#ifndef RSGENEXCHANGE_H #define RSGENEXCHANGE_H /* * libretroshare/src/gxs: rsgenexchange.h * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2012-2012 by Christopher Evi-Parker, Robert Fernie * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include "rsgxs.h" #include "rsgds.h" #include "rsnxs.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxsiface.h" #include "rsgxsdataaccess.h" #include "rsnxsobserver.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxsservice.h" #include "serialiser/rsnxsitems.h" #include "rsgxsutil.h" #define DEFAULT_MSG_STORE_PERIOD 60*60*24*30 // 1 month template class GxsPendingItem { public: GxsPendingItem(GxsItem item, Identity id) : mItem(item), mId(id), mAttempts(0) {} GxsPendingItem(const GxsPendingItem& gpsi) { this->mItem = gpsi.mItem; this->mId = gpsi.mId; this->mAttempts = gpsi.mAttempts; } bool operator==(const Identity& id) { return this->mId == id; } GxsItem mItem; Identity mId; uint8_t mAttempts; }; class GxsGrpPendingSign { public: GxsGrpPendingSign(RsGxsGrpItem* item, uint32_t token): mLastAttemptTS(0), mStartTS(time(NULL)), mToken(token), mItem(item), mHaveKeys(false), mIsUpdate(false) {} time_t mLastAttemptTS, mStartTS; uint32_t mToken; RsGxsGrpItem* mItem; bool mHaveKeys; // mKeys->first == true if key present bool mIsUpdate; RsTlvSecurityKeySet mPrivateKeys; RsTlvSecurityKeySet mPublicKeys; }; typedef std::map > GxsMsgDataMap; typedef std::map GxsGroupDataMap; typedef std::map > GxsMsgRelatedDataMap; /*! * This should form the parent class to \n * all gxs services. This provides access to service's msg/grp data \n * management/publishing/sync features * * Features: \n * a. Data Access: \n * Provided by handle to RsTokenService. This ensure consistency \n * of requests and hiearchy of groups -> then messages which are \n * sectioned by group ids. \n * The one caveat is that redemption of tokens are done through \n * the backend of this class \n * b. Publishing: \n * Methods are provided to publish msg and group items and also make \n * changes to meta information of both item types \n * c. Sync/Notification: \n * Also notifications are made here on receipt of new data from \n * connected peers */ class RsGixs; class RsGenExchange : public RsNxsObserver, public RsThread, public RsGxsIface { public: /// used by class derived for RsGenExchange to indicate if service create passed or not enum ServiceCreate_Return { SERVICE_CREATE_SUCCESS, SERVICE_CREATE_FAIL, SERVICE_CREATE_FAIL_TRY_LATER } ; /*! * Constructs a RsGenExchange object, the owner ship of gds, ns, and serviceserialiser passes \n * onto the constructed object * @param gds Data service needed to act as store of message * @param ns Network service needed to synchronise data with rs peers * @param serviceSerialiser The users service needs this \n * in order for gen exchange to deal with its data types * @param mServType This should be service type used by the serialiser * @param gixs This is used for verification of msgs and groups received by Gen Exchange using identities. * @param authenPolicy This determines the authentication used for verfying authorship of msgs and groups */ RsGenExchange(RsGeneralDataService* gds, RsNetworkExchangeService* ns, RsSerialType* serviceSerialiser, uint16_t mServType, RsGixs* gixs, uint32_t authenPolicy, uint32_t messageStorePeriod = DEFAULT_MSG_STORE_PERIOD); virtual ~RsGenExchange(); // Convention that this is implemented here. // and passes to network service. virtual RsServiceInfo getServiceInfo() = 0; /** S: Observer implementation **/ /*! * @param messages messages are deleted after function returns */ void notifyNewMessages(std::vector& messages); /*! * @param messages messages are deleted after function returns */ void notifyNewGroups(std::vector& groups); /** E: Observer implementation **/ /*! * This is called by Gxs service runner * periodically, use to implement non * blocking calls */ void tick(); /*! * Any backgroup processing needed by */ virtual void service_tick() = 0; /*! * * @return handle to token service handle for making * request to this gxs service */ RsTokenService* getTokenService(); void run(); /*! * Policy bit pattern portion */ enum PrivacyBitPos { PUBLIC_GRP_BITS, RESTRICTED_GRP_BITS, PRIVATE_GRP_BITS, GRP_OPTION_BITS } ; /*! * Convenience function for setting bit patterns of the individual privacy level authentication * policy and group options * @param flag the bit pattern (and policy) set for the privacy policy * @param authenFlag Only the policy portion chosen will be modified with 'flag', * the origianl flags in the indicated bit position (pos) are over-written * @param pos The policy bit portion to modify * @see PrivacyBitPos */ static bool setAuthenPolicyFlag(const uint8_t& flag, uint32_t& authenFlag, const PrivacyBitPos& pos); public: /** data access functions **/ /*! * Retrieve group list for a given token * @param token * @param groupIds * @return false if token cannot be