/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Ricardo Villalba <rvm@escomposlinux.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "infofile.h" #include <QFileInfo> #include <QCoreApplication> #include "helper.h" #include "constants.h" InfoFile::InfoFile() { row = 0; } InfoFile::~InfoFile() { } QString InfoFile::getInfo(MediaData md) { QString s; // General QFileInfo fi(md.filename); QString icon; switch (md.type) { case TYPE_FILE : if (md.novideo) icon = "type_audio.png"; else icon = "type_video.png"; break; case TYPE_DVD : icon = "type_dvd.png"; break; case TYPE_VCD : icon = "type_vcd.png"; break; case TYPE_AUDIO_CD : icon = "type_vcd.png"; break; case TYPE_STREAM : icon = "type_url.png"; break; default : icon = "type_unknown.png"; } icon = "<img src=\":/icons-png/" + icon + "\"> "; if (md.type == TYPE_DVD) { s += title( icon + "dvd://" + QString::number(Helper::dvdSplitTitle(md.filename) ) ); } else { s += title( icon + md.displayName() ); } s += openPar( tr("General") ); if (fi.exists()) { //s += addItem( tr("Path"), fi.dirPath() ); s += addItem( tr("File"), fi.absoluteFilePath() ); s += addItem( tr("Size"), tr("%1 KB (%2 MB)").arg(fi.size()/1024) .arg(fi.size()/1048576) ); } else { QString url = md.filename; if (url.endsWith(IS_PLAYLIST_TAG)) { url = url.remove( QRegExp(IS_PLAYLIST_TAG_RX) ); } s += addItem( tr("URL"), url ); } s += addItem( tr("Length"), Helper::formatTime((int)md.duration) ); s += addItem( tr("Demuxer"), md.demuxer ); s += closePar(); // Clip info QString c; if (!md.clip_name.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Name"), md.clip_name ); if (!md.clip_artist.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Artist"), md.clip_artist ); if (!md.clip_author.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Author"), md.clip_author ); if (!md.clip_album.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Album"), md.clip_album ); if (!md.clip_genre.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Genre"), md.clip_genre ); if (!md.clip_date.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Date"), md.clip_date ); if (!md.clip_track.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Track"), md.clip_track ); if (!md.clip_copyright.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Copyright"), md.clip_copyright ); if (!md.clip_comment.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Comment"), md.clip_comment ); if (!md.clip_software.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Software"), md.clip_software ); if (!md.stream_title.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Stream title"), md.stream_title ); if (!md.stream_url.isEmpty()) c+= addItem( tr("Stream URL"), md.stream_url ); if (!c.isEmpty()) { s += openPar( tr("Clip info") ); s += c; s += closePar(); } // Video info if (!md.novideo) { s += openPar( tr("Video") ); s += addItem( tr("Resolution"), QString("%1 x %2").arg(md.video_width).arg(md.video_height) ); s += addItem( tr("Aspect ratio"), QString::number(md.video_aspect) ); s += addItem( tr("Format"), md.video_format ); s += addItem( tr("Bitrate"), tr("%1 kbps").arg(md.video_bitrate / 1000) ); s += addItem( tr("Frames per second"), md.video_fps ); s += addItem( tr("Selected codec"), md.video_codec ); s += closePar(); } // Audio info s += openPar( tr("Initial Audio Stream") ); s += addItem( tr("Format"), md.audio_format ); s += addItem( tr("Bitrate"), tr("%1 kbps").arg(md.audio_bitrate / 1000) ); s += addItem( tr("Rate"), tr("%1 Hz").arg(md.audio_rate) ); s += addItem( tr("Channels"), QString::number(md.audio_nch) ); s += addItem( tr("Selected codec"), md.audio_codec ); s += closePar(); // Audio Tracks if (md.audios.numItems() > 0) { s += openPar( tr("Audio Streams") ); row++; s += openItem(); s += "<td>" + tr("#", "Info for translators: this is a abbreviation for number") + "</td><td>" + tr("Language") + "</td><td>" + tr("Name") +"</td><td>" + tr("ID", "Info for translators: this is a identification code") + "</td>"; s += closeItem(); for (int n = 0; n < md.audios.numItems(); n++) { row++; s += openItem(); QString lang = md.audios.itemAt(n).lang(); if (lang.isEmpty()) lang = "<i><"+tr("empty")+"></i>"; QString name = md.audios.itemAt(n).name(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = "<i><"+tr("empty")+"></i>"; s += QString("<td>%1</td><td>%2</td><td>%3</td><td>%4</td>") .arg(n).arg(lang).arg(name) .arg(md.audios.itemAt(n).ID()); s += closeItem(); } s += closePar(); } // Subtitles if (md.subs.numItems() > 0) { s += openPar( tr("Subtitles") ); row++; s += openItem(); s += "<td>" + tr("#", "Info for translators: this is a abbreviation for number") + "</td><td>" + tr("Type") + "</td><td>" + tr("Language") + "</td><td>" + tr("Name") +"</td><td>" + tr("ID", "Info for translators: this is a identification code") + "</td>"; s += closeItem(); for (int n = 0; n < md.subs.numItems(); n++) { row++; s += openItem(); QString t; switch (md.subs.itemAt(n).type()) { case SubData::File: t = "FILE_SUB"; break; case SubData::Vob: t = "VOB"; break; default: t = "SUB"; } QString lang = md.subs.itemAt(n).lang(); if (lang.isEmpty()) lang = "<i><"+tr("empty")+"></i>"; QString name = md.subs.itemAt(n).name(); if (name.isEmpty()) name = "<i><"+tr("empty")+"></i>"; /* s += QString("<td>%1</td><td>%2</td><td>%3</td><td>%4</td><td>%5</td>") .arg(n).arg(t).arg(lang).arg(name) .arg(md.subs.itemAt(n).ID()); */ s += "<td>" + QString::number(n) + "</td><td>" + t + "</td><td>" + lang + "</td><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + QString::number(md.subs.itemAt(n).ID()) + "</td>"; s += closeItem(); } s += closePar(); } return s; } QString InfoFile::title(QString text) { return "<h1>" + text + "</h1>"; } QString InfoFile::openPar(QString text) { return "<h2>" + text + "</h2>" "<table width=\"100%\">"; } QString InfoFile::closePar() { row = 0; return "</table>"; } QString InfoFile::openItem() { if (row % 2 == 1) return "<tr bgcolor=\"#c4daf4\">"; else return "<tr bgcolor=\"#ffffc6\">"; } QString InfoFile::closeItem() { return "</tr>"; } QString InfoFile::addItem( QString tag, QString value ) { row++; return openItem() + "<td><b>" + tag + "</b></td>" + "<td>" + value + "</td>" + closeItem(); } inline QString InfoFile::tr( const char * sourceText, const char * comment, int n ) { return QCoreApplication::translate("InfoFile", sourceText, comment, QCoreApplication:: CodecForTr, n ); }