/* * libretroshare/src/tests/serialiser: rsconfigitemstest.cc * * RetroShare Serialiser tests. * * Copyright 2011 by Christopher Evi-Parker * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "support.h" #include "serialiser/rsconfigitems.h" RsSerialType* init_item(RsPeerNetItem& rpn) { randString(SHORT_STR, rpn.dyndns); rpn.peerId.random(); rpn.pgpId.random(); randString(SHORT_STR, rpn.location); rpn.lastContact = rand()%42424; rpn.netMode = rand()%313190; rpn.visState = rand()%63635; inet_aton("", &(rpn.currentlocaladdr.sin_addr)); rpn.currentlocaladdr.sin_port = htons(1111); inet_aton("", &(rpn.currentremoteaddr.sin_addr)); rpn.currentremoteaddr.sin_port = htons(1234); RsTlvIpAddressInfo ipa1, ipa2; ipa1.addr = rpn.currentlocaladdr; ipa1.seenTime = rand()%40149013; ipa1.source = rand()%13423; ipa2.addr = rpn.currentremoteaddr; ipa2.seenTime = rand()%40139013; ipa2.source = rand()%1343443; rpn.extAddrList.mList.push_back(ipa1); rpn.extAddrList.mList.push_back(ipa2); rpn.localAddrList.mList.push_back(ipa1); rpn.localAddrList.mList.push_back(ipa2); return new RsPeerConfigSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsPeerGroupItem& rpgi){ rpgi.flag = rand()%134344; randString(SHORT_STR, rpgi.id); randString(SHORT_STR, rpgi.name); std::string p1, p2, p3; randString(SHORT_STR, p1); randString(SHORT_STR, p2); randString(SHORT_STR, p3); rpgi.peerIds.push_back(p1); rpgi.peerIds.push_back(p2); rpgi.peerIds.push_back(p3); return new RsPeerConfigSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(CompressedChunkMap& map) { map._map.clear() ; for(uint32_t i=0;i<15;++i) map._map.push_back(rand()) ; return new RsTurtleSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsPeerStunItem& rpsi) { std::string p1, p2, p3; randString(SHORT_STR, p1); randString(SHORT_STR, p2); randString(SHORT_STR, p3); rpsi.stunList.ids.push_back(p1); rpsi.stunList.ids.push_back(p2); rpsi.stunList.ids.push_back(p3); rpsi.stunList.mType = TLV_TYPE_PEERSET; return new RsPeerConfigSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsCacheConfig& rcc) { rcc.cachesubid = rand()%2342; rcc.cachetypeid = rand()%323; rcc.recvd = rand()%2252243; rcc.size = rand()%02203; randString(SHORT_STR, rcc.hash); randString(SHORT_STR, rcc.name); randString(SHORT_STR, rcc.path); randString(SHORT_STR, rcc.pid); return new RsCacheConfigSerialiser(); } RsSerialType* init_item(RsFileTransfer& rft) { std::string p1, p2, p3; randString(SHORT_STR, p1); randString(SHORT_STR, p2); randString(SHORT_STR, p3); rft.allPeerIds.ids.push_back(p1); rft.allPeerIds.ids.push_back(p2); rft.allPeerIds.ids.push_back(p3); rft.allPeerIds.mType = TLV_TYPE_PEERSET; // // rft.compressed_chunk_map._map.clear(); // const int mapSize = 15; // rft.compressed_chunk_map._map.resize(mapSize); // for(int i=0; i<mapSize; i++) // rft.compressed_chunk_map._map[i] = rand(); init_item(rft.compressed_chunk_map); randString(SHORT_STR, rft.cPeerId); rft.chunk_strategy = rand()%4242; rft.crate = rand()%4242; rft.flags = rand()%42422; rft.in = rand()%2323; rft.lrate = rand()%25234; rft.ltransfer = rand()%42232; rft.state = rand()%42122; rft.transferred = rand()%42242; rft.trate = rand()%1212; init_item(rft.file); return new RsFileConfigSerialiser(); } bool operator==(const RsPeerNetItem& left, const RsPeerNetItem& right) { if(left.dyndns != right.dyndns) return false; if(left.pgpId != right.pgpId) return false; if(left.location != right.location) return false; if(left.peerId != right.peerId) return false; if(left.lastContact != right.lastContact) return false; if(left.netMode != right.netMode) return false; if(left.visState != right.visState) return false; if(left.currentlocaladdr != right.currentlocaladdr) return false; if(left.currentremoteaddr != right.currentremoteaddr) return false; if(!