#include #include "libretroshare/serialiser/support.h" #include "libretroshare/gxs/common/data_support.h" #include "rsdataservice_test.h" #include "gxs/rsgds.h" #include "gxs/rsdataservice.h" #define DATA_BASE_NAME "msg_grp_Store" RsGeneralDataService* dStore = NULL; void setUp(); void tearDown(); TEST(libretroshare_gxs, RsDataService) { std::cerr << "RsDataService Tests" << std::endl; test_groupStoreAndRetrieve(); test_messageStoresAndRetrieve(); } /*! * All memory is disposed off, good for looking * for memory leaks */ void test_groupStoreAndRetrieve(){ setUp(); int nGrp = rand()%32; std::map grps, grps_copy; RsNxsGrp* grp; RsGxsGrpMetaData* grpMeta; for(int i = 0; i < nGrp; i++){ std::pair p; grp = new RsNxsGrp(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); grpMeta = new RsGxsGrpMetaData(); p.first = grp; p.second = grpMeta; init_item(*grp); init_item(grpMeta); grpMeta->mGroupId = grp->grpId; grps.insert(p); RsNxsGrp* grp_copy = new RsNxsGrp(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); *grp_copy = *grp; RsGxsGrpMetaData* grpMeta_copy = new RsGxsGrpMetaData(); *grpMeta_copy = *grpMeta; grps_copy.insert(std::make_pair(grp_copy, grpMeta_copy )); grpMeta = NULL; grp = NULL; } dStore->storeGroup(grps); //use copy, a grps are deleted in store grps.clear(); grps = grps_copy; std::map gR; std::map grpMetaR; dStore->retrieveNxsGrps(gR, false, false); dStore->retrieveGxsGrpMetaData(grpMetaR); std::map::iterator mit = grps.begin(); bool grpMatch = true, grpMetaMatch = true; for(; mit != grps.end(); mit++) { const RsGxsGroupId grpId = mit->first->grpId; // check if it exists if(gR.find(grpId) == gR.end()) { grpMatch = false; break; } RsNxsGrp *l = mit->first, *r = gR[grpId]; // assign transaction number // to right to as tn is not stored // in db r->transactionNumber = l->transactionNumber; // then do a comparison if(!( *l == *r)) { grpMatch = false; break; } // now do a comparison of grp meta types if(grpMetaR.find(grpId) == grpMetaR.end()) { grpMetaMatch = false; break; } RsGxsGrpMetaData *l_Meta = mit->second, *r_Meta = grpMetaR[grpId]; if(!(*l_Meta == *r_Meta)) { grpMetaMatch = false; break; } /* release resources */ delete l_Meta; delete r_Meta; delete l; delete r; remove(grpId.toStdString().c_str()); } grpMetaR.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(grpMatch && grpMetaMatch); tearDown(); } /*! * Test for both selective and * bulk msg retrieval */ void test_messageStoresAndRetrieve() { setUp(); // first create a grpId RsGxsGroupId grpId0, grpId1; grpId0 = RsGxsGroupId::random(); grpId1 = RsGxsGroupId::random(); std::vector grpV; // stores grpIds of all msgs stored and retrieved grpV.push_back(grpId0); grpV.push_back(grpId1); std::map msgs; std::map msgs_copy; RsNxsMsg* msg = NULL; RsGxsMsgMetaData* msgMeta = NULL; int nMsgs = rand()%120; GxsMsgReq req; std::map VergrpId0, VergrpId1; std::map VerMetagrpId0, VerMetagrpId1; for(int i=0; i p(msg, msgMeta); int chosen = 0; if(rand()%50 > 24){ chosen = 1; } const RsGxsGroupId& grpId = grpV[chosen]; if(chosen) req[grpId].push_back(msg->msgId); msgMeta->mMsgId = msg->msgId; msgMeta->mGroupId = msg->grpId = grpId; RsNxsMsg* msg_copy = new RsNxsMsg(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); RsGxsMsgMetaData* msgMeta_copy = new RsGxsMsgMetaData(); *msg_copy = *msg; *msgMeta_copy = *msgMeta; // store msgs in map to use for verification std::pair vP(msg->msgId, msg_copy); std::pair vPmeta(msg->msgId, msgMeta_copy); if(!chosen) { VergrpId0.insert(vP); VerMetagrpId0.insert(vPmeta); } else { VergrpId1.insert(vP); VerMetagrpId0.insert(vPmeta); } msg = NULL; msgMeta = NULL; msgs.insert(p); msgs_copy.insert(std::make_pair(msg_copy, msgMeta_copy)); } req[grpV[0]] = std::vector(); // assign empty list for other dStore->storeMessage(msgs); msgs.clear(); msgs = msgs_copy; // now retrieve msgs for comparison // first selective retrieval GxsMsgResult msgResult; GxsMsgMetaResult msgMetaResult; dStore->retrieveNxsMsgs(req, msgResult, false); dStore->retrieveGxsMsgMetaData(req, msgMetaResult); // now look at result for grpId 1 std::vector& result0 = msgResult[grpId0]; std::vector& result1 = msgResult[grpId1]; std::vector& resultMeta0 = msgMetaResult[grpId0]; //std::vector& resultMeta1 = msgMetaResult[grpId1]; bool msgGrpId0_Match = true, msgGrpId1_Match = true; bool msgMetaGrpId0_Match = true/*, msgMetaGrpId1_Match = true*/; // MSG test, selective retrieval for(std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < result0.size(); i++) { RsNxsMsg* l = result0[i] ; if(VergrpId0.find(l->msgId) == VergrpId0.end()) { msgGrpId0_Match = false; break; } RsNxsMsg* r = VergrpId0[l->msgId]; r->transactionNumber = l->transactionNumber; if(!(*l == *r)) { msgGrpId0_Match = false; break; } } EXPECT_TRUE(msgGrpId0_Match); // META test for(std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < resultMeta0.size(); i++) { RsGxsMsgMetaData* l = resultMeta0[i] ; if(VerMetagrpId0.find(l->mMsgId) == VerMetagrpId0.end()) { msgMetaGrpId0_Match = false; break; } RsGxsMsgMetaData* r = VerMetagrpId0[l->mMsgId]; if(!(*l == *r)) { msgMetaGrpId0_Match = false; break; } } EXPECT_TRUE(msgMetaGrpId0_Match); // MSG test, bulk retrieval for(std::vector::size_type i = 0; i < result1.size(); i++) { RsNxsMsg* l = result1[i] ; if(VergrpId1.find(l->msgId) == VergrpId1.end()) { msgGrpId1_Match = false; break; } RsNxsMsg* r = VergrpId1[l->msgId]; r->transactionNumber = l->transactionNumber; if(!(*l == *r)) { msgGrpId1_Match = false; break; } } EXPECT_TRUE(msgGrpId1_Match); //dStore->retrieveGxsMsgMetaData(); std::string msgFile = grpId0.toStdString() + "-msgs"; remove(msgFile.c_str()); msgFile = grpId1.toStdString() + "-msgs"; remove(msgFile.c_str()); tearDown(); } void setUp(){ dStore = new RsDataService(".", DATA_BASE_NAME, RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); } void tearDown(){ dStore->resetDataStore(); // reset to clean up store files except db delete dStore; dStore = NULL; int rc = remove(DATA_BASE_NAME); if(rc == 0){ std::cerr << "Successful tear down" << std::endl; } else{ std::cerr << "Tear down failed" << std::endl; perror("Error: "); } }