redeemed, if false you may have tried to redeem when not ready */ bool getGroupList(const uint32_t &token, std::list &groupIds); /*! * Retrieve msg list for a given token sectioned by group Ids * @param token token to be redeemed * @param msgIds a map of grpId -> msgList (vector) * @return false if could not redeem token */ bool getMsgList(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgIdResult &msgIds); /*! * Retrieve msg list for a given token for message related info * @param token token to be redeemed * @param msgIds a map of RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair -> msgList (vector) * @return false if could not redeem token */ bool getMsgRelatedList(const uint32_t &token, MsgRelatedIdResult& msgIds); /*! * retrieve group meta data associated to a request token * @param token * @param groupInfo * @return false if could not redeem token */ bool getGroupMeta(const uint32_t &token, std::list &groupInfo); /*! * retrieves message meta data associated to a request token * @param token token to be redeemed * @param msgInfo the meta data to be retrieved for token store here */ bool getMsgMeta(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgMetaMap &msgInfo); /*! * Retrieve msg meta for a given token for message related info * @param token token to be redeemed * @param msgIds a map of RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair -> msgList (vector) * @return false if could not redeem token */ bool getMsgRelatedMeta(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgRelatedMetaMap& msgMeta); /*! * Gxs services should call this for automatic handling of * changes, send * @param changes */ virtual void receiveChanges(std::vector& changes); /*! * Checks to see if a change has been received for * for a message or group * @param willCallGrpChanged if this is set to true, group changed function will return list * groups that have changed, if false, the group changed list is cleared * @param willCallMsgChanged if this is set to true, msgChanged function will return map * messages that have changed, if false, the message changed map is cleared * @return true if a change has occured for msg or group * @see groupsChanged * @see msgsChanged */ bool updated(bool willCallGrpChanged = false, bool willCallMsgChanged = false); /*! * The groups changed. \n * class can reimplement to use to tailor * the group actually set for ui notification. * If receivedChanges is not passed RsGxsNotify changes * this function does nothing * @param grpIds returns list of grpIds that have changed * @see updated */ void groupsChanged(std::list& grpIds); /*! * The msg changed. \n * class can reimplement to use to tailor * the msg actually set for ui notification. * If receivedChanges is not passed RsGxsNotify changes * this function does nothing * @param msgs returns map of message ids that have changed * @see updated */ void msgsChanged(std::map >& msgs); bool subscribeToGroup(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, bool subscribe); /*! * Gets service statistic for a given services * @param token value to to retrieve requested stats * @param stats the status * @return true if token exists false otherwise */ bool getServiceStatistic(const uint32_t& token, GxsServiceStatistic& stats); /*! * Get group statistic * @param token to be redeemed * @param stats the stats associated to token requ * @return true if token is false otherwise */ bool getGroupStatistic(const uint32_t& token, GxsGroupStatistic& stats); protected: /*! * retrieves group data associated to a request token * @param token token to be redeemed for grpitem retrieval * @param grpItem the items to be retrieved for token are stored here */ bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::vector& grpItem); template bool getGroupDataT(const uint32_t &token, std::vector& grpItem) { std::vector items; bool ok = getGroupData(token, items); std::vector::iterator vit = items.begin(); for(; vit != items.end(); vit++) { RsGxsGrpItem* gi = *vit; GrpType* item = dynamic_cast(gi); if(item) { grpItem.push_back(item); } else { #ifdef GXS_DEBUG std::cerr << "\nRsGenExchange::getGroupDataT(): Wrong type!\n"; #endif delete gi; } } return ok; } public: /*! * retrieves message data associated to a request token * @param token token to be redeemed for message item retrieval * @param msgItems */ bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgDataMap& msgItems); template bool getMsgDataT(const uint32_t &token, std::map >& msgItems) { GxsMsgDataMap msgData; bool ok = getMsgData(token, msgData); GxsMsgDataMap::iterator mit = msgData.begin(); for(; mit != msgData.end(); mit++) { const RsGxsGroupId& grpId = mit->first; std::vector& mv = mit->second; std::vector::iterator vit = mv.begin(); for(; vit != mv.end(); vit++) { RsGxsMsgItem* mi = *vit; MsgType* mt = dynamic_cast(mi); if(mt != NULL) { msgItems[grpId].push_back(mt); } else { std::cerr << "RsGenExchange::getMsgDataT(): bad cast to msg