/* * libretroshare/src/services: p3distrib.h * * 3P/PQI network interface for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #ifdef WINDOWS_SYS #include "util/rswin.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "retroshare/rsdistrib.h" #include "services/p3distrib.h" #include "serialiser/rsdistribitems.h" #include "serialiser/rstlvkeys.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "pqi/pqinotify.h" #include "pqi/pqibin.h" #include "pqi/sslfns.h" #include "pqi/authssl.h" #include "pqi/authgpg.h" #define FAILED_CACHE_CONT "failedcachegrp" // cache id which have failed are stored under a node of this name/grpid #define HIST_CACHE_FNAME "grp_history.xml" /*** * #define ENABLE_CACHE_OPT 1 ***/ /***** * #define DISTRIB_DEBUG 1 * #define DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG 1 * #define DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG 1 ****/ //#define DISTRIB_DEBUG 1 //#define DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG 1 //#define DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG 1 RSA *extractPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key); RSA *extractPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key); void setRSAPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key, RSA *rsa_pub); void setRSAPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key, RSA *rsa_priv); // add one set to another while not replacing elements unique to left operand void operator+=(std::set& left, const std::set& right){ std::set::const_iterator sit = right.begin(); for(; sit != right.end(); sit++) left.insert(*sit); return; } GroupInfo::~GroupInfo() { delete distribGroup ; for(std::map::const_iterator it(msgs.begin());it!=msgs.end();++it) delete it->second ; for(std::map::const_iterator it(decrypted_msg_cache.begin());it!=decrypted_msg_cache.end();++it) delete it->second ; } p3GroupDistrib::p3GroupDistrib(uint16_t subtype, CacheStrapper *cs, CacheTransfer *cft, std::string sourcedir, std::string storedir, std::string keyBackUpDir, uint32_t configId, uint32_t storePeriod, uint32_t pubPeriod) :CacheSource(subtype, true, cs, sourcedir), CacheStore(subtype, true, cs, cft, storedir), p3Config(configId), p3ThreadedService(subtype), mHistoricalCaches(true), mStorePeriod(storePeriod), mPubPeriod(pubPeriod), mLastPublishTime(0), mMaxCacheSubId(1), mKeyBackUpDir(keyBackUpDir), BACKUP_KEY_FILE("key.log"), mLastKeyPublishTime(0), mLastRecvdKeyTime(0) { /* force publication of groups (cleared if local cache file found) */ mGroupsRepublish = true; mGroupsChanged = true; mCount = 0; mLastCacheDocUpdate = time(NULL); mHistoricalCachesLoaded = false; mOwnId = AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->OwnId(); addSerialType(new RsDistribSerialiser(getRsItemService(getType()))); return; } p3GroupDistrib::~p3GroupDistrib() { for(std::map::iterator it(mRecvdPubKeys.begin());it!=mRecvdPubKeys.end();++it) delete it->second ; for(std::list::iterator it(mPendingPublish.begin());it!=mPendingPublish.end();++it) delete *it ; } int p3GroupDistrib::tick() { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::tick()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif time_t now = time(NULL); bool toPublish; { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /**** STACK LOCKED MUTEX ****/ toPublish = ((mPendingPublish.size() > 0) || (mPendingPubKeyRecipients.size() > 0)) && (now > (time_t) (mPubPeriod + mLastPublishTime)); } if (toPublish) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /**** STACK LOCKED MUTEX ****/ locked_publishPendingMsgs(); /* flags taken care of in here */ } bool toPublishGroups; { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /**** STACK LOCKED MUTEX ****/ toPublishGroups = mGroupsRepublish; } if (toPublishGroups) { publishDistribGroups(); IndicateConfigChanged(); /**** INDICATE CONFIG CHANGED! *****/ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /**** STACK LOCKED MUTEX ****/ mGroupsRepublish = false; } bool attemptRecv = false; { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); toPublish = (mPendingPubKeyRecipients.size() > 0) && (now > (time_t) (mPubPeriod + mLastKeyPublishTime)); attemptRecv = (mRecvdPubKeys.size() > 0); // attempt to load stored keys in case user has subscribed } if(toPublish){ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); locked_sharePubKey(); } if(attemptRecv) { attemptPublishKeysRecvd(); } bool toReceive = receivedItems(); if(toReceive){ receivePubKeys(); } // update cache document every 1 minute (5 mins in production) // after historical files have loaded and there is reason to bool updateCacheDoc = false; { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); updateCacheDoc = (now > (time_t) (mLastCacheDocUpdate + 30)); updateCacheDoc &= !mHistoricalCaches && mUpdateCacheDoc && mHistoricalCachesLoaded; #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "num pending grps: " << mGrpHistPending.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "num pending msgs: " << mMsgHistPending.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "num unique cache ids in table: " << mCachePairsInTable.size() << std::endl; #endif } #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT if(updateCacheDoc){ std::cerr << "count: " << mCount << std::endl; updateCacheDocument(); } #endif return 0; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /********************** overloaded functions from Cache Store ******************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ int p3GroupDistrib::loadCache(const CacheData &data) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadCache()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if(mHistoricalCaches) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); #ifdef DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadCache() Storing historical PendingRemoteCache"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* store the cache file for later processing */ mPendingHistCaches.push_back(CacheDataPending(data, false, true)); }else { #ifdef DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadCache() Storing non historical PendingRemoteCache"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mPendingCaches.push_back(CacheDataPending(data, false, false)); } if (data.size > 0) { CacheStore::lockData(); /***** LOCK ****/ locked_storeCacheEntry(data); CacheStore::unlockData(); /***** UNLOCK ****/ } return 1; } bool p3GroupDistrib::loadLocalCache(const CacheData &data) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadLocalCache()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if(mHistoricalCaches) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); mPendingHistCaches.push_back(CacheDataPending(data, true, true)); } else { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); #ifdef DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadCache() Storing PendingLocalCache"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* store the cache file for later processing */ mPendingCaches.push_back(CacheDataPending(data, true, false)); } if (data.size > 0) { refreshCache(data); } return true; } void p3GroupDistrib::updateCacheDocument() { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::updateCacheDocument() " << mGrpHistPending.size() << " Grps" << std::endl; #endif std::vector grpNodes; std::string failedCacheId = FAILED_CACHE_CONT; // failed cache content node is has not been created add to doc if(mCacheTable.find(failedCacheId) == mCacheTable.end()){ mCacheDoc.append_child("group"); mCacheDoc.last_child().append_child("grpId").append_child( pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(failedCacheId.c_str()); grpNodes.push_back(grpNodePair(failedCacheId, mCacheDoc.last_child())); } std::map::iterator nodeCache_iter; // for transforming int to string std::string subId; char subIdBuffer[6]; std::vector::iterator grpIt = mGrpHistPending.begin(), msgIt = mMsgHistPending.begin(); /* * add pending recvd msgs and grps to cache table */ for(; grpIt != mGrpHistPending.end(); grpIt++){ // make sure grp does not exist nodeCache_iter = mCacheTable.find(grpIt->first); if(nodeCache_iter == mCacheTable.end()){ // add group node mCacheDoc.append_child("group"); /*** adding grp id ***/ mCacheDoc.last_child().append_child("grpId").append_child( pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(grpIt->first.c_str()); /*** adding cache id ***/ // add pid mCacheDoc.last_child().append_child("pId").append_child( pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(grpIt->second.first .c_str()); // apparently portable int to string method sprintf(subIdBuffer, "%d", grpIt->second.second); subId = subIdBuffer; mCacheDoc.last_child().append_child("subId").append_child( pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(subId.c_str()); grpNodes.push_back(grpNodePair(grpIt->first, mCacheDoc.last_child())); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::updateCacheDocument()" << "\nGrp already Exists in Document!"; #endif } } mGrpHistPending.clear(); // add groups to cache table locked_updateCacheTableGrp(grpNodes, false); //grpNodeIter.clear(); std::map > msgCacheMap; pugi::xml_node nodeIter; // create entry for all grps with empty sets for(; msgIt != mMsgHistPending.end(); msgIt++) { msgCacheMap.insert(std::make_pair(msgIt->first, std::set())); } // now update document with new msg cache info msgIt = mMsgHistPending.begin(); std::vector msgHistRestart; pugi::xml_node messages_node; pCacheId pCid; int count = 0; // int count2 = 0, count3 = 0; for(; msgIt != mMsgHistPending.end(); msgIt++) { // find grp in cache document nodeCache_iter = mCacheTable.find(msgIt->first); if(nodeCache_iter != mCacheTable.end()){ pCid = pCacheId(msgIt->second.first, msgIt->second.second); // ensure you don't add cache ids twice to same group // // by checking cache table and current msg additions // if(nodeCache_iter->second.cIdSet.find(pCid) != // nodeCache_iter->second.cIdSet.end()) // count2++; // // if(msgCacheMap[msgIt->first].find(pCid) != msgCacheMap[msgIt->first].end()) // count3++; nodeIter = nodeCache_iter->second.node; messages_node = nodeIter.child("messages"); // if messages child does not exist, add one if(!messages_node) messages_node = nodeIter.append_child("messages"); messages_node.append_child("msg"); // add cache id messages_node.last_child().append_child("pId").append_child( pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(msgIt->second.first .c_str()); sprintf(subIdBuffer, "%d", msgIt->second.second); subId = subIdBuffer; messages_node.last_child().append_child("subId").append_child( pugi::node_pcdata).set_value(subId.c_str()); // add msg to grp set msgCacheMap[msgIt->first].insert(pCid); count++; } else{ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::updateCacheDocument()" << "\nUpdating Cache with Msgs" << "\nBut Parent group does not exists in cache table!" << std::endl; #endif // remove from map but keep for later in case historical grp loads aren't done yet msgCacheMap.erase(msgIt->first); msgHistRestart.push_back(*msgIt); } } // now update cache table by tagging msg cache ids to their // respective groups locked_updateCacheTableMsg(msgCacheMap); // clear msg pending if all pending historical grps have been loaded if(mHistoricalCachesLoaded && (mGrpHistPending.size() == 0)){ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "mMsgHistRestart() " << msgHistRestart.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "mMsgHistPending() " << mMsgHistPending.size() << std::endl; std::cerr << "count: " << count << " " << count2 << " " << count3 << std::endl; #endif mMsgHistPending.clear(); } else // if not keep the messages for next round of loads { mMsgHistPending.clear(); mMsgHistPending = msgHistRestart; } // indicate latest update to reset tick observer mLastCacheDocUpdate = time(NULL); mUpdateCacheDoc = false; IndicateConfigChanged(); return; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableGrp(const std::vector& grpNodes, bool historical) { #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableGrp " << std::endl; #endif std::vector::const_iterator gnpIter = grpNodes.begin(); nodeCache nCache; for(; gnpIter != grpNodes.end(); gnpIter++) { nCache.cached = !historical; nCache.node = gnpIter->second; mCacheTable.insert(std::make_pair(gnpIter->first, nCache)); } return; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableMsg(const std::map >& msgCacheMap) { #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableMsg() " << "loading " << msgCacheMap.size() << " messages" << std::endl; #endif if(msgCacheMap.empty()){ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableMsg() " << "\nMsg map is empty." << std::endl; #endif return; } std::map >::const_iterator mit = msgCacheMap.begin(); std::map::iterator cit; for(; mit != msgCacheMap.end(); mit++) { cit = mCacheTable.find(mit->first); #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableMsg() " << "\nAdding." << mit->second.size() << "to grp " << mit->first << std::endl; #endif // add new cache ids to grp if(cit != mCacheTable.end()){ cit->second.cIdSet += mit->second; // don't add failed caches to cache pairs in table if(mit->first != FAILED_CACHE_CONT) mCachePairsInTable += mit->second; else mCacheFailedTable += mit->second; }else{ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableMsg() " << "\nMsg Grp does not Exist." << std::endl; #endif } } return; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_historyCached(const std::string& grpId, bool& cached) { std::map::iterator cit; if(mCacheTable.end() != (cit = mCacheTable.find(grpId))) { cached = cit->second.cached; return true; } cached = false; return false; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_historyCached(const pCacheId& cId) { if(mCachePairsInTable.find(cId) != mCachePairsInTable.end()) return true; if(mCacheFailedTable.find(cId) != mCacheFailedTable.end()) return true; return false; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_buildCacheTable(){ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::buildCacheTable()" << std::endl; #endif if(mCacheDoc.empty()){ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::buildCacheTable()" << "\nCache Doc empty" << std::endl; #endif return false; } pugi::xml_node_iterator grpIt = mCacheDoc.begin(), msgIt; pugi::xml_node messages_node; std::map > msgCacheMap; std::vector grpNodes; uint16_t subId = 0; std::string pId, grpId, subId_str; for(; grpIt != mCacheDoc.end(); grpIt++) { grpId = grpIt->child_value("grpId"); // add grps to grp node list grpNodes.push_back(grpNodePair(grpId, *grpIt)); messages_node = grpIt->child("messages"); if(messages_node){ msgIt = messages_node.begin(); // add grp messages to message list for(; msgIt != messages_node.end(); msgIt++){ pId = msgIt->child_value("pId"); subId_str = msgIt->child_value("subId"); subId = atoi(subId_str.c_str()); if(msgCacheMap.find(grpId) == msgCacheMap.end()){ msgCacheMap.insert(std::make_pair(grpId, std::set())); msgCacheMap[grpId].insert(pCacheId(pId, subId)); }else{ msgCacheMap[grpId].insert(pCacheId(pId, subId)); } } } else{ #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::buildCacheTable()" << "\nNo messages for grp " << grpId << std::endl; #endif } } // now create cache table, marking these grp as not hist cache loaded locked_updateCacheTableGrp(grpNodes, true); // add grp messages to table locked_updateCacheTableMsg(msgCacheMap); return true; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_processHistoryCached(const std::string& grpId) { // no processing should be done until cache locations have been stored in memory if(mHistoricalCaches) return; #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_processHistoryCached() " << std::endl; #endif bool cached = true; locked_historyCached(grpId, cached); std::list cDataList; std::list::iterator cit; std::string file; CacheData cDataTemp; uint16_t cacheType = CacheSource::getCacheType(); // if not history cached then load it if(!cached) { // get list of cache id belonging to grp locked_getHistoryCacheData(grpId, cDataList); cit = cDataList.begin(); for(; cit != cDataList.end(); cit++){ cit->cid.type = cacheType; locked_getStoredCache(*cit); file = cit->path; file += "/"; file += cit->name; // note: you could load msgs for a cache historied group that is not loaded, // but any request for info of affected grp will consequently load // all its msgs through this function anyways locked_loadFileMsgs(file, cit->cid.subid, cit->pid, cit->recvd, false, true); } } locked_updateCacheTableEntry(grpId, true); return; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableEntry(const std::string& grpId, bool cached) { std::map::iterator nit; nit = mCacheTable.find(grpId); if(nit != mCacheTable.end()){ nit->second.cached = cached; } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateCacheTableEntry " << "\nCannot find Grp " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return; } return; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_getHistoryCacheData(const std::string& grpId, std::list& cDataSet) { #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_getHistoryCacheData() " << std::endl; #endif std::map::iterator nit; std::set::iterator pit, pitEnd; CacheData cDataTemp; GroupInfo* grpInfo = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); std::map::iterator mit; bool subscribed = grpInfo->flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED; nit = mCacheTable.find(grpId); if(nit != mCacheTable.end()){ pit = nit->second.cIdSet.begin(); pitEnd = nit->second.cIdSet.end(); for(; pit != pitEnd; pit++){ cDataTemp.cid.subid = pit->second; cDataTemp.pid = pit->first; if(subscribed){ mit = mLocalHistCachesAvail.find(CacheId(CacheSource::getCacheType(), cDataTemp.cid.subid)); if(mit != mLocalHistCachesAvail.end()) cDataTemp = mit->second; } else locked_getStoredCache(cDataTemp); cDataSet.push_back(cDataTemp); } } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_HISTORY_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::getHistoryCacheData() " << "\nCannot find any history cache data for " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return; } return; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_loadHistoryCacheFile() { std::string hFileName = mKeyBackUpDir + "/" + HIST_CACHE_FNAME; std::ifstream hFile(hFileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::in); int fileLength; char* fileLoadBuffer = NULL; char* decryptedCacheFile = NULL; int outlen = 0; bool ok = false; hFile.seekg(0, std::ios::end); fileLength = hFile.tellg(); hFile.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); if(fileLength <= 0) return false; fileLoadBuffer = new char[fileLength]; hFile.read(fileLoadBuffer, fileLength); hFile.close(); ok = AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->decrypt((void*&)decryptedCacheFile, outlen, fileLoadBuffer, fileLength); if(fileLoadBuffer != NULL) delete[] fileLoadBuffer; char* buffer = static_cast(pugi::get_memory_allocation_function()(outlen)); if(ok){ memcpy(buffer, decryptedCacheFile, outlen); if(decryptedCacheFile != NULL) delete[] decryptedCacheFile; ok &= mCacheDoc.load_buffer_inplace_own(buffer, outlen); }else{ if(buffer !=NULL) delete[] buffer; } return ok; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_saveHistoryCacheFile() { std::cout << mCacheDoc.last_child().value(); if(mCacheDoc.empty()) return false; std::string hFileName = mKeyBackUpDir + "/" + HIST_CACHE_FNAME; std::ofstream hFile(hFileName.c_str(), std::ios::binary | std::ios::out); std::ostringstream cacheStream; char* fileBuffer = NULL; int streamLength; char* encryptedFileBuffer = NULL; int outlen = 0; bool ok = false; mCacheDoc.save(cacheStream); streamLength = cacheStream.str().length(); std::string cacheContent = cacheStream.str(); fileBuffer = new char[cacheContent.size()]; cacheContent.copy(fileBuffer, cacheContent.size(), 0); ok = AuthSSL::getAuthSSL()->encrypt((void*&)encryptedFileBuffer, outlen, (void*&)fileBuffer, streamLength, mOwnId); if(ok){ hFile.write(encryptedFileBuffer, outlen); hFile.close(); } if(fileBuffer != NULL) delete[] fileBuffer; if(encryptedFileBuffer != NULL) delete[] encryptedFileBuffer; return ok; } /* Handle the Cache Pending Setup */ CacheDataPending::CacheDataPending(const CacheData &data, bool local, bool historical) :mData(data), mLocal(local), mHistorical(historical) { return; } void p3GroupDistrib::HistoricalCachesDone() { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); std::string id; cachesAvailable(id, mLocalHistCachesAvail); mHistoricalCaches = false; // called when Stored Caches have been added to Pending List. } void p3GroupDistrib::HistoricalCachesLoaded() { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); mHistoricalCachesLoaded = true; } /* From RsThread */ void p3GroupDistrib::run() /* called once the thread is started */ { #ifdef DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::run()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG int printed = 0; #endif CacheData cache; while(isRunning()) { /* */ bool validCache = false; bool isLocal = false; bool isHistorical = false; { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(!mHistoricalCaches){ if(mPendingHistCaches.size() > 0){ // std::cerr << "loaded pending caches: " << mPendingHistCaches.size() << std::endl; CacheDataPending &pendingCache = mPendingHistCaches.front(); cache = pendingCache.mData; isLocal = pendingCache.mLocal; isHistorical = pendingCache.mHistorical; validCache = true; mPendingHistCaches.pop_front(); } else if (mPendingCaches.size() > 0) { CacheDataPending &pendingCache = mPendingCaches.front(); cache = pendingCache.mData; isLocal = pendingCache.mLocal; isHistorical = pendingCache.mHistorical; validCache = true; mPendingCaches.pop_front(); #ifdef DISTRIB_THREAD_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::run() found pendingCache"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } } if (validCache) { loadAnyCache(cache, isLocal, isHistorical); if(!mHistoricalCachesLoaded){ if(mPendingHistCaches.size() == 0) HistoricalCachesLoaded(); } #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS usleep(1000); #else Sleep(1); #endif } else { #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS sleep(1); #else Sleep(1000); #endif #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG /* HACK for debugging */ if (printed < 10) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); locked_printAllDummyMsgs(); printed++; } #endif } } } int p3GroupDistrib::loadAnyCache(const CacheData &data, bool local, bool historical) { /* if subtype = 1 -> FileGroup, else -> FileMsgs */ std::string file = data.path; file += "/"; file += data.name; std::pair cidPair; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadAnyCache() file: " << file << std::endl; std::cerr << "PeerId: " << data.pid << std::endl; std::cerr << "Cid: " << data.cid.type << ":" << data.cid.subid << std::endl; #endif if (data.cid.subid == 1) { cidPair = std::make_pair(data.pid, data.cid.subid); loadFileGroups(file, data.pid, local, historical, cidPair); } else { loadFileMsgs(file, data.cid.subid, data.pid, data.recvd, local, historical); } return true; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /********************** load Cache Files ***************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /* No need for special treatment for 'own' groups. * configuration should be loaded before cache files. */ void p3GroupDistrib::loadFileGroups(const std::string &filename, const std::string &src, bool local, bool historical, const pCacheId& cId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileGroups()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* create the serialiser to load info */ BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filename.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, src, BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); grpCachePair gcPair; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "loading file " << filename << std::endl ; #endif RsItem *item; RsDistribGrp *newGrp; RsDistribGrpKey *newKey; while(NULL != (item = store->GetItem())) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileGroups() Got Item:"; std::cerr << std::endl; item->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif newKey = dynamic_cast(item); if ((newGrp = dynamic_cast(item))) { bool cached = false; if(loadGroup(newGrp, historical)){ // if not present in history cache table // then add to document and update table RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(!locked_historyCached(newGrp->grpId, cached)){ gcPair = std::make_pair(newGrp->grpId, cId); mGrpHistPending.push_back(gcPair); mUpdateCacheDoc = true; } } } else if ((newKey = dynamic_cast(item))) { loadGroupKey(newKey, historical); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileGroups() Unexpected Item - deleting"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete item; } } delete store; /* clear publication of groups if local cache file found */ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /******* STACK LOCKED MUTEX ***********/ if (local) { mGroupsRepublish = false; } return; } void p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs(const std::string &filename, uint16_t cacheSubId, const std::string &src, uint32_t ts, bool local, bool historical) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif time_t now = time(NULL); bool cache = false; #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT // if cache id exists in cache table exit { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(locked_historyCached(pCacheId(src, cacheSubId))){ return; } else { cache = true; } } #endif // link grp to cache id (only one cache id, so doesn't matter if one grp comes out twice // with same cache id) std::map msgCacheMap; pCacheId failedCache = pCacheId(src, cacheSubId); /* create the serialiser to load msgs */ BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filename.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, src, BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "loading file " << filename << std::endl ; #endif RsItem *item; RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg; std::string grpId; while(isRunning() && (NULL != (item = store->GetItem()))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() Got Item:"; std::cerr << std::endl; item->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if ((newMsg = dynamic_cast(item))) { grpId = newMsg->grpId; if(loadMsg(newMsg, src, local, historical)) { if(cache) { msgCacheMap.insert(grpCachePair(grpId, pCacheId(src, cacheSubId))); } } } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() Unexpected Item - deleting"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* wrong message type */ delete item; } } std::map::iterator mit; if(cache){ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); mit = msgCacheMap.begin(); for(;mit != msgCacheMap.end(); mit++) { mMsgHistPending.push_back(grpCachePair(mit->first, mit->second)); } mUpdateCacheDoc = true; if(!msgCacheMap.empty()) mCount++; std::string failedCacheId = FAILED_CACHE_CONT; // if msg cache map is empty then cache id failed if(msgCacheMap.empty()) mMsgHistPending.push_back(grpCachePair(failedCacheId, failedCache)); } if (local) { /* now we create a map of time -> subid * This is used to determine the newest and the oldest items */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() Updating Local TimeStamps"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() CacheSubId: " << cacheSubId << " recvd: " << ts; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mLocalCacheTs[ts] = cacheSubId; if (cacheSubId > mMaxCacheSubId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() New Max CacheSubId"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mMaxCacheSubId = cacheSubId; } if (((time_t) ts < now) && ((time_t) ts > mLastPublishTime)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() New LastPublishTime"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mLastPublishTime = ts; } } delete store; return; } //TODO make carbon copy of sister void p3GroupDistrib::locked_loadFileMsgs(const std::string &filename, uint16_t cacheSubId, const std::string &src, uint32_t ts, bool local, bool historical) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif time_t now = time(NULL); bool cache = false; #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT // if cache id exists in cache table exit if(!historical){ if(locked_historyCached(pCacheId(src, cacheSubId))){ return; } else { cache = true; } } #endif // link grp to cache id (only one cache id, so doesn't matter if one grp comes out twice // with same cache id) std::map msgCacheMap; pCacheId failedCache = pCacheId(src, cacheSubId); /* create the serialiser to load msgs */ BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filename.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, src, BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "loading file " << filename << std::endl ; #endif RsItem *item; RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg; std::string grpId; while(NULL != (item = store->GetItem())) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() Got Item:"; std::cerr << std::endl; item->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if ((newMsg = dynamic_cast(item))) { grpId = newMsg->grpId; if(locked_loadMsg(newMsg, src, local, historical)) { if(cache) { msgCacheMap.insert(grpCachePair(grpId, pCacheId(src, cacheSubId))); } } } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() Unexpected Item - deleting"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* wrong message type */ delete item; } } std::map::iterator mit; if(cache){ mit = msgCacheMap.begin(); for(;mit != msgCacheMap.end(); mit++) { mMsgHistPending.push_back(grpCachePair(mit->first, mit->second)); } mUpdateCacheDoc = true; if(!msgCacheMap.empty()) mCount++; std::string failedCacheId = FAILED_CACHE_CONT; // if msg cache map is empty then cache id failed if(msgCacheMap.empty()) mMsgHistPending.push_back(grpCachePair(failedCacheId, failedCache)); } if (local) { /* now we create a map of time -> subid * This is used to determine the newest and the oldest items */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() Updating Local TimeStamps"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() CacheSubId: " << cacheSubId << " recvd: " << ts; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mLocalCacheTs[ts] = cacheSubId; if (cacheSubId > mMaxCacheSubId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() New Max CacheSubId"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mMaxCacheSubId = cacheSubId; } if (((time_t) ts < now) && ((time_t) ts > mLastPublishTime)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadFileMsgs() New LastPublishTime"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mLastPublishTime = ts; } } delete store; return; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /********************** load Cache Msgs ***************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ bool p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup(RsDistribGrp *newGrp, bool historical) { /* load groupInfo */ const std::string &gid = newGrp -> grpId; const std::string &pid = newGrp -> PeerId(); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "groupId: " << gid << std::endl; std::cerr << "PeerId: " << pid << std::endl; std::cerr << "Group:" << std::endl; newGrp -> print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << "----------------------" << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /******* STACK LOCKED MUTEX ***********/ /* look for duplicate */ bool checked = false; bool isNew = false; bool ok = false; std::map::iterator it; it = mGroups.find(gid); if (it == mGroups.