#ifndef RSGXSDATAACCESS_H #define RSGXSDATAACCESS_H /* * libretroshare/src/retroshare: rsgxsdataaccess.cc * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2012-2012 by Robert Fernie, Christopher Evi-Parker * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "retroshare/rstokenservice.h" #include "rsgxsrequesttypes.h" #include "rsgds.h" typedef std::map< RsGxsGroupId, std::map > MsgMetaFilter; typedef std::map< RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsGrpMetaData* > GrpMetaFilter; class RsGxsDataAccess : public RsTokenService { public: explicit RsGxsDataAccess(RsGeneralDataService* ds); virtual ~RsGxsDataAccess() ; public: /** S: RsTokenService * TODO: cleanup * In the following methods @param uint32_t ansType is of no use, it is * deprecated and should be removed as soon as possible as it is cause of * many confusions, instead use const RsTokReqOptions::mReqType &opts to * specify the kind of data you are interested in. */ /*! * Use this to request group related information * @param token The token returned for the request, store this value to pool for request completion * @param ansType @deprecated unused @see S: RsTokenService notice * @param opts Additional option that affect outcome of request. Please see specific services, for valid values * @param groupIds group id to request info for * @return */ bool requestGroupInfo(uint32_t &token, uint32_t ansType, const RsTokReqOptions &opts, const std::list &groupIds); /*! * Use this to request all group related info * @param token The token returned for the request, store this value to pool for request completion * @param ansType @deprecated unused @see S: RsTokenService notice * @param opts Additional option that affect outcome of request. Please see specific services, for valid values * @return */ bool requestGroupInfo(uint32_t &token, uint32_t ansType, const RsTokReqOptions &opts); /*! * Use this to get msg information (id, meta, or data), store token value to poll for request completion * @param token The token returned for the request * @param ansType @deprecated unused @see S: RsTokenService notice * @param opts Additional option that affect outcome of request. Please see specific services, for valid values * @param groupIds The ids of the groups to get, second entry of map empty to query for all msgs * @return true if request successful false otherwise */ bool requestMsgInfo(uint32_t &token, uint32_t ansType, const RsTokReqOptions &opts, const GxsMsgReq& msgIds); /*! * Use this to get message information (id, meta, or data), store token value to poll for request completion * @param token The token returned for the request * @param ansType @deprecated unused @see S: RsTokenService notice * @param opts Additional option that affect outcome of request. Please see specific services, for valid values * @param groupIds The ids of the groups to get, this retrieve all the msgs info for each grpId in list, if group Id list is empty \n * all messages for all groups are retrieved * @return true if request successful false otherwise */ bool requestMsgInfo(uint32_t &token, uint32_t ansType, const RsTokReqOptions &opts, const std::list& grpIds); /*! * For requesting msgs related to a given msg id within a group * @param token The token returned for the request * @param ansType @deprecated unused @see S: RsTokenService notice * @param opts Additional option that affect outcome of request. Please see specific services, for valid values * @param groupIds The ids of the groups to get, second entry of map empty to query for all msgs * @return true if request successful false otherwise */ bool requestMsgRelatedInfo(uint32_t &token, uint32_t ansType, const RsTokReqOptions &opts, const std::vector &msgIds); /*! * This request statistics on amount of data held * number of groups * number of groups subscribed * number of messages * size of db store * total size of messages * total size of groups * @param token */ void requestServiceStatistic(uint32_t& token); /*! * To request statistic on a group * @param token set to value to be redeemed to get statistic * @param grpId the id of the group */ void requestGroupStatistic(uint32_t& token, const RsGxsGroupId& grpId); /* Poll */ uint32_t requestStatus(const uint32_t token); /* Cancel Request */ bool cancelRequest(const uint32_t &token); /** E: RsTokenService **/ public: /*! * This adds a groups to the gxs data base, this is a blocking call \n * If function returns successfully DataAccess can be queried for grp * @param grp the group to add, responsibility grp passed lies with callee * @return false if group cound not be added */ bool addGroupData(RsNxsGrp* grp); /*! * This updates a groups in the gxs data base, this is a blocking call \n * If function returns