type" << std::endl; delete mi; } } } return ok; } /*! * retrieves message related data associated to a request token * @param token token to be redeemed for message item retrieval * @param msgItems */ bool getMsgRelatedData(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgRelatedDataMap& msgItems); protected: /*! * Convenience template function for retrieve * msg related data from * @param GxsMsgType This represent derived msg class type of the service (i.e. msg type that derives from RsGxsMsgItem * @param MsgType Represents the final type the core data is converted to * @param token token to be redeemed */ template bool getMsgRelatedDataT(const uint32_t &token, std::map > &msgItems) { RsStackMutex stack(mGenMtx); NxsMsgRelatedDataResult msgResult; bool ok = mDataAccess->getMsgRelatedData(token, msgResult); NxsMsgRelatedDataResult::iterator mit = msgResult.begin(); if(ok) { for(; mit != msgResult.end(); mit++) { std::vector gxsMsgItems; const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& msgId = mit->first; std::vector& nxsMsgsV = mit->second; std::vector::iterator vit = nxsMsgsV.begin(); for(; vit != nxsMsgsV.end(); vit++) { RsNxsMsg*& msg = *vit; RsItem* item = NULL; if(msg->msg.bin_len != 0) item = mSerialiser->deserialise(msg->msg.bin_data, &msg->msg.bin_len); GxsMsgType* mItem = NULL; if(item) mItem = dynamic_cast(item); if(mItem == NULL) { delete msg; continue; } mItem->meta = *((*vit)->metaData); // get meta info from nxs msg // GxsMsgType m = (*mItem); // doesn't work! don't know why, even with overloading done. MsgType theServMsg = (MsgType)*mItem; gxsMsgItems.push_back(theServMsg); delete msg; } msgItems[msgId] = gxsMsgItems; } } return ok; } public: /*! * Assigns a token value to passed integer * The status of the token can still be queried from request status feature * @warning the token space is shared with RsGenExchange backend, so do not * modify tokens except does you have created by calling generatePublicToken() * @return token */ uint32_t generatePublicToken(); /*! * Updates the status of associate token * @warning the token space is shared with RsGenExchange backend, so do not * modify tokens except does you have created by calling generatePublicToken() * @param token * @param status * @return false if token could not be found, true if token disposed of */ bool updatePublicRequestStatus(const uint32_t &token, const uint32_t &status); /*! * This gets rid of a publicly issued token * @param token * @return false if token could not found, true if token is disposed of */ bool disposeOfPublicToken(const uint32_t &token); protected: /*! * This gives access to the data store which hold msgs and groups * for the service * @return Data store for retrieving msgs and groups */ RsGeneralDataService* getDataStore(); /*! * Retrieve keys for a given group, \n * call is blocking retrieval from underlying db * @warning under normal circumstance a service should not need this * @param grpId the id of the group to retrieve keys for * @param keys set to the retrieved keys * @return false if group does not exist or grpId is empty */ bool getGroupKeys(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keySet); public: /*! * This allows the client service to acknowledge that their msgs has \n * been created/modified and retrieve the create/modified msg ids * @param token the token related to modification/create request * @param msgIds map of grpid->msgIds of message created/modified * @return true if token exists false otherwise */ bool acknowledgeTokenMsg(const uint32_t& token, RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& msgId); /*! * This allows the client service to acknowledge that their grps has \n * been created/modified and retrieve the create/modified grp ids * @param token the token related to modification/create request * @param msgIds vector of ids of groups created/modified * @return true if token exists false otherwise */ bool acknowledgeTokenGrp(const uint32_t& token, RsGxsGroupId& grpId); protected: /** Modifications **/ /*! * Enables publication of a group item \n * This will induce a related change message \n * Ownership of item passes to this rsgenexchange \n * @param token * @param grpItem */ void publishGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem); /*! * Updates an existing group item \n * This will induce a related change message \n * Ownership of item passes to this rsgenexchange \n * @param token * @param grpItem */ void updateGroup(uint32_t& token, RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem); public: /*! * Enables publication of a message item \n * Setting mOrigMsgId meta member to blank \n * leads to this msg being an original msg \n * if mOrigMsgId is not blank the msgId then this msg is \n * considered a versioned msg \n * Ownership of item passes to this rsgenexchange * @param token * @param msgItem */ void publishMsg(uint32_t& token, RsGxsMsgItem* msgItem); protected: /*! * This