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup() Group Not Found"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (!validateDistribGrp(newGrp)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup() Invalid Group "; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* fails test */ delete newGrp; return false; } checked = true; GroupInfo gi; gi.grpId = gid; mGroups[gid] = gi; it = mGroups.find(gid); isNew = true; } /* at this point - always in the map */ /* add as source ... don't need to validate for this! */ std::list::iterator pit; pit = std::find(it->second.sources.begin(), it->second.sources.end(), pid); if (pit == it->second.sources.end()) { it->second.sources.push_back(pid); it->second.pop = it->second.sources.size(); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup() New Source, pop = "; std::cerr << it->second.pop; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } if (!checked) { if (!locked_checkGroupInfo(it->second, newGrp)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup() Fails Check"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* either fails check or old/same data */ delete newGrp; return false; } } /* useful info/update */ if(!locked_updateGroupInfo(it->second, newGrp)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup() Fails Update"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* cleanup on false */ delete newGrp; } else { /* Callback for any derived classes */ if (isNew) locked_notifyGroupChanged(it->second, GRP_NEW_UPDATE, historical); else locked_notifyGroupChanged(it->second, GRP_UPDATE, historical); ok = true; } #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroup() Done"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "ok: " << ok << std::endl; #endif return ok; } bool p3GroupDistrib::loadGroupKey(RsDistribGrpKey *newKey, bool historical) { /* load Key */ const std::string &gid = newKey -> grpId; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG const std::string &pid = newKey -> PeerId(); std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroupKey()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "PeerId: " << pid << std::endl; std::cerr << "groupId: " << gid << std::endl; std::cerr << "Key:" << std::endl; newKey -> print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << "----------------------" << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /******* STACK LOCKED MUTEX ***********/ /* Find the Group */ std::map::iterator it; it = mGroups.find(gid); // if (it == mGroups.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroupKey() Group for key not found: discarding"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newKey; newKey = NULL; return false; } /* have the group -> add in the key */ bool updateOk = false; if (newKey->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN) { if(!locked_updateGroupAdminKey(it->second, newKey)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroupKey() Failed Admin Key Update"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { updateOk = true; } } else { if(!locked_updateGroupPublishKey(it->second, newKey)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroupKey() Failed Publish Key Update"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { updateOk = true; } } if (updateOk) locked_notifyGroupChanged(it->second, GRP_LOAD_KEY, historical); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadGroupKey() Done - Cleaning up."; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // if(!updateOk) delete newKey; newKey = NULL; return updateOk; } bool p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg(RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg, const std::string &src, bool local, bool historical) { /****************** check the msg ******************/ /* Do the most likely checks to fail first.... * * timestamp (too old) * group (non existant) * msg (already have it) * * -> then do the expensive Hash / signature checks. */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Source:" << src << std::endl; std::cerr << "Local:" << local << std::endl; newMsg -> print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << "----------------------" << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /******* STACK LOCKED MUTEX ***********/ /* Check if it exists already */ /* find group */ std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(newMsg->grpId))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Group Dont Exist" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if not there -> remove */ delete newMsg; return false; } /****************** check the msg ******************/ /* check for duplicate message, do this first to ensure minimal signature validations. * therefore, duplicateMsg... could potentially be called on a dodgey msg (not a big problem!) */ std::map::iterator mit; mit = (git->second).msgs.find(newMsg->msgId); if (mit != (git->second).msgs.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Msg already exists" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if already there -> remove */ locked_eventDuplicateMsg(&(git->second), mit->second, src, historical); delete newMsg; return false; } /* if unique (new) msg - do validation */ if (!locked_validateDistribSignedMsg(git->second, newMsg)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() validate failed" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; return false; } void *temp_ptr = newMsg->packet.bin_data; int temp_len = newMsg->packet.bin_len; if(git->second.grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ENCRYPTED){ void *out_data = NULL; int out_len = 0; if(decrypt(out_data, out_len, newMsg->packet.bin_data, newMsg->packet.bin_len, newMsg->grpId)){ newMsg->packet.TlvShallowClear(); newMsg->packet.setBinData(out_data, out_len); delete[] (unsigned char*) out_data; }else{ if((out_data != NULL) && (out_len != 0)) delete[] (unsigned char*) out_data; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Failed to decrypt" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } } /* convert Msg */ RsDistribMsg *msg = unpackDistribSignedMsg(newMsg); if (!msg) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() unpack failed" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; return false; } if (!locked_checkDistribMsg(git->second, msg)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() check failed" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; delete msg; return false; } /* accept message */ (git->second).msgs[msg->msgId] = msg; // update the time stamp of group for last post if((git->second.lastPost < (time_t)msg->timestamp)) git->second.lastPost = msg->timestamp; // Interface to handle Dummy Msgs. locked_CheckNewMsgDummies(git->second, msg, src, historical); /* now update parents TS */ locked_updateChildTS(git->second, msg); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Msg Loaded Successfully" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* Callback for any derived classes to play with */ locked_eventNewMsg(&(git->second), msg, src, historical); /* else if group = subscribed | listener -> publish */ /* if it has come from us... then it has been published already */ if ((!local) && (git->second.flags & (RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() To be Published!"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if(git->second.grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ENCRYPTED){ newMsg->packet.TlvClear(); newMsg->packet.setBinData(temp_ptr, temp_len); } locked_toPublishMsg(newMsg); } else { /* Note it makes it very difficult to republish msg - if we have * deleted the signed version... The load of old messages will occur * at next startup. And publication will happen then too. */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Deleted Original Msg (No Publish)"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; } if(!historical) locked_notifyGroupChanged(git->second, GRP_NEW_MSG, historical); return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_loadMsg(RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg, const std::string &src, bool local, bool historical) { /****************** check the msg ******************/ /* Do the most likely checks to fail first.... * * timestamp (too old) * group (non existant) * msg (already have it) * * -> then do the expensive Hash / signature checks. */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "Source:" << src << std::endl; std::cerr << "Local:" << local << std::endl; newMsg -> print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << "----------------------" << std::endl; #endif /* Check if it exists already */ /* find group */ std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(newMsg->grpId))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Group Dont Exist" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if not there -> remove */ delete newMsg; return false; } /****************** check the msg ******************/ /* check for duplicate message, do this first to ensure minimal signature validations. * therefore, duplicateMsg... could potentially be called on a dodgey msg (not a big problem!) */ std::map::iterator mit; mit = (git->second).msgs.find(newMsg->msgId); if (mit != (git->second).msgs.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Msg already exists" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if already there -> remove */ locked_eventDuplicateMsg(&(git->second), mit->second, src, historical); delete newMsg; return false; } /* if unique (new) msg - do validation */ if (!locked_validateDistribSignedMsg(git->second, newMsg)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() validate failed" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; return false; } void *temp_ptr = newMsg->packet.bin_data; int temp_len = newMsg->packet.bin_len; if(git->second.grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ENCRYPTED){ void *out_data = NULL; int out_len = 0; if(decrypt(out_data, out_len, newMsg->packet.bin_data, newMsg->packet.bin_len, newMsg->grpId)){ newMsg->packet.TlvShallowClear(); newMsg->packet.setBinData(out_data, out_len); delete[] (unsigned char*) out_data; }else{ if((out_data != NULL) && (out_len != 0)) delete[] (unsigned char*) out_data; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Failed to decrypt" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } } /* convert Msg */ RsDistribMsg *msg = unpackDistribSignedMsg(newMsg); if (!msg) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() unpack failed" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; return false; } if (!locked_checkDistribMsg(git->second, msg)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() check failed" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; delete msg; return false; } /* accept message */ (git->second).msgs[msg->msgId] = msg; // update the time stamp of group for last post if((git->second.lastPost < (time_t)msg->timestamp)) git->second.lastPost = msg->timestamp; // Interface to handle Dummy Msgs. locked_CheckNewMsgDummies(git->second, msg, src, historical); /* now update parents TS */ locked_updateChildTS(git->second, msg); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Msg Loaded Successfully" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* Callback for any derived classes to play with */ locked_eventNewMsg(&(git->second), msg, src, historical); /* else if group = subscribed | listener -> publish */ /* if it has come from us... then it has been published already */ if ((!local) && (git->second.flags & (RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() To be Published!"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if(git->second.grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ENCRYPTED){ newMsg->packet.TlvClear(); newMsg->packet.setBinData(temp_ptr, temp_len); } locked_toPublishMsg(newMsg); } else { /* Note it makes it very difficult to republish msg - if we have * deleted the signed version... The load of old messages will occur * at next startup. And publication will happen then too. */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::loadMsg() Deleted Original Msg (No Publish)"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif delete newMsg; } if(!historical) locked_notifyGroupChanged(git->second, GRP_NEW_MSG, historical); return true; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /****************** create/mod Cache Content **********************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ void p3GroupDistrib::locked_toPublishMsg(RsDistribSignedMsg *msg) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_toPublishMsg() Adding to PendingPublish List"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mPendingPublish.push_back(msg); if (msg->PeerId() == mOwnId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_toPublishMsg() Local -> ConfigSave Requested"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* we need to trigger Configuration save */ IndicateConfigChanged(); /**** INDICATE CONFIG CHANGED! *****/ } } uint16_t p3GroupDistrib::locked_determineCacheSubId() { /* if oldest cache is previous to StorePeriod - use that */ time_t now = time(NULL); uint16_t id = 1; uint32_t oldest = now; if (mLocalCacheTs.size() > 0) { oldest = mLocalCacheTs.begin()->first; } if (oldest < now - mStorePeriod) { /* clear it out, return id */ id = mLocalCacheTs.begin()->second; mLocalCacheTs.erase(mLocalCacheTs.begin()); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_determineCacheSubId() Replacing Old CacheId: " << id; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return id; } mMaxCacheSubId++; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_determineCacheSubId() Returning new Id: " << mMaxCacheSubId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* else return maximum */ return mMaxCacheSubId; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_publishPendingMsgs() { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_publishPendingMsgs()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* get the next message id */ CacheData newCache; time_t now = time(NULL); bool ok = true; // hass msg/cache file been written successfully newCache.pid = mOwnId; newCache.cid.type = CacheSource::getCacheType(); newCache.cid.subid = locked_determineCacheSubId(); /* create filename */ std::string path = CacheSource::getCacheDir(); std::ostringstream out; out << "grpdist-t" << CacheSource::getCacheType() << "-msgs-" << time(NULL) << ".dist"; std::string tmpname = out.str(); std::string filename = path + "/" + tmpname ; std::string filenametmp = path + "/" + tmpname + ".tmp"; BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filenametmp.