GenCertDialog 0 0 691 442 Create new Profile :/images/rstray3.png:/images/rstray3.png 0 0 0 30 0 It looks like you don't own any profile (PGP keys). Please fill in the form below to create one, or import an existing profile. true 6 0 0 16777215 32 Your profile is associated with a PGP key Create a new identity :/images/contact_new128.png:/images/contact_new128.png 32 32 false Import new identity Export selected identity Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Use identity Name Email This Password is for PGP Password This Password is for PGP Password (check) Location Your profile is associated with a PGP key. RetroShare currently ignores DSA keys. Enter your nickname here 64 Be careful: this email will be visible to your friends and friends of your friends. This information is required by PGP, but to stay anonymous, you can use a fake email. 64 Put a strong password here. This password protects your PGP key. 1024 QLineEdit::Password Put a strong password here. This password protects your PGP key. 1024 QLineEdit::Password 64 <html><head/><body><p align="justify">Before proceeding, move your mouse around to help Retroshare collect as much randomness as possible. Filling the progressbar to 20% is needed, 100% is advised.</p></body></html> true 24 16777215 26 Arial 50 false Create new identity Tahoma 11 RetroShare uses PGP keys for identity management. true Qt::Vertical 1 1 Tahoma 11 You can install retroshare on different locations using the same identity. For this, just export the selected identity, and import it on the new computer, then create a new location with it. true QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain HeaderFrame QFrame
genPGPuser name_input email_input location_input