/**************************************************************** * This file is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, RetroShare Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Emoticons.h" #include "util/HandleRichText.h" static QHash Smileys; void Emoticons::load() { QString sm_codes; bool internalEmoticons = true; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN32) // first try external emoticons QFile sm_file(QApplication::applicationDirPath() + "/emoticons/emotes.acs"); if(sm_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { internalEmoticons = false; } else { // then embedded emotions sm_file.setFileName(":/smileys/emotes.acs"); if(!sm_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { std::cout << "error opening ressource file" << std::endl ; return ; } } #else QFile sm_file(QString(":/smileys/emotes.acs")); if(!sm_file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { std::cout << "error opening ressource file" << std::endl ; return ; } #endif sm_codes = sm_file.readAll(); sm_file.close(); sm_codes.remove("\n"); sm_codes.remove("\r"); int i = 0; QString smcode; QString smfile; while(sm_codes[i] != '{') { i++; } while (i < sm_codes.length()-2) { smcode = ""; smfile = ""; while(sm_codes[i] != '\"') { i++; } i++; while (sm_codes[i] != '\"') { smcode += sm_codes[i]; i++; } i++; while(sm_codes[i] != '\"') { i++; } i++; while(sm_codes[i] != '\"' && sm_codes[i+1] != ';') { smfile += sm_codes[i]; i++; } i++; if(!smcode.isEmpty() && !smfile.isEmpty()) { while (smcode.right(1) == "|") { smcode.remove(smcode.length() - 1, 1); } if (internalEmoticons) { Smileys.insert(smcode, ":/"+smfile); } else { Smileys.insert(smcode, smfile); } } } // init embedder RsHtml::initEmoticons(Smileys); } void Emoticons::showSmileyWidget(QWidget *parent, QWidget *button, const char *slotAddMethod, bool above) { QWidget *smWidget = new QWidget(parent, Qt::Popup); const int buttonWidth = 26; const int buttonHeight = 26; const int countPerLine = 9; int rowCount = (Smileys.size()/countPerLine) + ((Smileys.size() % countPerLine) ? 1 : 0); smWidget->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose); smWidget->setWindowTitle("Emoticons"); smWidget->setBaseSize(countPerLine*buttonWidth, rowCount*buttonHeight); //Warning: this part of code was taken from kadu instant messenger; // It was EmoticonSelector::alignTo(QWidget* w) function there // comments are Polish, I dont' know how does it work... // oblicz pozycj� widgetu do kt�rego r�wnamy // oblicz rozmiar selektora QPoint pos = button->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0,0)); QSize e_size = smWidget->sizeHint(); // oblicz rozmiar pulpitu QSize s_size = QApplication::desktop()->size(); // oblicz dystanse od widgetu do lewego brzegu i do prawego int l_dist = pos.x(); int r_dist = s_size.width() - (pos.x() + button->width()); // oblicz pozycj� w zale�no�ci od tego czy po lewej stronie // jest wi�cej miejsca czy po prawej int x; if (l_dist >= r_dist) x = pos.x() - e_size.width(); else x = pos.x() + button->width(); // oblicz pozycj� y - centrujemy w pionie int y = pos.y() + button->height()/2 - e_size.height()/2; // je�li wychodzi poza doln� kraw�d� to r�wnamy do niej if (y + e_size.height() > s_size.height()) y = s_size.height() - e_size.height(); if (above) { y -= rowCount*buttonHeight; } // je�li wychodzi poza g�rn� kraw�d� to r�wnamy do niej if (y < 0) y = 0; // ustawiamy selektor na wyliczonej pozycji smWidget->move(x, y); x = 0; y = 0; QHashIterator i(Smileys); while(i.hasNext()) { i.next(); QPushButton *smButton = new QPushButton("", smWidget); smButton->setGeometry(x*buttonWidth, y*buttonHeight, buttonWidth, buttonHeight); smButton->setIconSize(QSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight)); smButton->setIcon(QPixmap(i.value())); smButton->setToolTip(i.key()); smButton->setStyleSheet("QPushButton:hover {border: 3px solid white; border-radius: 2px;}"); smButton->setFlat(true); ++x; if(x >= countPerLine) { x = 0; y++; } QObject::connect(smButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, slotAddMethod); QObject::connect(smButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), smWidget, SLOT(close())); } smWidget->show(); } //void Emoticons::formatText(QString &text) //{ // QHashIterator i(Smileys); // while(i.hasNext()) { // i.next(); // foreach (QString code, i.key().split("|")) { // text.replace(code, ""); // } // } //}