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE | BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, mOwnId, BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE); /* messages are deleted! */ bool resave = false; std::list::iterator it; for(it = mPendingPublish.begin(); it != mPendingPublish.end(); it++) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_publishPendingMsgs() Publishing:"; std::cerr << std::endl; (*it)->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if ((*it)->PeerId() == mOwnId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_publishPendingMsgs() Own Publish"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif resave = true; } // prevent sending original source of message to peers (*it)->PeerId(mOwnId); if(!store->SendItem(*it)) /* deletes it */ { ok &= false; } } /* Extract File Information from pqistore */ newCache.path = path; newCache.name = tmpname; newCache.hash = bio->gethash(); newCache.size = bio->bytecount(); newCache.recvd = now; /* cleanup */ mPendingPublish.clear(); delete store; if(!RsDirUtil::renameFile(filenametmp,filename)) { std::ostringstream errlog; ok &= false; #ifdef WIN32 errlog << "Error " << GetLastError() ; #else errlog << "Error " << errno ; #endif getPqiNotify()->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, "File rename error", "Error while renaming file " + filename + ": got error "+errlog.str()); } /* indicate not to save for a while */ mLastPublishTime = now; /* push file to CacheSource */ if(ok) refreshCache(newCache); if (ok && resave) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_publishPendingMsgs() Indicate Save Data Changed"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* flag to store config (saying we've published messages) */ IndicateConfigChanged(); /**** INDICATE CONFIG CHANGED! *****/ } } void p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups() { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* set subid = 1 */ CacheData newCache; newCache.pid = mOwnId; newCache.cid.type = CacheSource::getCacheType(); newCache.cid.subid = 1; /* create filename */ std::string path = CacheSource::getCacheDir(); std::ostringstream out; out << "grpdist-t" << CacheSource::getCacheType() << "-grps-" << time(NULL) << ".dist"; std::string tmpname = out.str(); std::string filename = path + "/" + tmpname; std::string filenametmp = path + "/" + tmpname + ".tmp"; std::string tempPeerId; // to store actual id temporarily BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filenametmp.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE | BIN_FLAGS_HASH_DATA); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, mOwnId, BIN_FLAGS_NO_DELETE | BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE); RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /****** STACK MUTEX LOCKED *******/ /* Iterate through all the Groups */ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mGroups.begin(); it != mGroups.end(); it++) { /* if subscribed or listener or admin -> then send it to be published by cache */ if ((it->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) || (it->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups() Saving Group: " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* extract public info to RsDistribGrp */ RsDistribGrp *grp = it->second.distribGroup; if (grp) { /* store in Cache File */ tempPeerId = grp->PeerId(); grp->PeerId(mOwnId); // prevent sending original source to users store->SendItem(grp); /* no delete */ grp->PeerId(tempPeerId); grp->grpFlags &= (~RS_DISTRIB_UPDATE); // if this is an update, ensure flag is removed after publication } /* if they have public keys, publish these too */ std::map::iterator kit; for(kit = it->second.publishKeys.begin(); kit != it->second.publishKeys.end(); kit++) { if ((kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PUBLIC) && (kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups() Saving Key: " << kit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* create Key for sharing */ RsDistribGrpKey *pubKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(); pubKey->grpId = it->first; RSA *rsa_priv = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(kit->second.key); setRSAPrivateKey(pubKey->key, rsa_priv); RSA_free(rsa_priv); pubKey->key.keyFlags = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL; pubKey->key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PUBLIC; pubKey->key.startTS = kit->second.startTS; pubKey->key.endTS = kit->second.endTS; store->SendItem(pubKey); delete pubKey; } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups() Ignoring Key: " << kit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups() Key Type: " << kit->second.type; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishDistribGroups() Ignoring Group: " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } /* Extract File Information from pqistore */ newCache.path = path; newCache.name = tmpname; newCache.hash = bio->gethash(); newCache.size = bio->bytecount(); newCache.recvd = time(NULL); /* cleanup */ delete store; if(!RsDirUtil::renameFile(filenametmp,filename)) { std::ostringstream errlog; #ifdef WIN32 errlog << "Error " << GetLastError() ; #else errlog << "Error " << errno ; #endif getPqiNotify()->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, "File rename error", "Error while renaming file " + filename + ": got error "+errlog.str()); } /* push file to CacheSource */ refreshCache(newCache); } /* clearing old data */ void p3GroupDistrib::clear_local_caches(time_t now) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /****** STACK MUTEX LOCKED *******/ time_t cutoff = now - mStorePeriod; std::list::iterator it; for(it = mLocalCaches.begin(); it != mLocalCaches.end();) { if (it->end < cutoff) { /* Call to CacheSource Function */ CacheId cid(CacheSource::getCacheType(), it->cacheSubId); clearCache(cid); it = mLocalCaches.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /********************** Access Content ***************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /* get Group Lists */ bool p3GroupDistrib::getAllGroupList(std::list &grpids) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ std::map::iterator git; for(git = mGroups.begin(); git != mGroups.end(); git++) { grpids.push_back(git->first); } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::getSubscribedGroupList(std::list &grpids) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ std::map::iterator git; for(git = mGroups.begin(); git != mGroups.end(); git++) { if (git->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { grpids.push_back(git->first); } } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::getPublishGroupList(std::list &grpids) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ std::map::iterator git; for(git = mGroups.begin(); git != mGroups.end(); git++) { if (git->second.flags & (RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN | RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH)) { grpids.push_back(git->first); } } return true; } void p3GroupDistrib::getPopularGroupList(uint32_t popMin, uint32_t popMax, std::list &grpids) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ std::map::iterator git; for(git = mGroups.begin(); git != mGroups.end(); git++) { if ((git->second.pop >= popMin) && (git->second.pop <= popMax)) { grpids.push_back(git->first); } } return; } /* get Msg Lists */ bool p3GroupDistrib::getAllMsgList(const std::string& grpId, std::list &msgIds) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT locked_processHistoryCached(grpId); #endif std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { return false; } std::map::iterator mit; std::map msgs; for(mit = git->second.msgs.begin(); mit != git->second.msgs.end(); mit++) { msgIds.push_back(mit->first); } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::getParentMsgList(const std::string& grpId, const std::string& pId, std::list &msgIds) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT locked_processHistoryCached(grpId); #endif std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { return false; } std::map::iterator mit; for(mit = git->second.msgs.begin(); mit != git->second.msgs.end(); mit++) { if (mit->second->parentId == pId) { msgIds.push_back(mit->first); } } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::getTimePeriodMsgList(const std::string& grpId, uint32_t timeMin, uint32_t timeMax, std::list &msgIds) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { return false; } std::map::iterator mit; for(mit = git->second.msgs.begin(); mit != git->second.msgs.end(); mit++) { if ((mit->second->timestamp >= timeMin) && (mit->second->timestamp <= timeMax)) { msgIds.push_back(mit->first); } } return true; } GroupInfo *p3GroupDistrib::locked_getGroupInfo(const std::string& grpId) { /************* ALREADY LOCKED ************/ std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { return NULL; } return &(git->second); } RsDistribMsg *p3GroupDistrib::locked_getGroupMsg(const std::string& grpId, const std::string& msgId) { /************* ALREADY LOCKED ************/ locked_processHistoryCached(grpId); std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { return NULL; } std::map::iterator mit; if (git->second.msgs.end() == (mit = git->second.msgs.find(msgId))) { return NULL; } return mit->second; } bool p3GroupDistrib::subscribeToGroup(const std::string &grpId, bool subscribe) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { return false; } if (subscribe) { if (!(git->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) { git->second.flags |= RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED; locked_notifyGroupChanged(git->second, GRP_SUBSCRIBED, false); mGroupsRepublish = true; /* reprocess groups messages .... so actions can be taken (by inherited) * This could be an very expensive operation! .... but they asked for it. * * Hopefully a LoadList call will have on existing messages! */ std::map::iterator mit; std::list::iterator pit; /* assume that each peer can provide all of them */ for(mit = git->second.msgs.begin(); mit != git->second.msgs.end(); mit++) { for(pit = git->second.sources.begin(); pit != git->second.sources.end(); pit++) { if(*pit != mOwnId) locked_eventDuplicateMsg(&(git->second), mit->second, *pit, false); } } } } else { if (git->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { git->second.flags &= (~RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED); locked_notifyGroupChanged(git->second, GRP_UNSUBSCRIBED, false); mGroupsRepublish = true; } } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::attemptPublishKeysRecvd() { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::attemptPublishKeysRecvd() " << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); std::list toDelete; std::list::iterator sit; std::map::iterator it; std::map::iterator mit; mit = mRecvdPubKeys.begin(); // add received keys for groups that are present for(; mit != mRecvdPubKeys.end(); mit++){ it = mGroups.find(mit->first); // group has not arrived yet don't attempt to add if(it == mGroups.end()){ continue; }else{ if(locked_updateGroupPublishKey(it->second, mit->second)){ locked_notifyGroupChanged(it->second, GRP_LOAD_KEY, false); } if(it->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED){ // remove key shared flag so key is not loaded back into mrecvdpubkeys mit->second->key.keyFlags &= (~RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_SHARED); delete (mit->second); toDelete.push_back(mit->first); } } } sit = toDelete.begin(); for(; sit != toDelete.end(); sit++) mRecvdPubKeys.erase(*sit); return true; } /************************************* p3Config *************************************/ RsSerialiser *p3GroupDistrib::setupSerialiser() { RsSerialiser *rss = new RsSerialiser(); rss->addSerialType(new RsDistribSerialiser()); return rss; } bool p3GroupDistrib::saveList(bool &cleanup, std::list& saveData) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif cleanup = false; distribMtx.lock(); /****** MUTEX LOCKED *******/ /* Iterate through all the Groups */ std::map::iterator it; for(it = mGroups.begin(); it != mGroups.end(); it++) { /* if subscribed or listener -> do stuff */ if (it->second.flags & (RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Saving Group: " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* extract public info to RsDistribGrp */ RsDistribGrp *grp = it->second.distribGroup; if (grp) { /* store in Cache File */ saveData.push_back(grp); /* no delete */ } /* if they have public keys, publish these too */ std::map::iterator kit; for(kit = it->second.publishKeys.begin(); kit != it->second.publishKeys.end(); kit++) { if (kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Saving Key: " << kit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* create Key for sharing */ RsDistribGrpKey *pubKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(); pubKey->grpId = it->first; RSA *rsa_priv = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(kit->second.key); setRSAPrivateKey(pubKey->key, rsa_priv); RSA_free(rsa_priv); pubKey->key.keyFlags = kit->second.type; pubKey->key.startTS = kit->second.startTS; pubKey->key.endTS = kit->second.endTS; saveData.push_back(pubKey); saveCleanupList.push_back(pubKey); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Ignoring Key: " << kit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Key Type: " << kit->second.type; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } if (it->second.adminKey.