#!/bin/sh ###################### PARAMETERS #################### gitpath="https://github.com/csoler/RetroShare.git" #branch="master" branch="v0.6.5-DebianPackaging" #bubba3="Y" # comment out to compile for bubba3 ###################################################### RS_MAJOR_VERSION=0 RS_MINOR_VERSION=6 RS_BUILD_NUMBER=5 # echo "RS_MAJOR_VERSION="${RS_MAJOR_VERSION} # echo "RS_MINOR_VERSION="${RS_MINOR_VERSION} # echo "RS_BUILD_NUMBER="${RS_BUILD_NUMBER} version_number="${RS_MAJOR_VERSION}"'.'"${RS_MINOR_VERSION}"'.'"${RS_BUILD_NUMBER}" workdir=retroshare-${version_number} echo This script is going to build the debian source package for RetroShare, from the Git repository. if test -d "${workdir}" ; then echo Removing the ${workdir} directory... rm -rf ${workdir} fi # Parse options rev="" dist="" # This is the key for "Cyril Soler <csoler@sourceforge.net>" gpgkey="0932399B" date=`git log --pretty=format:"%ai" | head -1 | cut -d\ -f1 | sed -e s/-//g` time=`git log --pretty=format:"%aD" | head -1 | cut -d\ -f5 | sed -e s/://g` hhsh=`git log --pretty=format:"%H" | head -1 | cut -c1-8` rev=${date}.${hhsh} useretrotor="false" while [ ${#} -gt 0 ]; do case ${1} in "-rev") shift rev=${1} shift ;; "-key") shift gpgkey=${1} shift ;; "-nodl") nodl=yes shift ;; "-makeorig") makeorig=yes shift ;; "-h") shift echo Package building script for debian/ubuntu distributions echo Usage: echo " "${0} '-key [PGP key id] -rev [svn revision number] -distribution [distrib name list with quotes, in (wheezy, sid, precise, saucy, etc)]' exit 1 ;; "*") echo "Unknown option" exit 1 ;; esac done removeIrrelevantFiles() { echo Removing irrelevant files in directory ${workdir}... # remove unised qml code, only needed on Android rm -rf ${workdir}/src/retroshare-qml-app/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/librssimulator/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/libretroshare/src/tests/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/libretroshare/src/unfinished/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/libretroshare/unused/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/retroshare-android-notify-service/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/retroshare-android-service/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/libretroshare/src/unused/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/supportlibs/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/retroshare-service/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/plugins/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/unittests/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/tests/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/build_scripts/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/libbitdht/src/tests/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/libbitdht/src/example/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/WikiPoos/ rm -rf ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/Unused/ rm -f ${workdir}/debian/*~ rm -f ${workdir}/debian/.*.sw? rm -f ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/qss/chat/Bubble_Compact/private/images.sh rm -f ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/qss/chat/Bubble/src/images.sh rm -f ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/qss/chat/Bubble/public/images.sh rm -f ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/qss/chat/Bubble/"history"/images.sh rm -f ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/qss/chat/Bubble/private/images.sh } echo Attempting to get revision number... ccount=`git rev-list --count --all` ccount=`expr $ccount + 8613 - 8267` gitrev=`git describe | cut -d- -f2-3` echo " Workdir :"${workdir} echo " Version :"${version_number} echo " Using revision :"${rev} echo " Git Revision :"${gitrev} echo " Commit count :"${ccount} echo " Hash :"${hhsh} echo " Date :"${date} echo " Time :"${time} echo " Using branch :"${branch} echo " Using PGP key id :"${gpgkey} if test ${useretrotor} = "true"; then echo " "Specific flags : retrotor fi echo Done. version="${version_number}"."${rev}" echo Got version number ${version} echo echo Please check that the changelog is up to date. echo Hit ENTER if this is correct. Otherwise hit Ctrl+C read tmp echo Extracting base archive... if ! test "${makeorig}" = "yes" ; then if ! test -f retroshare_${version_number}.orig.tar.gz; then echo Error: no orig file found. Please call with -makeorig option first exit fi fi if ! test "${nodl}" = "yes"; then mkdir -p ${workdir}/src echo Checking out latest snapshot... cd ${workdir}/src git clone --depth 1 ${gitpath} --single-branch --branch $branch . cd - if ! test -d ${workdir}/src/libretroshare/; then echo Git clone failed. exit fi cp -r debian ${workdir}/debian # VOIP tweak cp ${workdir}/src/retroshare-gui/src/gui/chat/PopupChatDialog.ui ${workdir}/src/plugins/VOIP/gui/PopupChatDialog.ui removeIrrelevantFiles cd ${workdir} echo Setting version numbers... # setup version numbers # sed -e "s%RS_REVISION_NUMBER.*%RS_REVISION_NUMBER 0x${hhsh}%" src/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsversion.in > src/libretroshare/src/retroshare/rsversion.h # Various cleaning echo Cleaning... \rm -rf src/.git if test "${makeorig}" = "yes" ; then echo making orig archive cd - tar zcvf retroshare_${version_number}.orig.tar.gz ${workdir} exit fi cd - else tar zxvf retroshare_${version_number}.orig.tar.gz cp -r debian/* ${workdir}/debian/ removeIrrelevantFiles fi # Cloning sqlcipher # git clone https://github.com/sqlcipher/sqlcipher.git echo Calling debuild... cd ${workdir} debuild -S -k${gpgkey} --lintian-opts +pedantic -EviIL cd - exit 0