successfully DataAccess can be queried for grp * @param grp the group to add, responsibility grp passed lies with callee * @return false if group cound not be added */ bool updateGroupData(RsNxsGrp* grp); /*! * This adds a group to the gxs data base, this is a blocking call \n * Responsibility for msg still lies with callee \n * If function returns successfully DataAccess can be queried for msg * @param msg the msg to add * @return false if msg could not be added, true otherwise */ bool addMsgData(RsNxsMsg* msg); public: /*! * This must be called periodically to progress requests */ void processRequests(); /*! * @param token * @param grpStatistic * @return false if token cannot be redeemed */ bool getGroupStatistic(const uint32_t &token, GxsGroupStatistic& grpStatistic); /*! * @param token * @param servStatistic * @return false if token cannot be redeemed */ bool getServiceStatistic(const uint32_t &token, GxsServiceStatistic& servStatistic); /*! * Retrieve group list for a given token * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param groupIds * @param msgIds * @return false if token cannot be redeemed, if false you may have tried to redeem when not ready */ bool getGroupList(const uint32_t &token, std::list &groupIds); /*! * * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param msgIds */ bool getMsgList(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgIdResult &msgIds); /*! * Retrieve msg list for a given token for message related info * @param token token to be redeemed * @param msgIds a map of RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair -> msgList (vector) * @return false if could not redeem token */ bool getMsgRelatedList(const uint32_t &token, MsgRelatedIdResult& msgIds); /*! * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param groupInfo */ bool getGroupSummary(const uint32_t &token, std::list& groupInfo); /*! * * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param msgInfo */ bool getMsgSummary(const uint32_t &token, GxsMsgMetaResult &msgInfo); /*! * Retrieve msg meta for a given token for message related info * @param token token to be redeemed * @param msgIds a map of RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair -> msgList (vector) * @return false if could not redeem token */ bool getMsgRelatedSummary(const uint32_t &token, MsgRelatedMetaResult& msgMeta); /*! * * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param grpData */ bool getGroupData(const uint32_t &token, std::list& grpData); /*! * * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param msgData * @return false if data cannot be found for token */ bool getMsgData(const uint32_t &token, NxsMsgDataResult& msgData); /*! * * @param token request token to be redeemed * @param msgData * @return false if data cannot be found for token */ bool getMsgRelatedData(const uint32_t &token, NxsMsgRelatedDataResult& msgData); private: /** helper functions to implement token service **/ /*! * Assigns a token value to passed integer * @param token is assigned a unique token value */ void generateToken(uint32_t &token); /*! * * @param token the value of the token for the request object handle wanted * @return the request associated to this token */ GxsRequest* locked_retrieveRequest(const uint32_t& token); /*! * Add a gxs request to queue * @param req gxs request to add */ void storeRequest(GxsRequest* req); /*! * convenience function to setting members of request * @param req * @param token * @param ansType * @param opts */ void setReq(GxsRequest* req, uint32_t token, uint32_t ansType, const RsTokReqOptions& opts) const; /*! * Remove request for request queue * Request is deleted * @param token the token associated to the request * @return true if token successfully cleared, false if token does not exist */ bool clearRequest(const uint32_t &token); /*! * Updates the status flag of a request * @param token the token value of the request to set * @param status the status to set * @return */ bool locked_updateRequestStatus(const uint32_t &token, const uint32_t &status); /*! * Use to query the status and other values of a given token * @param token the toke of the request to check for * @param status set to current status of request * @param reqtype set to request type of request * @param anstype set to to anstype of request * @param ts time stamp * @return false if token does not exist, true otherwise */ bool checkRequestStatus(const uint32_t &token, uint32_t &status, uint32_t &reqtype, uint32_t &anstype, time_t &ts); // special ones for testing (not in final design) /*! * Get list of active tokens of this token service * @param tokens sets to list of token contained in this tokenservice */ void tokenList(std::list &tokens); /*! * Convenience