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Saving Admin Key"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* create Key for sharing */ RsDistribGrpKey *pubKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(); pubKey->grpId = it->first; RSA *rsa_priv = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(kit->second.key); setRSAPrivateKey(pubKey->key, rsa_priv); RSA_free(rsa_priv); pubKey->key.keyFlags = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL; pubKey->key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN; pubKey->key.startTS = kit->second.startTS; pubKey->key.endTS = kit->second.endTS; saveData.push_back(pubKey); saveCleanupList.push_back(pubKey); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Ignoring Admin Key: " << it->second.adminKey.keyId; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Admin Key Type: " << it->second.adminKey.type; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::saveList() Ignoring Group: " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } std::list::iterator mit; for(mit = mPendingPublish.begin(); mit != mPendingPublish.end(); mit++) { if ((*mit)->PeerId() == mOwnId) { saveData.push_back(*mit); } } // also save pending private publish keys you may have std::map::iterator pendKeyIt; for(pendKeyIt = mRecvdPubKeys.begin(); pendKeyIt != mRecvdPubKeys.end(); pendKeyIt++) { RsDistribGrpKey *pubKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(); pubKey->grpId = pendKeyIt->first; const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) pendKeyIt->second->key.keyData.bin_data; long keylen = pendKeyIt->second->key.keyData.bin_len; RSA *rsa_priv = d2i_RSAPrivateKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen); setRSAPrivateKey(pubKey->key, rsa_priv); RSA_free(rsa_priv); pubKey->key.keyFlags = pendKeyIt->second->key.keyFlags; pubKey->key.startTS = pendKeyIt->second->key.startTS; pubKey->key.endTS = pendKeyIt->second->key.endTS; saveData.push_back(pubKey); saveCleanupList.push_back(pubKey); } std::list childSaveL = childSaveList(); std::list::iterator cit = childSaveL.begin(); RsSerialType *childSer = createSerialiser(); uint32_t pktSize = 0; unsigned char *data = NULL; for(; cit != childSaveL.end() ; cit++) { RsDistribConfigData* childConfig = new RsDistribConfigData(); pktSize = childSer->size(*cit); data = new unsigned char[pktSize]; childSer->serialise(*cit, data, &pktSize); childConfig->service_data.setBinData(data, pktSize); delete[] data; saveData.push_back(childConfig); saveCleanupList.push_back(childConfig); } delete childSer; // now save hostory doc #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT locked_saveHistoryCacheFile(); #endif return true; } void p3GroupDistrib::saveDone() { /* clean up the save List */ std::list::iterator it; for(it = saveCleanupList.begin(); it != saveCleanupList.end(); it++) { delete (*it); } saveCleanupList.clear(); /* unlock mutex */ distribMtx.unlock(); /****** MUTEX UNLOCKED *******/ } bool p3GroupDistrib::loadList(std::list& load) { std::list::iterator lit; #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(locked_loadHistoryCacheFile()) locked_buildCacheTable(); } #endif /* for child config data */ std::list childLoadL; RsSerialType* childSer = createSerialiser(); grpCachePair gcPair; pCacheId cId; for(lit = load.begin(); lit != load.end(); lit++) { /* decide what type it is */ RsDistribGrp *newGrp = NULL; RsDistribGrpKey *newKey = NULL; RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg = NULL; RsDistribConfigData* newChildConfig = NULL; if ((newGrp = dynamic_cast(*lit))) { const std::string &gid = newGrp -> grpId; if(loadGroup(newGrp, false)){ #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT bool cached = false; RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); if(!locked_historyCached(newGrp->grpId, cached)){ cId = pCacheId(mOwnId, 1); gcPair = std::make_pair(newGrp->grpId, cId); mGrpHistPending.push_back(gcPair); mUpdateCacheDoc = true; } #endif } subscribeToGroup(gid, true); } else if ((newKey = dynamic_cast(*lit))) { // for shared keys keep if(newKey->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_SHARED){ mRecvdPubKeys.insert(std::pair( newKey->grpId, newKey)); mPubKeyAvailableGrpId.insert(newKey->grpId); continue; } loadGroupKey(newKey, false); } else if ((newMsg = dynamic_cast(*lit))) { newMsg->PeerId(mOwnId); loadMsg(newMsg, mOwnId, false, false); /* false so it'll pushed to PendingPublish list */ } else if ((newChildConfig = dynamic_cast(*lit))) { RsItem* childConfigItem = childSer->deserialise(newChildConfig->service_data.bin_data, &newChildConfig->service_data.bin_len); childLoadL.push_back(childConfigItem); } } /* no need to republish until something new comes in */ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /******* STACK LOCKED MUTEX ***********/ childLoadList(childLoadL); // send configurations down to child mGroupsRepublish = false; delete childSer; return true; } /************************************* p3Config *************************************/ /* This Streamer is used for Reading and Writing Cache Files.... * As All the child packets are Packed, we should only need RsSerialDistrib() in it. */ pqistore *p3GroupDistrib::createStore(BinInterface *bio, const std::string &src, uint32_t bioflags) { RsSerialiser *rsSerialiser = new RsSerialiser(); RsSerialType *serialType = new RsDistribSerialiser(); rsSerialiser->addSerialType(serialType); pqistore *store = new pqistore(rsSerialiser, src, bio, bioflags); return store; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /********************** Create Content ***************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ std::string getRsaKeySign(RSA *pubkey) { int len = BN_num_bytes(pubkey -> n); unsigned char tmp[len]; BN_bn2bin(pubkey -> n, tmp); // copy first CERTSIGNLEN bytes... if (len > CERTSIGNLEN) { len = CERTSIGNLEN; } std::ostringstream id; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < CERTSIGNLEN; i++) { id << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (uint16_t) (((uint8_t *) (tmp))[i]); } std::string rsaId = id.str(); return rsaId; } std::string getBinDataSign(void *data, int len) { unsigned char *tmp = (unsigned char *) data; // copy first CERTSIGNLEN bytes... if (len > CERTSIGNLEN) { len = CERTSIGNLEN; } std::ostringstream id; for(uint32_t i = 0; i < CERTSIGNLEN; i++) { id << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << (uint16_t) (((uint8_t *) (tmp))[i]); } std::string Id = id.str(); return Id; } void setRSAPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key, RSA *rsa_pub) { unsigned char data[10240]; /* more than enough space */ unsigned char *ptr = data; int reqspace = i2d_RSAPublicKey(rsa_pub, &ptr); key.keyData.setBinData(data, reqspace); std::string keyId = getRsaKeySign(rsa_pub); key.keyId = keyId; } void setRSAPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key, RSA *rsa_priv) { unsigned char data[10240]; /* more than enough space */ unsigned char *ptr = data; int reqspace = i2d_RSAPrivateKey(rsa_priv, &ptr); key.keyData.setBinData(data, reqspace); std::string keyId = getRsaKeySign(rsa_priv); key.keyId = keyId; } RSA *extractPublicKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key) { const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) key.keyData.bin_data; long keylen = key.keyData.bin_len; /* extract admin key */ RSA *rsakey = d2i_RSAPublicKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen); return rsakey; } RSA *extractPrivateKey(RsTlvSecurityKey &key) { const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) key.keyData.bin_data; long keylen = key.keyData.bin_len; /* extract admin key */ RSA *rsakey = d2i_RSAPrivateKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen); return rsakey; } std::string p3GroupDistrib::createGroup(std::wstring name, std::wstring desc, uint32_t flags, unsigned char* pngImageData, uint32_t imageSize) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::createGroup()" << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* Create a Group */ std::string grpId; time_t now = time(NULL); /* for backup */ std::list grpKeySet; /* create Keys */ RSA *rsa_admin = RSA_generate_key(2048, 65537, NULL, NULL); RSA *rsa_admin_pub = RSAPublicKey_dup(rsa_admin); RSA *rsa_publish = RSA_generate_key(2048, 65537, NULL, NULL); RSA *rsa_publish_pub = RSAPublicKey_dup(rsa_publish); /* Create Group Description */ RsDistribGrp *newGrp = new RsDistribGrp(); newGrp->grpName = name; newGrp->grpDesc = desc; newGrp->timestamp = now; newGrp->grpFlags = flags & (RS_DISTRIB_PRIVACY_MASK | RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_MASK); newGrp->grpControlFlags = 0; // explicit member wise copy for grp image if((pngImageData != NULL) && (imageSize > 0)){ newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data = new unsigned char[imageSize]; memcpy(newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data, pngImageData, imageSize*sizeof(unsigned char)); newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len = imageSize; newGrp->grpPixmap.image_type = RSTLV_IMAGE_TYPE_PNG; }else{ newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data = NULL; newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len = 0; newGrp->grpPixmap.image_type = 0; } /* set keys */ setRSAPublicKey(newGrp->adminKey, rsa_admin_pub); newGrp->adminKey.keyFlags = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC_ONLY | RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN; newGrp->adminKey.startTS = now; newGrp->adminKey.endTS = 0; /* no end */ grpId = newGrp->adminKey.keyId; RsTlvSecurityKey publish_key; setRSAPublicKey(publish_key, rsa_publish_pub); publish_key.keyFlags = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC_ONLY; if (flags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLIC) { publish_key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PUBLIC; } else { publish_key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PRIVATE; } publish_key.startTS = now; publish_key.endTS = now + 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5; /* approx 5 years */ newGrp->publishKeys.keys[publish_key.keyId] = publish_key; newGrp->publishKeys.groupId = newGrp->adminKey.keyId; /************* create Key Messages (to Add Later) *********************/ RsDistribGrpKey *adKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(); adKey->grpId = grpId; setRSAPrivateKey(adKey->key, rsa_admin); adKey->key.keyFlags = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL | RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN; adKey->key.startTS = newGrp->adminKey.startTS; adKey->key.endTS = newGrp->adminKey.endTS; RsDistribGrpKey *pubKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(); pubKey->grpId = grpId; setRSAPrivateKey(pubKey->key, rsa_publish); pubKey->key.keyFlags = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL; if (flags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLIC) { pubKey->key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PUBLIC; } else { pubKey->key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PRIVATE; } pubKey->key.startTS = publish_key.startTS; pubKey->key.endTS = publish_key.endTS; /************* create Key Messages (to Add Later) *********************/ /* clean up publish_key manually -> else * the data will get deleted... */ publish_key.keyData.bin_data = NULL; publish_key.keyData.bin_len = 0; newGrp->grpId = grpId; /************* Back up Keys *********************/ grpKeySet.push_back(adKey); grpKeySet.push_back(pubKey); backUpKeys(grpKeySet, grpId); /************** Serialise and sign **************************************/ EVP_PKEY *key_admin = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(key_admin, rsa_admin); newGrp->adminSignature.TlvClear(); RsSerialType *serialType = new RsDistribSerialiser(); uint32_t size = serialType->size(newGrp); char* data = new char[size]; serialType->serialise(newGrp, data, &size); /* calc and check signature */ EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_SignInit(mdctx, EVP_sha1()); EVP_SignUpdate(mdctx, data, size); unsigned int siglen = EVP_PKEY_size(key_admin); unsigned char sigbuf[siglen]; EVP_SignFinal(mdctx, sigbuf, &siglen, key_admin); /* save signature */ newGrp->adminSignature.signData.setBinData(sigbuf, siglen); newGrp->adminSignature.keyId = grpId; /* clean up */ delete serialType; EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx); /******************* clean up all Keys *******************/ RSA_free(rsa_admin_pub); RSA_free(rsa_publish_pub); RSA_free(rsa_publish); EVP_PKEY_free(key_admin); /******************* load up new Group *********************/ loadGroup(newGrp, false); /* add Keys to GroupInfo */ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ GroupInfo *gi = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); if (!gi) { return grpId; } gi->flags |= RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED; mGroupsRepublish = true; /* replace the public keys */ locked_updateGroupAdminKey(*gi, adKey); locked_updateGroupPublishKey(*gi, pubKey); delete adKey; delete pubKey; delete[] data; return grpId; } bool p3GroupDistrib::backUpKeys(const std::list& keysToBackUp, std::string grpId){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "P3Distrib::backUpKeys() Backing up keys for grpId: " << grpId << std::endl; #endif std::string filename = mKeyBackUpDir + "/" + grpId + "_" + BACKUP_KEY_FILE; std::string filenametmp = filename + ".tmp"; BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filenametmp.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, mOwnId, BIN_FLAGS_NO_DELETE | BIN_FLAGS_WRITEABLE); std::list::const_iterator it; bool ok = true; for(it=keysToBackUp.begin(); it != keysToBackUp.end(); it++){ ok &= store->SendItem(*it); } delete store; if(!RsDirUtil::renameFile(filenametmp,filename)) { std::ostringstream errlog; #ifdef WIN32 errlog << "Error " << GetLastError() ; #else errlog << "Error " << errno ; #endif getPqiNotify()->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, "File rename error", "Error while renaming file " + filename + ": got error "+errlog.str()); return false; } return ok; } bool p3GroupDistrib::restoreGrpKeys(const std::string& grpId){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3Distrib::restoreGrpKeys() Attempting to restore private keys for grp: " << grpId << std::endl; #endif // build key directory name std::string filename = mKeyBackUpDir + "/"+ grpId + "_" + BACKUP_KEY_FILE; /* create the serialiser to load keys */ BinInterface *bio = new BinFileInterface(filename.c_str(), BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); pqistore *store = createStore(bio, mOwnId, BIN_FLAGS_READABLE); RsItem* item; bool ok = true; bool itemAttempted = false; RsDistribGrpKey* key = NULL; RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); GroupInfo* gi = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); //retrieve keys from file and load to appropriate grp while(NULL != (item = store->GetItem())){ itemAttempted = true; key = dynamic_cast(item); if(key == NULL){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3groupDistrib::restoreGrpKey() Key file / grp key item not Valid, grp: " "\ngrpId: " << grpId << std::endl; #endif delete store ; return false; } if(key->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN) ok &= locked_updateGroupAdminKey(*gi, key); else if((key->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PRIVATE) || (key->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PUBLIC)) ok &= locked_updateGroupPublishKey(*gi, key); else ok &= false; } ok &= itemAttempted; if(ok){ gi->flags |= RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED; locked_notifyGroupChanged(*gi, GRP_SUBSCRIBED, false); IndicateConfigChanged(); mGroupsRepublish = true; } #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG if(!ok){ std::cerr << "p3Distrib::restoreGrpKeys() Failed to restore private keys for grp " << "\ngrpId: " << grpId << std::endl; } #endif delete store; return ok; } bool p3GroupDistrib::sharePubKey(std::string grpId, std::list& peers){ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); // first check that group actually exists if(mGroups.find(grpId) == mGroups.end()){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::sharePubKey(): Group does not exist" << std::endl; #endif return false; } // add to pending list to be sent mPendingPubKeyRecipients[grpId] = peers; return true; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_sharePubKey(){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_sharePubKey() " << std::endl; #endif std::map >::iterator mit; std::list::iterator lit; // get list of peers that are online std::list peersOnline; rsPeers->getOnlineList(peersOnline); std::list toDelete; /* send public key to peers online */ for(mit = mPendingPubKeyRecipients.begin(); mit != mPendingPubKeyRecipients.end(); mit++){ GroupInfo *gi = locked_getGroupInfo(mit->first); if(gi == NULL){ toDelete.push_back(mit->first); // grp does not exist, stop