represents the group before its signature is calculated * Reimplement this function if you need to access keys to further extend * security of your group items using keyset properties * Derived service should return one of three ServiceCreate_Return enum values below * @warning do not modify keySet! * @param grp The group which is stored by GXS prior * service can make specific modifications need * in particular access to its keys and meta * @param keySet this is the key set used to define the group * contains private and public admin and publish keys * (use key flags to distinguish) * @return SERVICE_CREATE_SUCCESS, SERVICE_CREATE_FAIL, SERVICE_FAIL_TRY_LATER */ virtual ServiceCreate_Return service_CreateGroup(RsGxsGrpItem* grpItem, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keySet); public: /*! * sets the group subscribe flag * @param token this is set to token value associated to this request * @param grpId Id of group whose subscribe file will be changed * @param status * @param mask */ void setGroupSubscribeFlags(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, const uint32_t& status, const uint32_t& mask); /*! * sets the group subscribe flag * @param token this is set to token value associated to this request * @param grpId Id of group whose subscribe file will be changed * @param status * @param mask */ void setGroupStatusFlags(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, const uint32_t& status, const uint32_t& mask); /*! * sets the group service string * @param token this is set to token value associated to this request * @param grpId Id of group whose subscribe file will be changed * @param servString */ void setGroupServiceString(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, const std::string& servString); /*! * * @param token value set to be redeemed with acknowledgement * @param grpId group id for cutoff value to be set * @param CutOff The cut off value to set */ void setGroupReputationCutOff(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, int CutOff); /*! * sets the msg status flag * @param token this is set to token value associated to this request * @param grpId Id of group whose subscribe file will be changed * @param status * @param mask Mask to apply to status flag */ void setMsgStatusFlags(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& msgId, const uint32_t& status, const uint32_t& mask); /*! * sets the message service string * @param token this is set to token value associated to this request * @param msgId Id of message whose service string will be changed * @param servString The service string to set msg to */ void setMsgServiceString(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair& msgId, const std::string& servString ); protected: /** Notifications **/ /*! * This confirms this class as an abstract one that \n * should not be instantiated \n * The deriving class should implement this function \n * as it is called by the backend GXS system to \n * update client of changes which should \n * instigate client to retrieve new content from the system * Note! For newly received message and groups, bit 0xf00 is set to * GXS_SERV::GXS_MSG_STATUS_UNPROCESSED and GXS_SERV::GXS_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD * @param changes the changes that have occured to data held by this service */ virtual void notifyChanges(std::vector& changes) = 0; private: void processRecvdData(); void processRecvdMessages(); void processRecvdGroups(); void publishGrps(); void processGroupUpdatePublish(); void publishMsgs(); /*! * processes msg local meta changes */ void processMsgMetaChanges(); /*! * Processes group local meta changes */ void processGrpMetaChanges(); /*! * Convenience function for properly applying masks for status and subscribe flag * of a group. * @warning mask entry is removed from grpCv */ bool processGrpMask(const RsGxsGroupId& grpId, ContentValue& grpCv); /*! * This completes the creation of an instance on RsNxsGrp * by assigning it a groupId and signature via SHA1 and EVP_sign respectively \n * @param grp Nxs group to create * @return CREATE_SUCCESS for success, CREATE_FAIL for fail, * CREATE_FAIL_TRY_LATER for Id sign key not avail (but requested) */ uint8_t createGroup(RsNxsGrp* grp, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& privateKeySet, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& publicKeySet); /*! * This completes the creation of an instance on RsNxsMsg * by assigning it a groupId and signature via SHA1 and EVP_sign respectively * What signatures are calculated are based on the authentication policy * of the service * @param msg the Nxs message to create * CREATE_FAIL, CREATE_SUCCESS, CREATE_ID_SIGN_NOT_AVAIL * @return CREATE_SUCCESS for success, CREATE_FAIL for fail, * CREATE_FAIL_TRY_LATER for Id sign key not avail (but requested) */ int createMessage(RsNxsMsg* msg); /*! * convenience function to create sign * @param signSet signatures are stored