/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Ricardo Villalba <rvm@escomposlinux.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "core.h" #include <QDir> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QRegExp> #include <QTextStream> #include <cmath> #include "mplayerwindow.h" #include "desktopinfo.h" #include "helper.h" #include "paths.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "global.h" #include "config.h" #include "mplayerversion.h" #include "constants.h" #include "colorutils.h" #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include <windows.h> // To change app priority #include <QSysInfo> // To get Windows version #include "screensaver.h" #endif #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES #include "filesettings.h" #include "filesettingshash.h" #endif using namespace Global; Core::Core( MplayerWindow *mpw, QWidget* parent ) : QObject( parent ) { qRegisterMetaType<Core::State>("Core::State"); mplayerwindow = mpw; _state = Stopped; we_are_restarting = false; just_loaded_external_subs = false; just_unloaded_external_subs = false; change_volume_after_unpause = false; #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES // Create file_settings #if NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT file_settings = 0; changeFileSettingsMethod(pref->file_settings_method); #else if (Paths::iniPath().isEmpty()) { file_settings = new QSettings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, QString(COMPANY), QString("smplayer_files") ); } else { QString filename = Paths::iniPath() + "/smplayer_files.ini"; file_settings = new QSettings( filename, QSettings::IniFormat ); qDebug("Core::Core: file_settings: '%s'", filename.toUtf8().data()); } #endif #endif proc = new MplayerProcess(this); // Do this the first connect( proc, SIGNAL(processExited()), mplayerwindow->videoLayer(), SLOT(playingStopped()) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), mplayerwindow->videoLayer(), SLOT(playingStopped()) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedCurrentSec(double)), this, SLOT(changeCurrentSec(double)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedCurrentFrame(int)), this, SIGNAL(showFrame(int)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedPause()), this, SLOT(changePause()) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(processExited()), this, SLOT(processFinished()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(mplayerFullyLoaded()), this, SLOT(finishRestart()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(lineAvailable(QString)), this, SIGNAL(logLineAvailable(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedCacheMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(displayMessage(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedCreatingIndex(QString)), this, SLOT(displayMessage(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedConnectingToMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(displayMessage(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedResolvingMessage(QString)), this, SLOT(displayMessage(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedScreenshot(QString)), this, SLOT(displayScreenshotName(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedUpdatingFontCache()), this, SLOT(displayUpdatingFontCache()) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedWindowResolution(int,int)), this, SLOT(gotWindowResolution(int,int)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedNoVideo()), this, SLOT(gotNoVideo()) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedVO(QString)), this, SLOT(gotVO(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedAO(QString)), this, SLOT(gotAO(QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedEndOfFile()), this, SLOT(fileReachedEnd()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedStartingTime(double)), this, SLOT(gotStartingTime(double)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(receivedStreamTitleAndUrl(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(streamTitleAndUrlChanged(QString,QString)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(failedToParseMplayerVersion(QString)), this, SIGNAL(failedToParseMplayerVersion(QString)) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(mediaLoaded()), this, SLOT(checkIfVideoIsHD()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); #if DELAYED_AUDIO_SETUP_ON_STARTUP connect( this, SIGNAL(mediaLoaded()), this, SLOT(initAudioTrack()), Qt::QueuedConnection ); #endif #if NOTIFY_SUB_CHANGES connect( proc, SIGNAL(subtitleInfoChanged(const SubTracks &)), this, SLOT(initSubtitleTrack(const SubTracks &)), Qt::QueuedConnection ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(subtitleInfoReceivedAgain(const SubTracks &)), this, SLOT(setSubtitleTrackAgain(const SubTracks &)), Qt::QueuedConnection ); #endif #if NOTIFY_AUDIO_CHANGES connect( proc, SIGNAL(audioInfoChanged(const Tracks &)), this, SLOT(initAudioTrack(const Tracks &)), Qt::QueuedConnection ); #endif connect( this, SIGNAL(stateChanged(Core::State)), this, SLOT(watchState(Core::State)) ); connect( proc, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SIGNAL(mplayerFailed(QProcess::ProcessError)) ); //pref->load(); mset.reset(); // Mplayerwindow connect( this, SIGNAL(aboutToStartPlaying()), mplayerwindow->videoLayer(), SLOT(playingStarted()) ); #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->setRepaintBackground(pref->repaint_video_background); #endif mplayerwindow->setMonitorAspect( pref->monitor_aspect_double() ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Windows screensaver win_screensaver = new WinScreenSaver(); #endif } Core::~Core() { #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES saveMediaInfo(); #endif if (proc->isRunning()) stopMplayer(); proc->terminate(); delete proc; #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES delete file_settings; #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN delete win_screensaver; #endif } #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES void Core::changeFileSettingsMethod(QString method) { #if NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT qDebug("Core::changeFileSettingsMethod: %s", method.toUtf8().constData()); if (file_settings) delete file_settings; if (method.toLower() == "hash") file_settings = new FileSettingsHash(Paths::iniPath()); else file_settings = new FileSettings(Paths::iniPath()); #endif } #endif void Core::setState(State s) { if (s != _state) { _state = s; emit stateChanged(_state); } } QString Core::stateToString() { if (state()==Playing) return "Playing"; else if (state()==Stopped) return "Stopped"; else if (state()==Paused) return "Paused"; else return "Unknown"; } // Public restart void Core::restart() { qDebug("Core::restart"); if (proc->isRunning()) { restartPlay(); } else { qDebug("Core::restart: mplayer is not running"); } } void Core::reload() { qDebug("Core::reload"); stopMplayer(); we_are_restarting = false; initPlaying(); } #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES #if !NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT bool Core::checkHaveSettingsSaved(QString group_name) { qDebug("Core::checkHaveSettingsSaved: group_name: '%s'", group_name.toUtf8().data()); file_settings->beginGroup( group_name ); bool saved = file_settings->value( "saved", false ).toBool(); file_settings->endGroup(); return saved; } void Core::loadMediaInfo(QString group_name) { qDebug("Core::loadMediaInfo: '%s'", group_name.toUtf8().data() ); file_settings->beginGroup( group_name ); /*mdat.load(*settings);*/ mset.load(file_settings); file_settings->endGroup(); } #endif // NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT void Core::saveMediaInfo() { qDebug("Core::saveMediaInfo"); if (pref->dont_remember_media_settings) { qDebug("Core::saveMediaInfo: not saving settings, disabled by user"); return; } #if NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT if ( (mdat.type == TYPE_FILE) && (!mdat.filename.isEmpty()) ) { file_settings->saveSettingsFor(mdat.filename, mset); } #else QString group_name; /* if ( (mdat.type == TYPE_DVD) && (!mdat.dvd_id.isEmpty()) ) { group_name = dvdForPref( mdat.dvd_id, mset.current_title_id ); } else */ if ( (mdat.type == TYPE_FILE) && (!mdat.filename.isEmpty()) ) { group_name = FileSettings::filenameToGroupname( mdat.filename ); } if (!group_name.isEmpty()) { file_settings->beginGroup( group_name ); file_settings->setValue( "saved", true); /*mdat.save(*settings);*/ mset.save(file_settings); file_settings->endGroup(); } #endif // NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT } #endif // NO_USE_INI_FILES void Core::initializeMenus() { qDebug("Core::initializeMenus"); emit menusNeedInitialize(); } void Core::updateWidgets() { qDebug("Core::updateWidgets"); emit widgetsNeedUpdate(); } void Core::tellmp(const QString & command) { qDebug("Core::tellmp: '%s'", command.toUtf8().data()); //qDebug("Command: '%s'", command.toUtf8().data()); if (proc->isRunning()) { proc->writeToStdin( command ); } else { qWarning(" tellmp: no process running: %s", command.toUtf8().data()); } } // Generic open, autodetect type void Core::open(QString file, int seek) { qDebug("Core::open: '%s'", file.toUtf8().data()); QFileInfo fi(file); if ( (fi.exists()) && (fi.suffix().toLower()=="iso") ) { qDebug("Core::open: * identified as a dvd iso"); openDVD("dvd://1:" + file); } else if ( (fi.exists()) && (!fi.isDir()) ) { qDebug("Core::open: * identified as local file"); // Local file file = QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath(); openFile(file, seek); } else if ( (fi.exists()) && (fi.isDir()) ) { // Directory qDebug("Core::open: * identified as a directory"); qDebug("Core::open: checking if contains a dvd"); file = QFileInfo(file).absoluteFilePath(); if (Helper::directoryContainsDVD(file)) { qDebug("Core::open: * directory contains a dvd"); openDVD("dvd://1:"+ file); } else { qDebug("Core::open: * directory doesn't contain a dvd"); qDebug("Core::open: opening nothing"); } } else if (file.toLower().startsWith("dvd:")) { qDebug("Core::open: * identified as dvd"); openDVD(file); /* QString f = file.lower(); QRegExp s("^dvd://(\\d+)"); if (s.indexIn(f) != -1) { int title = s.cap(1).toInt(); openDVD(title); } else { qWarning("Core::open: couldn't parse dvd title, playing first one"); openDVD(); } */ } else if (file.toLower().startsWith("vcd:")) { qDebug("Core::open: * identified as vcd"); QString f = file.toLower(); QRegExp s("^vcd://(\\d+)"); if (s.indexIn(f) != -1) { int title = s.cap(1).toInt(); openVCD(title); } else { qWarning("Core::open: couldn't parse vcd title, playing first one"); openVCD(); } } else if (file.toLower().startsWith("cdda:")) { qDebug("Core::open: * identified as cdda"); QString f = file.toLower(); QRegExp s("^cdda://(\\d+)"); if (s.indexIn(f) != -1) { int title = s.cap(1).toInt(); openAudioCD(title); } else { qWarning("Core::open: couldn't parse cdda title, playing first one"); openAudioCD(); } } else { qDebug("Core::open: * not identified, playing as stream"); openStream(file); } } void Core::openFile(QString filename, int seek) { qDebug("Core::openFile: '%s'", filename.toUtf8().data()); QFileInfo fi(filename); if (fi.exists()) { playNewFile(fi.absoluteFilePath(), seek); } else { //File doesn't exists //TODO: error message } } void