attempting to share key for dead group continue; } // find full public key, and send to given peers std::map::iterator kit; for(kit = gi->publishKeys.begin(); kit != gi->publishKeys.end(); kit++) { if (kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_sharePubKey() Sharing Key: " << kit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif // send keys to peers who are online for(lit = mit->second.begin() ; lit != mit->second.end(); lit++){ if(std::find(peersOnline.begin(), peersOnline.end(), *lit) != peersOnline.end()){ /* create Key for sharing */ RsDistribGrpKey* pubKey = new RsDistribGrpKey(getRsItemService(getType())); pubKey->clear(); pubKey->grpId = mit->first; RSA *rsa_priv = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(kit->second.key); setRSAPrivateKey(pubKey->key, rsa_priv); RSA_free(rsa_priv); pubKey->key.keyFlags = kit->second.type; pubKey->key.startTS = kit->second.startTS; pubKey->key.endTS = kit->second.endTS; pubKey->PeerId(*lit); std::cout << *lit << std::endl; sendItem(pubKey); // remove peer from list lit = mit->second.erase(lit); // no need to send to peer anymore lit--; } } } } // if given peers have all received key(s) then stop sending for group if(mit->second.empty()) toDelete.push_back(mit->first); } // delete pending peer list which are done with for(lit = toDelete.begin(); lit != toDelete.end(); lit++) mPendingPubKeyRecipients.erase(*lit); mLastKeyPublishTime = time(NULL); return; } void p3GroupDistrib::receivePubKeys(){ RsItem* item; std::string gid; std::map::iterator it; std::list toDelete; std::list::iterator sit; // load received keys while(NULL != (item = recvItem())){ RsDistribGrpKey* key_item = dynamic_cast(item); if(key_item != NULL){ it = mGroups.find(key_item->grpId); // if group does not exist keep to see if it arrives later if(it == mGroups.end()){ // make sure key is in date if(((time_t)(key_item->key.startTS + mStorePeriod) > time(NULL)) && (key_item->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL)){ // make sure keys does not exist in recieved list, then delete if(mRecvdPubKeys.find(gid) == mRecvdPubKeys.end()){ // id key as shared so on loadlist sends back mRecvdPubKeys key_item->key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_SHARED; mRecvdPubKeys.insert(std::pair(key_item->grpId, key_item)); mPubKeyAvailableGrpId.insert(key_item->grpId); } }else{ delete key_item; } continue; } #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_receiveKeys()" << std::endl; std::cerr << "PeerId : " << key_item->PeerId() << std::endl; std::cerr << "GrpId: " << key_item->grpId << std::endl; std::cerr << "Got key Item" << std::endl; #endif if(key_item->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL){ gid = key_item->grpId; // add key if user is subscribed if not store it until user subscribes if(locked_updateGroupPublishKey(it->second, key_item)){ mPubKeyAvailableGrpId.insert(key_item->grpId); locked_notifyGroupChanged(it->second, GRP_LOAD_KEY, false); // keep key if user not subscribed if(it->second.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED){ delete key_item; }else{ // make sure keys does not exist in recieved list if(mRecvdPubKeys.find(gid) == mRecvdPubKeys.end()){ // id key as shared so on loadlist sends back to mRecvdPubKeys key_item->key.keyFlags |= RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_SHARED; mRecvdPubKeys.insert(std::pair(key_item->grpId, key_item)); } } } } else{ std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_receiveKeys():" << "Not full public key" << "Deleting item"<< std::endl; delete key_item; } } else{ delete item; } } RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); // indicate config changed and also record the groups keys received for if(!mRecvdPubKeys.empty()) IndicateConfigChanged(); return; } std::string p3GroupDistrib::publishMsg(RsDistribMsg *msg, bool personalSign) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishMsg()" << std::endl; msg->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* extract grpId */ std::string grpId = msg->grpId; std::string msgId; RsDistribSignedMsg *signedMsg = NULL; /* ensure Group exists */ { /* STACK MUTEX */ RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ GroupInfo *gi = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); if (!gi) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishMsg() No Group"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return msgId; } /******************* FIND KEY ******************************/ if (!locked_choosePublishKey(*gi)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishMsg() No Publish Key(1)"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return msgId; } /* find valid publish_key */ EVP_PKEY *publishKey = NULL; std::map::iterator kit; kit = gi->publishKeys.find(gi->publishKeyId); if (kit != gi->publishKeys.end()) { publishKey = kit->second.key; } if (!publishKey) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishMsg() No Publish Key"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* no publish Key */ return msgId; } /******************* FIND KEY ******************************/ signedMsg = new RsDistribSignedMsg(); RsSerialType *serialType = createSerialiser(); uint32_t size = serialType->size(msg); char *data = new char[size]; serialType->serialise(msg, data, &size); char *out_data = NULL; uint32_t out_size = 0; // encrypt data if group is private if(gi->grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ENCRYPTED){ if(encrypt((void*&)out_data, (int&)out_size, (void*&)data, (int)size, grpId)){ delete[] data; }else{ delete[] data; delete signedMsg; delete serialType; return msgId; } }else { out_data = data; out_size = size; } signedMsg->packet.setBinData(out_data, out_size); /* sign Packet */ /* calc and check signature */ EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_SignInit(mdctx, EVP_sha1()); EVP_SignUpdate(mdctx, out_data, out_size); unsigned int siglen = EVP_PKEY_size(publishKey); unsigned char sigbuf[siglen]; EVP_SignFinal(mdctx, sigbuf, &siglen, publishKey); /* save signature */ signedMsg->publishSignature.signData.setBinData(sigbuf, siglen); signedMsg->publishSignature.keyId = gi->publishKeyId; bool ok = true; if (personalSign) { unsigned int siglen = MAX_GPG_SIGNATURE_SIZE; unsigned char sigbuf[siglen]; if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->SignDataBin(out_data, out_size, sigbuf, &siglen)) { signedMsg->personalSignature.signData.setBinData(sigbuf, siglen); signedMsg->personalSignature.keyId = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGOwnId(); } else { ok = false; } } /* clean up */ delete serialType; EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx); delete[] out_data; if (ok == false) { delete signedMsg; return msgId; } } /* END STACK MUTEX */ /* extract Ids from publishSignature */ signedMsg->msgId = getBinDataSign( signedMsg->publishSignature.signData.bin_data, signedMsg->publishSignature.signData.bin_len); signedMsg->grpId = grpId; signedMsg->timestamp = msg->timestamp; msgId = signedMsg->msgId; /* delete original msg */ delete msg; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::publishMsg() Created SignedMsg:"; std::cerr << std::endl; signedMsg->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* load proper - * If we pretend it is coming from an alternative source * it'll automatically get published with other msgs */ signedMsg->PeerId(mOwnId); loadMsg(signedMsg, mOwnId, false, false); /* done */ return msgId; } /********************* Overloaded Functions **************************/ bool p3GroupDistrib::validateDistribGrp(RsDistribGrp *newGrp) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::validateDistribGrp()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* check signature */ RsSerialType *serialType = new RsDistribSerialiser(); /* copy out signature (shallow copy) */ RsTlvKeySignature tmpSign = newGrp->adminSignature; unsigned char *sigbuf = (unsigned char *) tmpSign.signData.bin_data; unsigned int siglen = tmpSign.signData.bin_len; /* clear signature */ newGrp->adminSignature.ShallowClear(); uint32_t size = serialType->size(newGrp); char* data = new char[size]; serialType->serialise(newGrp, data, &size); const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) newGrp->adminKey.keyData.bin_data; long keylen = newGrp->adminKey.keyData.bin_len; /* extract admin key */ RSA *rsakey = d2i_RSAPublicKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen); EVP_PKEY *key = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(key, rsakey); /* calc and check signature */ EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_VerifyInit(mdctx, EVP_sha1()); EVP_VerifyUpdate(mdctx, data, size); int ans = EVP_VerifyFinal(mdctx, sigbuf, siglen, key); /* restore signature */ newGrp->adminSignature = tmpSign; tmpSign.ShallowClear(); /* clean up */ EVP_PKEY_free(key); delete serialType; EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx); delete[] data; if (ans == 1) return true; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::validateDistribGrp() Signature invalid"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupInfo(GroupInfo &info, RsDistribGrp *newGrp) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupInfo()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* groupInfo */ /* If adminKey is the same and * timestamp is <= timestamp, or not an update (info edit) * then just discard it. */ if (info.grpId != newGrp->grpId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupInfo() Failed GrpId Wrong"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } if ((info.distribGroup) && ((info.distribGroup->timestamp <= newGrp->timestamp) && !(newGrp->grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_UPDATE))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupInfo() Group Data Old/Same"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* old or same info -> drop it */ return false; } /* otherwise validate it */ return validateDistribGrp(newGrp); } /* return false - to cleanup (delete group) afterwards, * true - we've kept the data */ bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupInfo(GroupInfo &info, RsDistribGrp *newGrp) { /* new group has been validated already * update information. */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupInfo()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (info.distribGroup) { delete info.distribGroup; } if (info.grpIcon.pngImageData != NULL){ delete[] info.grpIcon.pngImageData; info.grpIcon.imageSize = 0; } info.distribGroup = newGrp; /* copy details */ info.grpName = newGrp->grpName; info.grpDesc = newGrp->grpDesc; info.grpCategory = newGrp->grpCategory; info.grpFlags = newGrp->grpFlags; if((newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data != NULL) && (newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len > 0)){ info.grpIcon.pngImageData = new unsigned char[newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len]; memcpy(info.grpIcon.pngImageData, newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data, newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len*sizeof(unsigned char)); info.grpIcon.imageSize = newGrp->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len; }else{ info.grpIcon.pngImageData = NULL; info.grpIcon.imageSize = 0; } /* pop already calculated */ /* last post handled seperately */ locked_checkGroupKeys(info); /* if we are subscribed to the group -> then we need to republish */ if (info.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { mGroupsRepublish = true; } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_editGroup(std::string grpId, GroupInfo& gi){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_editGroup() " << grpId << std::endl; #endif GroupInfo* gi_curr = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); if(gi_curr == NULL){ std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_editGroup() Failed, group does not exist " << grpId << std::endl; return false; } if(!(gi_curr->flags & RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN)) return false; gi_curr->grpName = gi.grpName; gi_curr->distribGroup->grpName = gi_curr->grpName; gi_curr->grpDesc = gi.grpDesc; gi_curr->distribGroup->grpDesc = gi_curr->grpDesc; if((gi.grpIcon.imageSize != 0) && gi.grpIcon.pngImageData != NULL){ if((gi_curr->distribGroup->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data != NULL) && (gi_curr->distribGroup->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len != 0)) gi_curr->distribGroup->grpPixmap.binData.TlvClear(); gi_curr->distribGroup->grpPixmap.binData.bin_data = gi_curr->grpIcon.pngImageData; gi_curr->distribGroup->grpPixmap.binData.bin_len = gi_curr->grpIcon.imageSize; gi_curr->grpIcon.imageSize = gi.grpIcon.imageSize; gi_curr->grpIcon.pngImageData = gi.grpIcon.pngImageData; } // set new timestamp for grp gi_curr->distribGroup->timestamp = time(NULL); // create new signature for group EVP_PKEY *key_admin = gi_curr->adminKey.key; gi_curr->distribGroup->adminSignature.TlvClear(); RsSerialType *serialType = new RsDistribSerialiser(); uint32_t size = serialType->size(gi_curr->distribGroup); char* data = new char[size]; serialType->serialise(gi_curr->distribGroup, data, &size); /* calc and check signature */ EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_SignInit(mdctx, EVP_sha1()); EVP_SignUpdate(mdctx, data, size); unsigned int siglen = EVP_PKEY_size(key_admin); unsigned char sigbuf[siglen]; EVP_SignFinal(mdctx, sigbuf, &siglen, key_admin); /* save signature */ gi_curr->distribGroup->adminSignature.signData.setBinData(sigbuf, siglen); gi_curr->distribGroup->adminSignature.keyId = grpId; mGroupsChanged = true; gi_curr->grpChanged = true; mGroupsRepublish = true; // this is removed afterwards gi_curr->distribGroup->grpFlags |= RS_DISTRIB_UPDATE; delete[] data; return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys(GroupInfo &info) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys()"; std::cerr << "GrpId: " << info.grpId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* iterate through publish keys - check that they exist in distribGrp, or delete */ RsDistribGrp *grp = info.distribGroup; std::list removeKeys; std::map::iterator it; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Checking if Expanded Keys still Exist"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif for(it = info.publishKeys.begin(); it != info.publishKeys.end(); it++) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Publish Key: " << it->first; #endif /* check for key in distribGrp */ if (grp->publishKeys.keys.end() == grp->publishKeys.keys.find(it->first)) { /* remove publishKey */ removeKeys.push_back(it->first); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << " Old -> to Remove" << std::endl; #endif } #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << " Ok" << std::endl; #endif } while(removeKeys.size() > 0) { std::string rkey = removeKeys.front(); removeKeys.pop_front(); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Removing Key: " << rkey; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif it = info.publishKeys.find(rkey); EVP_PKEY_free(it->second.key); info.publishKeys.erase(it); } /* iterate through distribGrp list - expanding any missing keys */ std::map::iterator dit; for(dit = grp->publishKeys.keys.begin(); dit != grp->publishKeys.keys.end(); dit++) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Checking for New Keys: KeyId: " << dit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif it = info.publishKeys.find(dit->first); if (it == info.publishKeys.