PostedItem 0 0 667 156 9 1 1 0 0 true QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 24 16777215 Qt::NoFocus Set as read and remove item :/images/cancel.png:/images/cancel.png 0 0 9 75 true Submitted 0 0 9 You eyes only true 0 24 24 Vote up :/images/go-up.png:/images/go-up.png 20 0 Qt::AlignCenter 24 24 Vote down \/ :/images/go-down.png:/images/go-down.png 0 0 9 75 true From Comments New 0 0 9 Signed by true 0 0 9 Signed by true 24 16777215 Qt::NoFocus Toggle Message Read Status :/images/message-state-unread.png:/images/message-state-unread.png true false false 0 0 9 75 true Site Qt::Horizontal 118 20 24 16777215 Qt::NoFocus Remove Item :/images/close_normal.png:/images/close_normal.png 0 0 12 75 true This is a very very very very loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng title don't you think? Yes it is and should wrap around I hope Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true true QFrame::Box QFrame::Sunken 1 true GxsIdLabel QLabel