/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Artur Wiebe * * wibix@gmx.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include <QLayout> #include <QDate> #include <QDebug> #include <QTimer> #include "pdn.h" #include "echeckers.h" #include "rcheckers.h" #include "view.h" #include "common.h" #include "history.h" #include "newgamedlg.h" #include "player.h" #include "humanplayer.h" #include "computerplayer.h" #define MAX_CMD_LEN 80 #define MOVE_PAUSE 1000 // this class is used to note differencies between moves. class myDiff { public: myDiff(int pos, int from, int to) : m_pos(pos), m_from(from), m_to(to) {} int m_pos; int m_from; int m_to; }; myView::myView(QWidget* parent) : QFrame(parent) { /* * board & info */ m_board = new myBoard(this); connect(m_board, SIGNAL(fieldClicked(int)), this, SLOT(slot_click(int))); m_history = new myHistory(this); connect(m_history, SIGNAL(previewGame(int)), this, SLOT(slot_preview_game(int))); connect(m_history, SIGNAL(applyMoves(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slot_apply_moves(const QString&))); connect(m_history, SIGNAL(newMode(bool, bool)), this, SLOT(slot_new_mode(bool, bool))); connect(this, SIGNAL(working(bool)), m_history, SLOT(slotWorking(bool))); QHBoxLayout* hb = new QHBoxLayout(0); hb->addWidget(m_board); hb->addSpacing(5); hb->addWidget(m_history); /* * */ m_log = new QTextEdit(this); m_log->setFixedHeight(100); //FIXME m_log->setReadOnly(true); /* * it's the final layout. */ QVBoxLayout* vb = new QVBoxLayout(this); vb->addLayout(hb); vb->addWidget(m_log); vb->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetFixedSize); /* * game init */ m_player = m_current = 0; } myView::~myView() { if(m_player) { delete m_player; delete m_player->opponent(); } } void myView::setEnabled(bool b) { m_board->setEnabled(b); if(b) setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); // should be m_board bound. else setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); } void myView::setTheme(const QString& path) { m_board->setTheme(path, m_player ? m_player->isWhite() : true); m_history->setFixedHeight(m_board->height()); } void myView::newGame(int rules, bool freeplace, const QString& name, bool is_white, int opponent, const QString& opp_name, int skill) { m_freeplace_from = -1; if(m_player) { delete m_player; delete m_player->opponent(); } m_board->setColorWhite(is_white); // create players myPlayer* plr = new myHumanPlayer(name, is_white, false); myPlayer* opp = 0; if(opponent==HUMAN) opp = new myHumanPlayer(opp_name, !is_white, true); else opp = new myComputerPlayer(opp_name, !is_white, skill); emit working(true); /* * set up player stuff. slots/signals. */ m_player = plr; plr->setOpponent(opp); opp->setOpponent(plr); plr->disconnect(); opp->disconnect(); connect(plr, SIGNAL(moveDone(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slot_move_done(const QString&))); connect(opp, SIGNAL(moveDone(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slot_move_done(const QString&))); /* * create game board. */ m_board->setGame(rules); m_board->reset(); m_history->clear(); begin_game(1, freeplace); } void myView::begin_game(unsigned int round, bool freeplace) { if(m_clear_log) m_log->clear(); m_board->adjustNotation(m_player->isWhite()); m_history->newPdn(APPNAME" Game", freeplace); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Type, QString::number(m_board->type())); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Date, QDate::currentDate().toString("yyyy.MM.dd")); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Result, "*"); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Round, QString::number(round)); /* * go! */ myPlayer* last_player = get_first_player()->opponent(); m_game_over = false; m_aborted = false; m_current = last_player; // setup names if(m_player->isWhite()) { m_history->setTag(PdnGame::White, m_player->name()); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Black, m_player->opponent()->name()); } else { m_history->setTag(PdnGame::White, m_player->opponent()->name()); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Black, m_player->name()); } if(m_history->isFreePlacement()) emit working(false); else slot_move_done(m_board->game()->toString(false)); } bool myView::check_game_over() { if(m_game_over) // no further checks return true; m_game_over = true; bool player_can = m_board->game()->checkMove1() || m_board->game()->checkCapture1(); bool opp_can = m_board->game()->checkMove2() || m_board->game()->checkCapture2(); // player cannot go but opponent can -> player lost. if(/*FIXME*/m_player==m_current && !player_can && opp_can) { you_won(false); return m_game_over; } // player can go but opponent cannot -> player won. if(/*FIXME*/m_player!=m_current && player_can && !opp_can) { you_won(true); return m_game_over; } // neither of the player can go -> draw. if(!player_can && !opp_can) { add_log(myView::System, tr("Drawn game.")); m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Result, "1/2-1/2"); return m_game_over; } m_game_over = false; return m_game_over; } void myView::slot_click(int field_num) { if(m_game_over || m_aborted) return; if(m_history->isPaused()) { if(m_history->isFreePlacement()) { // FIXME - hightlight fields if(m_freeplace_from < 0) { m_freeplace_from = field_num; m_board->selectField(field_num, true); } else { m_board->selectField(m_freeplace_from, false); m_board->doFreeMove(m_freeplace_from, field_num); m_freeplace_from = -1; } } } else { bool select = false; QString err_msg; if(!m_current->fieldClicked(field_num, &select, err_msg)) { add_log(myView::Warning, m_current->name()+": " + (err_msg.length() ? err_msg : tr("Invalid move."))); } else { m_board->selectField(field_num, select); } } } void myView::slotNextRound() { if(m_aborted) return; m_player->setWhite(!m_player->isWhite()); m_player->opponent()->setWhite(!m_player->isWhite()); m_board->setColorWhite(m_player->isWhite()); m_board->reset(); unsigned int round = m_history->getTag(PdnGame::Round).toUInt() + 1; begin_game(round, m_history->isFreePlacement()); } void myView::slotStopGame() { m_player->stop(); m_player->opponent()->stop(); } void myView::stop_game(const QString& msg) { m_game_over = true; m_aborted = true; QString text(tr("Game aborted.")+(!msg.isEmpty() ? "\n"+msg : "")); add_log(myView::System, text); emit working(false); } void myView::slot_move_done(const QString& board_str) { if(m_history->isPaused()) // FIXME - ??? return; perform_jumps(m_board->game()->toString(false), board_str); // show who is next? m_current = m_current->opponent(); m_history->setCurrent(m_current->name()); if(!m_current->isHuman()) { emit working(true); } else { emit working(false); } if(m_current->opponent()->isHuman() && !m_current->isHuman()) QTimer::singleShot(MOVE_PAUSE, this, SLOT(slot_move_done_step_two())); else slot_move_done_step_two(); } void myView::slot_move_done_step_two() { // m_current->yourTurn(m_board->game()); if(check_game_over()) emit working(false); } void myView::you_won(bool yes) { if(yes&&m_player->isWhite() || !yes&&!m_player->isWhite()) { m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Result, "1-0"); // white wins add_log(myView::System, tr("White wins!")); } else { m_history->setTag(PdnGame::Result, "0-1"); // black wins add_log(myView::System, tr("Black wins!")); } emit working(false); } bool myView::openPdn(const QString& fn) { emit working(false); m_current->stop(); QString log_text; if(!m_history->openPdn(fn, log_text)) { return false; } if(log_text.length()) { add_log(myView::System, tr("Opened:")+" "+fn); add_log(myView::Error, log_text.trimmed()); add_log(myView::Warning, tr("Warning! Some errors occured.")); } return true; } bool myView::savePdn(const QString& fn) { if(!m_history->savePdn(fn)) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "failed."; return false; } add_log(myView::System, tr("Saved:")+" "+fn); return true; } void myView::slot_new_mode(bool paused, bool freeplace) { if(paused) { if(freeplace) m_board->setCursor(Qt::PointingHandCursor); else m_board->setCursor(Qt::ForbiddenCursor); } else { m_board->setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); } // resume game: ask info for who is next, black or white.XXX FIXME TODO if(!paused) { myPlayer* next = 0; if(m_history->moveCount()%2==0) next = get_first_player(); else next = get_first_player()->opponent(); m_current = next->opponent(); slot_move_done(m_board->game()->toString(false)); } } void myView::slot_preview_game(int rules) { if(rules!