#include #include #include #include "ChatLobbyWidget.h" #include "chat/CreateLobbyDialog.h" #include "common/RSTreeWidgetItem.h" #include "notifyqt.h" #include "chat/ChatLobbyDialog.h" #include "retroshare/rsmsgs.h" #include "retroshare/rspeers.h" #include "retroshare/rsnotify.h" #define COLUMN_NAME 0 #define COLUMN_USER_COUNT 1 #define COLUMN_COUNT 2 #define COLUMN_DATA 0 #define ROLE_SORT Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_ID Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_SUBSCRIBED Qt::UserRole + 2 #define TYPE_FOLDER 0 #define TYPE_LOBBY 1 #define IMAGE_CREATE "" #define IMAGE_PUBLIC "" #define IMAGE_PRIVATE "" #define IMAGE_SUBSCRIBE "" #define IMAGE_UNSUBSCRIBE "" static ChatLobbyWidget *instance = NULL; ChatLobbyWidget::ChatLobbyWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WFlags flags) : RsAutoUpdatePage(5000,parent) { setupUi(this); if (instance == NULL) { instance = this; } QObject::connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(lobbyListChanged()), SLOT(lobbyChanged())); QObject::connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(chatLobbyEvent(qulonglong,int,const QString&,const QString&)), this, SLOT(displayChatLobbyEvent(qulonglong,int,const QString&,const QString&))); QObject::connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(chatLobbyInviteReceived()), this, SLOT(readChatLobbyInvites())); QObject::connect(lobbyTreeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(lobbyTreeWidgetCostumPopupMenu())); QObject::connect(lobbyTreeWidget, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); QObject::connect(lobbyTabWidget, SIGNAL(infoChanged()), this, SLOT(tabInfoChanged())); QObject::connect(newlobbypushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createChatLobby())); compareRole = new RSTreeWidgetItemCompareRole; compareRole->setRole(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT); lobbyTreeWidget->setColumnCount(COLUMN_COUNT); lobbyTreeWidget->sortItems(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::AscendingOrder); QTreeWidgetItem *headerItem = lobbyTreeWidget->headerItem(); headerItem->setText(COLUMN_NAME, tr("Name")); headerItem->setText(COLUMN_USER_COUNT, tr("Count")); headerItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_NAME, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); headerItem->setTextAlignment(COLUMN_USER_COUNT, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); QHeaderView *header = lobbyTreeWidget->header(); header->setResizeMode(COLUMN_NAME, QHeaderView::Interactive); header->setResizeMode(COLUMN_USER_COUNT, QHeaderView::Stretch); lobbyTreeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_NAME, 200); lobbyTreeWidget->setColumnWidth(COLUMN_USER_COUNT, 50); privateLobbyItem = new RSTreeWidgetItem(compareRole, TYPE_FOLDER); privateLobbyItem->setText(COLUMN_NAME, tr("Private Lobbies")); privateLobbyItem->setData(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT, "1"); lobbyTreeWidget->insertTopLevelItem(0, privateLobbyItem); publicLobbyItem = new RSTreeWidgetItem(compareRole, TYPE_FOLDER); publicLobbyItem->setText(COLUMN_NAME, tr("Public Lobbies")); publicLobbyItem->setData(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT, "2"); lobbyTreeWidget->insertTopLevelItem(1, publicLobbyItem); lobbyTreeWidget->expandAll(); lobbyChanged(); } ChatLobbyWidget::~ChatLobbyWidget() { if (this == instance) { instance = NULL; } } /*static*/ ChatTabWidget *ChatLobbyWidget::getTabWidget() { return instance ? instance->lobbyTabWidget : NULL; } void ChatLobbyWidget::lobbyTreeWidgetCostumPopupMenu() { QMenu contextMnu(this); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_CREATE), tr("Create chat lobby"), this, SLOT(createChatLobby())); QTreeWidgetItem *item = lobbyTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item && item->type() == TYPE_LOBBY) { if (item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_SUBSCRIBED).toBool()) { contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNSUBSCRIBE), tr("Unsubscribe"), this, SLOT(unsubscribeItem())); } else { contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_SUBSCRIBE), tr("Subscribe"), this, SLOT(subscribeItem())); } } contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void