cert.toStdString() ; } #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::GetRetroshareInvite() returns : \n" << invite << std::endl; #endif return invite; } //=========================================================================== bool p3Peers::loadCertificateFromString(const std::string& cert, std::string& ssl_id, std::string& gpg_id, std::string& error_string) { RsCertificate crt(cert) ; PGPIdType gpgid ; bool res = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->LoadCertificateFromString(crt.armouredPGPKey(),gpgid,error_string) ; gpg_id = gpgid.toStdString() ; ssl_id = crt.sslid_string() ; return res ; } bool p3Peers::loadDetailsFromStringCert(const std::string &certstr, RsPeerDetails &pd,uint32_t& error_code) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::LoadCertificateFromString() "; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif //parse the text to get ip address try { RsCertificate cert(certstr) ; if(!AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGDetailsFromBinaryBlock(cert.pgp_key(),cert.pgp_key_size(), pd.gpg_id,pd.name,pd.gpgSigners)) return false; #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "Parsing cert for sslid, location, ext and local address details. : " << certstr << std::endl; #endif pd.id = cert.sslid_string() ; pd.location = cert.location_name_string(); pd.isOnlyGPGdetail = pd.id.empty(); pd.service_perm_flags = RS_SERVICE_PERM_ALL ; if (pd.isHiddenNode) { pd.hiddenNodeAddress = cert.hidden_node_string(); } else { pd.localAddr = cert.loc_ip_string(); pd.localPort = cert.loc_port_us(); pd.extAddr = cert.ext_ip_string(); pd.extPort = cert.ext_port_us(); pd.dyndns = cert.dns_string() ; } } catch(uint32_t e) { std::cerr << "ConnectFriendWizard : Parse ip address error :" << e << std::endl; error_code = e; return false ; } if (pd.gpg_id == "") return false; else return true; } bool p3Peers::cleanCertificate(const std::string &certstr, std::string &cleanCert,int& error_code) { RsCertificate::Format format ; return RsCertificate::cleanCertificate(certstr,cleanCert,format,error_code) ; } bool p3Peers::saveCertificateToFile(const std::string &id, const std::string &/*fname*/) { /* remove unused parameter warnings */ (void) id; #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::SaveCertificateToFile() not implemented yet " << id; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // ensureExtension(fname, "pqi"); // // return AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->SaveCertificateToFile(id, fname); return false; } std::string p3Peers::saveCertificateToString(const std::string &id) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::SaveCertificateToString() " << id; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (id == AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId()) { return AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->SaveOwnCertificateToString(); } else { return ""; } } bool p3Peers::signGPGCertificate(const std::string &id) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::SignCertificate() " << id; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->AllowConnection(id, true); return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->SignCertificateLevel0(id); } bool p3Peers::trustGPGCertificate(const std::string &id, uint32_t trustlvl) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::TrustCertificate() " << id; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif //check if we've got a ssl or gpg id std::string gpgId = getGPGId(id); if (gpgId.empty()) { //if no result then it must be a gpg id return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->TrustCertificate(id, trustlvl); } else { return AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->TrustCertificate(gpgId, trustlvl); } } //int ensureExtension(std::string &name, std::string def_ext) //{ // /* if it has an extension, don't change */ // int len = name.length(); // int extpos = name.find_last_of('.'); // std::string out; // rs_sprintf_append(out, "ensureExtension() name: %s\n\t\t extpos: %d len: \n", name.c_str(), extpos, len); // /* check that the '.' has between 1 and 4 char after it (an extension) */ // if ((extpos > 0) && (extpos < len - 1) && (extpos + 6 > len)) // { // /* extension there */ // std::string curext = name.substr(extpos, len); // out += "ensureExtension() curext: " + curext; // std::cerr << out << std::endl; // return 0; // } // if (extpos != len - 1) // { // name += "."; // } // name += def_ext; // out += "ensureExtension() added ext: " + name; // std::cerr << out << std::endl; // return 1; //} /* Group Stuff */ bool p3Peers::addGroup(RsGroupInfo &groupInfo) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::addGroup()" << std::endl; #endif bool res = mPeerMgr->addGroup(groupInfo); rsFiles->updateSinceGroupPermissionsChanged() ; return