/* * Retroshare Posted Plugin. * * Copyright 2012-2012 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include "rshare.h" #include "PostedItem.h" #include "gui/feeds/FeedHolder.h" #include "ui_PostedItem.h" #include #include #define COLOR_NORMAL QColor(248, 248, 248) #define COLOR_NEW QColor(220, 236, 253) /** Constructor */ PostedItem::PostedItem(FeedHolder *feedHolder, uint32_t feedId, const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, const RsGxsMessageId &messageId, bool isHome, bool autoUpdate) : GxsFeedItem(feedHolder, feedId, groupId, messageId, isHome, rsPosted, autoUpdate) { setup(); requestGroup(); requestMessage(); } PostedItem::PostedItem(FeedHolder *feedHolder, uint32_t feedId, const RsPostedGroup &group, const RsPostedPost &post, bool isHome, bool autoUpdate) : GxsFeedItem(feedHolder, feedId, post.mMeta.mGroupId, post.mMeta.mMsgId, isHome, rsPosted, autoUpdate) { setup(); setGroup(group, false); setPost(post); } PostedItem::PostedItem(FeedHolder *feedHolder, uint32_t feedId, const RsPostedPost &post, bool isHome, bool autoUpdate) : GxsFeedItem(feedHolder, feedId, post.mMeta.mGroupId, post.mMeta.mMsgId, isHome, rsPosted, autoUpdate) { setup(); requestGroup(); setPost(post); } PostedItem::~PostedItem() { delete(ui); } void PostedItem::setup() { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui = new Ui::PostedItem; ui->setupUi(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); mInFill = false; /* clear ui */ ui->titleLabel->setText(tr("Loading")); ui->dateLabel->clear(); ui->fromLabel->clear(); ui->siteLabel->clear(); /* general ones */ connect(ui->clearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeItem())); /* specific */ connect(ui->readAndClearButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(readAndClearItem())); connect(ui->commentButton, SIGNAL( clicked()), this, SLOT(loadComments())); connect(ui->voteUpButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(makeUpVote())); connect(ui->voteDownButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT( makeDownVote())); connect(ui->readButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(readToggled(bool))); ui->clearButton->hide(); ui->readAndClearButton->hide(); ui->frame_notes->hide(); } bool PostedItem::setGroup(const RsPostedGroup &group, bool doFill) { if (groupId() != group.mMeta.mGroupId) { std::cerr << "PostedItem::setGroup() - Wrong id, cannot set post"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } mGroup = group; if (doFill) { fill(); } return true; } bool PostedItem::setPost(const RsPostedPost &post, bool doFill) { if (groupId() != post.mMeta.mGroupId || messageId() != post.mMeta.mMsgId) { std::cerr << "PostedItem::setPost() - Wrong id, cannot set post"; std::cerr << std::endl; return false; } mPost = post; if (doFill) { fill(); } return true; } void PostedItem::loadGroup(const uint32_t &token) { std::vector groups; if (!rsPosted->getGroupData(token, groups)) { std::cerr << "PostedItem::loadGroup() ERROR getting data"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } if (groups.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "PostedItem::loadGroup() Wrong number of Items"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } setGroup(groups[0]); } void PostedItem::loadMessage(const uint32_t &token) { std::vector posts; if (!rsPosted->getPostData(token, posts)) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::loadMessage() ERROR getting data"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } if (posts.size() != 1) { std::cerr << "GxsChannelPostItem::loadMessage() Wrong number of Items"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } setPost(posts[0]); } void PostedItem::fill() { if (isLoading()) { /* Wait for all requests */ return; } mInFill = true; QDateTime qtime; qtime.setTime_t(mPost.mMeta.mPublishTs); QString timestamp = qtime.toString("dd.MMMM yyyy hh:mm"); ui->dateLabel->setText(timestamp); ui->fromLabel->setId(mPost.mMeta.mAuthorId); ui->titleLabel->setText("" + messageName() + ""); ui->siteLabel->setText("" + QString::fromStdString(mPost.mLink) + ""); //QString