/******************************************************************************* * libretroshare/src/dht: p3bitdht_interface.cc * * * * libretroshare: retroshare core library * * * * Copyright 2009-2011 by Robert Fernie * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "util/rsnet.h" #include "dht/p3bitdht.h" #include "tcponudp/udprelay.h" #include "tcponudp/udpstunner.h" #include "bitdht/bdstddht.h" void convertBdPeerToRsDhtPeer(RsDhtPeer &peer, const bdPeer &int_peer); void convertDhtPeerDetailsToRsDhtNetPeer(RsDhtNetPeer &status, const DhtPeerDetails &details); void convertUdpRelayEndtoRsDhtRelayEnd(RsDhtRelayEnd &end, const UdpRelayEnd &int_end); void convertUdpRelayProxytoRsDhtRelayProxy(RsDhtRelayProxy &proxy, const UdpRelayProxy &int_proxy); /*********************************************************************************************** ********** External RsDHT Interface (defined in libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsdht.h) ********* ************************************************************************************************/ uint32_t p3BitDht::getNetState(uint32_t /*type*/) { return 1; } int p3BitDht::getDhtPeers(int lvl, std::list &peers) { /* this function we can actually implement! */ bdBucket int_peers; std::list::iterator it; mUdpBitDht->getDhtBucket(lvl, int_peers); for(it = int_peers.entries.begin(); it != int_peers.entries.end(); ++it) { RsDhtPeer peer; convertBdPeerToRsDhtPeer(peer, *it); peer.mBucket = lvl; peers.push_back(peer); } return (int_peers.entries.size() > 0); } int p3BitDht::getNetPeerList(std::list &peerIds) { RsStackMutex stack(dhtMtx); /*********** LOCKED **********/ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mPeers.begin(); it != mPeers.end(); ++it) { peerIds.push_back(it->second.mRsId); } return 1; } int p3BitDht::getNetPeerStatus(const RsPeerId& peerId, RsDhtNetPeer &status) { RsStackMutex stack(dhtMtx); /*********** LOCKED **********/ DhtPeerDetails *dpd = findInternalRsPeer_locked(peerId); if (!dpd) { return 0; } convertDhtPeerDetailsToRsDhtNetPeer(status, *dpd); return 1; } int p3BitDht::getRelayEnds(std::list &relayEnds) { /* no need for mutex as mRelayReceiver is protected */ if (!mRelay) { return 0; } std::list int_relayEnds; std::list::iterator it; mRelay->getRelayEnds(int_relayEnds); for(it = int_relayEnds.begin(); it != int_relayEnds.end(); ++it) { RsDhtRelayEnd end; convertUdpRelayEndtoRsDhtRelayEnd(end, *it); relayEnds.push_back(end); } return 1; } int p3BitDht::getRelayProxies(std::list &relayProxies) { /* no need for mutex as mRelayReceiver is protected */ if (!mRelay) { return 0; } std::list int_relayProxies; std::list::iterator it; mRelay->getRelayProxies(int_relayProxies); for(it = int_relayProxies.begin(); it != int_relayProxies.end(); ++it) { RsDhtRelayProxy proxy; convertUdpRelayProxytoRsDhtRelayProxy(proxy, *it); relayProxies.push_back(proxy); } return 1; } #if 0 int p3BitDht::getNetFailedPeer(std::string peerId, PeerStatus &status) { return 1; } #endif std::string p3BitDht::getUdpAddressString() { std::string out; #ifdef RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER struct sockaddr_in extAddr; uint8_t extStable; if (mDhtStunner->externalAddr(extAddr, extStable)) { rs_sprintf_append(out, " DhtExtAddr: %s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(extAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(extAddr.sin_port)); if (extStable) { out += " (Stable) "; } else { out += " (Unstable) "; } } else { out += " DhtExtAddr: Unknown "; } if (mProxyStunner->externalAddr(extAddr, extStable)) { rs_sprintf_append(out, " ProxyExtAddr: %s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(extAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(extAddr.sin_port)); if (extStable) { out += " (Stable) "; } else { out += " (Unstable) "; } } else { out += " ProxyExtAddr: Unknown "; } #else // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER // whitespaces taken from above out = " DhtExtAddr: Unknown ProxyExtAddr: Unknown "; #endif // RS_USE_DHT_STUNNER return out; } void p3BitDht::updateDataRates() { uint32_t relayRead = 0; uint32_t relayWrite = 0; uint32_t relayRelay = 0; uint32_t dhtRead = 0; uint32_t dhtWrite = 0; mRelay->getDataTransferred(relayRead, relayWrite, relayRelay); mUdpBitDht->getDataTransferred(dhtRead, dhtWrite); RsStackMutex stack(dhtMtx); /********* LOCKED *********/ time_t now = time(NULL); float period = now - mLastDataRateUpdate; #define RATE_FACTOR (0.75) mRelayReadRate *= RATE_FACTOR; mRelayReadRate += (1.0 - RATE_FACTOR) * (relayRead / period); mRelayWriteRate *= RATE_FACTOR; mRelayWriteRate += (1.0 - RATE_FACTOR) * (relayWrite / period); mRelayRelayRate *= RATE_FACTOR; mRelayRelayRate += (1.0 - RATE_FACTOR) * (relayRelay / period); mDhtReadRate *= RATE_FACTOR; mDhtReadRate += (1.0 - RATE_FACTOR) * (dhtRead / period); mDhtWriteRate *= RATE_FACTOR; mDhtWriteRate += (1.0 - RATE_FACTOR) * (dhtWrite / period); mLastDataRateUpdate = now; } void p3BitDht::clearDataRates() { RsStackMutex stack(dhtMtx); /********* LOCKED *********/ mRelayReadRate = 0; mRelayWriteRate = 0; mRelayRelayRate = 0; mDhtReadRate = 0; mDhtWriteRate = 0; mLastDataRateUpdate = time(NULL); } /* in kB/s */ void p3BitDht::getDhtRates(float &read, float &write) { RsStackMutex stack(dhtMtx); /********* LOCKED *********/ read = mDhtReadRate / 1024.0; write = mDhtWriteRate / 1024.0; } void p3BitDht::getRelayRates(float &read, float &write, float &relay) { RsStackMutex stack(dhtMtx); /********* LOCKED *********/ read = mRelayReadRate / 1024.0; write = mRelayWriteRate / 1024.0; relay = mRelayRelayRate / 1024.0; } /*********************************************************************************************** ********** External RsDHT Interface (defined in libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsdht.h) ********* ************************************************************************************************/ void convertBdPeerToRsDhtPeer(RsDhtPeer &peer, const bdPeer &int_peer) { bdStdPrintNodeId(peer.mDhtId, &(int_peer.mPeerId.id), false); rs_sprintf(peer.mAddr, "%s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(int_peer.mPeerId.addr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(int_peer.mPeerId.addr.sin_port)); peer.mLastSendTime = int_peer.mLastSendTime; peer.mLastRecvTime = int_peer.mLastRecvTime; peer.mFoundTime = int_peer.mFoundTime; peer.mPeerFlags = int_peer.mPeerFlags; peer.mExtraFlags = int_peer.mExtraFlags; } void convertDhtPeerDetailsToRsDhtNetPeer(RsDhtNetPeer &status, const DhtPeerDetails &details) { bdStdPrintId(status.mDhtId, &(details.mDhtId), false); status.mRsId = details.mRsId; status.mPeerType = details.mPeerType; status.mDhtState = details.mDhtState; status.mConnectState = details.mConnectLogic.connectState(); status.mPeerReqState = details.mPeerReqState; status.mExclusiveProxyLock = details.mExclusiveProxyLock; status.mPeerConnectState = details.mPeerConnectState; switch(details.mPeerConnectMode) { default: status.mPeerConnectMode = RSDHT_TOU_MODE_NONE; break; case BITDHT_CONNECT_MODE_DIRECT: status.mPeerConnectMode = RSDHT_TOU_MODE_DIRECT; break; case BITDHT_CONNECT_MODE_PROXY: status.mPeerConnectMode = RSDHT_TOU_MODE_PROXY; break; case BITDHT_CONNECT_MODE_RELAY: status.mPeerConnectMode = RSDHT_TOU_MODE_RELAY; break; } //status.mPeerConnectProxyId = details.mPeerConnectProxyId; bdStdPrintId(status.mPeerConnectProxyId, &(details.mPeerConnectProxyId), false); status.mCbPeerMsg = details.mPeerCbMsg; return; } void convertUdpRelayEndtoRsDhtRelayEnd(RsDhtRelayEnd &end, const UdpRelayEnd &int_end) { rs_sprintf(end.mLocalAddr, "%s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(int_end.mLocalAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(int_end.mLocalAddr.sin_port)); rs_sprintf(end.mProxyAddr, "%s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(int_end.mProxyAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(int_end.mProxyAddr.sin_port)); rs_sprintf(end.mRemoteAddr, "%s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(int_end.mRemoteAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(int_end.mRemoteAddr.sin_port)); end.mCreateTS = 0; return; } void convertUdpRelayProxytoRsDhtRelayProxy(RsDhtRelayProxy &proxy, const UdpRelayProxy &int_proxy) { rs_sprintf(proxy.mSrcAddr, "%s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(int_proxy.mAddrs.mSrcAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(int_proxy.mAddrs.mSrcAddr.sin_port)); rs_sprintf(proxy.mDestAddr, "%s:%u", rs_inet_ntoa(int_proxy.mAddrs.mDestAddr.sin_addr).c_str(), ntohs(int_proxy.mAddrs.mDestAddr.sin_port)); proxy.mBandwidth = int_proxy.mBandwidth; proxy.mRelayClass = int_proxy.mRelayClass; proxy.mLastTS = int_proxy.mLastTS; proxy.mCreateTS = 0; //proxy.mDataSize = int_proxy.mDataSize; //proxy.mLastBandwidthTS = int_proxy.mLastBandwidthTS; } RsDhtPeer::RsDhtPeer() { mBucket = 0; //std::string mDhtId; mLastSendTime = 0; mLastRecvTime = 0; mFoundTime = 0; mPeerFlags = 0; mExtraFlags = 0; } RsDhtNetPeer::RsDhtNetPeer() { return; } RsDhtRelayEnd::RsDhtRelayEnd() { mCreateTS = 0; } RsDhtRelayProxy::RsDhtRelayProxy() { mBandwidth = 0; mRelayClass = 0; mLastTS = 0; mCreateTS = 0; //uint32_t mDataSize; //time_t mLastBandwidthTS; }