Mac OSX Build Instructions.

There are several complications with building Retroshare under OSX.
 1) Support Libraries must be built and installed seperately.
 2) Universal and OSX 10.5 support is a little tricky, mainly due to the support libraries.

Additional Libraries

 * GnuPG Package, that comes with Retroshare OSX install image. (GnuPG-1.4.9.dmg)

GPG Development libraries
 * libassuan    (I'm using 2.0.1)
 * libgpg-error (I'm using 1.9)
 * libgpgme     (I'm using 1.3.0)

These libraries use standard UNIX installation systems: AUTOCONF/AUTOMAKE (configure, make, etc)
Unfortunately, this makes it difficult and a little manual to compile Universal and 10.5 libraries.

UPNPC (for OSX and windows)
 * miniupnpc    (I'm using 1.0)

You will also need to install 
 * XCode (available on the Apple Install CDs)
 * Qt4 (from

First Compilation...

The First challenge is to build Retroshare on your Mac. For this first compilation, 
we only build for your specific machine, and not attempt a Generic / 10.5 / Univeral build.

1) Install / Compile all the packages listed above.
     be sure to use a configure command like this where applicable to only create a static library.
    ./configure --enable-static=yes --enable-shared=no CFLAGS="-arch i386" CPPFLAGS="-arch i386"

2) Check out the Retroshare SVN.

3) compile libbitdht:
	cd libbitdht/src

	This recreates a xcodeproj file for compilation using XCode.
	Open with Xcode, and build.

4) compile libretroshare: same way.
5) compile retroshare-gui: same way.

Creating Retroshare OSX Distribution Packages.
 TODO, once I've got feedback on First Compilation!