#ifndef RS_P3MSG_INTERFACE_H #define RS_P3MSG_INTERFACE_H /* * libretroshare/src/rsserver: p3msgs.h * * RetroShare C++ Interface. * * Copyright 2007-2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include "retroshare/rsmsgs.h" #include "retroshare/rsgxsifacetypes.h" class p3MsgService; class p3ChatService; class RsChatMsgItem; //! provides retroshares chatservice and messaging service /*! * Provides rs with the ability to send/receive messages, immediate status, * custom status, avatar and * chats (public(group) and private) to peers */ class p3Msgs: public RsMsgs { public: p3Msgs(p3MsgService *p3m, p3ChatService *p3c) :mMsgSrv(p3m), mChatSrv(p3c) { return; } virtual ~p3Msgs() { return; } /****************************************/ /* Message Items */ /*! * @param msgList ref to list summarising client's msgs */ virtual bool getMessageSummaries(std::list &msgList); virtual bool getMessage(const std::string &mId, Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &msg); virtual void getMessageCount(unsigned int *pnInbox, unsigned int *pnInboxNew, unsigned int *pnOutbox, unsigned int *pnDraftbox, unsigned int *pnSentbox, unsigned int *pnTrashbox); virtual bool MessageSend(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info); virtual bool SystemMessage(const std::string &title, const std::string &message, uint32_t systemFlag); virtual bool MessageToDraft(Rs::Msgs::MessageInfo &info, const std::string &msgParentId); virtual bool MessageToTrash(const std::string &mid, bool bTrash); virtual bool MessageDelete(const std::string &mid); virtual bool MessageRead(const std::string &mid, bool unreadByUser); virtual bool MessageReplied(const std::string &mid, bool replied); virtual bool MessageForwarded(const std::string &mid, bool forwarded); virtual bool MessageStar(const std::string &mid, bool star); virtual bool MessageLoadEmbeddedImages(const std::string &mid, bool load); virtual bool getMsgParentId(const std::string &msgId, std::string &msgParentId); virtual bool getMessageTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags); virtual bool setMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId, std::string& text, uint32_t rgb_color); virtual bool removeMessageTagType(uint32_t tagId); virtual bool getMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, Rs::Msgs::MsgTagInfo& info); /* set == false && tagId == 0 --> remove all */ virtual bool setMessageTag(const std::string &msgId, uint32_t tagId, bool set); virtual bool resetMessageStandardTagTypes(Rs::Msgs::MsgTagType& tags); virtual void enableDistantMessaging(bool b) ; virtual bool distantMessagingEnabled() ; /*! * gets avatar from peer, image data in jpeg format */ virtual void getAvatarData(const RsPeerId& pid,unsigned char *& data,int& size); /*! * sets clients avatar, image data should be in jpeg format */ virtual void setOwnAvatarData(const unsigned char *data,int size); /*! * retrieve clients avatar, image data in jpeg format */ virtual void getOwnAvatarData(unsigned char *& data,int& size); /*! * sets clients custom status (e.g. "i'm tired") */ virtual void setCustomStateString(const std::string& status_string) ; /*! * retrieves client's custom status */ virtual std::string getCustomStateString() ; /*! * retrieves peer's custom status */ virtual std::string getCustomStateString(const RsPeerId& peer_id) ; /*! * Send a chat message. * @param destination where to send the chat message * @param msg the message * @see ChatId */ virtual bool sendChat(ChatId destination, std::string msg) ; /*! * Return the max message size for security forwarding */ virtual uint32_t getMaxMessageSecuritySize(int type); /*! * sends immediate status string to a specific peer, e.g. in a private chat * @param chat_id chat id to send status string to * @param status_string immediate status to send */ virtual void sendStatusString(const ChatId& chat_id, const std::string& status_string) ; /****************************************/ virtual bool joinVisibleChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& id, const RsGxsId &own_id) ; virtual void getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(std::vector& public_lobbies) ; virtual bool getVirtualPeerId(const ChatLobbyId& id,RsPeerId& vpid) ; virtual bool isLobbyId(const RsPeerId& virtual_peer_id,ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) ; virtual void getChatLobbyList(std::list& cl_list) ; virtual bool getChatLobbyInfo(const ChatLobbyId& id,ChatLobbyInfo& info) ; virtual void invitePeerToLobby(const ChatLobbyId&, const RsPeerId&) ; virtual bool acceptLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& id, const RsGxsId &gxs_id) ; virtual void denyLobbyInvite(const ChatLobbyId& id) ; virtual void getPendingChatLobbyInvites(std::list& invites) ; virtual void unsubscribeChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id) ; virtual bool setIdentityForChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id,const RsGxsId&) ; virtual bool getIdentityForChatLobby(const ChatLobbyId&,RsGxsId& nick) ; virtual bool setDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(const RsGxsId&) ; virtual void getDefaultIdentityForChatLobby(RsGxsId& nick) ; virtual void setLobbyAutoSubscribe(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id, const bool autoSubscribe); virtual bool getLobbyAutoSubscribe(const ChatLobbyId& lobby_id); virtual ChatLobbyId createChatLobby(const std::string& lobby_name,const RsGxsId& lobby_identity,const std::string& lobby_topic,const std::set& invited_friends,ChatLobbyFlags privacy_type) ; virtual bool initiateDistantChatConnexion(const RsGxsId& to_gxs_id,const RsGxsId& from_gxs_id,uint32_t& error_code) ; virtual bool getDistantChatStatus(const RsGxsId& gxs_id,uint32_t& status, RsGxsId *from_gxs_id=NULL) ; virtual bool closeDistantChatConnexion(const RsGxsId &pid) ; private: p3MsgService *mMsgSrv; p3ChatService *mChatSrv; }; #endif