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Key Missing - Expand"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* create a new expanded public key */ RSA *rsa_pub = extractPublicKey(dit->second); if (!rsa_pub) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Failed to Expand Key"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif continue; } GroupKey newKey; newKey.keyId = dit->first; newKey.type = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC_ONLY | (dit->second.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_MASK); newKey.startTS = dit->second.startTS; newKey.endTS = dit->second.endTS; newKey.key = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(newKey.key, rsa_pub); info.publishKeys[newKey.keyId] = newKey; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Expanded Key: " << dit->first; std::cerr << "Key Type: " << newKey.type; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Start: " << newKey.startTS; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "End: " << newKey.endTS; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } /* now check admin key */ if ((info.adminKey.keyId == "") || (!info.adminKey.key)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() Must Expand AdminKey Too"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* must expand admin key too */ RSA *rsa_pub = extractPublicKey(grp->adminKey); if (rsa_pub) { info.adminKey.keyId = grp->adminKey.keyId; info.adminKey.type = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC_ONLY & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN; info.adminKey.startTS = grp->adminKey.startTS; info.adminKey.endTS = grp->adminKey.endTS; info.adminKey.key = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(info.adminKey.key, rsa_pub); #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() AdminKey Expanded"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkGroupKeys() ERROR Expandng AdminKey"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey(GroupInfo &info, RsDistribGrpKey *newKey) { /* so firstly - check that the KeyId matches something in the group */ const std::string &keyId = newKey->key.keyId; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() grpId: " << keyId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (keyId != info.grpId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() Id mismatch - ERROR"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } if (!(newKey->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() Key not Full - Ignore"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* not a full key -> ignore */ return false; } if (info.adminKey.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() Already have Full Key - Ignore"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if we have full key already - ignore */ return true; } /* need to update key */ RSA *rsa_priv = extractPrivateKey(newKey->key); if (!rsa_priv) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() Extract Key failed - ERROR"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* validate they are a matching pair */ std::string realkeyId = getRsaKeySign(rsa_priv); if ((1 != RSA_check_key(rsa_priv)) || (realkeyId != keyId)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() Validate Key Failed - ERROR"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* clean up */ RSA_free(rsa_priv); return false; } /* add it in */ EVP_PKEY *evp_pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(evp_pkey, rsa_priv); EVP_PKEY_free(info.adminKey.key); info.adminKey.key = evp_pkey; info.adminKey.type = RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL | RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_ADMIN; info.flags |= RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupAdminKey() Success"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey(GroupInfo &info, RsDistribGrpKey *newKey) { /* so firstly - check that the KeyId matches something in the group */ const std::string &keyId = newKey->key.keyId; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() grpId: " << info.grpId << " keyId: " << keyId; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::map::iterator it; it = info.publishKeys.find(keyId); if (it == info.publishKeys.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() key not Found - Ignore"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* no key -> ignore */ return false; } if (!(newKey->key.keyFlags & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() not FullKey - Ignore"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* not a full key -> ignore */ return false; } if (it->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() already have FullKey - Ignore"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if we have full key already - ignore */ return true; } /* need to update key */ RSA *rsa_priv = extractPrivateKey(newKey->key); if (!rsa_priv) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() Private Extract Failed - ERROR"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* validate they are a matching pair */ std::string realkeyId = getRsaKeySign(rsa_priv); if ((1 != RSA_check_key(rsa_priv)) || (realkeyId != keyId)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() Validate Private Key failed - ERROR"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* clean up */ RSA_free(rsa_priv); return false; } /* add it in */ EVP_PKEY *evp_pkey = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(evp_pkey, rsa_priv); EVP_PKEY_free(it->second.key); it->second.key = evp_pkey; it->second.type &= (~RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_PUBLIC_ONLY); it->second.type |= RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateGroupPublishKey() Success"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Key ID: " << it->first; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Key Type: " << it->second.type; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "Start: " << it->second.startTS; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "End: " << it->second.endTS; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif info.flags |= RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH; /* if we have updated, we are subscribed, and it is a public key */ if ((info.flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) && (it->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_DISTRIB_PUBLIC)) { mGroupsRepublish = true; } return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey(GroupInfo &info) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif time_t now = time(NULL); /******************* CHECK CURRENT KEY ******************************/ /* if current key is valid -> okay */ std::map::iterator kit; kit = info.publishKeys.find(info.publishKeyId); if (kit != info.publishKeys.end()) { if ((kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) && (now < kit->second.endTS) && (now > kit->second.startTS)) { /* key is okay */ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey() Current Key is Okay"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; } } /******************* FIND KEY ******************************/ std::string bestKey = ""; time_t bestEndTime = 0; for(kit = info.publishKeys.begin(); kit != info.publishKeys.end(); kit++) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey() Found Key: "; std::cerr << kit->first << " type: " << kit->second.type; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey() Found FULL Key: "; std::cerr << kit->first << " startTS: " << kit->second.startTS; std::cerr << " endTS: " << kit->second.startTS; std::cerr << " now: " << now; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if ((now < kit->second.endTS) && (now >= kit->second.startTS)) { if (kit->second.endTS > bestEndTime) { bestKey = kit->first; bestEndTime = kit->second.endTS; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey() Better Key: "; std::cerr << kit->first; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } } } if (bestEndTime == 0) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey() No Valid Key"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_choosePublishKey() Best Key is: " << bestKey; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif info.publishKeyId = bestKey; return true; } /********************/ bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg(GroupInfo &info, RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg()"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "GroupInfo -> distribGrp:"; std::cerr << std::endl; info.distribGroup->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "RsDistribSignedMsg: "; std::cerr << std::endl; newMsg->print(std::cerr, 10); std::cerr << std::endl; #endif #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() publish KeyId: " << newMsg->publishSignature.keyId << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() personal KeyId: " << newMsg->personalSignature.keyId << std::endl; #endif /********************* check signature *******************/ /* find the right key */ RsTlvSecurityKeySet &keyset = info.distribGroup->publishKeys; std::map::iterator kit; kit = keyset.keys.find(newMsg->publishSignature.keyId); if (kit == keyset.keys.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() Missing Publish Key"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* check signature timeperiod */ if ((newMsg->timestamp < kit->second.startTS) || (newMsg->timestamp > kit->second.endTS)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() TS out of range"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* decode key */ const unsigned char *keyptr = (const unsigned char *) kit->second.keyData.bin_data; long keylen = kit->second.keyData.bin_len; unsigned int siglen = newMsg->publishSignature.signData.bin_len; unsigned char *sigbuf = (unsigned char *) newMsg->publishSignature.signData.bin_data; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() Decode Key"; std::cerr << " keylen: " << keylen << " siglen: " << siglen; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* extract admin key */ RSA *rsakey = d2i_RSAPublicKey(NULL, &(keyptr), keylen); if (!rsakey) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg()"; std::cerr << " Invalid RSA Key"; std::cerr << std::endl; unsigned long err = ERR_get_error(); std::cerr << "RSA Load Failed .... CODE(" << err << ")" << std::endl; std::cerr << ERR_error_string(err, NULL) << std::endl; kit->second.print(std::cerr, 10); #endif } EVP_PKEY *signKey = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(signKey, rsakey); /* calc and check signature */ EVP_MD_CTX *mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_VerifyInit(mdctx, EVP_sha1()); EVP_VerifyUpdate(mdctx, newMsg->packet.bin_data, newMsg->packet.bin_len); int signOk = EVP_VerifyFinal(mdctx, sigbuf, siglen, signKey); /* clean up */ EVP_PKEY_free(signKey); EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(mdctx); /* now verify Personal signature */ if ((signOk == 1) && ((info.grpFlags & RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_MASK) & RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_REQ)) { unsigned int personalsiglen = newMsg->personalSignature.signData.bin_len; unsigned char *personalsigbuf = (unsigned char *) newMsg->personalSignature.signData.bin_data; RsPeerDetails signerDetails; std::string gpg_fpr; if (AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->getGPGDetails(newMsg->personalSignature.keyId, signerDetails)) { gpg_fpr = signerDetails.fpr; } bool gpgSign = AuthGPG::getAuthGPG()->VerifySignBin( newMsg->packet.bin_data, newMsg->packet.bin_len, personalsigbuf, personalsiglen, gpg_fpr); if (gpgSign) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() Success for gpg signature." << std::endl; #endif signOk = 1; } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() Fail for gpg signature." << std::endl; #endif signOk = 0; } } if (signOk == 1) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() Signature OK"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; } #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_validateDistribSignedMsg() Signature invalid"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* deserialise RsDistribSignedMsg */ RsDistribMsg *p3GroupDistrib::unpackDistribSignedMsg(RsDistribSignedMsg *newMsg) { RsSerialType *serialType = createSerialiser(); uint32_t size = newMsg->packet.bin_len; RsDistribMsg *distribMsg = (RsDistribMsg *) serialType->deserialise(newMsg->packet.bin_data, &size); if (distribMsg) { /* transfer data that is not in the serialiser */ distribMsg->msgId = newMsg->msgId; /* Full copies required ? */ distribMsg->publishSignature.keyId = newMsg->publishSignature.keyId; distribMsg->publishSignature.signData.setBinData( newMsg->publishSignature.signData.bin_data, newMsg->publishSignature.signData.bin_len); distribMsg->personalSignature.keyId = newMsg->personalSignature.keyId; distribMsg->personalSignature.signData.setBinData( newMsg->personalSignature.signData.bin_data, newMsg->personalSignature.signData.bin_len); } delete serialType; return distribMsg; } void p3GroupDistrib::getGrpListPubKeyAvailable(std::list& grpList) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); std::set::const_iterator cit = mPubKeyAvailableGrpId.begin(); for(; cit != mPubKeyAvailableGrpId.end(); cit++) grpList.push_back(*cit); return; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkDistribMsg( GroupInfo &gi, RsDistribMsg *msg) { /* check timestamp */ time_t now = time(NULL); uint32_t min = now - mStorePeriod; uint32_t max = now + GROUP_MAX_FWD_OFFSET; if ((msg->timestamp < min) || (msg->timestamp > max)) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkDistribMsg() TS out of range"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkDistribMsg() msg->timestamp: " << msg->timestamp; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkDistribMsg() = " << now - msg->timestamp << " secs ago"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkDistribMsg() max TS: " << max; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_checkDistribMsg() min TS: " << min; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* if outside range -> remove */ return false; } /* check filters */ return true; } /* now update parents TS */ bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateChildTS(GroupInfo &gi, RsDistribMsg *msg) { /* find all parents - update timestamp */ time_t updateTS = msg->timestamp; msg->childTS = updateTS; while("" != msg->parentId) { std::string parentId = msg->parentId; std::map::iterator mit; if (gi.msgs.end() == (mit = gi.msgs.find(parentId))) { /* not found - abandon (check for dummyMsgs first) */ return locked_updateDummyChildTS(gi, parentId, updateTS); } RsDistribMsg *parent = mit->second; if ((!parent) || (parent->childTS > updateTS)) { /* we're too old - give up! */ return true; } /* update timestamp */ parent->childTS = updateTS; msg = parent; } return false ; } /***** DEBUG *****/ void p3GroupDistrib::printGroups(std::ostream &out) { /* iterate through all the groups */ std::map::iterator git; for(git = mGroups.begin(); git != mGroups.end(); git++) { out << "GroupId: " << git->first << std::endl; out << "Group Details: " << std::endl; out << git->second; out << std::endl; std::map::iterator mit; for(mit = git->second.msgs.begin(); mit != git->second.msgs.end(); mit++) { out << "MsgId: " << mit->first << std::endl; out << "Message Details: " << std::endl; mit->second->print(out, 10); out << std::endl; } } } bool p3GroupDistrib::encrypt(void *& out, int& outlen, const void *in, int inlen, std::string grpId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::decrypt() " << std::endl; #endif GroupInfo* gi = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); RSA *rsa_publish_pub = NULL; EVP_PKEY *public_key = NULL, *private_key = NULL; if(gi == NULL){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::decrypt(): Cannot find group, grpId " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* generate public key */ std::map::iterator kit; for(kit = gi->publishKeys.begin(); kit != gi->publishKeys.end(); kit++ ){ // Does not allow for possibility of different keys if((kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) && (kit->second.key->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA)){ private_key = kit->second.key; break; } } if(kit == gi->publishKeys.end()){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::encrypt(): Cannot find full key, grpId " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return false; } RSA* rsa_publish = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(private_key); rsa_publish_pub = RSAPublicKey_dup(rsa_publish); if(rsa_publish_pub != NULL){ public_key = EVP_PKEY_new(); EVP_PKEY_assign_RSA(public_key, rsa_publish_pub); }else{ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::encrypt(): Could not generate publish key " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return false; } EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; int eklen, net_ekl; unsigned char *ek; unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); int out_currOffset = 0; int out_offset = 0; int max_evp_key_size = EVP_PKEY_size(public_key); ek = (unsigned char*)malloc(max_evp_key_size); const EVP_CIPHER *cipher = EVP_aes_128_cbc(); int cipher_block_size = EVP_CIPHER_block_size(cipher); int size_net_ekl = sizeof(net_ekl); int max_outlen = inlen + cipher_block_size + EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH + max_evp_key_size + size_net_ekl; // intialize context and send store encrypted cipher in ek if(!EVP_SealInit(&ctx, EVP_aes_128_cbc(), &ek, &eklen, iv, &public_key, 1)) return false; // now assign memory to out accounting for data, and cipher block size, key length, and key length val out = new unsigned char[inlen + cipher_block_size + size_net_ekl + eklen + EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; net_ekl = htonl(eklen); memcpy((unsigned char*)out + out_offset, &net_ekl, size_net_ekl); out_offset += size_net_ekl; memcpy((unsigned char*)out + out_offset, ek, eklen); out_offset += eklen; memcpy((unsigned char*)out + out_offset, iv, EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH); out_offset += EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH; // now encrypt actual data if(!EVP_SealUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char*) out + out_offset, &out_currOffset, (unsigned char*) in, inlen)) return false; // move along to partial block space out_offset += out_currOffset; // add padding if(!EVP_SealFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char*) out + out_offset, &out_currOffset)) return false; // move to end out_offset += out_currOffset; // make sure offset has not gone passed valid memory bounds if(out_offset > max_outlen) return false; // free encrypted key data free(ek); outlen = out_offset; return true; delete[] ek; #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::encrypt() finished with outlen : " << outlen << std::endl; #endif return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::decrypt(void *& out, int& outlen, const void *in, int inlen, std::string grpId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::decrypt() " << std::endl; #endif GroupInfo* gi = locked_getGroupInfo(grpId); EVP_PKEY *private_key; if(gi == NULL){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::decrypt(): Cannot find group, grpId " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return false; } std::map::iterator kit; for(kit = gi->publishKeys.begin(); kit != gi->publishKeys.end(); kit++ ){ if((kit->second.type & RSTLV_KEY_TYPE_FULL) && (kit->second.key->type == EVP_PKEY_RSA)){ private_key = kit->second.key; break; } } if(kit == gi->publishKeys.end()){ #ifdef DISTRIB_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::decrypt(): Cannot find full key, grpId " << grpId << std::endl; #endif return false; } EVP_CIPHER_CTX ctx; int eklen = 0, net_ekl = 0; unsigned char *ek = NULL; unsigned char iv[EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH]; ek = (unsigned char*)malloc(EVP_PKEY_size(private_key)); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&ctx); int in_offset = 0, out_currOffset = 0; int size_net_ekl = sizeof(net_ekl); memcpy(&net_ekl, (unsigned char*)in, size_net_ekl); eklen = ntohl(net_ekl); in_offset += size_net_ekl; memcpy(ek, (unsigned char*)in + in_offset, eklen); in_offset += eklen; memcpy(iv, (unsigned char*)in + in_offset, EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH); in_offset += EVP_MAX_IV_LENGTH; const EVP_CIPHER* cipher = EVP_aes_128_cbc(); if(!EVP_OpenInit(&ctx, cipher, ek, eklen, iv, private_key)) return false; out = new unsigned char[inlen - in_offset]; if(!EVP_OpenUpdate(&ctx, (unsigned char*) out, &out_currOffset, (unsigned char*)in + in_offset, inlen - in_offset)) return false; in_offset += out_currOffset; outlen += out_currOffset; if(!EVP_OpenFinal(&ctx, (unsigned char*)out + out_currOffset, &out_currOffset)) return false; outlen += out_currOffset; free(ek); return true; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const GroupInfo &info) { /* print Group Info */ out << "GroupInfo: " << info.grpId << std::endl; out << "sources [" << info.sources.size() << "]: "; std::list::const_iterator sit; for(sit = info.sources.begin(); sit != info.sources.end(); sit++) { out << " " << *sit; } out << std::endl; out << " Message Count: " << info.msgs.size() << std::endl; std::string grpName(info.grpName.begin(), info.grpName.end()); std::string grpDesc(info.grpDesc.begin(), info.grpDesc.end()); out << "Group Name: " << grpName << std::endl; out << "Group Desc: " << grpDesc << std::endl; out << "Group Flags: " << info.flags << std::endl; out << "Group Pop: " << info.pop << std::endl; out << "Last Post: " << info.lastPost << std::endl; out << "PublishKeyId:" << info.publishKeyId << std::endl; out << "Published RsDistribGrp: " << std::endl; if (info.distribGroup) { info.distribGroup->print(out, 10); } else { out << "No RsDistribGroup Object" << std::endl; } return out; } void p3GroupDistrib::locked_notifyGroupChanged(GroupInfo &info, uint32_t flags, bool historical) { mGroupsChanged = true; info.grpChanged = true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::groupsChanged(std::list &groupIds) { RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ /* iterate through all groups and get changed list */ if (!mGroupsChanged) return false; std::map::iterator it; for(it = mGroups.begin(); it != mGroups.end(); it++) { if (it->second.grpChanged) { groupIds.push_back(it->first); it->second.grpChanged = false; } } mGroupsChanged = false; return true; } /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /******************* Handle Missing Messages ***********************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************************/ /* Find missing messages */ /* LOGIC: * * dummy(grpId, threadId, parentId, msgId); * * add new msg.... * - search for threadId. * - if missing add thread head: dummy(grpId, threadId, NULL, threadId). * * - search for parentId * - if = threadId, we just added it (ok). * - if missing add dummy(grpId, threadId, threadId, parentId). * * - check for matching dummy msgId. * - if yes, delete. * */ RsDistribDummyMsg::RsDistribDummyMsg( std::string tId, std::string pId, std::string mId, uint32_t ts) :threadId(tId), parentId(pId), msgId(mId), timestamp(ts), childTS(ts) { return; } std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const RsDistribDummyMsg &msg) { out << "DummyMsg(" << msg.threadId << "," << msg.parentId << "," << msg.msgId << ")"; return out; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies(GroupInfo &grp, RsDistribMsg *msg, std::string id, bool historical) { std::string threadId = msg->threadId; std::string parentId = msg->parentId; std::string msgId = msg->msgId; #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies(grpId:" << grp.grpId << ", threadId: " << threadId; std::cerr << ", parentId:" << parentId << ", msgId: " << msgId << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() Pre Printout"; std::cerr << std::endl; locked_printDummyMsgs(grp); #endif /* search for threadId */ if (threadId != "") { std::map::iterator tit = grp.msgs.find(threadId); if (tit == grp.msgs.end()) // not there! { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() No ThreadId Msg, Adding DummyMsg"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif locked_addDummyMsg(grp, threadId, "", threadId, msg->timestamp); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() Found ThreadId Msg"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } if (parentId != "") { /* search for parentId */ std::map::iterator pit = grp.msgs.find(parentId); if (pit == grp.msgs.end()) // not there! { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() No ParentId Msg, Adding DummyMsg"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif locked_addDummyMsg(grp, threadId, threadId, parentId, msg->timestamp); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() Found ParentId Msg"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } } #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() Checking for DummyMsg"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* remove existing dummy */ locked_clearDummyMsg(grp, msgId); #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_CheckNewMsgDummies() Post Printout"; std::cerr << std::endl; locked_printDummyMsgs(grp); #endif return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_addDummyMsg(GroupInfo &grp, std::string threadId, std::string parentId, std::string msgId, uint32_t ts) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_addDummyMsg(grpId:" << grp.grpId << ", threadId: " << threadId; std::cerr << ", parentId:" << parentId << ", msgId: " << msgId << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (msgId == "") { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_addDummyMsg() ERROR not adding empty MsgId"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } /* search for the msg Id */ std::map::iterator dit = grp.dummyMsgs.find(msgId); if (dit == grp.dummyMsgs.end()) // not there! { grp.dummyMsgs[msgId] = RsDistribDummyMsg(threadId, parentId, msgId, ts); #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_addDummyMsg() Adding Dummy Msg"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_addDummyMsg() Dummy Msg already there: " << dit->second; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } locked_updateDummyChildTS(grp, parentId, ts); // NOTE both ChildTS functions should be merged. return true; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_clearDummyMsg(GroupInfo &grp, std::string msgId) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_clearDummyMsg(grpId:" << grp.grpId << ", msgId: " << msgId << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* search for the msg Id */ std::map::iterator dit = grp.dummyMsgs.find(msgId); if (dit != grp.dummyMsgs.end()) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_clearDummyMsg() Erasing Dummy Msg: " << dit->second; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif grp.dummyMsgs.erase(dit); } else { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_clearDummyMsg() Msg not found"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif } return true; } /* now update parents TS */ /* NB: it is a hack to have seperate updateChildTS functions for msgs and dummyMsgs, * this need to be combined (do when we add a parentId index.) */ bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_updateDummyChildTS(GroupInfo &gi, std::string parentId, time_t updateTS) { while("" != parentId) { std::map::iterator mit; if (gi.dummyMsgs.end() == (mit = gi.dummyMsgs.find(parentId))) { /* not found - abandon */ return true; } RsDistribDummyMsg *parent = &(mit->second); if (parent->childTS > updateTS) { /* we're too old - give up! */ return true; } /* update timestamp */ parent->childTS = updateTS; parentId = parent->parentId; } return false ; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_printAllDummyMsgs() { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_printAllDummyMsg()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::map::iterator it; for(it = mGroups.begin(); it != mGroups.end(); it++) { locked_printDummyMsgs(it->second); } return true ; } bool p3GroupDistrib::locked_printDummyMsgs(GroupInfo &grp) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_printDummyMsg(grpId:" << grp.grpId << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /* search for the msg Id */ std::map::iterator dit; for(dit = grp.dummyMsgs.begin(); dit != grp.dummyMsgs.end(); dit++) { std::cerr << dit->second; std::cerr << std::endl; } return true; } /***** These Functions are used by the children classes to access the dummyData ****/ bool p3GroupDistrib::getDummyParentMsgList(const std::string& grpId, const std::string& pId, std::list &msgIds) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::getDummyParentMsgList(grpId:" << grpId << "," << pId << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsStackMutex stack(distribMtx); /************* STACK MUTEX ************/ // load grp from history cache if not already loaded #ifdef ENABLE_CACHE_OPT locked_processHistoryCached(grpId); #endif std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::getDummyParentMsgList() Group Not Found"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return false; } std::map::iterator mit; for(mit = git->second.dummyMsgs.begin(); mit != git->second.dummyMsgs.end(); mit++) { if (mit->second.parentId == pId) { msgIds.push_back(mit->first); } } #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::getDummyParentMsgList() found " << msgIds.size() << " msgs"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return true; } RsDistribDummyMsg *p3GroupDistrib::locked_getGroupDummyMsg(const std::string& grpId, const std::string& msgId) { locked_processHistoryCached(grpId); #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_getGroupDummyMsg(grpId:" << grpId << "," << msgId << ")"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif /************* ALREADY LOCKED ************/ std::map::iterator git; if (mGroups.end() == (git = mGroups.find(grpId))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_getGroupDummyMsg() Group not found"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return NULL; } std::map::iterator dit; if (git->second.dummyMsgs.end() == (dit = git->second.dummyMsgs.find(msgId))) { #ifdef DISTRIB_DUMMYMSG_DEBUG std::cerr << "p3GroupDistrib::locked_getGroupDummyMsg() Msg not found"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif return NULL; } return &(dit->second); }