score = "Hot" + QString::number(post.mHotScore); //score += " Top" + QString::number(post.mTopScore); //score += " New" + QString::number(post.mNewScore); QString score = QString::number(mPost.mTopScore); ui->scoreLabel->setText(score); // FIX THIS UP LATER. ui->notes->setText(QString::fromUtf8(mPost.mNotes.c_str())); // differences between Feed or Top of Comment. if (mFeedHolder) { // feed. ui->frame_notes->hide(); //frame_comment->show(); ui->commentButton->show(); if (mPost.mComments) { QString commentText = QString::number(mPost.mComments); commentText += " "; commentText += tr("Comments"); ui->commentButton->setText(commentText); } else { ui->commentButton->setText(tr("Comment")); } setReadStatus(IS_MSG_NEW(mPost.mMeta.mMsgStatus), IS_MSG_UNREAD(mPost.mMeta.mMsgStatus) || IS_MSG_NEW(mPost.mMeta.mMsgStatus)); } else { // no feed. if(ui->notes->text().isEmpty()) { ui->frame_notes->hide(); } else { ui->frame_notes->show(); } //frame_comment->hide(); ui->commentButton->hide(); ui->readButton->hide(); ui->newLabel->hide(); } if (mIsHome) { ui->clearButton->hide(); ui->readAndClearButton->hide(); } else { ui->clearButton->show(); ui->readAndClearButton->show(); } // disable voting buttons - if they have already voted. if (mPost.mMeta.mMsgStatus & GXS_SERV::GXS_MSG_STATUS_VOTE_MASK) { ui->voteUpButton->setEnabled(false); ui->voteDownButton->setEnabled(false); } uint32_t up, down, nComments; #if 0 bool ok = rsPosted->retrieveScores(mPost.mMeta.mServiceString, up, down, nComments); if(ok) { int32_t vote = up - down; scoreLabel->setText(QString::number(vote)); numCommentsLabel->setText("

# Comments: " + QString::number(nComments) + "

"); } #endif mInFill = false; emit sizeChanged(this); } const RsPostedPost &PostedItem::getPost() const { return mPost; } RsPostedPost &PostedItem::post() { return mPost; } QString PostedItem::groupName() { return QString::fromUtf8(mGroup.mMeta.mGroupName.c_str()); } QString PostedItem::messageName() { return QString::fromUtf8(mPost.mMeta.mMsgName.c_str()); } void PostedItem::makeDownVote() { RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgId; msgId.first = mPost.mMeta.mGroupId; msgId.second = mPost.mMeta.mMsgId; ui->voteUpButton->setEnabled(false); ui->voteDownButton->setEnabled(false); emit vote(msgId, false); } void PostedItem::makeUpVote() { RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgId; msgId.first = mPost.mMeta.mGroupId; msgId.second = mPost.mMeta.mMsgId; ui->voteUpButton->setEnabled(false); ui->voteDownButton->setEnabled(false); emit vote(msgId, true); } void PostedItem::loadComments() { std::cerr << "PostedItem::loadComments()"; std::cerr << std::endl; if (mFeedHolder) { QString title = QString::fromUtf8(mPost.mMeta.mMsgName.c_str()); mFeedHolder->openComments(0, mPost.mMeta.mGroupId, mPost.mMeta.mMsgId, title); } } void PostedItem::setReadStatus(bool isNew, bool isUnread) { if (isUnread) { ui->readButton->setChecked(true); ui->readButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-unread.png")); } else { ui->readButton->setChecked(false); ui->readButton->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/message-state-read.png")); } ui->newLabel->setVisible(isNew); /* unpolish widget to clear the stylesheet's palette cache */ ui->frame->style()->unpolish(ui->frame); QPalette palette = ui->frame->palette(); palette.setColor(ui->frame->backgroundRole(), isNew ? COLOR_NEW : COLOR_NORMAL); // QScrollArea palette.setColor(QPalette::Base, isNew ? COLOR_NEW : COLOR_NORMAL); // QTreeWidget ui->frame->setPalette(palette); ui->frame->setProperty("new", isNew); Rshare::refreshStyleSheet(ui->frame, false); } void PostedItem::readToggled(bool checked) { if (mInFill) { return; } RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgPair = std::make_pair(groupId(), messageId()); uint32_t token; rsPosted->setMessageReadStatus(token, msgPair, !checked); setReadStatus(false, checked); } void PostedItem::readAndClearItem() { #ifdef DEBUG_ITEM std::cerr << "PostedItem::readAndClearItem()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif readToggled(false); removeItem(); }