/* * Retroshare Posted List * * Copyright 2012-2012 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include "PostedListWidget.h" #include "ui_PostedListWidget.h" #include "PostedCreatePostDialog.h" #include "PostedItem.h" #include "gui/Identity/IdDialog.h" #include "gui/common/UIStateHelper.h" #include #define POSTED_DEFAULT_LISTING_LENGTH 10 #define POSTED_MAX_INDEX 10000 /** Constructor */ PostedListWidget::PostedListWidget(const RsGxsGroupId &postedId, QWidget *parent) : GxsMessageFramePostWidget(rsPosted, parent), ui(new Ui::PostedListWidget) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui->setupUi(this); /* Setup UI helper */ mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypePosts, ui->hotSortButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypePosts, ui->newSortButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypePosts, ui->topSortButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypeRelatedPosts, ui->hotSortButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypeRelatedPosts, ui->newSortButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypeRelatedPosts, ui->topSortButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypeGroupData, ui->submitPostButton); mStateHelper->addWidget(mTokenTypeGroupData, ui->subscribeToolButton); connect(ui->hotSortButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getRankings())); connect(ui->newSortButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getRankings())); connect(ui->topSortButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(getRankings())); connect(ui->nextButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showNext())); connect(ui->prevButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showPrev())); connect(ui->subscribeToolButton, SIGNAL(subscribe(bool)), this, SLOT(subscribeGroup(bool))); connect(ui->toolButton_NewId, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createNewGxsId())); // default sort method. mSortMethod = RsPosted::HotRankType; mLastSortMethod = RsPosted::TopRankType; // to be different. mPostIndex = 0; mPostShow = POSTED_DEFAULT_LISTING_LENGTH; mTokenTypeVote = nextTokenType(); ui->hotSortButton->setChecked(true); /* fill in the available OwnIds for signing */ ui->idChooser->loadIds(IDCHOOSER_ID_REQUIRED, RsGxsId()); connect(ui->submitPostButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newPost())); /* load settings */ processSettings(true); /* Initialize GUI */ setGroupId(postedId); } PostedListWidget::~PostedListWidget() { // save settings processSettings(false); delete(ui); } void PostedListWidget::processSettings(bool /*load*/) { // Settings->beginGroup(QString("PostedListWidget")); // // if (load) { // // load settings // } else { // // save settings // } // // Settings->endGroup(); } QIcon PostedListWidget::groupIcon() { if (mStateHelper->isLoading(mTokenTypeGroupData) || mStateHelper->isLoading(mTokenTypePosts)) { // return QIcon(":/images/kalarm.png"); } // if (mNewCount) { // return QIcon(":/images/message-state-new.png"); // } return QIcon(); } /*****************************************************************************************/ // Overloaded from FeedHolder. QScrollArea *PostedListWidget::getScrollArea() { return ui->scrollArea; } void PostedListWidget::deleteFeedItem(QWidget */*item*/, uint32_t /*type*/) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::deleteFeedItem() Nah"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } void PostedListWidget::openChat(const RsPeerId & /*peerId*/) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::openChat() Nah"; std::cerr << std::endl; return; } void PostedListWidget::openComments(uint32_t /*feed_type*/, const RsGxsGroupId &groupId, const RsGxsMessageId &msgId, const QString &title) { emit loadComment(groupId, msgId, title); } void PostedListWidget::newPost() { if (groupId().isNull()) return; if (!IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags())) { return; } PostedCreatePostDialog *cp = new PostedCreatePostDialog(mTokenQueue, rsPosted, groupId(), this); cp->show(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void PostedListWidget::showNext() { mPostIndex += mPostShow; if (mPostIndex > POSTED_MAX_INDEX) mPostIndex = POSTED_MAX_INDEX; applyRanking(); updateShowText(); } void PostedListWidget::showPrev() { mPostIndex -= mPostShow; if (mPostIndex < 0) mPostIndex = 0; applyRanking(); updateShowText(); } void PostedListWidget::updateShowText() { QString showText = tr("Showing"); showText += " "; showText += QString::number(mPostIndex + 1); showText += "-"; showText += QString::number(mPostIndex + mPostShow); ui->showLabel->setText(showText); } void PostedListWidget::getRankings() { if (groupId().isNull()) return; std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::getRankings()"; std::cerr << std::endl; int oldSortMethod = mSortMethod; QObject* button = sender(); if(button == ui->hotSortButton) { mSortMethod = RsPosted::HotRankType; } else if(button == ui->topSortButton) { mSortMethod = RsPosted::TopRankType; } else if(button == ui->newSortButton) { mSortMethod = RsPosted::NewRankType; } else { return; } if (oldSortMethod != mSortMethod) { /* Reset Counter */ mPostIndex = 0; updateShowText(); } applyRanking(); } void PostedListWidget::submitVote(const RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair &msgId, bool up) { /* must grab AuthorId from Layout */ RsGxsId authorId; switch (ui->idChooser->getChosenId(authorId)) { case GxsIdChooser::KnowId: case GxsIdChooser::UnKnowId: break; case GxsIdChooser::NoId: case GxsIdChooser::None: default: std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::createPost() ERROR GETTING AuthorId!, Vote Failed"; std::cerr << std::endl; QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("RetroShare"),tr("Please create or choose a Signing Id before Voting"), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); return; }//switch (ui.idChooser->getChosenId(authorId)) RsGxsVote vote; vote.mMeta.mGroupId = msgId.first; vote.mMeta.mThreadId = msgId.second; vote.mMeta.mParentId = msgId.second; vote.mMeta.mAuthorId = authorId; if (up) { vote.mVoteType = GXS_VOTE_UP; } else { //if (up) vote.mVoteType = GXS_VOTE_DOWN; }//if (up) std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::submitVote()"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "GroupId : " << vote.mMeta.mGroupId << std::endl; std::cerr << "ThreadId : " << vote.mMeta.mThreadId << std::endl; std::cerr << "ParentId : " << vote.mMeta.mParentId << std::endl; std::cerr << "AuthorId : " << vote.mMeta.mAuthorId << std::endl; uint32_t token; rsPosted->createVote(token, vote); mTokenQueue->queueRequest(token, TOKENREQ_MSGINFO, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_ACK, mTokenTypeVote); } void PostedListWidget::createNewGxsId() { IdEditDialog dlg(this); dlg.setupNewId(false); dlg.exec(); ui->idChooser->setDefaultId(dlg.getLastIdName()); } void PostedListWidget::subscribeGroup(bool subscribe) { if (groupId().isNull()) { return; } uint32_t token; rsPosted->subscribeToGroup(token, groupId(), subscribe); // mTokenQueue->queueRequest(token, 0, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_ACK, TOKEN_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_CHANGE); } /*****************************************************************************************/ void PostedListWidget::acknowledgeVoteMsg(const uint32_t &token) { RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgId; rsPosted->acknowledgeVote(token, msgId); } void PostedListWidget::loadVoteData(const uint32_t &/*token*/) { return; } /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ void PostedListWidget::insertPostedDetails(const RsPostedGroup &group) { if (group.mMeta.mSubscribeFlags & GXS_SERV::GROUP_SUBSCRIBE_PUBLISH) { mStateHelper->setWidgetEnabled(ui->submitPostButton, true); } else { mStateHelper->setWidgetEnabled(ui->submitPostButton, false); } ui->subscribeToolButton->setSubscribed(IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(group.mMeta.mSubscribeFlags)); } /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ void PostedListWidget::loadPost(const RsPostedPost &post) { PostedItem *item = new PostedItem(this, 0, post, true); connect(item, SIGNAL(vote(RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair,bool)), this, SLOT(submitVote(RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair,bool))); mPosts.insert(post.mMeta.mMsgId, item); //QLayout *alayout = ui.scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); //alayout->addWidget(item); mPostItems.push_back(item); } static bool CmpPIHot(const GxsFeedItem *a, const GxsFeedItem *b) { const PostedItem *aa = dynamic_cast(a); const PostedItem *bb = dynamic_cast(b); if (!aa || !bb) { return true; } const RsPostedPost &postA = aa->getPost(); const RsPostedPost &postB = bb->getPost(); if (postA.mHotScore == postB.mHotScore) { return (postA.mNewScore > postB.mNewScore); } return (postA.mHotScore > postB.mHotScore); } static bool CmpPITop(const GxsFeedItem *a, const GxsFeedItem *b) { const PostedItem *aa = dynamic_cast(a); const PostedItem *bb = dynamic_cast(b); if (!aa || !bb) { return true; } const RsPostedPost &postA = aa->getPost(); const RsPostedPost &postB = bb->getPost(); if (postA.mTopScore == postB.mTopScore) { return (postA.mNewScore > postB.mNewScore); } return (postA.mTopScore > postB.mTopScore); } static bool CmpPINew(const GxsFeedItem *a, const GxsFeedItem *b) { const PostedItem *aa = dynamic_cast(a); const PostedItem *bb = dynamic_cast(b); if (!aa || !bb) { return true; } return (aa->getPost().mNewScore > bb->getPost().mNewScore); } void PostedListWidget::applyRanking() { /* uses current settings to sort posts, then add to layout */ std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking()"; std::cerr << std::endl; shallowClearPosts(); /* sort */ switch(mSortMethod) { default: case RsPosted::HotRankType: std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking() HOT"; std::cerr << std::endl; qSort(mPostItems.begin(), mPostItems.end(), CmpPIHot); break; case RsPosted::NewRankType: std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking() NEW"; std::cerr << std::endl; qSort(mPostItems.begin(), mPostItems.end(), CmpPINew); break; case