res ; } bool p3Peers::editGroup(const std::string &groupId, RsGroupInfo &groupInfo) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::editGroup()" << std::endl; #endif bool res = mPeerMgr->editGroup(groupId, groupInfo); rsFiles->updateSinceGroupPermissionsChanged() ; return res ; } bool p3Peers::removeGroup(const std::string &groupId) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::removeGroup()" << std::endl; #endif bool res = mPeerMgr->removeGroup(groupId); rsFiles->updateSinceGroupPermissionsChanged() ; return res ; } bool p3Peers::getGroupInfo(const std::string &groupId, RsGroupInfo &groupInfo) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getGroupInfo()" << std::endl; #endif return mPeerMgr->getGroupInfo(groupId, groupInfo); } bool p3Peers::getGroupInfoList(std::list &groupInfoList) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::getGroupInfoList()" << std::endl; #endif return mPeerMgr->getGroupInfoList(groupInfoList); } bool p3Peers::assignPeerToGroup(const std::string &groupId, const std::string &peerId, bool assign) { std::list peerIds; peerIds.push_back(peerId); return assignPeersToGroup(groupId, peerIds, assign); } bool p3Peers::assignPeersToGroup(const std::string &groupId, const std::list &peerIds, bool assign) { #ifdef P3PEERS_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Peers::assignPeersToGroup()" << std::endl; #endif bool res = mPeerMgr->assignPeersToGroup(groupId, peerIds, assign); rsFiles->updateSinceGroupPermissionsChanged() ; return res ; } FileSearchFlags p3Peers::computePeerPermissionFlags(const std::string& peer_ssl_id, FileStorageFlags share_flags, const std::list& directory_parent_groups) { // We should be able to do that in O(1), using groups based on packs of bits. // // But for now, because the implementation of groups is not totally decided yet, we revert to this // very simple algorithm. // bool found = false ; std::string pgp_id = getGPGId(peer_ssl_id) ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(directory_parent_groups.begin());it!=directory_parent_groups.end() && !found;++it) { RsGroupInfo info ; if(!getGroupInfo(*it,info)) { std::cerr << "(EE) p3Peers::computePeerPermissionFlags: no group named " << *it << ": cannot get info." << std::endl; continue ; } for(std::list::const_iterator it2(info.peerIds.begin());it2!=info.peerIds.end() && !found;++it2) if(*it2 == pgp_id) found = true ; } bool network_wide = (share_flags & DIR_FLAGS_NETWORK_WIDE_OTHERS) ;//|| ( (share_flags & DIR_FLAGS_NETWORK_WIDE_GROUPS) && found) ; bool browsable = (share_flags & DIR_FLAGS_BROWSABLE_OTHERS) || ( (share_flags & DIR_FLAGS_BROWSABLE_GROUPS) && found) ; FileSearchFlags final_flags ; if(network_wide) final_flags |= RS_FILE_HINTS_NETWORK_WIDE ; if(browsable ) final_flags |= RS_FILE_HINTS_BROWSABLE ; return final_flags ; } RsPeerDetails::RsPeerDetails() :isOnlyGPGdetail(false), id(""),gpg_id(""), name(""),email(""),location(""), org(""),issuer(""),fpr(""),authcode(""), trustLvl(0), validLvl(0),ownsign(false), hasSignedMe(false),accept_connection(false), state(0),localAddr(""),localPort(0),extAddr(""),extPort(0),netMode(0),visState(0), lastConnect(0),connectState(0),connectStateString(""),connectPeriod(0),foundDHT(false), wasDeniedConnection(false), deniedTS(0) { } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsPeerDetails &detail) { out << "RsPeerDetail: " << detail.name << " <" << detail.id << ">"; out << std::endl; out << " email: " << detail.email; out << " location:" << detail.location; out << " org: " << detail.org; out << std::endl; out << " fpr: " << detail.fpr; out << " authcode:" << detail.authcode; out << std::endl; out << " signers:"; out << std::endl; std::list::const_iterator it; for(it = detail.gpgSigners.begin(); it != detail.gpgSigners.end(); it++) { out << "\t" << *it; out << std::endl; } out << std::endl; out << " trustLvl: " << detail.trustLvl; out << " ownSign: " << detail.ownsign; out << std::endl; out << " state: " << detail.state; out << " netMode: " << detail.netMode; out << std::endl; out << " localAddr: " << detail.localAddr; out << ":" << detail.localPort; out << std::endl; out << " extAddr: " << detail.extAddr; out << ":" << detail.extPort; out << std::endl; out << " lastConnect: " << detail.lastConnect; out << " connectPeriod: " << detail.connectPeriod; out << std::endl; return out; } RsGroupInfo::RsGroupInfo() { flag = 0; } ServicePermissionFlags p3Peers::servicePermissionFlags_sslid(const std::string& ssl_id) { return mPeerMgr->servicePermissionFlags_sslid(ssl_id) ; } ServicePermissionFlags p3Peers::servicePermissionFlags(const std::string& gpg_id) { return mPeerMgr->servicePermissionFlags(gpg_id) ; } void p3Peers::setServicePermissionFlags(const std::string& gpg_id,const ServicePermissionFlags& flags) { mPeerMgr->setServicePermissionFlags(gpg_id,flags) ; }