=RUSSIAN && rules!=ENGLISH) { qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << rules << "Wrong game type."; return; } m_board->setGame(rules); if(m_player->isWhite() && rules==RUSSIAN) { m_player->setName(m_history->getTag(PdnGame::White)); m_player->opponent()->setName(m_history->getTag(PdnGame::Black)); } else { m_player->setName(m_history->getTag(PdnGame::Black)); m_player->opponent()->setName(m_history->getTag(PdnGame::White)); } // FIXME m_player->setWhite(rules==RUSSIAN);// FIXME TODO m_player->opponent()->setWhite(!m_player->isWhite()); m_board->setColorWhite(m_player->isWhite()); m_board->adjustNotation(m_player->isWhite()); } void myView::slot_apply_moves(const QString& moves) { QStringList move_list= moves.split(MOVE_SPLIT, QString::SkipEmptyParts); m_board->reset(); bool white_player = get_first_player()->isWhite(); foreach(QString move, move_list) { m_board->doMove(move, white_player); white_player = !white_player; } // set current player who pulls next. assume is white. m_current = (m_player->isWhite() ? m_player : m_player->opponent()); if(!white_player) m_current = m_current->opponent(); m_history->setCurrent(m_current->name()); } void myView::add_log(enum LogType type, const QString& text) { QString str = text; str = str.replace('<', "<"); str = str.replace('>', ">"); QString tag_b, tag_e; switch(type) { case Error: tag_b="<ul><pre>"; tag_e="</pre></ul>"; break; case Warning: tag_b="<b>"; tag_e="</b>"; break; case System: tag_b="<font color=\"blue\">"; tag_e="</font>"; break; default: break; } m_log->append(tag_b + str + tag_e); m_log->ensureCursorVisible(); } void myView::perform_jumps(const QString& from_board, const QString& to_board) { if(from_board==to_board) { return; } QString new_to_board = to_board; //qDebug("F:%s\nT:%s", from_board.latin1(), new_to_board.latin1()); // diff QList<myDiff*> diff_list; // collect information for(int i=0; i<32; i++) { if(from_board[2*i]!=new_to_board[2*i] || from_board[2*i+1]!=new_to_board[2*i+1]) { myDiff* diff = new myDiff(i, from_board.mid(2*i, 2).toInt(), new_to_board.mid(2*i, 2).toInt()); diff_list.append(diff); //qDebug(">%d: %d->%d", diff->m_pos, diff->m_from, diff->m_to); } } int from_pos = -1; int to_pos = -1; bool captured = (diff_list.count()>2); int man = -1; // find the dest. first: so we have the man moved. foreach(myDiff* diff, diff_list) { if(diff->m_to!=FREE) { man = diff->m_to; to_pos = diff->m_pos; break; } } int king = -1; switch(man) { case MAN1: king=KING1; break; case KING1: king=MAN1; break; case MAN2: king=KING2; break; case KING2: king=MAN2; break; } // find src. foreach(myDiff* diff, diff_list) { if(diff->m_to==FREE) { if(diff->m_from==man || diff->m_from==king) { from_pos = diff->m_pos; break; } } } /* qDebug(" to_pos=%d with man/king=%d from=%d", to_pos, man, from_pos); */ // finally - animate :) QString move = m_board->doMove(from_pos, to_pos, m_current->isWhite()); m_history->appendMove(move.replace("?", captured ? "x" : "-" ), ""); qDeleteAll(diff_list); } void myView::setNotation(bool enabled, bool show_above) { // TODO - intermediate function - remove somehow! m_board->setNotation(enabled, show_above); } void myView::setNotationFont(const QFont& f) { // TODO - intermediate function - remove somehow! m_board->setNotationFont(f); } myPlayer* myView::get_first_player() const { bool white = m_board->type()==RUSSIAN ? true : false; // it is white. if((white && m_player->isWhite()) || (!white && !m_player->isWhite())) return m_player; return m_player->opponent(); }