Core::loadSub(const QString & sub ) { if ( !sub.isEmpty() ) { //tellmp( "sub_load " + sub ); mset.external_subtitles = sub; just_loaded_external_subs = true; restartPlay(); } } void Core::unloadSub() { if ( !mset.external_subtitles.isEmpty() ) { mset.external_subtitles = ""; just_unloaded_external_subs = true; restartPlay(); } } void Core::loadAudioFile(const QString & audiofile) { if (!audiofile.isEmpty()) { mset.external_audio = audiofile; restartPlay(); } } void Core::unloadAudioFile() { if (!mset.external_audio.isEmpty()) { mset.external_audio = ""; restartPlay(); } } /* void Core::openDVD( bool from_folder, QString directory) { qDebug("Core::openDVD"); if (from_folder) { if (!directory.isEmpty()) { QFileInfo fi(directory); if ( (fi.exists()) && (fi.isDir()) ) { pref->dvd_directory = directory; pref->play_dvd_from_hd = TRUE; openDVD(); } else { qDebug("Core::openDVD: directory '%s' is not valid", directory.toUtf8().data()); } } else { qDebug("Core::openDVD: directory is empty"); } } else { pref->play_dvd_from_hd = FALSE; openDVD(); } } void Core::openDVD() { openDVD(1); } void Core::openDVD(int title) { qDebug("Core::openDVD: %d", title); if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); } // Save data of previous file: saveMediaInfo(); mdat.reset(); mdat.filename = "dvd://" + QString::number(title); mdat.type = TYPE_DVD; mset.reset(); mset.current_title_id = title; mset.current_chapter_id = 1; mset.current_angle_id = 1; initializeMenus(); initPlaying(); } */ void Core::openVCD(int title) { qDebug("Core::openVCD: %d", title); if (title == -1) title = pref->vcd_initial_title; if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); } // Save data of previous file: #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES saveMediaInfo(); #endif mdat.reset(); mdat.filename = "vcd://" + QString::number(title); mdat.type = TYPE_VCD; mset.reset(); mset.current_title_id = title; mset.current_chapter_id = -1; mset.current_angle_id = -1; /* initializeMenus(); */ initPlaying(); } void Core::openAudioCD(int title) { qDebug("Core::openAudioCD: %d", title); if (title == -1) title = 1; if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); } // Save data of previous file: #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES saveMediaInfo(); #endif mdat.reset(); mdat.filename = "cdda://" + QString::number(title); mdat.type = TYPE_AUDIO_CD; mset.reset(); mset.current_title_id = title; mset.current_chapter_id = -1; mset.current_angle_id = -1; /* initializeMenus(); */ initPlaying(); } void Core::openDVD(QString dvd_url) { qDebug("Core::openDVD: '%s'", dvd_url.toUtf8().data()); //Checks QString folder = Helper::dvdSplitFolder(dvd_url); int title = Helper::dvdSplitTitle(dvd_url); if (title == -1) { qWarning("Core::openDVD: title invalid, not playing dvd"); return; } if (folder.isEmpty()) { qDebug("Core::openDVD: not folder"); } else { QFileInfo fi(folder); if ( (!fi.exists()) /*|| (!fi.isDir())*/ ) { qWarning("Core::openDVD: folder invalid, not playing dvd"); return; } } if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); we_are_restarting = false; } // Save data of previous file: #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES saveMediaInfo(); #endif mdat.reset(); mdat.filename = dvd_url; mdat.type = TYPE_DVD; mset.reset(); mset.current_title_id = title; #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT mset.current_chapter_id = firstChapter(); #else mset.current_chapter_id = dvdFirstChapter(); #endif mset.current_angle_id = 1; /* initializeMenus(); */ initPlaying(); } void Core::openStream(QString name) { qDebug("Core::openStream: '%s'", name.toUtf8().data()); if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); we_are_restarting = false; } // Save data of previous file: #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES saveMediaInfo(); #endif mdat.reset(); mdat.filename = name; mdat.type = TYPE_STREAM; mset.reset(); /* initializeMenus(); */ initPlaying(); } void Core::playNewFile(QString file, int seek) { qDebug("Core::playNewFile: '%s'", file.toUtf8().data()); if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); we_are_restarting = false; } // Save data of previous file: #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES saveMediaInfo(); #endif mdat.reset(); mdat.filename = file; mdat.type = TYPE_FILE; int old_volume = mset.volume; mset.reset(); #ifndef NO_USE_INI_FILES // Check if we already have info about this file #if NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT if (file_settings->existSettingsFor(file)) { #else if (checkHaveSettingsSaved( FileSettings::filenameToGroupname(file) )) { #endif qDebug("Core::playNewFile: We have settings for this file!!!"); // In this case we read info from config if (!pref->dont_remember_media_settings) { #if NEW_SETTINGS_MANAGEMENT file_settings->loadSettingsFor(file, mset); #else loadMediaInfo( FileSettings::filenameToGroupname(file) ); #endif qDebug("Core::playNewFile: Media settings read"); // Resize the window and set the aspect as soon as possible int saved_width = mset.win_width; int saved_height = mset.win_height; // 400x300 is the default size for win_width and win_height // so we set them to 0 to avoid to resize the window on // audio files if ((saved_width == 400) && (saved_height == 300)) { saved_width = 0; saved_height = 0; } if ((saved_width > 0) && (saved_height > 0)) { emit needResize(mset.win_width, mset.win_height); changeAspectRatio(mset.aspect_ratio_id); } if (pref->dont_remember_time_pos) { mset.current_sec = 0; qDebug("Core::playNewFile: Time pos reset to 0"); } } else { qDebug("Core::playNewFile: Media settings have not read because of preferences setting"); } } else { // Recover volume mset.volume = old_volume; } #else // Recover volume mset.volume = old_volume; #endif // NO_USE_INI_FILES /* initializeMenus(); */ qDebug("Core::playNewFile: volume: %d, old_volume: %d", mset.volume, old_volume); initPlaying(seek); } void Core::restartPlay() { we_are_restarting = true; initPlaying(); } void Core::initPlaying(int seek) { qDebug("Core::initPlaying"); /* mdat.list(); mset.list(); */ /* updateWidgets(); */ mplayerwindow->showLogo(FALSE); if (proc->isRunning()) { stopMplayer(); } int start_sec = (int) mset.current_sec; if (seek > -1) start_sec = seek; startMplayer( mdat.filename, start_sec ); } // This is reached when a new video has just started playing // and maybe we need to give some defaults void Core::newMediaPlaying() { qDebug("Core::newMediaPlaying: --- start ---"); QString file = mdat.filename; int type = mdat.type; mdat = proc->mediaData(); mdat.filename = file; mdat.type = type; initializeMenus(); // Old // Video if ( (mset.current_video_id == MediaSettings::NoneSelected) && (mdat.videos.numItems() > 0) ) { changeVideo( mdat.videos.itemAt(0).ID(), false ); // Don't allow to restart } #if !DELAYED_AUDIO_SETUP_ON_STARTUP && !NOTIFY_AUDIO_CHANGES // First audio if none selected if ( (mset.current_audio_id == MediaSettings::NoneSelected) && (mdat.audios.numItems() > 0) ) { // Don't set mset.current_audio_id here! changeAudio will do. // Otherwise changeAudio will do nothing. int audio = mdat.audios.itemAt(0).ID(); // First one if (mdat.audios.existsItemAt(pref->initial_audio_track-1)) { audio = mdat.audios.itemAt(pref->initial_audio_track-1).ID(); } // Check if one of the audio tracks is the user preferred. if (!pref->audio_lang.isEmpty()) { int res = mdat.audios.findLang( pref->audio_lang ); if (res != -1) audio = res; } // Change the audio without restarting mplayer, it's not // safe to do it here. changeAudio( audio, false ); } #endif #if !NOTIFY_SUB_CHANGES // Subtitles if (mset.external_subtitles.isEmpty()) { if (pref->autoload_sub) { //Select first subtitle if none selected if (mset.current_sub_id == MediaSettings::NoneSelected) { int sub = mdat.subs.selectOne( pref->subtitle_lang, pref->initial_subtitle_track-1 ); changeSubtitle( sub ); } } else { changeSubtitle( MediaSettings::SubNone ); } } #endif #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT if (mdat.chapters > 0) { #else // mkv chapters if (mdat.mkv_chapters > 0) { #endif // Just to show the first chapter checked in the menu mset.current_chapter_id = firstChapter(); } mdat.initialized = TRUE; // MPlayer doesn't display the length in ID_LENGTH for audio CDs... if ((mdat.duration == 0) && (mdat.type == TYPE_AUDIO_CD)) { /* qDebug(" *** get duration here from title info *** "); qDebug(" *** current title: %d", mset.current_title_id ); */ if (mset.current_title_id > 0) { mdat.duration = mdat.titles.item(mset.current_title_id).duration(); } } /* updateWidgets(); */ mdat.list(); mset.list(); qDebug("Core::newMediaPlaying: --- end ---"); } void Core::finishRestart() { qDebug("Core::finishRestart: --- start ---"); if (!we_are_restarting) { newMediaPlaying(); //QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SIGNAL(mediaStartPlay())); emit mediaStartPlay(); } if (we_are_restarting) { // Update info about codecs and demuxer mdat.video_codec = proc->mediaData().video_codec; mdat.audio_codec = proc->mediaData().audio_codec; mdat.demuxer = proc->mediaData().demuxer; } #if !NOTIFY_SUB_CHANGES // Subtitles //if (we_are_restarting) { if ( (just_loaded_external_subs) || (just_unloaded_external_subs) ) { qDebug("Core::finishRestart: processing new subtitles"); // Just to simplify things if (mset.current_sub_id == MediaSettings::NoneSelected) { mset.current_sub_id = MediaSettings::SubNone; } // Save current sub SubData::Type type; int ID; int old_item = -1; if ( mset.current_sub_id != MediaSettings::SubNone ) { old_item = mset.current_sub_id; type = mdat.subs.itemAt(old_item).type(); ID = mdat.subs.itemAt(old_item).ID(); } // Use the subtitle info from mplayerprocess qDebug( "Core::finishRestart: copying sub data from proc to mdat"); mdat.subs = proc->mediaData().subs; initializeMenus(); int item = MediaSettings::SubNone; // Try to recover old subtitle if (just_unloaded_external_subs) { if (old_item > -1) { int new_item = mdat.subs.find(type, ID); if (new_item > -1) item = new_item; } } // If we've just loaded a subtitle file // select one if the user wants to autoload // one subtitle if (just_loaded_external_subs) { if ( (pref->autoload_sub) && (item == MediaSettings::SubNone) ) { qDebug("Core::finishRestart: cannot find previous subtitle"); qDebug("Core::finishRestart: selecting a new one"); item = mdat.subs.selectOne( pref->subtitle_lang ); } } changeSubtitle( item ); just_loaded_external_subs = false; just_unloaded_external_subs = false; } else { // Normal restart, subtitles haven't changed // Recover current subtitle changeSubtitle( mset.current_sub_id ); } #endif we_are_restarting = false; #if NEW_ASPECT_CODE changeAspectRatio(mset.aspect_ratio_id); #else if (mset.aspect_ratio_id < MediaSettings::Aspect43Letterbox) { changeAspectRatio(mset.aspect_ratio_id); } #endif bool isMuted = mset.mute; if (!pref->dont_change_volume) { setVolume( mset.volume, TRUE ); } if (isMuted) mute(TRUE); if (pref->change_video_equalizer_on_startup && (mset.gamma != 0)) { int gamma = mset.gamma; mset.gamma = -1000; // if mset.gamma == new value, mset.gamma is not changed! setGamma( gamma ); } // Hack to be sure that the equalizers are up to date emit videoEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); emit audioEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); changePanscan(mset.panscan_factor); emit mediaLoaded(); emit mediaInfoChanged(); updateWidgets(); // New qDebug("Core::finishRestart: --- end ---"); } void Core::stop() { qDebug("Core::stop"); qDebug("Core::stop: state: %s", stateToString().toUtf8().data()); if (state()==Stopped) { // if pressed stop twice, reset video to the beginning qDebug("Core::stop: mset.current_sec: %f", mset.current_sec); mset.current_sec = 0; emit showTime( mset.current_sec ); #ifdef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION emit positionChanged( 0 ); #else emit posChanged( 0 ); #endif //updateWidgets(); } stopMplayer(); emit mediaStoppedByUser(); } void Core::play() { qDebug("Core::play"); if ((proc->isRunning()) && (state()==Paused)) { tellmp("pause"); // Unpauses } else if ((proc->isRunning()) && (state()==Playing)) { // nothing to do, continue playing } else { // if we're stopped, play it again if ( !mdat.filename.isEmpty() ) { /* qDebug( "current_sec: %f, duration: %f", mset.current_sec, mdat.duration); if ( (floor(mset.current_sec)) >= (floor(mdat.duration)) ) { mset.current_sec = 0; } */ restartPlay(); } } } void Core::pause_and_frame_step() { qDebug("Core::pause_and_frame_step"); if (proc->isRunning()) { if (state() == Paused) { tellmp("frame_step"); } else { tellmp("pause"); } } } void Core::pause() { qDebug("Core::pause"); qDebug("Core::pause: current state: %s", stateToString().toUtf8().data()); if (proc->isRunning()) { // Pauses and unpauses tellmp("pause"); } } void Core::play_or_pause() { if (proc->isRunning()) { pause(); } else { play(); } } void Core::frameStep() { qDebug("Core::frameStep"); if (proc->isRunning()) { tellmp("frame_step"); } } void Core::screenshot() { qDebug("Core::screenshot"); if ( (!pref->screenshot_directory.isEmpty()) && (QFileInfo(pref->screenshot_directory).isDir()) ) { tellmp( pausing_prefix() + " screenshot 0"); qDebug("Core::screenshot: taken screenshot"); } else { qDebug("Core::screenshot: error: directory for screenshots not valid"); QString text = "Screenshot NOT taken, folder not configured"; tellmp("osd_show_text \"" + text + "\" 3000 1"); emit showMessage(text); } } void Core::processFinished() { qDebug("Core::processFinished"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Restores the Windows screensaver if (pref->disable_screensaver) { win_screensaver->restore(); } #endif qDebug("Core::processFinished: we_are_restarting: %d", we_are_restarting); //mset.current_sec = 0; if (!we_are_restarting) { qDebug("Core::processFinished: play has finished!"); setState(Stopped); //emit stateChanged(state()); } int exit_code = proc->exitCode(); qDebug("Core::processFinished: exit_code: %d", exit_code); if (exit_code != 0) { emit mplayerFinishedWithError(exit_code); } } void Core::fileReachedEnd() { /* if (mdat.type == TYPE_VCD) { // If the first vcd title has nothing, it doesn't start to play // and menus are not initialized. initializeMenus(); } */ // If we're at the end of the movie, reset to 0 mset.current_sec = 0; updateWidgets(); emit mediaFinished(); } #if SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION void Core::goToPosition(int value) { qDebug("Core::goToPosition: value: %d", value); if (mdat.duration > 0) { int jump_time = (int) mdat.duration * value / SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION; goToSec(jump_time); } } #else void Core::goToPos(int perc) { qDebug("Core::goToPos: per: %d", perc); tellmp( "seek " + QString::number(perc) + " 1"); } #endif void Core::startMplayer( QString file, double seek ) { qDebug("Core::startMplayer"); if (file.isEmpty()) { qWarning("Core:startMplayer: file is empty!"); return; } if (proc->isRunning()) { qWarning("Core::startMplayer: MPlayer still running!"); return; } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Disable the Windows screensaver if (pref->disable_screensaver) { win_screensaver->disable(); } #endif bool is_mkv = (QFileInfo(file).suffix().toLower() == "mkv"); // DVD QString dvd_folder; int dvd_title = -1; if (mdat.type==TYPE_DVD) { dvd_folder = Helper::dvdSplitFolder(file); if (dvd_folder.isEmpty()) dvd_folder = pref->dvd_device; // Remove trailing "/" if (dvd_folder.endsWith("/")) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QRegExp r("^[A-Z]:/$"); int pos = r.indexIn(dvd_folder); qDebug("Core::startMplayer: drive check: '%s': regexp: %d", dvd_folder.toUtf8().data(), pos); if (pos == -1) #endif dvd_folder = dvd_folder.remove( dvd_folder.length()-1, 1); } dvd_title = Helper::dvdSplitTitle(file); file = "dvd://" + QString::number(dvd_title); } // URL bool url_is_playlist = file.endsWith(IS_PLAYLIST_TAG); if (url_is_playlist) file = file.remove( QRegExp(IS_PLAYLIST_TAG_RX) ); bool screenshot_enabled = ( (!pref->screenshot_directory.isEmpty()) && (QFileInfo(pref->screenshot_directory).isDir()) ); proc->clearArguments(); // Set working directory to screenshot directory if (screenshot_enabled) { qDebug("Core::startMplayer: setting working directory to '%s'", pref->screenshot_directory.toUtf8().data()); proc->setWorkingDirectory( pref->screenshot_directory ); } // Use absolute path, otherwise after changing to the screenshot directory // the mplayer path might not be found if it's a relative path // (seems to be necessary only for linux) QString mplayer_bin = pref->mplayer_bin; QFileInfo fi(mplayer_bin); if (fi.exists() && fi.isExecutable() && !fi.isDir()) { mplayer_bin = fi.absoluteFilePath(); } proc->addArgument( mplayer_bin ); proc->addArgument("-noquiet"); if (pref->fullscreen && pref->use_mplayer_window) { proc->addArgument("-fs"); } else { // No mplayer fullscreen mode proc->addArgument("-nofs"); } // Demuxer and audio and video codecs: if (!mset.forced_demuxer.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-demuxer"); proc->addArgument(mset.forced_demuxer); } if (!mset.forced_audio_codec.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-ac"); proc->addArgument(mset.forced_audio_codec); } if (!mset.forced_video_codec.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-vc"); proc->addArgument(mset.forced_video_codec); } if (pref->use_hwac3) { proc->addArgument("-afm"); proc->addArgument("hwac3"); } QString lavdopts; if ( (pref->h264_skip_loop_filter == Preferences::LoopDisabled) || ((pref->h264_skip_loop_filter == Preferences::LoopDisabledOnHD) && (mset.is264andHD)) ) { if (!lavdopts.isEmpty()) lavdopts += ":"; lavdopts += "skiploopfilter=all"; } if (pref->show_motion_vectors) { if (!lavdopts.isEmpty()) lavdopts += ":"; lavdopts += "vismv=7"; } if (pref->threads > 1) { if (!lavdopts.isEmpty()) lavdopts += ":"; lavdopts += "threads=" + QString::number(pref->threads); } if (!lavdopts.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-lavdopts"); proc->addArgument(lavdopts); } proc->addArgument("-sub-fuzziness"); proc->addArgument( QString::number(pref->subfuzziness) ); proc->addArgument("-identify"); #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT if (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(27667)) { // From r27667 the number of chapters can be obtained from ID_CHAPTERS mset.current_chapter_id = 0; // Reset chapters } else { #endif // We need this to get info about mkv chapters if (is_mkv) { proc->addArgument("-msglevel"); proc->addArgument("demux=6"); // **** Reset chapter *** // Select first chapter, otherwise we cannot // resume playback at the same point // (time would be relative to chapter) mset.current_chapter_id = 0; } #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT } #endif proc->addArgument("-slave"); if (!pref->vo.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument( "-vo"); proc->addArgument( pref->vo ); } else { proc->addArgument("-vo"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN // On Windows Vista, the default vo is already set in preferences.cpp proc->addArgument("directx,"); #else proc->addArgument("xv,"); #endif } #if USE_ADAPTER if (pref->adapter > -1) { proc->addArgument("-adapter"); proc->addArgument(QString::number(pref->adapter)); } #endif if (!pref->ao.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument( "-ao"); proc->addArgument( pref->ao ); } #ifndef Q_OS_WIN else { proc->addArgument( "-ao"); proc->addArgument( "alsa," ); } #endif proc->addArgument( "-zoom"); proc->addArgument("-nokeepaspect"); // Performance options #ifdef Q_OS_WIN QString p; int app_p = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; switch (pref->priority) { case Preferences::Realtime: p = "realtime"; app_p = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case Preferences::High: p = "high"; app_p = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case Preferences::AboveNormal: p = "abovenormal"; app_p = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case Preferences::Normal: p = "normal"; app_p = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; break; case Preferences::BelowNormal: p = "belownormal"; break; case Preferences::Idle: p = "idle"; break; default: p = "normal"; } proc->addArgument("-priority"); proc->addArgument( p ); SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), app_p); qDebug("Core::startMplayer: priority of smplayer process set to %d", app_p); #endif if (pref->frame_drop) { proc->addArgument("-framedrop"); } if (pref->hard_frame_drop) { proc->addArgument("-hardframedrop"); } if (pref->autosync) { proc->addArgument("-autosync"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( pref->autosync_factor ) ); } if (pref->use_direct_rendering) { proc->addArgument("-dr"); } else { proc->addArgument("-nodr"); } if (pref->use_double_buffer) { proc->addArgument("-double"); } else { proc->addArgument("-nodouble"); } #ifndef Q_OS_WIN if (!pref->use_mplayer_window) { proc->addArgument( "-input" ); proc->addArgument( "conf=" + Paths::dataPath() +"/input.conf" ); } #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 if (pref->disable_screensaver) { proc->addArgument("-stop-xscreensaver"); } else { proc->addArgument("-nostop-xscreensaver"); } #endif if (!pref->use_mplayer_window) { proc->addArgument("-wid"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( (int) mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->winId() ) ); #if USE_COLORKEY #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if ((pref->vo.startsWith("directx")) || (pref->vo.isEmpty())) { proc->addArgument("-colorkey"); //proc->addArgument( "0x"+QString::number(pref->color_key, 16) ); proc->addArgument( ColorUtils::colorToRGB(pref->color_key) ); } else { #endif qDebug("Core::startMplayer: * not using -colorkey for %s", pref->vo.toUtf8().data()); qDebug("Core::startMplayer: * report if you can't see the video"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN } #endif #endif // Square pixels proc->addArgument("-monitorpixelaspect"); proc->addArgument("1"); } else { // no -wid if (!pref->monitor_aspect.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-monitoraspect"); proc->addArgument( pref->monitor_aspect ); } } // Subtitles fonts if ((pref->use_ass_subtitles) && (pref->freetype_support)) { // ASS: proc->addArgument("-ass"); proc->addArgument("-embeddedfonts"); proc->addArgument("-ass-line-spacing"); proc->addArgument(QString::number(pref->ass_line_spacing)); proc->addArgument( "-ass-font-scale"); proc->addArgument( QString::number(mset.sub_scale_ass) ); // Load the styles.ass file if (!QFile::exists(Paths::subtitleStyleFile())) { // If file doesn't exist, create it pref->ass_styles.exportStyles(Paths::subtitleStyleFile()); } if (QFile::exists(Paths::subtitleStyleFile())) { proc->addArgument("-ass-styles"); proc->addArgument( Paths::subtitleStyleFile() ); } else { qWarning("Core::startMplayer: '%s' doesn't exist", Paths::subtitleStyleFile().toUtf8().constData()); } // Use the same font for OSD if (!pref->ass_styles.fontname.