#include "ChatHandler.h" #include "Pagination.h" #include "Operators.h" #include "GxsResponseTask.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace resource_api { std::string id(const ChatHandler::Msg& m) { std::stringstream ss; ss << m.id; return ss.str(); } StreamBase& operator << (StreamBase& left, ChatHandler::Msg& m) { left << makeKeyValueReference("incoming", m.incoming) << makeKeyValueReference("was_send", m.was_send) << makeKeyValueReference("author_id", m.author_id) << makeKeyValueReference("author_name", m.author_name) << makeKeyValueReference("msg", m.msg) << makeKeyValueReference("recv_time", m.recv_time) << makeKeyValueReference("send_time", m.send_time) << makeKeyValueReference("id", m.id); StreamBase& ls = left.getStreamToMember("links"); ls.getStreamToMember(); for(std::vector::iterator vit = m.links.begin(); vit != m.links.end(); ++vit) { ls.getStreamToMember() << makeKeyValueReference("first", vit->first) << makeKeyValueReference("second", vit->second) << makeKeyValueReference("third", vit->third); } return left; } bool compare_lobby_id(const ChatHandler::Lobby& l1, const ChatHandler::Lobby& l2) { if(l1.auto_subscribe && !l2.auto_subscribe) return true; if(!l1.auto_subscribe && l2.auto_subscribe) return false; if(l1.is_private && !l2.is_private) return true; if(!l1.is_private && l2.is_private) return false; if(l1.subscribed && !l2.subscribed) return true; if(!l1.subscribed && l2.subscribed) return false; return l1.id < l2.id; } StreamBase& operator <<(StreamBase& left, KeyValueReference kv) { if(left.serialise()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << kv.value; left << makeKeyValue(kv.key, ss.str()); } else { std::string val; left << makeKeyValueReference(kv.key, val); std::stringstream ss(val); ss >> kv.value; } return left; } StreamBase& operator << (StreamBase& left, ChatHandler::Lobby& l) { ChatId chatId(l.id); if (l.is_broadcast) chatId = ChatId::makeBroadcastId(); left << makeKeyValueReference("id", l.id) << makeKeyValue("chat_id", chatId.toStdString()) << makeKeyValueReference("name",l.name) << makeKeyValueReference("topic", l.topic) << makeKeyValueReference("subscribed", l.subscribed) << makeKeyValueReference("auto_subscribe", l.auto_subscribe) << makeKeyValueReference("is_private", l.is_private) << makeKeyValueReference("is_broadcast", l.is_broadcast) << makeKeyValueReference("gxs_id", l.gxs_id); return left; } StreamBase& operator << (StreamBase& left, ChatHandler::ChatInfo& info) { left << makeKeyValueReference("remote_author_id", info.remote_author_id) << makeKeyValueReference("remote_author_name", info.remote_author_name) << makeKeyValueReference("is_broadcast", info.is_broadcast) << makeKeyValueReference("is_distant_chat_id", info.is_distant_chat_id) << makeKeyValueReference("is_lobby", info.is_lobby) << makeKeyValueReference("is_peer", info.is_peer); return left; } class SendLobbyParticipantsTask: public GxsResponseTask { public: SendLobbyParticipantsTask(RsIdentity* idservice, ChatHandler::LobbyParticipantsInfo pi): GxsResponseTask(idservice, 0), mParticipantsInfo(pi) { const std::map& map = mParticipantsInfo.participants; for(std::map::const_iterator mit = map.begin(); mit != map.end(); ++mit) { requestGxsId(mit->first); } } private: ChatHandler::LobbyParticipantsInfo mParticipantsInfo; protected: virtual void gxsDoWork(Request &/*req*/, Response &resp) { resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember(); const std::map& map = mParticipantsInfo.participants; for(std::map::const_iterator mit = map.begin(); mit != map.end(); ++mit) { StreamBase& stream = resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember(); double last_active = mit->second; stream << makeKeyValueReference("last_active", last_active); streamGxsId(mit->first, stream.getStreamToMember("identity")); } resp.mStateToken = mParticipantsInfo.state_token; resp.setOk(); done(); } }; ChatHandler::ChatHandler(StateTokenServer *sts, RsNotify *notify, RsMsgs *msgs, RsPeers* peers, RsIdentity* identity, UnreadMsgNotify* unread): mStateTokenServer(sts), mNotify(notify), mRsMsgs(msgs), mRsPeers(peers), mRsIdentity(identity), mUnreadMsgNotify(unread), mMtx("ChatHandler::mMtx") { mNotify->registerNotifyClient(this); mStateTokenServer->registerTickClient(this); mMsgStateToken = mStateTokenServer->getNewToken(); mLobbiesStateToken = mStateTokenServer->getNewToken(); mUnreadMsgsStateToken = mStateTokenServer->getNewToken(); addResourceHandler("*", this, &ChatHandler::handleWildcard); addResourceHandler("lobbies", this, &ChatHandler::handleLobbies); addResourceHandler("subscribe_lobby", this, &ChatHandler::handleSubscribeLobby); addResourceHandler("unsubscribe_lobby", this, &ChatHandler::handleUnsubscribeLobby); addResourceHandler("clear_lobby", this, &ChatHandler::handleClearLobby); addResourceHandler("lobby_participants", this, &ChatHandler::handleLobbyParticipants); addResourceHandler("messages", this, &ChatHandler::handleMessages); addResourceHandler("send_message", this, &ChatHandler::handleSendMessage); addResourceHandler("mark_chat_as_read", this, &ChatHandler::handleMarkChatAsRead); addResourceHandler("info", this, &ChatHandler::handleInfo); addResourceHandler("receive_status", this, &ChatHandler::handleReceiveStatus); addResourceHandler("send_status", this, &ChatHandler::handleSendStatus); addResourceHandler("unread_msgs", this, &ChatHandler::handleUnreadMsgs); } ChatHandler::~ChatHandler() { mNotify->unregisterNotifyClient(this); mStateTokenServer->unregisterTickClient(this); } void ChatHandler::notifyChatMessage(const ChatMessage &msg) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ mRawMsgs.push_back(msg); } void ChatHandler::notifyChatCleared(const ChatId &chat_id) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ std::list& msgs = mMsgs[chat_id]; msgs.clear(); } void ChatHandler::notifyChatStatus(const ChatId &chat_id, const std::string &status) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ locked_storeTypingInfo(chat_id, status); } void ChatHandler::notifyChatLobbyEvent(uint64_t lobby_id, uint32_t event_type, const RsGxsId &nickname, const std::string& any_string) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ if(event_type == RS_CHAT_LOBBY_EVENT_PEER_STATUS) { locked_storeTypingInfo(ChatId(lobby_id), any_string, nickname); } } void ChatHandler::tick() { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ // first fetch lobbies std::vector lobbies; std::list subscribed_ids; mRsMsgs->getChatLobbyList(subscribed_ids); for(std::list::iterator lit = subscribed_ids.begin(); lit != subscribed_ids.end(); ++lit) { ChatLobbyInfo info; if(mRsMsgs->getChatLobbyInfo(*lit,info)) { Lobby l; l.id = *lit; l.name = info.lobby_name; l.topic = info.lobby_topic; l.subscribed = true; l.auto_subscribe = info.lobby_flags & RS_CHAT_LOBBY_FLAGS_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE; l.is_private = !(info.lobby_flags & RS_CHAT_LOBBY_FLAGS_PUBLIC); l.is_broadcast = false; l.gxs_id = info.gxs_id; lobbies.push_back(l); // update the lobby participants list // maybe it causes to much traffic to do this in every tick, // because the client would get the whole list every time a message was received // we could reduce the checking frequency std::map::iterator mit = mLobbyParticipantsInfos.find(*lit); if(mit == mLobbyParticipantsInfos.end()) { mLobbyParticipantsInfos[*lit].participants = info.gxs_ids; mLobbyParticipantsInfos[*lit].state_token = mStateTokenServer->getNewToken(); } else { LobbyParticipantsInfo& pi = mit->second; if(!std::equal(pi.participants.begin(), pi.participants.end(), info.gxs_ids.begin())) { pi.participants = info.gxs_ids; mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(pi.state_token); } } } } // remove participants info of old lobbies std::vector participants_info_to_delete; for(std::map::iterator mit = mLobbyParticipantsInfos.begin(); mit != mLobbyParticipantsInfos.end(); ++mit) { if(std::find(subscribed_ids.begin(), subscribed_ids.end(), mit->first) == subscribed_ids.end()) { participants_info_to_delete.push_back(mit->first); } } for(std::vector::iterator vit = participants_info_to_delete.begin(); vit != participants_info_to_delete.end(); ++vit) { LobbyParticipantsInfo& pi = mLobbyParticipantsInfos[*vit]; mStateTokenServer->discardToken(pi.state_token); mLobbyParticipantsInfos.erase(*vit); } { Lobby