// This class aims at defining a generic ID type that is a list of bytes. It // can be converted into a hexadecial string for printing, mainly) or for // compatibility with old methods. // // To use this class, derive your own ID type from it. Examples include: // // class RsPgpId: public t_RsGenericIdType<8> // { // [..] // }; // // class PGPFingerprintType: public t_RsGenericIdType<20> // { // [..] // }; // // With this, there is no implicit conversion between subtypes, and therefore ID mixup // is impossible. // // A simpler way to make ID types is to // typedef t_RsGenericIdType MyType ; // // ID Types with different lengths will be incompatible on compilation. // // Warning: never store references to a t_RsGenericIdType accross threads, since the // cached string convertion is not thread safe. // #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include template class t_RsGenericIdType { public: typedef std::list > std_list; typedef std::vector > std_vector; typedef std::set > std_set; t_RsGenericIdType() { memset(bytes,0,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; // by default, ids are set to null() } virtual ~t_RsGenericIdType() {} // Explicit constructor from a hexadecimal string // explicit t_RsGenericIdType(const std::string& hex_string) ; // Explicit constructor from a byte array. The array should have size at least ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES // explicit t_RsGenericIdType(const unsigned char bytes[]) ; // Explicit constructor from a different type, checking that the sizes are compatible. // This is used for conversions such as // // GroupId -> CircleId // GroupId -> GxsId // template explicit t_RsGenericIdType(const t_RsGenericIdType& id) { memcpy(bytes,id.toByteArray(),ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; } // Random initialization. Can be useful for testing and to generate new ids. // static t_RsGenericIdType random() { t_RsGenericIdType id ; RSRandom::random_bytes(id.bytes,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; return id ; } inline void clear() { memset(bytes,0,SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; } // Converts to a std::string using cached value. // const unsigned char *toByteArray() const { return &bytes[0] ; } static const uint32_t SIZE_IN_BYTES = ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES ; inline bool operator==(const t_RsGenericIdType& fp) const { return !memcmp(bytes,fp.bytes,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; } inline bool operator!=(const t_RsGenericIdType& fp) const { return !!memcmp(bytes,fp.bytes,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES); } inline bool operator< (const t_RsGenericIdType& fp) const { return (memcmp(bytes,fp.bytes,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) < 0) ; } inline bool isNull() const { for(uint32_t i=0;i& id) { return out << id.toStdString(UPPER_CASE) ; } inline std::string toStdString() const { return toStdString(UPPER_CASE) ; } inline static uint32_t serial_size() { return SIZE_IN_BYTES ; } bool serialise(void *data,uint32_t pktsize,uint32_t& offset) const { if(offset + SIZE_IN_BYTES > pktsize) return false ; memcpy(&((uint8_t*)data)[offset],bytes,SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; offset += SIZE_IN_BYTES ; return true ; } bool deserialise(const void *data,uint32_t pktsize,uint32_t& offset) { if(offset + SIZE_IN_BYTES > pktsize) return false ; memcpy(bytes,&((uint8_t*)data)[offset],SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; offset += SIZE_IN_BYTES ; return true ; } private: std::string toStdString(bool upper_case) const ; unsigned char bytes[ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES] ; }; template std::string t_RsGenericIdType::toStdString(bool upper_case) const { static const char outh[16] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F' } ; static const char outl[16] = { '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f' } ; std::string res(ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES*2,' ') ; for(uint32_t j = 0; j < ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES; j++) if(upper_case) { res[2*j ] = outh[ (bytes[j]>>4) ] ; res[2*j+1] = outh[ bytes[j] & 0xf ] ; } else { res[2*j ] = outl[ (bytes[j]>>4) ] ; res[2*j+1] = outl[ bytes[j] & 0xf ] ; } return res ; } template t_RsGenericIdType::t_RsGenericIdType(const std::string& s) { int n=0; if(s.length() != ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES*2) { if(!s.empty()) std::cerr << "t_RsGenericIdType<>::t_RsGenericIdType(std::string&): supplied string in constructor has wrong size. Expected ID size=" << ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES*2 << " String=\"" << s << "\" = " << s.length() << std::endl; clear(); return; } for(uint32_t i = 0; i < ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES; ++i) { bytes[i] = 0 ; for(int k=0;k<2;++k) { char b = s[n++] ; if(b >= 'A' && b <= 'F') bytes[i] += (b-'A'+10) << 4*(1-k) ; else if(b >= 'a' && b <= 'f') bytes[i] += (b-'a'+10) << 4*(1-k) ; else if(b >= '0' && b <= '9') bytes[i] += (b-'0') << 4*(1-k) ; else { std::cerr << "t_RsGenericIdType<>::t_RsGenericIdType(std::string&): supplied string is not purely hexadecimal: s=\"" << s << "\"" << std::endl; clear(); return; } } } } template t_RsGenericIdType::t_RsGenericIdType(const unsigned char *mem) { if(mem == NULL) memset(bytes,0,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; else memcpy(bytes,mem,ID_SIZE_IN_BYTES) ; } static const int SSL_ID_SIZE = 16 ; // = CERTSIGNLEN static const int CERT_SIGN_LEN = 16 ; // = CERTSIGNLEN static const int PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE = 8 ; static const int PGP_KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE = 20 ; static const int SHA1_SIZE = 20 ; // These constants are random, but should be different, in order to make the various IDs incompatible with each other. // static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_SSL_ID_TYPE = 0x0001 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_PGP_ID_TYPE = 0x0002 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_SHA1_ID_TYPE = 0x0003 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_PGP_FINGERPRINT_TYPE = 0x0004 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_GROUP_ID_TYPE = 0x0005 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_ID_TYPE = 0x0006 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_MSG_ID_TYPE = 0x0007 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_CIRCLE_ID_TYPE = 0x0008 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GROUTER_ID_TYPE = 0x0009 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_TUNNEL_ID_TYPE = 0x0010 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_DISTANT_CHAT_ID_TYPE = 0x0011 ; static const uint32_t RS_GENERIC_ID_NODE_GROUP_ID_TYPE = 0x0012 ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< SSL_ID_SIZE , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_SSL_ID_TYPE> SSLIdType ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE , true, RS_GENERIC_ID_PGP_ID_TYPE> PGPIdType ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< SHA1_SIZE , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_SHA1_ID_TYPE> Sha1CheckSum ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< PGP_KEY_FINGERPRINT_SIZE, true, RS_GENERIC_ID_PGP_FINGERPRINT_TYPE> PGPFingerprintType ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< CERT_SIGN_LEN , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_GROUP_ID_TYPE > GXSGroupId ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< CERT_SIGN_LEN , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_ID_TYPE > GXSId ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< CERT_SIGN_LEN , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_CIRCLE_ID_TYPE > GXSCircleId ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< SSL_ID_SIZE , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_TUNNEL_ID_TYPE > GXSTunnelId ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< SSL_ID_SIZE , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_GXS_DISTANT_CHAT_ID_TYPE > DistantChatPeerId ; typedef t_RsGenericIdType< CERT_SIGN_LEN , false, RS_GENERIC_ID_NODE_GROUP_ID_TYPE > RsNodeGroupId ;