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-fontconfig"); proc->addArgument("-font"); proc->addArgument( pref->ass_styles.fontname ); } } else { // NO ASS: if (pref->freetype_support) proc->addArgument("-noass"); if ( (pref->use_fontconfig) && (!pref->font_name.isEmpty()) ) { proc->addArgument("-fontconfig"); proc->addArgument("-font"); proc->addArgument( pref->font_name ); } if ( (!pref->use_fontconfig) && (!pref->font_file.isEmpty()) ) { proc->addArgument("-font"); proc->addArgument( pref->font_file ); } if (pref->freetype_support) { proc->addArgument( "-subfont-autoscale"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( pref->font_autoscale ) ); proc->addArgument( "-subfont-text-scale"); proc->addArgument( QString::number(mset.sub_scale) ); } } // Subtitle encoding { QString encoding; if ( (pref->use_enca) && (!pref->enca_lang.isEmpty()) ) { encoding = "enca:"+ pref->enca_lang; if (!pref->subcp.isEmpty()) { encoding += ":"+ pref->subcp; } } else if (!pref->subcp.isEmpty()) { encoding = pref->subcp; } if (!encoding.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-subcp"); proc->addArgument( encoding ); } } if (pref->use_closed_caption_subs) { proc->addArgument("-subcc"); } if (pref->use_forced_subs_only) { proc->addArgument("-forcedsubsonly"); } if (mset.current_video_id != MediaSettings::NoneSelected) { proc->addArgument("-vid"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.current_video_id ) ); } if (mset.current_audio_id != MediaSettings::NoneSelected) { proc->addArgument("-aid"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.current_audio_id ) ); } if (!initial_subtitle.isEmpty()) { mset.external_subtitles = initial_subtitle; initial_subtitle = ""; just_loaded_external_subs = true; // Big ugly hack :( } if (!mset.external_subtitles.isEmpty()) { if (QFileInfo(mset.external_subtitles).suffix().toLower()=="idx") { // sub/idx subtitles QFileInfo fi; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (pref->use_short_pathnames) fi.setFile(Helper::shortPathName(mset.external_subtitles)); else #endif fi.setFile(mset.external_subtitles); QString s = fi.path() +"/"+ fi.completeBaseName(); qDebug("Core::startMplayer: subtitle file without extension: '%s'", s.toUtf8().data()); proc->addArgument("-vobsub"); proc->addArgument( s ); } else { proc->addArgument("-sub"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (pref->use_short_pathnames) proc->addArgument(Helper::shortPathName(mset.external_subtitles)); else #endif proc->addArgument( mset.external_subtitles ); } } if (!mset.external_audio.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-audiofile"); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (pref->use_short_pathnames) proc->addArgument(Helper::shortPathName(mset.external_audio)); else #endif proc->addArgument( mset.external_audio ); } proc->addArgument("-subpos"); proc->addArgument( QString::number(mset.sub_pos) ); if (mset.audio_delay!=0) { proc->addArgument("-delay"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( (double) mset.audio_delay/1000 ) ); } if (mset.sub_delay!=0) { proc->addArgument("-subdelay"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( (double) mset.sub_delay/1000 ) ); } // Contrast, brightness... if (pref->change_video_equalizer_on_startup) { if (mset.contrast != 0) { proc->addArgument("-contrast"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.contrast ) ); } if (mset.brightness != 0) { proc->addArgument("-brightness"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.brightness ) ); } if (mset.hue != 0) { proc->addArgument("-hue"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.hue ) ); } if (mset.saturation != 0) { proc->addArgument("-saturation"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.saturation ) ); } } // Set volume, requires mplayer svn r27872 bool use_volume_option = (pref->use_volume_option == Preferences::Enabled); if (pref->use_volume_option == Preferences::Detect) { use_volume_option = (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(27872)); } if ((use_volume_option) && (!pref->dont_change_volume)) { proc->addArgument("-volume"); // Note: mset.volume may not be right, it can be the volume of the previous video if // playing a new one, but I think it's better to use anyway the current volume on // startup than set it to 0 or something. // The right volume will be set later, when the video starts to play. proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.volume ) ); } if (mdat.type==TYPE_DVD) { if (!dvd_folder.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-dvd-device"); proc->addArgument( dvd_folder ); } else { qWarning("Core::startMplayer: dvd device is empty!"); } } if ((mdat.type==TYPE_VCD) || (mdat.type==TYPE_AUDIO_CD)) { if (!pref->cdrom_device.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-cdrom-device"); proc->addArgument( pref->cdrom_device ); } } if (mset.current_chapter_id > 0) { proc->addArgument("-chapter"); int chapter = mset.current_chapter_id; // Fix for older versions of mplayer: #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT if ((mdat.type == TYPE_DVD) && (firstChapter() == 0)) chapter++; #else if ((mdat.type == TYPE_DVD) && (dvdFirstChapter() == 0)) chapter++; #endif proc->addArgument( QString::number( chapter ) ); } if (mset.current_angle_id > 0) { proc->addArgument("-dvdangle"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.current_angle_id ) ); } int cache = 0; switch (mdat.type) { case TYPE_FILE : cache = pref->cache_for_files; break; case TYPE_DVD : cache = pref->cache_for_dvds; break; case TYPE_STREAM : cache = pref->cache_for_streams; break; case TYPE_VCD : cache = pref->cache_for_vcds; break; case TYPE_AUDIO_CD : cache = pref->cache_for_audiocds; break; default: cache = 0; } if (cache > 31) { // Minimum value for cache = 32 proc->addArgument("-cache"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( cache ) ); } else { proc->addArgument("-nocache"); } if (mset.speed != 1.0) { proc->addArgument("-speed"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.speed ) ); } // If seek < 5 it's better to allow the video to start from the beginning if ((seek >= 5) && (!pref->loop)) { proc->addArgument("-ss"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( seek ) ); } proc->addArgument("-osdlevel"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( pref->osd ) ); if (pref->use_idx) { proc->addArgument("-idx"); } if (mdat.type == TYPE_STREAM) { if (pref->prefer_ipv4) { proc->addArgument("-prefer-ipv4"); } else { proc->addArgument("-prefer-ipv6"); } } if (pref->use_correct_pts) { proc->addArgument("-correct-pts"); } else { if (pref->mplayer_detected_version > 0) { if (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(26842)) { proc->addArgument("-nocorrect-pts"); } else { proc->addArgument("-no-correct-pts"); } } else { qDebug("Core::startMplayer: unknown version of mplayer, not passing -no(-)correct-pts"); } } // Video filters: // Phase if (mset.phase_filter) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( "phase=A" ); } // Deinterlace if (mset.current_deinterlacer != MediaSettings::NoDeinterlace) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); switch (mset.current_deinterlacer) { case MediaSettings::L5: proc->addArgument("pp=l5"); break; case MediaSettings::Yadif: proc->addArgument("yadif"); break; case MediaSettings::LB: proc->addArgument("pp=lb"); break; case MediaSettings::Yadif_1: proc->addArgument("yadif=1"); break; case MediaSettings::Kerndeint: proc->addArgument("kerndeint=5"); break; } } #if !NEW_ASPECT_CODE // Panscan (crop) if (!mset.panscan_filter.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument( "-vf-add" ); proc->addArgument( mset.panscan_filter ); } // Crop 4:3 to 16:9 if (!mset.crop_43to169_filter.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument( "-vf-add" ); proc->addArgument( mset.crop_43to169_filter ); } #endif // Denoise if (mset.current_denoiser != MediaSettings::NoDenoise) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); if (mset.current_denoiser==MediaSettings::DenoiseSoft) { proc->addArgument( "hqdn3d=2:1:2" ); } else { proc->addArgument( "hqdn3d" ); } } // Deblock if (mset.deblock_filter) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( "pp=vb/hb" ); } // Dering if (mset.dering_filter) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( "pp=dr" ); } // Upscale if (mset.upscaling_filter) { int width = DesktopInfo::desktop_size(mplayerwindow).width(); proc->addArgument("-sws"); proc->addArgument("9"); proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("scale="+QString::number(width)+":-2"); } // Addnoise if (mset.noise_filter) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( "noise=9ah:5ah" ); } // Postprocessing if (mset.postprocessing_filter) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("pp"); proc->addArgument("-autoq"); proc->addArgument( QString::number(pref->autoq) ); } // Letterbox (expand) #if NEW_ASPECT_CODE if ((mset.add_letterbox) || (pref->fullscreen && pref->add_blackborders_on_fullscreen)) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( QString("expand=:::::%1,harddup").arg( DesktopInfo::desktop_aspectRatio(mplayerwindow)) ); // Note: on some videos (h264 for instance) the subtitles doesn't disappear, // appearing the new ones on top of the old ones. It seems adding another // filter after expand fixes the problem. I chose harddup 'cos I think // it will be harmless in mplayer. // Anyway, if you know a proper way to fix the problem, please tell me. } #else if (mset.letterbox == MediaSettings::Letterbox_43) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("expand=:::::4/3"); } else if (mset.letterbox == MediaSettings::Letterbox_169) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("expand=:::::16/9"); } #endif // Software equalizer if ( (pref->use_soft_video_eq) ) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); QString eq_filter = "eq2,hue"; if ( (pref->vo == "gl") || (pref->vo == "gl2") #ifdef Q_OS_WIN || (pref->vo == "directx:noaccel") #endif ) eq_filter += ",scale"; proc->addArgument(eq_filter); } // Additional video filters, supplied by user // File if ( !mset.mplayer_additional_video_filters.isEmpty() ) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( mset.mplayer_additional_video_filters ); } // Global if ( !pref->mplayer_additional_video_filters.isEmpty() ) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument( pref->mplayer_additional_video_filters ); } bool force_noslices = false; // Filters for subtitles on screenshots if ((screenshot_enabled) && (pref->subtitles_on_screenshots)) { if (pref->use_ass_subtitles) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("ass"); } else { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("expand=osd=1"); //proc->addArgument("-noslices"); force_noslices = true; } } // Rotate if (mset.rotate != MediaSettings::NoRotate) { proc->addArgument( "-vf-add" ); proc->addArgument( QString("rotate=%1").arg(mset.rotate) ); } // Flip if (mset.flip) { proc->addArgument( "-vf-add" ); // expand + flip doesn't work well, a workaround is to add another // filter between them, so that's why harddup is here proc->addArgument("harddup,flip"); } // Mirror if (mset.mirror) { proc->addArgument( "-vf-add" ); proc->addArgument("mirror"); } // Screenshots if (screenshot_enabled) { proc->addArgument("-vf-add"); proc->addArgument("screenshot"); } // slices if ((pref->use_slices) && (!force_noslices)) { proc->addArgument("-slices"); } else { proc->addArgument("-noslices"); } // Audio channels if (mset.audio_use_channels != 0) { proc->addArgument("-channels"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.audio_use_channels ) ); } // Stereo mode if (mset.stereo_mode != 0) { proc->addArgument("-stereo"); proc->addArgument( QString::number( mset.stereo_mode ) ); } // Audio filters QString af=""; if (mset.karaoke_filter) { af="karaoke"; } if (mset.extrastereo_filter) { if (!af.isEmpty()) af += ","; af += "extrastereo"; } if (mset.volnorm_filter) { if (!af.isEmpty()) af += ","; af += "volnorm=2"; } bool use_scaletempo = (pref->use_scaletempo == Preferences::Enabled); if (pref->use_scaletempo == Preferences::Detect) { use_scaletempo = (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(24924)); } if (use_scaletempo) { if (!af.isEmpty()) af += ","; af += "scaletempo"; } // Audio equalizer if (pref->use_audio_equalizer) { if (!af.isEmpty()) af += ","; af += "equalizer=" + Helper::equalizerListToString(mset.audio_equalizer); } // Additional audio filters, supplied by user // File if ( !pref->mplayer_additional_audio_filters.isEmpty() ) { if (!af.isEmpty()) af += ","; af += pref->mplayer_additional_audio_filters; } // Global if ( !mset.mplayer_additional_audio_filters.isEmpty() ) { if (!af.isEmpty()) af += ","; af += mset.mplayer_additional_audio_filters; } if (!af.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-af"); proc->addArgument( af ); } if (pref->use_soft_vol) { proc->addArgument("-softvol"); proc->addArgument("-softvol-max"); proc->addArgument( QString::number(pref->softvol_max) ); } // Load edl file if (pref->use_edl_files) { QString edl_f; QFileInfo f(file); QString basename = f.path() + "/" + f.completeBaseName(); qDebug("Core::startMplayer: file basename: '%s'", basename.toUtf8().data()); if (QFile::exists(basename+".edl")) edl_f = basename+".edl"; else if (QFile::exists(basename+".EDL")) edl_f = basename+".EDL"; qDebug("Core::startMplayer: edl file: '%s'", edl_f.toUtf8().data()); if (!edl_f.isEmpty()) { proc->addArgument("-edl"); proc->addArgument(edl_f); } } // Additional options supplied by the user // File if (!mset.mplayer_additional_options.isEmpty()) { QStringList args = mset.mplayer_additional_options.split(" "); QStringList::Iterator it = args.begin(); while( it != args.end() ) { proc->addArgument( (*it) ); ++it; } } // Global if (!pref->mplayer_additional_options.isEmpty()) { QStringList args = pref->mplayer_additional_options.split(" "); QStringList::Iterator it = args.begin(); while( it != args.end() ) { proc->addArgument( (*it) ); ++it; } } // File to play if (url_is_playlist) { proc->addArgument("-playlist"); } #ifdef Q_OS_WIN if (pref->use_short_pathnames) proc->addArgument(Helper::shortPathName(file)); else #endif proc->addArgument( file ); // It seems the loop option must be after the filename if (pref->loop) { proc->addArgument("-loop"); proc->addArgument("0"); } emit aboutToStartPlaying(); QString commandline = proc->arguments().join(" "); qDebug("Core::startMplayer: command: '%s'", commandline.toUtf8().data()); //Log command QString line_for_log = commandline + "\n"; emit logLineAvailable(line_for_log); if ( !proc->start() ) { // error handling qWarning("Core::startMplayer: mplayer process didn't start"); } } void Core::stopMplayer() { qDebug("Core::stopMplayer"); if (!proc->isRunning()) { qWarning("Core::stopMplayer: mplayer in not running!"); return; } tellmp("quit"); qDebug("Core::stopMplayer: Waiting mplayer to finish..."); if (!proc->waitForFinished(5000)) { qWarning("Core::stopMplayer: process didn't finish. Killing it..."); proc->kill(); } qDebug("Core::stopMplayer: Finished. (I hope)"); } void Core::goToSec( double sec ) { qDebug("Core::goToSec: %f", sec); if (sec < 0) sec = 0; if (sec > mdat.duration ) sec = mdat.duration - 20; tellmp("seek " + QString::number(sec) + " 2"); } void Core::seek(int secs) { qDebug("Core::seek: %d", secs); if ( (proc->isRunning()) && (secs!=0) ) { tellmp("seek " + QString::number(secs) + " 0"); } } void Core::sforward() { qDebug("Core::sforward"); seek( pref->seeking1 ); // +10s } void Core::srewind() { qDebug("Core::srewind"); seek( -pref->seeking1 ); // -10s } void Core::forward() { qDebug("Core::forward"); seek( pref->seeking2 ); // +1m } void Core::rewind() { qDebug("Core::rewind"); seek( -pref->seeking2 ); // -1m } void Core::fastforward() { qDebug("Core::fastforward"); seek( pref->seeking3 ); // +10m } void Core::fastrewind() { qDebug("Core::fastrewind"); seek( -pref->seeking3 ); // -10m } void Core::forward(int secs) { qDebug("Core::forward: %d", secs); seek(secs); } void Core::rewind(int secs) { qDebug("Core::rewind: %d", secs); seek(-secs); } void Core::wheelUp() { qDebug("Core::wheelUp"); switch (pref->wheel_function) { case Preferences::Volume : incVolume(); break; case Preferences::Zoom : incPanscan(); break; case Preferences::Seeking : forward( pref->seeking4 ); break; case Preferences::ChangeSpeed : incSpeed10(); break; default : {} // do nothing } } void Core::wheelDown() { qDebug("Core::wheelDown"); switch (pref->wheel_function) { case Preferences::Volume : decVolume(); break; case Preferences::Zoom : decPanscan(); break; case Preferences::Seeking : rewind( pref->seeking4 ); break; case Preferences::ChangeSpeed : decSpeed10(); break; default : {} // do nothing } } void Core::toggleRepeat() { qDebug("Core::toggleRepeat"); toggleRepeat( !pref->loop ); } void Core::toggleRepeat(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleRepeat: %d", b); if ( pref->loop != b ) { pref->loop = b; if (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(23747)) { // Use slave command int v = -1; // no loop if (pref->loop) v = 0; // infinite loop tellmp( QString("loop %1 1").arg(v) ); } else { // Restart mplayer if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); } } } void Core::toggleFlip() { qDebug("Core::toggleFlip"); toggleFlip( !mset.flip ); } void Core::toggleFlip(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleFlip: %d", b); if (mset.flip != b) { mset.flip = b; if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleMirror() { qDebug("Core::toggleMirror"); toggleMirror( !mset.mirror ); } void Core::toggleMirror(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleMirror: %d", b); if (mset.mirror != b) { mset.mirror = b; if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); } } // Audio filters void Core::toggleKaraoke() { toggleKaraoke( !mset.karaoke_filter ); } void Core::toggleKaraoke(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleKaraoke: %d", b); if (b != mset.karaoke_filter) { mset.karaoke_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleExtrastereo() { toggleExtrastereo( !mset.extrastereo_filter ); } void Core::toggleExtrastereo(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleExtrastereo: %d", b); if (b != mset.extrastereo_filter) { mset.extrastereo_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleVolnorm() { toggleVolnorm( !mset.volnorm_filter ); } void Core::toggleVolnorm(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleVolnorm: %d", b); if (b != mset.volnorm_filter) { mset.volnorm_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::setAudioChannels(int channels) { qDebug("Core::setAudioChannels:%d", channels); if (channels != mset.audio_use_channels ) { mset.audio_use_channels = channels; restartPlay(); } } void Core::setStereoMode(int mode) { qDebug("Core::setStereoMode:%d", mode); if (mode != mset.stereo_mode ) { mset.stereo_mode = mode; restartPlay(); } } // Video filters void Core::toggleAutophase() { toggleAutophase( !mset.phase_filter ); } void Core::toggleAutophase( bool b ) { qDebug("Core::toggleAutophase: %d", b); if ( b != mset.phase_filter) { mset.phase_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleDeblock() { toggleDeblock( !mset.deblock_filter ); } void Core::toggleDeblock(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleDeblock: %d", b); if ( b != mset.deblock_filter ) { mset.deblock_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleDering() { toggleDering( !mset.dering_filter ); } void Core::toggleDering(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleDering: %d", b); if ( b != mset.dering_filter) { mset.dering_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleNoise() { toggleNoise( !mset.noise_filter ); } void Core::toggleNoise(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleNoise: %d", b); if ( b!= mset.noise_filter ) { mset.noise_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::togglePostprocessing() { togglePostprocessing( !mset.postprocessing_filter ); } void Core::togglePostprocessing(bool b) { qDebug("Core::togglePostprocessing: %d", b); if ( b != mset.postprocessing_filter ) { mset.postprocessing_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::changeDenoise(int id) { qDebug( "Core::changeDenoise: %d", id ); if (id != mset.current_denoiser) { mset.current_denoiser = id; restartPlay(); } } void Core::changeUpscale(bool b) { qDebug( "Core::changeUpscale: %d", b ); if (mset.upscaling_filter != b) { mset.upscaling_filter = b; restartPlay(); } } void Core::setBrightness(int value) { qDebug("Core::setBrightness: %d", value); if (value > 100) value = 100; if (value < -100) value = -100; if (value != mset.brightness) { tellmp(pausing_prefix() + " brightness " + QString::number(value) + " 1"); mset.brightness = value; displayMessage( tr("Brightness: %1").arg(value) ); emit videoEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); } } void Core::setContrast(int value) { qDebug("Core::setContrast: %d", value); if (value > 100) value = 100; if (value < -100) value = -100; if (value != mset.contrast) { tellmp(pausing_prefix() + " contrast " + QString::number(value) + " 1"); mset.contrast = value; displayMessage( tr("Contrast: %1").arg(value) ); emit videoEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); } } void Core::setGamma(int value) { qDebug("Core::setGamma: %d", value); if (value > 100) value = 100; if (value < -100) value = -100; if (value != mset.gamma) { tellmp(pausing_prefix() + " gamma " + QString::number(value) + " 1"); mset.gamma= value; displayMessage( tr("Gamma: %1").arg(value) ); emit videoEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); } } void Core::setHue(int value) { qDebug("Core::setHue: %d", value); if (value > 100) value = 100; if (value < -100) value = -100; if (value != mset.hue) { tellmp(pausing_prefix() + " hue " + QString::number(value) + " 1"); mset.hue = value; displayMessage( tr("Hue: %1").arg(value) ); emit videoEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); } } void Core::setSaturation(int value) { qDebug("Core::setSaturation: %d", value); if (value > 100) value = 100; if (value < -100) value = -100; if (value != mset.saturation) { tellmp(pausing_prefix() + " saturation " + QString::number(value) + " 1"); mset.saturation = value; displayMessage( tr("Saturation: %1").arg(value) ); emit videoEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); } } void Core::incBrightness() { setBrightness(mset.brightness + 4); } void Core::decBrightness() { setBrightness(mset.brightness - 4); } void Core::incContrast() { setContrast(mset.contrast + 4); } void Core::decContrast() { setContrast(mset.contrast - 4); } void Core::incGamma() { setGamma(mset.gamma + 4); } void Core::decGamma() { setGamma(mset.gamma - 4); } void Core::incHue() { setHue(mset.hue + 4); } void Core::decHue() { setHue(mset.hue - 4); } void Core::incSaturation() { setSaturation(mset.saturation + 4); } void Core::decSaturation() { setSaturation(mset.saturation - 4); } void Core::setSpeed( double value ) { qDebug("Core::setSpeed: %f", value); if (value < 0.10) value = 0.10; if (value > 100) value = 100; mset.speed = value; tellmp( "speed_set " + QString::number( value ) ); } void Core::incSpeed10() { qDebug("Core::incSpeed10"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed + 0.1 ); } void Core::decSpeed10() { qDebug("Core::decSpeed10"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed - 0.1 ); } void Core::incSpeed4() { qDebug("Core::incSpeed4"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed + 0.04 ); } void Core::decSpeed4() { qDebug("Core::decSpeed4"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed - 0.04 ); } void Core::incSpeed1() { qDebug("Core::incSpeed1"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed + 0.01 ); } void Core::decSpeed1() { qDebug("Core::decSpeed1"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed - 0.01 ); } void Core::doubleSpeed() { qDebug("Core::doubleSpeed"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed * 2 ); } void Core::halveSpeed() { qDebug("Core::halveSpeed"); setSpeed( (double) mset.speed / 2 ); } void Core::normalSpeed() { setSpeed(1); } void Core::setVolume(int volume, bool force) { qDebug("Core::setVolume: %d", volume); if ((volume==mset.volume) && (!force)) return; mset.volume = volume; if (mset.volume > 100 ) mset.volume = 100; if (mset.volume < 0 ) mset.volume = 0; if (state() == Paused) { // Change volume later, after quiting pause change_volume_after_unpause = true; } else { tellmp("volume " + QString::number(volume) + " 1"); } //if (mset.mute) mute(TRUE); mset.mute=false; updateWidgets(); displayMessage( tr("Volume: %1").arg(mset.volume) ); emit volumeChanged( mset.volume ); } void Core::switchMute() { qDebug("Core::switchMute"); mset.mute = !mset.mute; mute(mset.mute); } void Core::mute(bool b) { qDebug("Core::mute"); mset.mute = b; int v = 0; if (mset.mute) v = 1; tellmp( pausing_prefix() + " mute " + QString::number(v) ); updateWidgets(); } void Core::incVolume() { qDebug("Core::incVolume"); setVolume(mset.volume + 4); } void Core::decVolume() { qDebug("Core::incVolume"); setVolume(mset.volume-4); } void Core::incSubDelay() { qDebug("Core::incSubDelay"); mset.sub_delay += 100; tellmp("sub_delay " + QString::number( (double) mset.sub_delay/1000 ) +" 1"); } void Core::decSubDelay() { qDebug("Core::decSubDelay"); mset.sub_delay -= 100; tellmp("sub_delay " + QString::number( (double) mset.sub_delay/1000 ) +" 1"); } void Core::incAudioDelay() { qDebug("Core::incAudioDelay"); mset.audio_delay += 100; tellmp("audio_delay " + QString::number( (double) mset.audio_delay/1000 ) +" 1"); } void Core::decAudioDelay() { qDebug("Core::decAudioDelay"); mset.audio_delay -= 100; tellmp("audio_delay " + QString::number( (double) mset.audio_delay/1000 ) +" 1"); } void Core::incSubPos() { qDebug("Core::incSubPos"); mset.sub_pos++; if (mset.sub_pos > 100) mset.sub_pos = 100; tellmp("sub_pos " + QString::number( mset.sub_pos ) + " 1"); } void Core::decSubPos() { qDebug("Core::decSubPos"); mset.sub_pos--; if (mset.sub_pos < 0) mset.sub_pos = 0; tellmp("sub_pos " + QString::number( mset.sub_pos ) + " 1"); } bool Core::subscale_need_restart() { bool need_restart = false; need_restart = (pref->change_sub_scale_should_restart == Preferences::Enabled); if (pref->change_sub_scale_should_restart == Preferences::Detect) { if (pref->use_ass_subtitles) need_restart = (!MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(25843)); else need_restart = (!MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(23745)); } return need_restart; } void Core::changeSubScale(double value) { qDebug("Core::changeSubScale: %f", value); bool need_restart = subscale_need_restart(); if (value < 0) value = 0; if (pref->use_ass_subtitles) { if (value != mset.sub_scale_ass) { mset.sub_scale_ass = value; if (need_restart) { restartPlay(); } else { tellmp("sub_scale " + QString::number( mset.sub_scale_ass ) + " 1"); } displayMessage( tr("Font scale: %1").arg(mset.sub_scale_ass) ); } } else { // No ass if (value != mset.sub_scale) { mset.sub_scale = value; if (need_restart) { restartPlay(); } else { tellmp("sub_scale " + QString::number( mset.sub_scale ) + " 1"); } displayMessage( tr("Font scale: %1").arg(mset.sub_scale) ); } } } void Core::incSubScale() { double step = 0.20; if (pref->use_ass_subtitles) { changeSubScale( mset.sub_scale_ass + step ); } else { if (subscale_need_restart()) step = 1; changeSubScale( mset.sub_scale + step ); } } void Core::decSubScale() { double step = 0.20; if (pref->use_ass_subtitles) { changeSubScale( mset.sub_scale_ass - step ); } else { if (subscale_need_restart()) step = 1; changeSubScale( mset.sub_scale - step ); } } void Core::incSubStep() { qDebug("Core::incSubStep"); tellmp("sub_step +1"); } void Core::decSubStep() { qDebug("Core::decSubStep"); tellmp("sub_step -1"); } // Audio equalizer functions void Core::setAudioEqualizer(AudioEqualizerList values, bool restart) { mset.audio_equalizer = values; if (!restart) { tellmp( "af_eq_set_bands " + Helper::equalizerListToString(values) ); } else { restartPlay(); } emit audioEqualizerNeedsUpdate(); } void Core::updateAudioEqualizer() { setAudioEqualizer(mset.audio_equalizer); } void Core::setAudioEq0(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[0] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq1(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[1] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq2(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[2] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq3(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[3] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq4(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[4] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq5(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[5] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq6(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[6] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq7(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[7] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq8(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[8] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::setAudioEq9(int value) { mset.audio_equalizer[9] = value; updateAudioEqualizer(); } void Core::changeCurrentSec(double sec) { mset.current_sec = sec; if (mset.starting_time != -1) { mset.current_sec -= mset.starting_time; } if (state() != Playing) { setState(Playing); qDebug("Core::changeCurrentSec: mplayer reports that now it's playing"); //emit mediaStartPlay(); //emit stateChanged(state()); } emit showTime(mset.current_sec); // Emit posChanged: static int last_second = 0; if (floor(sec)==last_second) return; // Update only once per second last_second = (int) floor(sec); #ifdef SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION int value = 0; if ( (mdat.duration > 1) && (mset.current_sec > 1) && (mdat.duration > mset.current_sec) ) { value = ( (int) mset.current_sec * SEEKBAR_RESOLUTION) / (int) mdat.duration; } emit positionChanged(value); #else int perc = 0; if ( (mdat.duration > 1) && (mset.current_sec > 1) && (mdat.duration > mset.current_sec) ) { perc = ( (int) mset.current_sec * 100) / (int) mdat.duration; } emit posChanged( perc ); #endif } void Core::gotStartingTime(double time) { qDebug("Core::gotStartingTime: %f", time); qDebug("Core::gotStartingTime: current_sec: %f", mset.current_sec); if ((mset.starting_time == -1.0) && (mset.current_sec == 0)) { mset.starting_time = time; qDebug("Core::gotStartingTime: starting time set to %f", time); } } void Core::changePause() { qDebug("Core::changePause"); qDebug("Core::changePause: mplayer reports that it's paused"); setState(Paused); //emit stateChanged(state()); } void Core::changeDeinterlace(int ID) { qDebug("Core::changeDeinterlace: %d", ID); if (ID!=mset.current_deinterlacer) { mset.current_deinterlacer = ID; restartPlay(); } } void Core::changeSubtitle(int ID) { qDebug("Core::changeSubtitle: %d", ID); mset.current_sub_id = ID; if (ID==MediaSettings::SubNone) { ID=-1; } if (ID==MediaSettings::NoneSelected) { ID=-1; qDebug("Core::changeSubtitle: subtitle is NoneSelected, this shouldn't happen. ID set to -1."); } qDebug("Core::changeSubtitle: ID: %d", ID); bool use_new_commands = (pref->use_new_sub_commands == Preferences::Enabled); if (pref->use_new_sub_commands == Preferences::Detect) { use_new_commands = (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(25158)); } if (!use_new_commands) { // Old command sub_select tellmp( "sub_select " + QString::number(ID) ); } else { // New commands int real_id = -1; if (ID == -1) { tellmp( "sub_source -1" ); } else { bool valid_item = ( (ID >= 0) && (ID < mdat.subs.numItems()) ); if (!valid_item) qWarning("Core::changeSubtitle: ID: %d is not valid!", ID); if ( (mdat.subs.numItems() > 0) && (valid_item) ) { real_id = mdat.subs.itemAt(ID).ID(); switch (mdat.subs.itemAt(ID).type()) { case SubData::Vob: tellmp( "sub_vob " + QString::number(real_id) ); break; case SubData::Sub: tellmp( "sub_demux " + QString::number(real_id) ); break; case SubData::File: tellmp( "sub_file " + QString::number(real_id) ); break; default: { qWarning("Core::changeSubtitle: unknown type!"); } } } else { qWarning("Core::changeSubtitle: subtitle list is empty!"); } } } updateWidgets(); } void Core::nextSubtitle() { qDebug("Core::nextSubtitle"); if ( (mset.current_sub_id == MediaSettings::SubNone) && (mdat.subs.numItems() > 0) ) { changeSubtitle(0); } else { int item = mset.current_sub_id + 1; if (item >= mdat.subs.numItems()) { item = MediaSettings::SubNone; } changeSubtitle( item ); } } void Core::changeAudio(int ID, bool allow_restart) { qDebug("Core::changeAudio: ID: %d, allow_restart: %d", ID, allow_restart); if (ID!