GxsGroupDialog 0 0 860 775 Create New 6 0 0 QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Raised 0 0 4 6 0 64 64 64 64 QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised :/images/channels.png true 6 6 Name 9 3 Add Icon :/images/add_image24.png:/images/add_image24.png Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Will be used to send feedback Owner: Key recipients can publish to restricted-type group and can view and publish for private-type channels Share Publish Key Description QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised true 0 0 300 524287 220 0 0 0 check peers you would like to share private publish key with false QDockWidget::NoDockWidgetFeatures Share Key With 0 0 0 4 20 0 300 16777215 220 0 200 0 0 0 Message Distribution 0 0 0 Public :/images/network.png:/images/network.png 24 24 0 0 Restricted to Circle :/images/circles/circles_32.png:/images/circles/circles_32.png 24 24 0 0 Only For Your Friends :/images/user/friends24.png:/images/user/friends24.png 24 24 Publish Signatures 6 9 4 9 4 Open New Thread Required Encrypted Msgs Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Personal Signatures PGP Required Signature Required If No Publish Signature Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Comments 6 9 4 9 4 Allow Comments No Comments Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Spam-protection 6 9 4 9 4 <html><head/><body><p>This makes the media increase the reputation threshold to 0.4 for anonymous ids, while keeping it to 0.0 for PGP-linked ids. Therefore, anonymous ids can still post, if their local reputation score is above that threshold.</p></body></html> Favor PGP-signed ids <html><head/><body><p align="justify">This feature allows Retroshare to locally keep a record of who forwarded each message to you, for the last 10 days. Although useless if alone (and already available whatsoever) this information can be used by a group of collaborative friends to easily locate the source of spams. To be used with care, since it significantly decreases the anonymity of message posts.</p></body></html> Keep track of posts Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Info Name true Popularity true Posts true Last Post true Author GxsIdLabel ID true Comments: TextLabel TextLabel 0 0 Distribution: Anti Spam: TextLabel Description true QFrame::StyledPanel QFrame::Raised QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Qt::Horizontal 40 20 GxsIdLabel QLabel
GxsIdChooser QComboBox
GxsCircleChooser QComboBox
HeaderFrame QFrame
FriendSelectionWidget QWidget
MimeTextEdit QTextEdit
GroupChooser QComboBox