ChatLobbyWidget::lobbyChanged() { updateDisplay(); } static void updateItem(QTreeWidgetItem *item, ChatLobbyId id, const std::string &name, int count, bool subscribed) { item->setText(COLUMN_NAME, QString::fromUtf8(name.c_str())); item->setData(COLUMN_NAME, ROLE_SORT, QString::fromUtf8(name.c_str())); item->setText(COLUMN_USER_COUNT, QString::number(count)); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID, (qulonglong)id); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_SUBSCRIBED, subscribed); for (int column = 0; column < COLUMN_COUNT; ++column) { item->setTextColor(column, subscribed ? QColor() : QColor(Qt::gray)); } } void ChatLobbyWidget::updateDisplay() { std::cerr << "updating chat lobby display!" << std::endl; std::vector publicLobbies; rsMsgs->getListOfNearbyChatLobbies(publicLobbies); std::list lobbies; rsMsgs->getChatLobbyList(lobbies); std::cerr << "got " << publicLobbies.size() << " public lobbies, and " << lobbies.size() << " private lobbies." << std::endl; // now, do a nice display of lobbies std::string vpid; uint32_t i; uint32_t size = publicLobbies.size(); std::list::const_iterator lobbyIt; // remove not existing public lobbies int childCount = publicLobbyItem->childCount(); int childIndex = 0; while (childIndex < childCount) { QTreeWidgetItem *itemLoop = publicLobbyItem->child(childIndex); if (itemLoop->type() == TYPE_LOBBY) { // check for public lobby for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (itemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong() == publicLobbies[i].lobby_id) { break; } } if (i >= size) { // check for private lobby with public level for (lobbyIt = lobbies.begin(); lobbyIt != lobbies.end(); ++lobbyIt) { if (lobbyIt->lobby_privacy_level == RS_CHAT_LOBBY_PRIVACY_LEVEL_PUBLIC && itemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong() == lobbyIt->lobby_id) { break; } } if (lobbyIt == lobbies.end()) { delete(publicLobbyItem->takeChild(publicLobbyItem->indexOfChild(itemLoop))); childCount = publicLobbyItem->childCount(); continue; } } } childIndex++; } for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { const PublicChatLobbyRecord &lobby = publicLobbies[i]; std::cerr << "adding " << lobby.lobby_name << " #" << std::hex << lobby.lobby_id << std::dec << " public " << lobby.total_number_of_peers << " peers." << std::endl; QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; // search existing item childCount = publicLobbyItem->childCount(); for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) { QTreeWidgetItem *itemLoop = publicLobbyItem->child(childIndex); if (itemLoop->type() == TYPE_LOBBY && itemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong() == lobby.lobby_id) { item = itemLoop; break; } } if (item == NULL) { item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(compareRole, TYPE_LOBBY); publicLobbyItem->addChild(item); } item->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, QIcon(IMAGE_PUBLIC)); bool subscribed = false; if (rsMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(lobby.lobby_id, vpid)) { subscribed = true; } updateItem(item, lobby.lobby_id, lobby.lobby_name, lobby.total_number_of_peers, subscribed); } // remove not existing private lobbies childCount = privateLobbyItem->childCount(); childIndex = 0; while (childIndex < childCount) { QTreeWidgetItem *itemLoop = privateLobbyItem->child(childIndex); if (itemLoop->type() == TYPE_LOBBY) { for (lobbyIt = lobbies.begin(); lobbyIt != lobbies.end(); ++lobbyIt) { if (lobbyIt->lobby_privacy_level == RS_CHAT_LOBBY_PRIVACY_LEVEL_PRIVATE && itemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong() == lobbyIt->lobby_id) { break; } } if (lobbyIt == lobbies.end()) { delete(privateLobbyItem->takeChild(privateLobbyItem->indexOfChild(itemLoop))); childCount = privateLobbyItem->childCount(); continue; } } childIndex++; } for (lobbyIt = lobbies.begin(); lobbyIt != lobbies.end(); ++lobbyIt) { const ChatLobbyInfo &lobby = *lobbyIt; std::cerr << "adding " << lobby.lobby_name << " #" << std::hex << lobby.lobby_id << std::dec << " private " << lobby.nick_names.size() << " peers." << std::endl; QTreeWidgetItem *itemParent; if (lobby.lobby_privacy_level == RS_CHAT_LOBBY_PRIVACY_LEVEL_PUBLIC) { itemParent = publicLobbyItem; } else { itemParent = privateLobbyItem; } QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; // search existing item childCount = itemParent->childCount(); for (childIndex = 0; childIndex < childCount; childIndex++) { QTreeWidgetItem *itemLoop = itemParent->child(childIndex); if (itemLoop->type() == TYPE_LOBBY && itemLoop->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong() == lobby.lobby_id) { item = itemLoop; break; } } if (item == NULL) { item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(compareRole, TYPE_LOBBY); itemParent->addChild(item); } if (lobby.lobby_privacy_level == RS_CHAT_LOBBY_PRIVACY_LEVEL_PUBLIC) { item->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, QIcon(IMAGE_PUBLIC)); } else { item->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, QIcon(IMAGE_PRIVATE)); } updateItem(item, lobby.lobby_id, lobby.lobby_name, lobby.nick_names.size(), true); } } void ChatLobbyWidget::createChatLobby() { std::list friends; CreateLobbyDialog(friends).exec(); } void ChatLobbyWidget::subscribeItem() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = lobbyTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item == NULL && item->type() != TYPE_LOBBY) { return; } ChatLobbyId id = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong(); if (rsMsgs->joinPublicChatLobby(id)) { std::string vpeer_id; if (rsMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(id, vpeer_id)) { ChatDialog::chatFriend(vpeer_id) ; } } } void ChatLobbyWidget::unsubscribeItem() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = lobbyTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (item == NULL && item->type() != TYPE_LOBBY) { return; } const ChatLobbyId id = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toULongLong(); std::string vpeer_id; if (rsMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(id, vpeer_id)) { ChatDialog::closeChat(vpeer_id); } rsMsgs->unsubscribeChatLobby(id); } void ChatLobbyWidget::itemDoubleClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { // Each lobby can be joined directly, by calling // rsMsgs->joinPublicLobby(chatLobbyId) ; // e.g. fill a list of public lobbies // also maintain a list of active chat lobbies. Each active (subscribed) lobby has a lobby tab in the gui. // Each tab knows its lobby id and its virtual peer id (the one to send private chat messages to) // // One possibility is to convert ChatLobbyDialog to be used at a chat lobby tab. // then the lobby can be accessed using the virtual peer id through // rsMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(ChatLobbyId,std::string& virtual_peer_id) } void ChatLobbyWidget::displayChatLobbyEvent(qulonglong lobby_id, int event_type, const QString& nickname, const QString& str) { std::cerr << "Received displayChatLobbyEvent()!" << std::endl; std::string vpid; if (rsMsgs->getVirtualPeerId(lobby_id, vpid)) { if (ChatLobbyDialog *cld = dynamic_cast(ChatDialog::getExistingChat(vpid))) { cld->displayLobbyEvent(event_type, nickname, str); } } } void ChatLobbyWidget::readChatLobbyInvites() { std::list invites; rsMsgs->getPendingChatLobbyInvites(invites); for(std::list::const_iterator it(invites.begin());it!=invites.end();++it) { if (QMessageBox::Ok == QMessageBox::question(this, tr("Invitation to chat lobby"), QString::fromUtf8(rsPeers->getPeerName((*it).peer_id).c_str()) + QString(" invites you to chat lobby named ") + QString::fromUtf8((*it).lobby_name.c_str()), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ignore)) { std::cerr << "Accepting invite to lobby " << (*it).lobby_name << std::endl; rsMsgs->acceptLobbyInvite((*it).lobby_id); std::string vpid; if(rsMsgs->getVirtualPeerId((*it).lobby_id,vpid )) { ChatDialog::chatFriend(vpid); } else { std::cerr << "No lobby known with id 0x" << std::hex << (*it).lobby_id << std::dec << std::endl; } } else { rsMsgs->denyLobbyInvite((*it).lobby_id); } } } void ChatLobbyWidget::tabInfoChanged() { emit infoChanged(); } void ChatLobbyWidget::getInfo(bool &isTyping, bool &hasNewMessage, QIcon *icon) { lobbyTabWidget->getInfo(isTyping, hasNewMessage, icon); }