=mset.current_audio_id) { mset.current_audio_id = ID; qDebug("changeAudio: ID: %d", ID); bool need_restart = false; if (allow_restart) { need_restart = (pref->fast_audio_change == Preferences::Disabled); if (pref->fast_audio_change == Preferences::Detect) { need_restart = (!MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(21441)); } } if (need_restart) { restartPlay(); } else { tellmp("switch_audio " + QString::number(ID) ); //#ifdef Q_OS_WIN // Workaround for a mplayer problem in windows, // volume is too loud after changing audio. // Workaround too for a mplayer problem in linux, // the volume is reduced if using -softvol-max. if (!pref->dont_change_volume) { setVolume( mset.volume, true ); } //#endif if (mset.mute) mute(true); // if muted, mute again updateWidgets(); } } } void Core::nextAudio() { qDebug("Core::nextAudio"); int item = mdat.audios.find( mset.current_audio_id ); if (item == -1) { qWarning("Core::nextAudio: audio ID %d not found!", mset.current_audio_id); } else { qDebug( "Core::nextAudio: numItems: %d, item: %d", mdat.audios.numItems(), item); item++; if (item >= mdat.audios.numItems()) item=0; int ID = mdat.audios.itemAt(item).ID(); qDebug( "Core::nextAudio: item: %d, ID: %d", item, ID); changeAudio( ID ); } } void Core::changeVideo(int ID, bool allow_restart) { qDebug("Core::changeVideo: ID: %d, allow_restart: %d", ID, allow_restart); if (ID != mset.current_video_id) { mset.current_video_id = ID; qDebug("Core::changeVideo: ID set to: %d", ID); bool need_restart = false; if (allow_restart) { // afaik lavf doesn't require to restart, any other? need_restart = (mdat.demuxer != "lavf"); } if (need_restart) { restartPlay(); } else { tellmp("set_property switch_video " + QString::number(ID) ); } } } void Core::nextVideo() { qDebug("Core::nextVideo"); int item = mdat.videos.find( mset.current_video_id ); if (item == -1) { qWarning("Core::nextVideo: video ID %d not found!", mset.current_video_id); } else { qDebug( "Core::nextVideo: numItems: %d, item: %d", mdat.videos.numItems(), item); item++; if (item >= mdat.videos.numItems()) item=0; int ID = mdat.videos.itemAt(item).ID(); qDebug( "Core::nextVideo: item: %d, ID: %d", item, ID); changeVideo( ID ); } } void Core::changeTitle(int ID) { if (mdat.type == TYPE_VCD) { // VCD openVCD( ID ); } else if (mdat.type == TYPE_AUDIO_CD) { // AUDIO CD openAudioCD( ID ); } else if (mdat.type == TYPE_DVD) { QString dvd_url = "dvd://" + QString::number(ID); QString folder = Helper::dvdSplitFolder(mdat.filename); if (!folder.isEmpty()) dvd_url += ":" + folder; openDVD(dvd_url); //openDVD( ID ); } } void Core::changeChapter(int ID) { qDebug("Core::changeChapter: ID: %d", ID); if (ID != mset.current_chapter_id) { //if (QFileInfo(mdat.filename).extension().lower()=="mkv") { #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT if (mdat.type != TYPE_DVD) { #else if (mdat.mkv_chapters > 0) { // mkv doesn't require to restart #endif tellmp("seek_chapter " + QString::number(ID) +" 1"); mset.current_chapter_id = ID; updateWidgets(); } else { #if SMART_DVD_CHAPTERS if (pref->cache_for_dvds == 0) { #else if (pref->fast_chapter_change) { #endif tellmp("seek_chapter " + QString::number(ID) +" 1"); mset.current_chapter_id = ID; updateWidgets(); } else { stopMplayer(); mset.current_chapter_id = ID; //goToPos(0); mset.current_sec = 0; restartPlay(); } } } } int Core::firstChapter() { if (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(25391)) return 1; else return 0; } #if !GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT int Core::dvdFirstChapter() { // TODO: check if the change really happens in the same version as mkv return firstChapter(); } #endif void Core::prevChapter() { qDebug("Core::prevChapter"); #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT int last_chapter = 0; int first_chapter = firstChapter(); last_chapter = mdat.chapters + firstChapter() - 1; int ID = mset.current_chapter_id - 1; if (ID < first_chapter) { ID = last_chapter; } changeChapter(ID); #else int last_chapter = 0; bool matroshka = (mdat.mkv_chapters > 0); int first_chapter = dvdFirstChapter(); if (matroshka) first_chapter = firstChapter(); // Matroshka chapters if (matroshka) last_chapter = mdat.mkv_chapters + firstChapter() - 1; else // DVD chapters if (mset.current_title_id > 0) { last_chapter = mdat.titles.item(mset.current_title_id).chapters() + dvdFirstChapter() -1; } int ID = mset.current_chapter_id - 1; if (ID < first_chapter) { ID = last_chapter; } changeChapter(ID); #endif } void Core::nextChapter() { qDebug("Core::nextChapter"); #if GENERIC_CHAPTER_SUPPORT int last_chapter = 0; last_chapter = mdat.chapters + firstChapter() - 1; int ID = mset.current_chapter_id + 1; if (ID > last_chapter) { ID = firstChapter(); } changeChapter(ID); #else int last_chapter = 0; bool matroshka = (mdat.mkv_chapters > 0); // Matroshka chapters if (matroshka) last_chapter = mdat.mkv_chapters + firstChapter() - 1; else // DVD chapters if (mset.current_title_id > 0) { last_chapter = mdat.titles.item(mset.current_title_id).chapters() + dvdFirstChapter() - 1; } int ID = mset.current_chapter_id + 1; if (ID > last_chapter) { if (matroshka) ID = firstChapter(); else ID = dvdFirstChapter(); } changeChapter(ID); #endif } void Core::changeAngle(int ID) { qDebug("Core::changeAngle: ID: %d", ID); if (ID != mset.current_angle_id) { mset.current_angle_id = ID; restartPlay(); } } #if NEW_ASPECT_CODE void Core::changeAspectRatio( int ID ) { qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: %d", ID); mset.aspect_ratio_id = ID; double asp = mset.aspectToNum( (MediaSettings::Aspect) ID); if (!pref->use_mplayer_window) { mplayerwindow->setAspect( asp ); } else { // Using mplayer own window if (!mdat.novideo) { tellmp("switch_ratio " + QString::number(asp)); } } QString asp_name = MediaSettings::aspectToString( (MediaSettings::Aspect) mset.aspect_ratio_id); displayMessage( tr("Aspect ratio: %1").arg(asp_name) ); } void Core::nextAspectRatio() { int ID = mset.aspect_ratio_id + 1; if (ID > MediaSettings:: Aspect11) ID = MediaSettings::AspectNone; changeAspectRatio(ID); updateWidgets(); } void Core::changeLetterbox(bool b) { qDebug("Core::changeLetterbox: %d", b); if (mset.add_letterbox != b) { mset.add_letterbox = b; restartPlay(); } } #else void Core::changeAspectRatio( int ID ) { qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: %d", ID); int old_id = mset.aspect_ratio_id; mset.aspect_ratio_id = ID; bool need_restart = FALSE; double asp = mdat.video_aspect; // Set a default if (ID==MediaSettings::Aspect43Letterbox) { need_restart = (old_id != MediaSettings::Aspect43Letterbox); asp = (double) 4 / 3; mset.letterbox = MediaSettings::Letterbox_43; mset.panscan_filter = ""; mset.crop_43to169_filter = ""; } else if (ID==MediaSettings::Aspect169Letterbox) { need_restart = (old_id != MediaSettings::Aspect169Letterbox); asp = (double) 16 / 9; mset.letterbox = MediaSettings::Letterbox_169; mset.panscan_filter = ""; mset.crop_43to169_filter = ""; } else if (ID==MediaSettings::Aspect43Panscan) { need_restart = (old_id != MediaSettings::Aspect43Panscan); mset.crop_43to169_filter = ""; mset.letterbox = MediaSettings::NoLetterbox; asp = (double) 4 / 3; int real_width = (int) round(mdat.video_height * mdat.video_aspect); mset.panscan_filter = QString("scale=%1:%2,").arg(real_width).arg(mdat.video_height); mset.panscan_filter += QString("crop=%1:%2").arg(round(mdat.video_height * 4 /3)).arg(mdat.video_height); //mset.crop = QSize( mdat.video_height * 4 /3, mdat.video_height ); qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: panscan_filter = '%s'", mset.panscan_filter.toUtf8().data() ); } else if (ID==MediaSettings::Aspect43To169) { need_restart = (old_id != MediaSettings::Aspect43To169); mset.panscan_filter = ""; mset.crop_43to169_filter = ""; mset.letterbox = MediaSettings::NoLetterbox; int real_width = (int) round(mdat.video_height * mdat.video_aspect); int height = (int) round(real_width * 9 / 16); qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: video_width: %d, video_height: %d", real_width, mdat.video_height); qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: crop: %d, %d", real_width, height ); if (height > mdat.video_height) { // Invalid size, source video is not 4:3 need_restart = FALSE; } else { asp = (double) 16 / 9; mset.crop_43to169_filter = QString("scale=%1:%2,").arg(real_width).arg(mdat.video_height); mset.crop_43to169_filter += QString("crop=%1:%2").arg(real_width).arg(height); qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: crop_43to169_filter = '%s'", mset.crop_43to169_filter.toUtf8().data() ); } } else { //need_restart = (mset.force_letterbox == TRUE); need_restart = ( (old_id == MediaSettings::Aspect43Letterbox) || (old_id == MediaSettings::Aspect169Letterbox) || (old_id == MediaSettings::Aspect43Panscan) || (old_id == MediaSettings::Aspect43To169) ); mset.letterbox = MediaSettings::NoLetterbox; mset.panscan_filter = ""; mset.crop_43to169_filter = ""; switch (ID) { //case MediaSettings::AspectAuto: asp = mdat.video_aspect; break; case MediaSettings::AspectAuto: { qDebug("Core::changeAspectRatio: mset.win_width %d, mset.win_height: %d", mset.win_width, mset.win_height); asp = mset.win_aspect(); break; } case MediaSettings::Aspect43: asp = (double) 4 / 3; break; case MediaSettings::Aspect169: asp = (double) 16 / 9; break; case MediaSettings::Aspect149: asp = (double) 14 / 9; break; case MediaSettings::Aspect1610: asp = (double) 16 / 10; break; case MediaSettings::Aspect54: asp = (double) 5 / 4; break; case MediaSettings::Aspect235: asp = 2.35; break; } } if (!pref->use_mplayer_window) { mplayerwindow->setAspect( asp ); } else { // Using mplayer own window tellmp("switch_ratio " + QString::number(asp)); } updateWidgets(); if (need_restart) { /*mdat.calculateWinResolution(mset.force_letterbox);*/ restartPlay(); } } #endif void Core::changeOSD(int v) { qDebug("Core::changeOSD: %d", v); pref->osd = v; tellmp("osd " + QString::number( pref->osd ) ); updateWidgets(); } void Core::nextOSD() { int osd = pref->osd + 1; if (osd > Preferences::SeekTimerTotal) { osd = Preferences::None; } changeOSD( osd ); } void Core::changeRotate(int r) { qDebug("Core::changeRotate: %d", r); if (mset.rotate != r) { mset.rotate = r; restartPlay(); } } #if USE_ADAPTER void Core::changeAdapter(int n) { qDebug("Core::changeScreen: %d", n); if (pref->adapter != n) { pref->adapter = n; restartPlay(); } } #endif void Core::changeSize(int n) { if ( /*(n != pref->size_factor) &&*/ (!pref->use_mplayer_window) ) { pref->size_factor = n; emit needResize(mset.win_width, mset.win_height); updateWidgets(); } } void Core::toggleDoubleSize() { if (pref->size_factor != 100) changeSize(100); else changeSize(200); } void Core::changePanscan(double p) { qDebug("Core::changePanscan: %f", p); if (p < ZOOM_MIN) p = ZOOM_MIN; mset.panscan_factor = p; mplayerwindow->setZoom(p); displayMessage( tr("Zoom: %1").arg(mset.panscan_factor) ); } void Core::resetPanscan() { changePanscan(1.0); } void Core::autoPanscan() { double video_aspect = mset.aspectToNum( (MediaSettings::Aspect) mset.aspect_ratio_id); if (video_aspect <= 0) { QSize w = mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->size(); video_aspect = (double) w.width() / w.height(); } double screen_aspect = DesktopInfo::desktop_aspectRatio(mplayerwindow); double zoom_factor; if (video_aspect > screen_aspect) zoom_factor = video_aspect / screen_aspect; else zoom_factor = screen_aspect / video_aspect; qDebug("Core::autoPanscan: video_aspect: %f", video_aspect); qDebug("Core::autoPanscan: screen_aspect: %f", screen_aspect); qDebug("Core::autoPanscan: zoom_factor: %f", zoom_factor); changePanscan(zoom_factor); } void Core::autoPanscanFromLetterbox(double aspect) { qDebug("Core::autoPanscanFromLetterbox: %f", aspect); // Probably there's a much easy way to do this, but I'm not good with maths... QSize desktop = DesktopInfo::desktop_size(mplayerwindow); double video_aspect = mset.aspectToNum( (MediaSettings::Aspect) mset.aspect_ratio_id); if (video_aspect <= 0) { QSize w = mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->size(); video_aspect = (double) w.width() / w.height(); } // Calculate size of the video in fullscreen QSize video; video.setHeight( desktop.height() );; video.setWidth( (int) (video.height() * video_aspect) ); if (video.width() > desktop.width()) { video.setWidth( desktop.width() );; video.setHeight( (int) (video.width() / video_aspect) ); } qDebug("Core::autoPanscanFromLetterbox: max. size of video: %d %d", video.width(), video.height()); // Calculate the size of the actual video inside the letterbox QSize actual_video; actual_video.setWidth( video.width() ); actual_video.setHeight( (int) (actual_video.width() / aspect) ); qDebug("Core::autoPanscanFromLetterbox: calculated size of actual video for aspect %f: %d %d", aspect, actual_video.width(), actual_video.height()); double zoom_factor = (double) desktop.height() / actual_video.height(); qDebug("Core::autoPanscanFromLetterbox: calculated zoom factor: %f", zoom_factor); changePanscan(zoom_factor); } void Core::autoPanscanFor169() { autoPanscanFromLetterbox((double) 16 / 9); } void Core::autoPanscanFor235() { autoPanscanFromLetterbox(2.35); } void Core::incPanscan() { qDebug("Core::incPanscan"); changePanscan( mset.panscan_factor + ZOOM_STEP ); } void Core::decPanscan() { qDebug("Core::decPanscan"); changePanscan( mset.panscan_factor - ZOOM_STEP ); } void Core::changeUseAss(bool b) { qDebug("Core::changeUseAss: %d", b); if (pref->use_ass_subtitles != b) { pref->use_ass_subtitles = b; if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleClosedCaption(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleClosedCaption: %d", b); if (pref->use_closed_caption_subs != b) { pref->use_closed_caption_subs = b; if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); } } void Core::toggleForcedSubsOnly(bool b) { qDebug("Core::toggleForcedSubsOnly: %d", b); if (pref->use_forced_subs_only != b) { pref->use_forced_subs_only = b; //if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); int v = 0; if (b) v = 1; tellmp( QString("forced_subs_only %1").arg(v) ); } } void Core::visualizeMotionVectors(bool b) { qDebug("Core::visualizeMotionVectors: %d", b); if (pref->show_motion_vectors != b) { pref->show_motion_vectors = b; if (proc->isRunning()) restartPlay(); } } #if DVDNAV_SUPPORT // dvdnav buttons void Core::dvdnavUp() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavUp"); tellmp("dvdnav up"); } void Core::dvdnavDown() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavDown"); tellmp("dvdnav down"); } void Core::dvdnavLeft() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavLeft"); tellmp("dvdnav left"); } void Core::dvdnavRight() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavRight"); tellmp("dvdnav right"); } void Core::dvdnavMenu() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavMenu"); tellmp("dvdnav menu"); } void Core::dvdnavSelect() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavSelect"); tellmp("dvdnav select"); } void Core::dvdnavPrev() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavPrev"); tellmp("dvdnav prev"); } void Core::dvdnavMouse() { qDebug("Core::dvdnavMouse"); QPoint p = mplayerwindow->videoLayer()->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); tellmp(QString("set_mouse_pos %1 %2").arg(p.x()).arg(p.y())); tellmp("dvdnav mouse"); } #endif void Core::displayMessage(QString text) { qDebug("Core::displayMessage"); emit showMessage(text); if ((pref->fullscreen) && (state() != Paused)) { tellmp("osd_show_text \"" + text + "\" 3000 1"); } } void Core::displayScreenshotName(QString filename) { qDebug("Core::displayScreenshotName"); //QString text = tr("Screenshot saved as %1").arg(filename); QString text = QString("Screenshot saved as %1").arg(filename); if (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(27665)) { tellmp( "pausing_keep_force osd_show_text \"" + text + "\" 3000 1"); } else if (state() != Paused) { // Dont' show the message on OSD while in pause, otherwise // the video goes forward a frame. tellmp("pausing_keep osd_show_text \"" + text + "\" 3000 1"); } emit showMessage(text); } void Core::displayUpdatingFontCache() { qDebug("Core::displayUpdatingFontCache"); emit showMessage( tr("Updating the font cache. This may take some seconds...") ); } void Core::gotWindowResolution(int w, int h) { qDebug("Core::gotWindowResolution: %d, %d", w, h); //double aspect = (double) w/h; if (pref->use_mplayer_window) { emit noVideo(); } else { if ((pref->resize_method==Preferences::Afterload) && (we_are_restarting)) { // Do nothing } else { emit needResize(w,h); } } mset.win_width = w; mset.win_height = h; //Override aspect ratio, is this ok? //mdat.video_aspect = mset.win_aspect(); mplayerwindow->setResolution( w, h ); mplayerwindow->setAspect( mset.win_aspect() ); } void Core::gotNoVideo() { // File has no video (a sound file) // Reduce size of window /* mset.win_width = mplayerwindow->size().width(); mset.win_height = 0; mplayerwindow->setResolution( mset.win_width, mset.win_height ); emit needResize( mset.win_width, mset.win_height ); */ //mplayerwindow->showLogo(TRUE); emit noVideo(); } void Core::gotVO(QString vo) { qDebug("Core::gotVO: '%s'", vo.toUtf8().data() ); if ( pref->vo.isEmpty()) { qDebug("Core::gotVO: saving vo"); pref->vo = vo; } } void Core::gotAO(QString ao) { qDebug("Core::gotAO: '%s'", ao.toUtf8().data() ); if ( pref->ao.isEmpty()) { qDebug("Core::gotAO: saving ao"); pref->ao = ao; } } void Core::streamTitleAndUrlChanged(QString title, QString url) { mdat.stream_title = title; mdat.stream_url = url; emit mediaInfoChanged(); } //! Called when the state changes void Core::watchState(Core::State state) { if ((state == Playing) && (change_volume_after_unpause)) { // Delayed volume change qDebug("Core::watchState: delayed volume change"); tellmp("volume " + QString::number(mset.volume) + " 1"); change_volume_after_unpause = false; } } void Core::checkIfVideoIsHD() { qDebug("Core::checkIfVideoIsHD"); // Check if the video is in HD and uses ffh264 codec. if ((mdat.video_codec=="ffh264") && (mset.win_height >= pref->HD_height)) { qDebug("Core::checkIfVideoIsHD: video == ffh264 and height >= %d", pref->HD_height); if (!mset.is264andHD) { mset.is264andHD = true; if (pref->h264_skip_loop_filter == Preferences::LoopDisabledOnHD) { qDebug("Core::checkIfVideoIsHD: we're about to restart the video"); restartPlay(); } } } else { mset.is264andHD = false; // FIXME: if the video was previously marked as HD, and now it's not // then the video should restart too. } } #if DELAYED_AUDIO_SETUP_ON_STARTUP && NOTIFY_AUDIO_CHANGES #error "DELAYED_AUDIO_SETUP_ON_STARTUP and NOTIFY_AUDIO_CHANGES can't be both defined" #endif #if DELAYED_AUDIO_SETUP_ON_STARTUP void Core::initAudioTrack() { qDebug("Core::initAudioTrack"); // First audio if none selected if ( (mset.current_audio_id == MediaSettings::NoneSelected) && (mdat.audios.numItems() > 0) ) { // Don't set mset.current_audio_id here! changeAudio will do. // Otherwise changeAudio will do nothing. int audio = mdat.audios.itemAt(0).ID(); // First one if (mdat.audios.existsItemAt(pref->initial_audio_track-1)) { audio = mdat.audios.itemAt(pref->initial_audio_track-1).ID(); } // Check if one of the audio tracks is the user preferred. if (!pref->audio_lang.isEmpty()) { int res = mdat.audios.findLang( pref->audio_lang ); if (res != -1) audio = res; } changeAudio( audio ); } } #endif #if NOTIFY_AUDIO_CHANGES void Core::initAudioTrack(const Tracks & audios) { qDebug("Core::initAudioTrack"); qDebug("Core::initAudioTrack: num_items: %d", mdat.audios.numItems()); bool restore_audio = ((mdat.audios.numItems() > 0) || (mset.current_audio_id != MediaSettings::NoneSelected)); mdat.audios = audios; qDebug("Core::initAudioTrack: list of audios:"); mdat.audios.list(); initializeMenus(); if (!restore_audio) { // Select initial track qDebug("Core::initAudioTrack: selecting initial track"); int audio = mdat.audios.itemAt(0).ID(); // First one if (mdat.audios.existsItemAt(pref->initial_audio_track-1)) { audio = mdat.audios.itemAt(pref->initial_audio_track-1).ID(); } // Check if one of the audio tracks is the user preferred. if (!pref->audio_lang.isEmpty()) { int res = mdat.audios.findLang( pref->audio_lang ); if (res != -1) audio = res; } changeAudio( audio ); } else { // Try to restore previous audio track qDebug("Core::initAudioTrack: restoring audio"); // Nothing to do, the audio is already set with -aid } updateWidgets(); emit audioTracksChanged(); } #endif #if NOTIFY_SUB_CHANGES void Core::initSubtitleTrack(const SubTracks & subs) { qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack"); qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: num_items: %d", mdat.subs.numItems()); bool restore_subs = ((mdat.subs.numItems() > 0) || (mset.current_sub_id != MediaSettings::NoneSelected)); // Save current sub SubData::Type previous_sub_type = SubData::Sub; int previous_sub_id = -1; if (mdat.subs.numItems() > 0) { if ((mset.current_sub_id != MediaSettings::SubNone) && (mset.current_sub_id != MediaSettings::NoneSelected)) { previous_sub_type = mdat.subs.itemAt(mset.current_sub_id).type(); previous_sub_id = mdat.subs.itemAt(mset.current_sub_id).ID(); } } qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: previous subtitle: type: %d id: %d", previous_sub_type, previous_sub_id); mdat.subs = subs; qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: list of subtitles:"); mdat.subs.list(); initializeMenus(); if (just_unloaded_external_subs) { qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: just_unloaded_external_subs: true"); restore_subs = false; just_unloaded_external_subs = false; } if (just_loaded_external_subs) { qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: just_loaded_external_subs: true"); restore_subs = false; just_loaded_external_subs = false; } if (!restore_subs) { // Select initial track qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: selecting initial track"); if (!pref->autoload_sub) { changeSubtitle( MediaSettings::SubNone ); } else { //Select first subtitle int sub = mdat.subs.selectOne( pref->subtitle_lang, pref->initial_subtitle_track-1 ); changeSubtitle( sub ); } } else { // Try to restore previous subtitle track qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: restoring subtitle"); if (mset.current_sub_id == MediaSettings::SubNone) { changeSubtitle( MediaSettings::SubNone ); } else if (mset.current_sub_id != MediaSettings::NoneSelected) { // Try to find old subtitle int item = mset.current_sub_id; if (previous_sub_id != -1) { int sub_item = mdat.subs.find(previous_sub_type, previous_sub_id); if (sub_item > -1) { item = sub_item; qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: previous subtitle found: %d", sub_item); } } if (item > -1) { changeSubtitle(item ); } else { qDebug("Core::initSubtitleTrack: previous subtitle not found!"); } } } updateWidgets(); } void Core::setSubtitleTrackAgain(const SubTracks &) { qDebug("Core::setSubtitleTrackAgain"); changeSubtitle( mset.current_sub_id ); } #endif QString Core::pausing_prefix() { qDebug("Core::pausing_prefix"); if ( (pref->use_pausing_keep_force) && (MplayerVersion::isMplayerAtLeast(27665)) ) { return "pausing_keep_force"; } else { return "pausing_keep"; } } #include "moc_core.cpp"