here * @param msgData message data to be signed * @param grpMeta the meta data for group the message belongs to * @return SIGN_SUCCESS for success, SIGN_FAIL for fail, * SIGN_FAIL_TRY_LATER for Id sign key not avail (but requested), try later */ int createMsgSignatures(RsTlvKeySignatureSet& signSet, RsTlvBinaryData& msgData, const RsGxsMsgMetaData& msgMeta, RsGxsGrpMetaData& grpMeta); /*! * convenience function to create sign for groups * @param signSet signatures are stored here * @param grpData group data to be signed * @param grpMeta the meta data for group to be signed * @return SIGN_SUCCESS for success, SIGN_FAIL for fail, * SIGN_FAIL_TRY_LATER for Id sign key not avail (but requested), try later */ int createGroupSignatures(RsTlvKeySignatureSet& signSet, RsTlvBinaryData& grpData, RsGxsGrpMetaData& grpMeta); /*! * check meta change is legal * @return false if meta change is not legal */ bool locked_validateGrpMetaChange(GrpLocMetaData&); /*! * Generate a set of keys that can define a GXS group * @param privatekeySet contains private generated keys * @param publickeySet contains public generated keys (counterpart of private) * @param genPublicKeys should publish key pair also be generated */ void generateGroupKeys(RsTlvSecurityKeySet& privatekeySet, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& publickeySet, bool genPublishKeys); /*! * Generate public set of keys from their private counterparts * No keys will be generated if one fails * @param privatekeySet contains private generated keys * @param publickeySet contains public generated keys (counterpart of private) * @return false if key gen failed for a key set */ void generatePublicFromPrivateKeys(const RsTlvSecurityKeySet& privatekeySet, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& publickeySet); /*! * Attempts to validate msg signatures * @param msg message to be validated * @param grpFlag the flag for the group the message belongs to * @param grpKeySet the key set user has for the message's group * @return VALIDATE_SUCCESS for success, VALIDATE_FAIL for fail, * VALIDATE_ID_SIGN_NOT_AVAIL for Id sign key not avail (but requested) */ int validateMsg(RsNxsMsg* msg, const uint32_t& grpFlag, RsTlvSecurityKeySet& grpKeySet); /*! * Attempts to validate group signatures * @param grp group to be validated * @return VALIDATE_SUCCESS for success, VALIDATE_FAIL for fail, * VALIDATE_ID_SIGN_NOT_AVAIL for Id sign key not avail (but requested) */ int validateGrp(RsNxsGrp* grp); /*! * Checks flag against a given privacy bit block * @param pos Determines 8 bit wide privacy block to check * @param flag the flag to and(&) against * @param the result of the (bit-block & flag) */ bool checkAuthenFlag(const PrivacyBitPos& pos, const uint8_t& flag) const; void groupShareKeys(std::list peers); static void computeHash(const RsTlvBinaryData& data, RsFileHash& hash); /*! * Checks validation of recently received groups to be * updated */ void performUpdateValidation(); /*! * Checks if the update is valid (i.e. the new admin signature is by the old admin key) * @param oldGrp the old group to be updated (must have meta data member initialised) * @param newGrp the new group that updates the old group (must have meta data member initialised) * @return */ bool updateValid(RsGxsGrpMetaData& oldGrp, RsNxsGrp& newGrp) const; /*! * convenience function for checking private publish and admin keys are present * @param keySet The keys set to split into a private and public set * @return false, if private admin and publish keys cannot be found, true otherwise */ bool checkKeys(const RsTlvSecurityKeySet& keySet); private: RsMutex mGenMtx; RsGxsDataAccess* mDataAccess; RsGeneralDataService* mDataStore; RsNetworkExchangeService *mNetService; RsSerialType *mSerialiser; /// service type uint16_t mServType; RsGixs* mGixs; std::vector mReceivedMsgs; typedef std::vector > NxsGrpPendValidVect; NxsGrpPendValidVect mReceivedGrps; std::vector mGrpsToPublish; typedef std::vector NxsGrpSignPendVect; std::map mMsgsToPublish; std::map mMsgNotify; std::map mGrpNotify; // for loc meta changes std::map mGrpLocMetaMap; std::map mMsgLocMetaMap; std::vector mNotifications; /// authentication policy uint32_t mAuthenPolicy; std::map > mMsgPendingSign; std::vector > mMsgPendingValidate; typedef std::vector > NxsMsgPendingVect; const uint32_t MESSAGE_STORE_PERIOD; bool mCleaning; time_t mLastClean; RsGxsMessageCleanUp* mMsgCleanUp; bool mChecking, mCheckStarted; time_t mLastCheck; RsGxsIntegrityCheck* mIntegrityCheck; private: std::vector mChanges; std::vector mGroupChange; std::vector mMsgChange; const uint8_t CREATE_FAIL, CREATE_SUCCESS, CREATE_FAIL_TRY_LATER, SIGN_MAX_ATTEMPTS; const uint8_t SIGN_FAIL, SIGN_SUCCESS, SIGN_FAIL_TRY_LATER; const uint8_t VALIDATE_FAIL, VALIDATE_SUCCESS, VALIDATE_FAIL_TRY_LATER, VALIDATE_MAX_ATTEMPTS; private: std::vector mGroupUpdates, mPeersGroupUpdate; std::vector mGroupUpdatePublish; }; #endif // RSGENEXCHANGE_H