#include <retroshare/rsplugin.h>
#include <retroshare/rsversion.h>
#include <retroshare-gui/RsAutoUpdatePage.h>
#include <QTranslator>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QString>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QMessageBox>

#include "VOIPPlugin.h"
#include "interface/rsvoip.h"

#include "gui/VoipStatistics.h"
#include "gui/AudioInputConfig.h"
#include "gui/VOIPChatWidgetHolder.h"
#include "gui/PluginGUIHandler.h"
#include "gui/PluginNotifier.h"
#include "gui/SoundManager.h"
#include "gui/chat/ChatWidget.h"

#define IMAGE_VOIP ":/images/talking_on.svg"

static void *inited = new VOIPPlugin() ;

extern "C" {

	// This is *the* functions required by RS plugin system to give RS access to the plugin.
	// Be careful to:
	// - always respect the C linkage convention
	// - always return an object of type RsPlugin*
	void *RETROSHARE_PLUGIN_provide()
		static VOIPPlugin *p = new VOIPPlugin() ;

		return (void*)p ;

	// This symbol contains the svn revision number grabbed from the executable. 
	// It will be tested by RS to load the plugin automatically, since it is safe to load plugins
	// with same revision numbers, assuming that the revision numbers are up-to-date.

	// This symbol contains the svn revision number grabbed from the executable. 
	// It will be tested by RS to load the plugin automatically, since it is safe to load plugins
	// with same revision numbers, assuming that the revision numbers are up-to-date.

void VOIPPlugin::getPluginVersion(int& major, int& minor, int& build, int& svn_rev) const
	build = RS_BUILD_NUMBER ;

	mVoip = NULL ;
	mPlugInHandler = NULL;
	mPeers = NULL;
	config_page = NULL ;
	mIcon = NULL ;

	mPluginGUIHandler = new PluginGUIHandler ;
	mPluginNotifier = new PluginNotifier ;

	QObject::connect(mPluginNotifier,SIGNAL(voipInvitationReceived(const QString&)),mPluginGUIHandler,SLOT(ReceivedInvitation(const QString&)),Qt::QueuedConnection) ;
	QObject::connect(mPluginNotifier,SIGNAL(voipDataReceived(const QString&)),mPluginGUIHandler,SLOT(ReceivedVoipData(const QString&)),Qt::QueuedConnection) ;
	QObject::connect(mPluginNotifier,SIGNAL(voipAcceptReceived(const QString&)),mPluginGUIHandler,SLOT(ReceivedVoipAccept(const QString&)),Qt::QueuedConnection) ;
	QObject::connect(mPluginNotifier,SIGNAL(voipHangUpReceived(const QString&)),mPluginGUIHandler,SLOT(ReceivedVoipHangUp(const QString&)),Qt::QueuedConnection) ;
	QObject::connect(mPluginNotifier,SIGNAL(voipBandwidthInfoReceived(const QString&,int)),mPluginGUIHandler,SLOT(ReceivedVoipBandwidthInfo(const QString&,int)),Qt::QueuedConnection) ;

void VOIPPlugin::setInterfaces(RsPlugInInterfaces &interfaces)
    mPeers = interfaces.mPeers;

ConfigPage *VOIPPlugin::qt_config_page() const
	// The config pages are deleted when config is closed, so it's important not to static the
	// created object.
	return new AudioInputConfig() ;

QDialog *VOIPPlugin::qt_about_page() const
	static QMessageBox *about_dialog = NULL ;
	if(about_dialog == NULL)
		about_dialog = new QMessageBox() ;

		QString text ;
		text += QObject::tr("<h3>RetroShare VOIP plugin</h3><br/>   * Contributors: Cyril Soler, Josselin Jacquard<br/>") ;
		text += QObject::tr("<br/>The VOIP plugin adds VOIP to the private chat window of RetroShare. to use it, proceed as follows:<UL>") ;
		text += QObject::tr("<li> setup microphone levels using the configuration panel</li>") ;
		text += QObject::tr("<li> check your microphone by looking at the VU-metters</li>") ;
		text += QObject::tr("<li> in the private chat, enable sound input/output by clicking on the two VOIP icons</li></ul>") ;
		text += QObject::tr("Your friend needs to run the plugin to talk/listen to you, or course.") ;
		text += QObject::tr("<br/><br/>This is an experimental feature. Don't hesitate to send comments and suggestion to the RS dev team.") ;

		about_dialog->setText(text) ;
		about_dialog->setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Ok) ;

	return about_dialog ;

ChatWidgetHolder *VOIPPlugin::qt_get_chat_widget_holder(ChatWidget *chatWidget) const
	switch (chatWidget->chatType()) {
	case ChatWidget::CHATTYPE_PRIVATE:
		return new VOIPChatWidgetHolder(chatWidget);
	case ChatWidget::CHATTYPE_UNKNOWN:
	case ChatWidget::CHATTYPE_LOBBY:
	case ChatWidget::CHATTYPE_DISTANT:

	return NULL;

std::string VOIPPlugin::qt_transfers_tab_name() const
	return QObject::tr("RTT Statistics").toUtf8().constData() ;

RsAutoUpdatePage *VOIPPlugin::qt_transfers_tab() const
	return new VoipStatistics ;

p3Service *VOIPPlugin::p3_service() const
    if(mVoip == NULL)
        rsVoip = mVoip = new p3VoRS(mPlugInHandler,mPluginNotifier) ; // , 3600 * 24 * 30 * 6); // 6 Months

	return mVoip ;

void VOIPPlugin::setPlugInHandler(RsPluginHandler *pgHandler)
    mPlugInHandler = pgHandler;

QIcon *VOIPPlugin::qt_icon() const
	if (mIcon == NULL) {

		mIcon = new QIcon(IMAGE_VOIP);

	return mIcon;

std::string VOIPPlugin::getShortPluginDescription() const
	return QApplication::translate("VOIP", "This plugin provides voice communication between friends in RetroShare.").toUtf8().constData();

std::string VOIPPlugin::getPluginName() const
	return QApplication::translate("VOIPPlugin", "VOIP").toUtf8().constData();

QTranslator* VOIPPlugin::qt_translator(QApplication */*app*/, const QString& languageCode, const QString& externalDir) const
	if (languageCode == "en") {
		return NULL;

	QTranslator* translator = new QTranslator();

	if (translator->load(externalDir + "/VOIP_" + languageCode + ".qm")) {
		return translator;
	} else if (translator->load(":/lang/VOIP_" + languageCode + ".qm")) {
		return translator;

	return NULL;

void VOIPPlugin::qt_sound_events(SoundEvents &/*events*/) const
//	events.addEvent(QApplication::translate("VOIP", "VOIP"), QApplication::translate("VOIP", "Incoming call"), VOIP_SOUND_INCOMING_CALL);