l; l.name = "BroadCast"; l.topic = "Retroshare broadcast chat: messages are sent to all connected friends."; l.subscribed = true; l.auto_subscribe = false; l.is_private = false; l.is_broadcast = true; lobbies.push_back(l); } std::vector unsubscribed_lobbies; mRsMsgs->getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(unsubscribed_lobbies); for(std::vector::iterator vit = unsubscribed_lobbies.begin(); vit != unsubscribed_lobbies.end(); ++vit) { const VisibleChatLobbyRecord& info = *vit; if(std::find(subscribed_ids.begin(), subscribed_ids.end(), info.lobby_id) == subscribed_ids.end()) { Lobby l; l.id = info.lobby_id; l.name = info.lobby_name; l.topic = info.lobby_topic; l.subscribed = false; l.auto_subscribe = info.lobby_flags & RS_CHAT_LOBBY_FLAGS_AUTO_SUBSCRIBE; l.is_private = !(info.lobby_flags & RS_CHAT_LOBBY_FLAGS_PUBLIC); l.is_broadcast = false; l.gxs_id = RsGxsId(); lobbies.push_back(l); } } // process new messages bool changed = false; bool lobby_unread_count_changed = false; std::vector::iterator> done; std::vector peers_changed; bool gxs_id_failed = false; // to prevent asking for multiple failing gxs ids in one tick, to not flush the cache for(std::list::iterator lit = mRawMsgs.begin(); lit != mRawMsgs.end(); ++lit) { ChatMessage& msg = *lit; std::string author_id; std::string author_name; if(msg.chat_id.isBroadcast()) { author_id = msg.broadcast_peer_id.toStdString(); author_name = mRsPeers->getPeerName(msg.broadcast_peer_id); } else if(msg.chat_id.isDistantChatId()) { DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo ; if(!rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(msg.chat_id.toDistantChatId(),dcpinfo)) { std::cerr << "(EE) cannot get info for distant chat peer " << msg.chat_id.toDistantChatId() << std::endl; continue ; } RsIdentityDetails details; if(!gxs_id_failed && mRsIdentity->getIdDetails(msg.incoming? dcpinfo.to_id: dcpinfo.own_id, details)) { author_id = details.mId.toStdString(); author_name = details.mNickname; } else { gxs_id_failed = true; continue; } } else if(msg.chat_id.isLobbyId()) { author_id = msg.lobby_peer_gxs_id.toStdString(); RsIdentityDetails details; if(!gxs_id_failed && mRsIdentity->getIdDetails(msg.lobby_peer_gxs_id, details)) { author_name = details.mNickname; lobby_unread_count_changed = true; } else { gxs_id_failed = true; continue; } } else if(msg.chat_id.isPeerId()) { RsPeerId id; if(msg.incoming) id = msg.chat_id.toPeerId(); else id = mRsPeers->getOwnId(); author_id = id.toStdString(); author_name = mRsPeers->getPeerName(id); if(std::find(peers_changed.begin(), peers_changed.end(), msg.chat_id.toPeerId()) == peers_changed.end()) peers_changed.push_back(msg.chat_id.toPeerId()); } else { std::cerr << "Error in ChatHandler::tick(): unhandled chat_id=" << msg.chat_id.toStdString() << std::endl; // remove from queue, so msgs with wrong ids to not pile up done.push_back(lit); continue; } if(mChatInfo.find(msg.chat_id) == mChatInfo.end()) { ChatInfo info; info.is_broadcast = msg.chat_id.isBroadcast(); info.is_distant_chat_id = msg.chat_id.isDistantChatId(); info.is_lobby = msg.chat_id.isLobbyId(); info.is_peer = msg.chat_id.isPeerId(); if(msg.chat_id.isLobbyId()) { for(std::vector::iterator vit = mLobbies.begin(); vit != mLobbies.end(); ++vit) { if(vit->id == msg.chat_id.toLobbyId()) info.remote_author_name = vit->name; } } else if(msg.chat_id.isDistantChatId()) { RsIdentityDetails details; DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo ; if(!gxs_id_failed && rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(msg.chat_id.toDistantChatId(),dcpinfo) && mRsIdentity->getIdDetails(msg.incoming? dcpinfo.to_id: dcpinfo.own_id, details)) { info.remote_author_id = details.mId.toStdString(); info.remote_author_name = details.mNickname; } else { gxs_id_failed = true; continue; } } else if(msg.chat_id.isPeerId()) { info.remote_author_id = msg.chat_id.toPeerId().toStdString(); info.remote_author_name = mRsPeers->getPeerName(msg.chat_id.toPeerId()); } mChatInfo[msg.chat_id] = info; } Msg m; m.read = !msg.incoming; m.incoming = msg.incoming; m.was_send = msg.online; m.author_id = author_id; m.author_name = author_name; // remove html tags from chat message // extract links form href getPlainText(msg.msg, m.msg, m.links); m.recv_time = msg.recvTime; m.send_time = msg.sendTime; m.id = RSRandom::random_u32(); mMsgs[msg.chat_id].push_back(m); done.push_back(lit); changed = true; } for(std::vector::iterator>::iterator vit = done.begin(); vit != done.end(); ++vit) mRawMsgs.erase(*vit); // send changes if(changed) { mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(mMsgStateToken); mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(mUnreadMsgsStateToken); } for(std::vector::iterator vit = peers_changed.begin(); vit != peers_changed.end(); ++vit) { const std::list& msgs = mMsgs[ChatId(*vit)]; uint32_t count = 0; for(std::list::const_iterator lit = msgs.begin(); lit != msgs.end(); ++lit) if(!lit->read) count++; if(mUnreadMsgNotify) mUnreadMsgNotify->notifyUnreadMsgCountChanged(*vit, count); } std::sort(lobbies.begin(), lobbies.end(), &compare_lobby_id); if(lobby_unread_count_changed || mLobbies != lobbies) { mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(mLobbiesStateToken); mLobbies = lobbies; } } static void writeUTF8 ( std::ostream & Out, unsigned int Ch ) /* writes Ch in UTF-8 encoding to Out. Note this version only deals with characters up to 16 bits. From: http://www.codecodex.com/wiki/Unescape_HTML_special_characters_from_a_String*/ { if (Ch >= 0x800) { Out.put(0xE0 | ((Ch >> 12) & 0x0F)); Out.put(0x80 | ((Ch >> 6) & 0x3F)); Out.put(0x80 | ((Ch ) & 0x3F)); } else if (Ch >= 0x80) { Out.put(0xC0 | ((Ch >> 6) & 0x1F)); Out.put(0x80 | ((Ch ) & 0x3F)); } else { Out.put(Ch); } } static unsigned int stringToDecUInt ( std::string str) { unsigned int out = 0; unsigned int max = std::numeric_limits::max() / 10; int lenght = str.length(); for (int curs = 0; curs < lenght; ++curs) { char c = str[curs]; if ( (c >= '0') && (c <= '9') && (out < max) ) { out *= 10; out += (int)( c - '0'); } else return 0; } return out; } void ChatHandler::getPlainText(const std::string& in, std::string &out, std::vector &links) { if (in.size() == 0) return; if (in[0] != '<' || in[in.size() - 1] != '>') { // It's a plain text message without HTML out = in; return; } bool ignore = false; bool keep_link = false; std::string last_six_chars; unsigned int tag_start_index = 0; Triple current_link; bool onEscapeChar = false; unsigned int escapeCharIndexStart = -1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { if(keep_link && in[i] == '"') { keep_link = false; current_link.second = out.size(); } if(last_six_chars == "href=\"") { keep_link = true; current_link.first = out.size(); } // "rising edge" sets mode to ignore if(in[i] == '<') { tag_start_index = i; ignore = true; } if(!ignore || keep_link) out += in[i]; // "falling edge" resets mode to keep if(in[i] == '>' && ignore) { // leave ignore mode on, if it's a style tag if (tag_start_index == 0 || tag_start_index + 6 > i || in.substr(tag_start_index, 6) != " 6) last_six_chars = last_six_chars.substr(1); std::string a = ""; if( current_link.first != -1 && last_six_chars.size() >= a.size() && last_six_chars.substr(last_six_chars.size()-a.size()) == a) { // only allow these protocols // we don't want for example javascript:alert(0) std::string http = "http://"; std::string https = "https://"; std::string retroshare = "retroshare://"; if( out.substr(current_link.first, http.size()) == http || out.substr(current_link.first, https.size()) == https || out.substr(current_link.first, retroshare.size()) == retroshare) { current_link.third = out.size(); links.push_back(current_link); } current_link = Triple(); } std::string br = "
