PrefPerformance 0 0 483 538 0 0 0 &Performance 9 6 Priority 9 6 Select the priority for the MPlayer process. false 0 6 Priorit&y: false priority_combo realtime high abovenormal normal belownormal idle Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 201 21 &Allow frame drop Allow &hard frame drop (can lead to image distortion) H.264 9 6 Loop &filter loopfilter_combo Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Synchronization 9 6 Audio/&video auto synchronization 0 6 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Preferred 40 31 false Fact&or: Qt::AlignRight|Qt::AlignTrailing|Qt::AlignVCenter false autosync_spin false 1000 1 0 6 &Fast audio track switching fast_audio_combo Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Fast &seek to chapters in dvds Qt::Horizontal C&reate index if needed Qt::Vertical 20 40 &Cache 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 211 27 KB KB 10000 Cache for &DVDs: cache_dvds_spin Setting a cache may improve performance on slow media false Cache for &local files: cache_files_spin Cache for &streams: cache_streams_spin Qt::Horizontal 211 27 Qt::Horizontal 211 20 KB Qt::Vertical 20 351 10000 10000 TristateCombo QComboBox
tabWidget priority_combo framedrop_check hardframedrop_check autosync_check autosync_spin fast_chapter_check autosync_check toggled(bool) factor_label setEnabled(bool) 270 381 90 416 autosync_check toggled(bool) autosync_spin setEnabled(bool) 270 381 147 416