function to delete the ids * @param filter the meta filter to clean */ void cleanseMsgMetaMap(GxsMsgMetaResult& result); public: /*! * Assigns a token value to passed integer * The status of the token can still be queried from request status feature * @param token is assigned a unique token value */ uint32_t generatePublicToken(); /*! * Updates the status of associate token * @param token * @param status * @return false if token could not be found, true if token disposed of */ bool updatePublicRequestStatus(const uint32_t &token, const uint32_t &status); /*! * This gets rid of a publicly issued token * @param token * @return false if token could not found, true if token disposed of */ bool disposeOfPublicToken(const uint32_t &token); private: /* These perform the actual blocking retrieval of data */ /*! * Attempts to retrieve group id list from data store * @param req * @return false if unsuccessful, true otherwise */ bool getGroupList(GroupIdReq* req); /*! * convenience function for filtering grpIds * @param grpIdsIn The ids to filter with opts * @param opts the filter options * @param grpIdsOut grpIdsIn filtered with opts */ bool getGroupList(const std::list& grpIdsIn, const RsTokReqOptions& opts, std::list& grpIdsOut); /*! * Attempts to retrieve msg id list from data store * Computationally/CPU-Bandwidth expensive * @param req * @return false if unsuccessful, true otherwise */ bool getMsgList(MsgIdReq* req); /*! * Attempts to retrieve group meta data from data store * @param req * @return false if unsuccessful, true otherwise */ bool getGroupSummary(GroupMetaReq* req); /*! * Attempts to retrieve msg meta data from data store * @param req * @return false if unsuccessful, true otherwise */ bool getMsgSummary(MsgMetaReq* req); /*! * Attempts to retrieve group data from data store * @param req The request specifying data to retrieve * @return false if unsuccessful, true otherwise */ bool getGroupData(GroupDataReq* req); /*! * Attempts to retrieve message data from data store * @param req The request specifying data to retrieve * @return false if unsuccessful, true otherwise */ bool getMsgData(MsgDataReq* req); /*! * Attempts to retrieve messages related to msgIds of associated equest * @param req Request object to satisfy * @return false if data cannot be found for token */ bool getMsgRelatedInfo(MsgRelatedInfoReq* req); /*! * * Attempts to retrieve group statistic * @param req Request object to satisfy */ bool getGroupStatistic(GroupStatisticRequest* req); /*! * * Attempts to retrieve group data in serialized format * @param req Request object to satisfy */ bool getGroupSerializedData(GroupSerializedDataReq* req); /*! * * Attempts to service statistic * @param req request object to satisfy */ bool getServiceStatistic(ServiceStatisticRequest* req); /*! * This filter msgs based of options supplied (at the moment just status masks) * @param msgIds The msgsIds to filter * @param opts the request options set by user * @param meta The accompanying meta information for msg, ids */ void filterMsgList(GxsMsgIdResult& msgIds, const RsTokReqOptions& opts, const MsgMetaFilter& meta) const; /*! * This filter msgs based of options supplied (at the moment just status masks) * @param grpIds The group ids to filter * @param opts the request options containing mask set by user * @param meta The accompanying meta information for group ids */ void filterGrpList(std::list& msgIds, const RsTokReqOptions& opts, const GrpMetaFilter& meta) const; /*! * This applies the options to the meta to find out if the given message satisfies * them * @param opts options containing filters to check * @param meta meta containing currently defined options for msg * @return true if msg meta passes all options */ bool checkMsgFilter(const RsTokReqOptions& opts, const RsGxsMsgMetaData* meta) const; /*! * This applies the options to the meta to find out if the given group satisfies * them * @param opts options containing filters to check * @param meta meta containing currently defined options for group * @return true if group meta passes all options */ bool checkGrpFilter(const RsTokReqOptions& opts, const RsGxsGrpMetaData* meta) const; /*! * This is a filter method which applies the request options to the list of ids * requested * @param msgIds the msg ids for filter to be applied to * @param opts the options used to parameterise the id filter * @param msgIdsOut the left overs ids after filter is applied to msgIds */ bool getMsgList(const GxsMsgReq& msgIds, const RsTokReqOptions& opts, GxsMsgReq& msgIdsOut); private: RsGeneralDataService* mDataStore; RsMutex mDataMutex; /* protecting below */ uint32_t mNextToken; std::map mPublicToken; std::map mRequests; }; #endif // RSGXSDATAACCESS_H