(left.extAddrList.mList == right.extAddrList.mList)) return false; if(!(left.localAddrList.mList == right.localAddrList.mList)) return false; return true; } bool operator==(const std::list<RsTlvIpAddressInfo>& left, const std::list<RsTlvIpAddressInfo>& right) { std::list<RsTlvIpAddressInfo>::const_iterator cit1 = left.begin(), cit2 = right.begin(); for(; cit1 != left.end() ; cit1++, cit2++){ if(*cit1 != *cit2) return false; } return true; } bool operator!=(const sockaddr_in& left, const sockaddr_in& right) { if(left.sin_addr.s_addr != right.sin_addr.s_addr) return true; if(left.sin_port != right.sin_port) return true; return false; } bool operator!=(const RsTlvIpAddressInfo& left, const RsTlvIpAddressInfo& right) { if(left.addr != right.addr) return true; if(left.seenTime != right.seenTime) return true; if(left.source != right.source) return true; return false; } bool operator==(const RsPeerGroupItem& left, const RsPeerGroupItem& right) { if(left.flag != right.flag) return false; if(left.id != right.id) return false; if(left.name != right.name) return false; if(left.peerIds != right.peerIds) return false; return true; } bool operator!=(const std::list<std::string>& left, const std::list<std::string>& right) { std::list<std::string>::const_iterator cit1 = left.begin(), cit2 = right.begin(); for(; cit1 != left.end(); cit1++, cit2++){ if(*cit1 != *cit2) return true; } return false; } bool operator==(const RsPeerStunItem& left, const RsPeerStunItem& right) { if(!(left.stunList == right.stunList)) return false; return true; } //bool operator==(const RsTlvPeerIdSet& left, const RsTlvPeerIdSet& right) //{ // if(left.mType != right.mType) return false; // // std::list<std::string>::iterator cit1 = left.ids.begin(), // cit2 = right.ids.begin(); // // for(; cit1 != left.ids.end(); cit1++, cit2++){ // // if(*cit1 != *cit2) // return false; // } // // return true; //} bool operator==(const RsCacheConfig& left, const RsCacheConfig& right) { if(left.cachesubid != right.cachesubid) return false; if(left.cachetypeid != right.cachetypeid) return false; if(left.hash != right.hash) return false; if(left.path != right.path) return false; if(left.pid != right.pid) return false; if(left.recvd != right.recvd) return false; if(left.size != right.size) return false; return true; } bool operator==(const RsFileTransfer& left, const RsFileTransfer& right) { if(!(left.allPeerIds == right.allPeerIds)) return false; if(left.cPeerId != right.cPeerId) return false; if(left.chunk_strategy != right.chunk_strategy) return false; if(left.compressed_chunk_map._map != right.compressed_chunk_map._map) return false; if(left.crate != right.crate) return false; if(!(left.file == right.file)) return false; if(left.flags != right.flags) return false; if(left.in != right.in) return false; if(left.lrate != right.lrate) return false; if(left.ltransfer != right.ltransfer) return false; if(left.state != right.state) return false; if(left.transferred != right.transferred) return false; if(left.trate != right.trate) return false; return true; } TEST(libretroshare_serialiser, RsConfigItem) { test_RsItem<RsPeerNetItem>(); test_RsItem<RsPeerGroupItem>(); test_RsItem<RsPeerStunItem>(); test_RsItem<RsCacheConfig>(); test_RsItem<RsFileTransfer>(); }