RsPosted::TopRankType: std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking() TOP"; std::cerr << std::endl; qSort(mPostItems.begin(), mPostItems.end(), CmpPITop); break; } mLastSortMethod = mSortMethod; std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking() Sorted mPostList"; std::cerr << std::endl; /* go through list (skipping out-of-date items) to get */ QLayout *alayout = ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); int counter = 0; time_t min_ts = 0; foreach (PostedItem *item, mPostItems) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking() Item: " << item; std::cerr << std::endl; if (item->getPost().mMeta.mPublishTs < min_ts) { std::cerr << "\t Skipping OLD"; std::cerr << std::endl; item->hide(); continue; } if (counter >= mPostIndex + mPostShow) { std::cerr << "\t END - Counter too high"; std::cerr << std::endl; item->hide(); } else if (counter >= mPostIndex) { std::cerr << "\t Adding to Layout"; std::cerr << std::endl; /* add it in! */ alayout->addWidget(item); item->show(); } else { std::cerr << "\t Skipping to Low"; std::cerr << std::endl; item->hide(); } counter++; } std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::applyRanking() Loaded New Order"; std::cerr << std::endl; // trigger a redraw. ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->update(); } void PostedListWidget::clearPosts() { /* clear all messages */ foreach (PostedItem *item, mPostItems) { delete(item); } mPostItems.clear(); mPosts.clear(); } void PostedListWidget::shallowClearPosts() { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::shallowClearPosts()" << std::endl; std::list postedItems; std::list::iterator pit; QLayout *alayout = ui->scrollAreaWidgetContents->layout(); int count = alayout->count(); for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { QLayoutItem *litem = alayout->itemAt(i); if (!litem) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::shallowClearPosts() missing litem"; std::cerr << std::endl; continue; } PostedItem *item = dynamic_cast(litem->widget()); if (item) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::shallowClearPosts() item: " << item; std::cerr << std::endl; postedItems.push_back(item); } else { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::shallowClearPosts() Found Child, which is not a PostedItem???"; std::cerr << std::endl; } } for(pit = postedItems.begin(); pit != postedItems.end(); pit++) { PostedItem *item = *pit; alayout->removeWidget(item); } } bool PostedListWidget::insertGroupData(const uint32_t &token, RsGroupMetaData &metaData) { std::vector groups; rsPosted->getGroupData(token, groups); if (groups.size() == 1) { insertPostedDetails(groups[0]); metaData = groups[0].mMeta; return true; } return false; } void PostedListWidget::insertPosts(const uint32_t &token, GxsMessageFramePostThread */*thread*/) { std::vector posts; rsPosted->getPostData(token, posts); std::vector::iterator vit; for(vit = posts.begin(); vit != posts.end(); vit++) { RsPostedPost& p = *vit; loadPost(p); } applyRanking(); } void PostedListWidget::insertRelatedPosts(const uint32_t &token) { std::vector posts; rsPosted->getRelatedPosts(token, posts); std::vector::iterator vit; for(vit = posts.begin(); vit != posts.end(); vit++) { RsPostedPost& p = *vit; // modify post content if(mPosts.find(p.mMeta.mMsgId) != mPosts.end()) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::updateCurrentDisplayComplete() updating MsgId: " << p.mMeta.mMsgId; std::cerr << std::endl; mPosts[p.mMeta.mMsgId]->setContent(p); } else { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::updateCurrentDisplayComplete() loading New MsgId: " << p.mMeta.mMsgId; std::cerr << std::endl; /* insert new entry */ loadPost(p); } } time_t now = time(NULL); QMap::iterator pit; for(pit = mPosts.begin(); pit != mPosts.end(); pit++) { (*pit)->post().calculateScores(now); } applyRanking(); } void PostedListWidget::setAllMessagesRead(bool read) { if (groupId().isNull() || !IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags())) { return; } foreach (PostedItem *item, mPostItems) { RsGxsGrpMsgIdPair msgPair = std::make_pair(item->groupId(), item->messageId()); uint32_t token; rsPosted->setMessageReadStatus(token, msgPair, read); } } /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ void PostedListWidget::loadRequest(const TokenQueue *queue, const TokenRequest &req) { std::cerr << "PostedListWidget::loadRequest() UserType: " << req.mUserType; std::cerr << std::endl; if (queue == mTokenQueue) { /* now switch on req */ if (req.mUserType == mTokenTypeVote) { switch(req.mAnsType) { case RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_ACK: acknowledgeVoteMsg(req.mToken); break; default: std::cerr << "Error, unexpected anstype:" << req.mAnsType << std::endl; break; } return; } // case TOKEN_USER_TYPE_POST_RANKINGS: // switch(req.mAnsType) // { // case RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_DATA: // //loadRankings(req.mToken); // break; // default: // std::cerr << "Error, unexpected anstype:" << req.mAnsType << std::endl; // break; // } } GxsMessageFramePostWidget::loadRequest(queue, req); }