"; if(last_six_chars.size() >= br.size() && last_six_chars.substr(last_six_chars.size()-br.size()) == br) { out += "\n"; } if (in[i] == '&') { onEscapeChar = true; escapeCharIndexStart = out.length(); } if (ignore || keep_link) { onEscapeChar = false; escapeCharIndexStart = -1; } if ((in[i] == ';') && onEscapeChar) { onEscapeChar = false; bool escapeFound = true; std::string escapeReplace = ""; //Keep only escape value to replace it std::string escapeCharValue = out.substr(escapeCharIndexStart, out.length() - escapeCharIndexStart - 1); if (escapeCharValue[0] == '#') { int escapedCharUTF8 = stringToDecUInt(escapeCharValue.substr(1)); std::ostringstream escapedSStream; writeUTF8( escapedSStream, escapedCharUTF8); escapeReplace = escapedSStream.str(); } else if (escapeCharValue == "euro") { escapeReplace = "€"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "nbsp") { escapeReplace = " "; } else if (escapeCharValue == "quot") { escapeReplace = "\""; } else if (escapeCharValue == "amp") { escapeReplace = "&"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "lt") { escapeReplace = "<"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "gt") { escapeReplace = ">"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "iexcl") { escapeReplace = "¡"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "cent") { escapeReplace = "¢"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "pound") { escapeReplace = "£"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "curren") { escapeReplace = "¤"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "yen") { escapeReplace = "¥"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "brvbar") { escapeReplace = "¦"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "sect") { escapeReplace = "§"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "uml") { escapeReplace = "¨"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "copy") { escapeReplace = "©"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ordf") { escapeReplace = "ª"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "not") { escapeReplace = "¬"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "shy") { escapeReplace = " ";//? } else if (escapeCharValue == "reg") { escapeReplace = "®"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "macr") { escapeReplace = "¯"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "deg") { escapeReplace = "°"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "plusmn") { escapeReplace = "±"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "sup2") { escapeReplace = "²"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "sup3") { escapeReplace = "³"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "acute") { escapeReplace = "´"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "micro") { escapeReplace = "µ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "para") { escapeReplace = "¶"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "middot") { escapeReplace = "·"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "cedil") { escapeReplace = "¸"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "sup1") { escapeReplace = "¹"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ordm") { escapeReplace = "º"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "raquo") { escapeReplace = "»"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "frac14") { escapeReplace = "¼"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "frac12") { escapeReplace = "½"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "frac34") { escapeReplace = "¾"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "iquest") { escapeReplace = "¿"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Agrave") { escapeReplace = "À"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Aacute") { escapeReplace = "Á"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Acirc") { escapeReplace = "Â"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Atilde") { escapeReplace = "Ã"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Auml") { escapeReplace = "Ä"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Aring") { escapeReplace = "Å"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "AElig") { escapeReplace = "Æ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ccedil") { escapeReplace = "Ç"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Egrave") { escapeReplace = "È"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Eacute") { escapeReplace = "É"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ecirc") { escapeReplace = "Ê"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Euml") { escapeReplace = "Ë"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Igrave") { escapeReplace = "Ì"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Iacute") { escapeReplace = "Í"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Icirc") { escapeReplace = "Î"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Iuml") { escapeReplace = "Ï"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ETH") { escapeReplace = "Ð"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ntilde") { escapeReplace = "Ñ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ograve") { escapeReplace = "Ò"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Oacute") { escapeReplace = "Ó"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ocirc") { escapeReplace = "Ô"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Otilde") { escapeReplace = "Õ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ouml") { escapeReplace = "Ö"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "times") { escapeReplace = "×"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Oslash") { escapeReplace = "Ø"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ugrave") { escapeReplace = "Ù"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Uacute") { escapeReplace = "Ú"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Ucirc") { escapeReplace = "Û"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Uuml") { escapeReplace = "Ü"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "Yacute") { escapeReplace = "Ý"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "THORN") { escapeReplace = "Þ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "szlig") { escapeReplace = "ß"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "agrave") { escapeReplace = "à"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "aacute") { escapeReplace = "á"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "acirc") { escapeReplace = "â"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "atilde") { escapeReplace = "ã"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "auml") { escapeReplace = "ä"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "aring") { escapeReplace = "å"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "aelig") { escapeReplace = "æ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ccedil") { escapeReplace = "ç"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "egrave") { escapeReplace = "è"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "eacute") { escapeReplace = "é"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ecirc") { escapeReplace = "ê"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "euml") { escapeReplace = "ë"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "igrave") { escapeReplace = "ì"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "iacute") { escapeReplace = "í"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "icirc") { escapeReplace = "î"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "iuml") { escapeReplace = "ï"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "eth") { escapeReplace = "ð"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ntilde") { escapeReplace = "ñ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ograve") { escapeReplace = "ò"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "oacute") { escapeReplace = "ó"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ocirc") { escapeReplace = "ô"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "otilde") { escapeReplace = "õ"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ouml") { escapeReplace = "ö"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "divide") { escapeReplace = "÷"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "oslash") { escapeReplace = "ø"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ugrave") { escapeReplace = "ù"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "uacute") { escapeReplace = "ú"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "ucirc") { escapeReplace = "û"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "uuml") { escapeReplace = "ü"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "yacute") { escapeReplace = "ý"; } else if (escapeCharValue == "thorn") { escapeReplace = "þ"; } else { escapeFound = false; } if (escapeFound) { out = out.substr(0, escapeCharIndexStart-1); out += escapeReplace; } } } } void ChatHandler::locked_storeTypingInfo(const ChatId &chat_id, std::string status, RsGxsId lobby_gxs_id) { TypingLabelInfo& info = mTypingLabelInfo[chat_id]; info.timestamp = time(0); info.status = status; mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(info.state_token); info.author_id = lobby_gxs_id; } void ChatHandler::handleWildcard(Request &/*req*/, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember(); for(std::map >::iterator mit = mMsgs.begin(); mit != mMsgs.end(); ++mit) { resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember() << makeValue(mit->first.toStdString()); } resp.setOk(); } void ChatHandler::handleLobbies(Request &/*req*/, Response &resp) { tick(); RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember(); for(std::vector::iterator vit = mLobbies.begin(); vit != mLobbies.end(); ++vit) { uint32_t unread_msgs = 0; ChatId chat_id(vit->id); std::map >::iterator mit = mMsgs.find(chat_id); if(mit != mMsgs.end()) { std::list& msgs = mit->second; for(std::list::iterator lit = msgs.begin(); lit != msgs.end(); ++lit) if(!lit->read) unread_msgs++; } resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember() << *vit << makeKeyValueReference("unread_msg_count", unread_msgs); } resp.mStateToken = mLobbiesStateToken; resp.setOk(); } void ChatHandler::handleSubscribeLobby(Request &req, Response &resp) { ChatLobbyId id = 0; RsGxsId gxs_id; req.mStream << makeKeyValueReference("id", id) << makeKeyValueReference("gxs_id", gxs_id); if(id == 0) { resp.setFail("Error: id must not be null"); return; } if(gxs_id.isNull()) { resp.setFail("Error: gxs_id must not be null"); return; } if(mRsMsgs->joinVisibleChatLobby(id, gxs_id)) resp.setOk(); else resp.setFail("lobby join failed. (See console for more info)"); } void ChatHandler::handleUnsubscribeLobby(Request &req, Response &resp) { ChatLobbyId id = 0; req.mStream << makeKeyValueReference("id", id); mRsMsgs->unsubscribeChatLobby(id); resp.setOk(); } void ChatHandler::handleClearLobby(Request &req, Response &resp) { ChatLobbyId id = 0; req.mStream << makeKeyValueReference("id", id); if (id !=0) { notifyChatCleared(ChatId(id)); } else { //Is BroadCast notifyChatCleared(ChatId("B")); } resp.setOk(); } ResponseTask* ChatHandler::handleLobbyParticipants(Request &req, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ ChatId id(req.mPath.top()); if(!id.isLobbyId()) { resp.setFail("Path element \""+req.mPath.top()+"\" is not a ChatLobbyId."); return 0; } std::map::const_iterator mit = mLobbyParticipantsInfos.find(id.toLobbyId()); if(mit == mLobbyParticipantsInfos.end()) { resp.setFail("lobby not found"); return 0; } return new SendLobbyParticipantsTask(mRsIdentity, mit->second); } void ChatHandler::handleMessages(Request &req, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ ChatId id(req.mPath.top()); // make response a list resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember(); if(id.isNotSet()) { resp.setFail("\""+req.mPath.top()+"\" is not a valid chat id"); return; } std::map >::iterator mit = mMsgs.find(id); if(mit == mMsgs.end()) { resp.mStateToken = mMsgStateToken; // even set state token, if not found yet, maybe later messages arrive and then the chat id will be found resp.setFail("chat with id=\""+req.mPath.top()+"\" not found"); return; } resp.mStateToken = mMsgStateToken; handlePaginationRequest(req, resp, mit->second); } void ChatHandler::handleSendMessage(Request &req, Response &resp) { std::string chat_id; std::string msg; req.mStream << makeKeyValueReference("chat_id", chat_id) << makeKeyValueReference("msg", msg); ChatId id(chat_id); if(id.isNotSet()) { resp.setFail("chat_id is invalid"); return; } if(mRsMsgs->sendChat(id, msg)) resp.setOk(); else resp.setFail("failed to send message"); } void ChatHandler::handleMarkChatAsRead(Request &req, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ ChatId id(req.mPath.top()); if(id.isNotSet()) { resp.setFail("\""+req.mPath.top()+"\" is not a valid chat id"); return; } std::map >::iterator mit = mMsgs.find(id); if(mit == mMsgs.end()) { resp.setFail("chat not found. Maybe this chat does not have messages yet?"); return; } std::list& msgs = mit->second; for(std::list::iterator lit = msgs.begin(); lit != msgs.end(); ++lit) { lit->read = true; } // lobby list contains unread msgs, so update it if(id.isLobbyId()) mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(mLobbiesStateToken); if(id.isPeerId() && mUnreadMsgNotify) mUnreadMsgNotify->notifyUnreadMsgCountChanged(id.toPeerId(), 0); mStateTokenServer->replaceToken(mUnreadMsgsStateToken); } void ChatHandler::handleInfo(Request &req, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ ChatId id(req.mPath.top()); if(id.isNotSet()) { resp.setFail("\""+req.mPath.top()+"\" is not a valid chat id"); return; } std::map::iterator mit = mChatInfo.find(id); if(mit == mChatInfo.end()) { resp.setFail("chat not found."); return; } resp.mDataStream << mit->second; resp.setOk(); } class SendTypingLabelInfo: public GxsResponseTask { public: SendTypingLabelInfo(RsIdentity* identity, RsPeers* peers, ChatId id, const ChatHandler::TypingLabelInfo& info): GxsResponseTask(identity), mState(BEGIN), mPeers(peers),mId(id), mInfo(info) {} private: enum State {BEGIN, WAITING_ID}; State mState; RsPeers* mPeers; ChatId mId; ChatHandler::TypingLabelInfo mInfo; protected: void gxsDoWork(Request& /*req*/, Response& resp) { if(mState == BEGIN) { // lobby and distant require to fetch a gxs_id if(mId.isLobbyId()) { requestGxsId(mInfo.author_id); } else if(mId.isDistantChatId()) { DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo ; rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(mId.toDistantChatId(), dcpinfo); requestGxsId(dcpinfo.to_id); } mState = WAITING_ID; } else { std::string name = "BUG: case not handled in SendTypingLabelInfo"; if(mId.isPeerId()) { name = mPeers->getPeerName(mId.toPeerId()); } else if(mId.isDistantChatId()) { DistantChatPeerInfo dcpinfo ; rsMsgs->getDistantChatStatus(mId.toDistantChatId(), dcpinfo); name = getName(dcpinfo.to_id); } else if(mId.isLobbyId()) { name = getName(mInfo.author_id); } else if(mId.isBroadcast()) { name = mPeers->getPeerName(mId.broadcast_status_peer_id); } uint32_t ts = mInfo.timestamp; resp.mDataStream << makeKeyValueReference("author_name", name) << makeKeyValueReference("timestamp", ts) << makeKeyValueReference("status_string", mInfo.status); resp.mStateToken = mInfo.state_token; resp.setOk(); done(); } } }; ResponseTask* ChatHandler::handleReceiveStatus(Request &req, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ ChatId id(req.mPath.top()); if(id.isNotSet()) { resp.setFail("\""+req.mPath.top()+"\" is not a valid chat id"); return 0; } std::map::iterator mit = mTypingLabelInfo.find(id); if(mit == mTypingLabelInfo.end()) { locked_storeTypingInfo(id, ""); mit = mTypingLabelInfo.find(id); } return new SendTypingLabelInfo(mRsIdentity, mRsPeers, id, mit->second); } void ChatHandler::handleSendStatus(Request &req, Response &resp) { std::string chat_id; std::string status; req.mStream << makeKeyValueReference("chat_id", chat_id) << makeKeyValueReference("status", status); ChatId id(chat_id); if(id.isNotSet()) { resp.setFail("chat_id is invalid"); return; } mRsMsgs->sendStatusString(id, status); resp.setOk(); } void ChatHandler::handleUnreadMsgs(Request &/*req*/, Response &resp) { RS_STACK_MUTEX(mMtx); /********** LOCKED **********/ resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember(); for(std::map >::const_iterator mit = mMsgs.begin(); mit != mMsgs.end(); ++mit) { uint32_t count = 0; for(std::list::const_iterator lit = mit->second.begin(); lit != mit->second.end(); ++lit) if(!lit->read) count++; std::map::iterator mit2 = mChatInfo.find(mit->first); if(mit2 == mChatInfo.end()) std::cerr << "Error in ChatHandler::handleUnreadMsgs(): ChatInfo not found. It is weird if this happens. Normally it should not happen." << std::endl; if(count && (mit2 != mChatInfo.end())) { resp.mDataStream.getStreamToMember() << makeKeyValue("id", mit->first.toStdString()) << makeKeyValueReference("unread_count", count) << mit2->second; } } resp.mStateToken = mUnreadMsgsStateToken; } } // namespace resource_api