/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Robert Fernie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ChannelFeed.h" #include "feeds/ChanMsgItem.h" #include "common/PopularityDefs.h" #include "settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "channels/CreateChannel.h" #include "channels/ChannelDetails.h" #include "channels/CreateChannelMsg.h" #include "channels/EditChanDetails.h" #include "channels/ShareKey.h" #include "channels/ChannelUserNotify.h" #include "notifyqt.h" #include "RetroShareLink.h" #define CHAN_DEFAULT_IMAGE ":/images/channels.png" #define WARNING_LIMIT 3600*24*2 /* Images for TreeWidget */ #define IMAGE_CHANNELBLUE ":/images/channelsblue.png" #define IMAGE_CHANNELGREEN ":/images/channelsgreen.png" #define IMAGE_CHANNELRED ":/images/channelsred.png" #define IMAGE_CHANNELYELLOW ":/images/channelsyellow.png" /**** * #define CHAN_DEBUG ***/ #define USE_THREAD /** Constructor */ ChannelFeed::ChannelFeed(QWidget *parent) : RsAutoUpdatePage(1000,parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ setupUi(this); connect(newChannelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createChannel())); connect(postButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(createMsg())); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(channelMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int))); /*************** Setup Left Hand Side (List of Channels) ****************/ connect(treeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT( channelListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint ) ) ); connect(treeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCurrentItemChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(selectChannel(QString))); mChannelId.clear(); /* Set initial size the splitter */ QList sizes; sizes << 300 << width(); // Qt calculates the right sizes splitter->setSizes(sizes); /* Initialize group tree */ treeWidget->initDisplayMenu(displayButton); ownChannels = treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("My Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELBLUE), true); subcribedChannels = treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Subscribed Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELRED), true); popularChannels = treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Popular Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELGREEN ), false); otherChannels = treeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Other Channels"), QIcon(IMAGE_CHANNELYELLOW), false); progressLabel->hide(); progressBar->hide(); fillThread = NULL; //added from ahead updateChannelList(); nameLabel->setMinimumWidth(20); /* load settings */ processSettings(true); updateChannelMsgs(); } ChannelFeed::~ChannelFeed() { if (fillThread) { fillThread->stop(); delete(fillThread); fillThread = NULL; } // save settings processSettings(false); } UserNotify *ChannelFeed::getUserNotify(QObject *parent) { return new ChannelUserNotify(parent); } void ChannelFeed::processSettings(bool load) { Settings->beginGroup(QString("ChannelFeed")); if (load) { // load settings // state of splitter splitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter").toByteArray()); } else { // save settings // state of splitter Settings->setValue("Splitter", splitter->saveState()); } treeWidget->processSettings(Settings, load); Settings->endGroup(); } void ChannelFeed::channelListCustomPopupMenu( QPoint /*point*/ ) { ChannelInfo ci; if (!rsChannels->getChannelInfo(mChannelId, ci)) { return; } QMenu contextMnu(this); QAction *postchannelAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/mail_reply.png"), tr( "Post to Channel" ), &contextMnu); connect( postchannelAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( createMsg() ) ); QAction *subscribechannelAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/edit_add24.png"), tr( "Subscribe to Channel" ), &contextMnu); connect( subscribechannelAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( subscribeChannel() ) ); QAction *unsubscribechannelAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/cancel.png"), tr( "Unsubscribe to Channel" ), &contextMnu); connect( unsubscribechannelAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( unsubscribeChannel() ) ); QAction *setallasreadchannelAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr( "Set all as read" ), &contextMnu); connect( setallasreadchannelAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( setAllAsReadClicked() ) ); bool autoDl = false; rsChannels->channelGetAutoDl(mChannelId, autoDl); QAction *autochannelAct = autoDl? (new QAction(QIcon(":/images/redled.png"), tr( "Disable Auto-Download" ), &contextMnu)) : (new QAction(QIcon(":/images/start.png"),tr( "Enable Auto-Download" ), &contextMnu)) ; connect( autochannelAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( toggleAutoDownload() ) ); QAction *channeldetailsAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/info16.png"), tr( "Show Channel Details" ), &contextMnu); connect( channeldetailsAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( showChannelDetails() ) ); QAction *restoreKeysAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/settings16.png"), tr("Restore Publish Rights for Channel" ), &contextMnu); connect( restoreKeysAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( restoreChannelKeys() ) ); QAction *editChannelDetailAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/edit_16.png"), tr("Edit Channel Details"), &contextMnu); connect( editChannelDetailAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editChannelDetail() ) ); QAction *shareKeyAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/gpgp_key_generate.png"), tr("Share Channel"), &contextMnu); connect( shareKeyAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( shareKey() ) ); if((ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN) && (ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) contextMnu.addAction( editChannelDetailAct); else contextMnu.addAction( channeldetailsAct ); if((ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH) && (ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) { contextMnu.addAction( postchannelAct ); contextMnu.addAction( shareKeyAct ); } if(ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { contextMnu.addAction( unsubscribechannelAct ); contextMnu.addAction( restoreKeysAct ); contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction( autochannelAct ); contextMnu.addAction( setallasreadchannelAct ); } else contextMnu.addAction( subscribechannelAct ); contextMnu.addSeparator(); QAction *action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/copyrslink.png"), tr("Copy RetroShare Link"), this, SLOT(copyChannelLink())); action->setEnabled(!mChannelId.empty()); #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction("Generate mass data", this, SLOT(generateMassData())); action->setEnabled (!mChannelId.empty() && (ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH)); #endif contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void ChannelFeed::createChannel() { CreateChannel *cf = new CreateChannel(); cf->show(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } /*************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************************/ QScrollArea *ChannelFeed::getScrollArea() { return scrollArea; } void ChannelFeed::deleteFeedItem(QWidget */*item*/, uint32_t /*type*/) { } void ChannelFeed::openChat(std::string /*peerId*/) { } void ChannelFeed::openComments(uint32_t /*type*/ , const RsGxsGroupId & /*grpId */, const RsGxsMessageId & /*msgId*/, const QString & /* title */) { } void ChannelFeed::editChannelDetail(){ EditChanDetails editUi(this, mChannelId); editUi.exec(); } void ChannelFeed::shareKey() { ShareKey shareUi(this, mChannelId, CHANNEL_KEY_SHARE); shareUi.exec(); } void ChannelFeed::copyChannelLink() { if (mChannelId.empty()) { return; } ChannelInfo ci; if (rsChannels->getChannelInfo(mChannelId, ci)) { RetroShareLink link; if (link.createChannel(ci.channelId, "")) { QList urls; urls.push_back(link); RSLinkClipboard::copyLinks(urls); } } } void ChannelFeed::createMsg() { if (mChannelId.empty()) { return; } CreateChannelMsg *msgDialog = new CreateChannelMsg(mChannelId); msgDialog->show(); /* window will destroy itself! */ } void ChannelFeed::restoreChannelKeys() { if(rsChannels->channelRestoreKeys(mChannelId)) QMessageBox::information(NULL,tr("Publish rights restored."),tr("Publish rights have been restored for this channel.")) ; else QMessageBox::warning(NULL,tr("Publish not restored."),tr("Publish rights can't be restored for this channel.
You're not the creator of this channel.")) ; } void ChannelFeed::selectChannel(const QString &id) { mChannelId = id.toStdString(); bool autoDl = false; rsChannels->channelGetAutoDl(mChannelId, autoDl); setAutoDownloadButton(autoDl); updateChannelMsgs(); } void ChannelFeed::updateDisplay() { if (!rsChannels) { return; } std::list chanIds; std::list::iterator it; if (rsChannels->channelsChanged(chanIds)) { /* update channel list */ updateChannelList(); it = std::find(chanIds.begin(), chanIds.end(), mChannelId); if (it != chanIds.end()) { updateChannelMsgs(); } } } static void channelInfoToGroupItemInfo(const ChannelInfo &channelInfo, GroupItemInfo &groupItemInfo) { groupItemInfo.id = QString::fromStdString(channelInfo.channelId); groupItemInfo.name = QString::fromStdWString(channelInfo.channelName); groupItemInfo.description = QString::fromStdWString(channelInfo.channelDesc); groupItemInfo.popularity = channelInfo.pop; groupItemInfo.lastpost = QDateTime::fromTime_t(channelInfo.lastPost); QPixmap chanImage; if (channelInfo.pngImageLen) { chanImage.loadFromData(channelInfo.pngChanImage, channelInfo.pngImageLen, "PNG"); } else { chanImage = QPixmap(CHAN_DEFAULT_IMAGE); } groupItemInfo.icon = QIcon(chanImage); } void ChannelFeed::updateChannelList() { if (!rsChannels) { return; } std::list channelList; std::list::iterator it; rsChannels->getChannelList(channelList); std::list keysAvailable; std::list::iterator keyIt; rsChannels->getPubKeysAvailableGrpIds(keysAvailable); /* get the ids for our lists */ QList adminList; QList subList; QList popList; QList otherList; std::multimap popMap; for(it = channelList.begin(); it != channelList.end(); it++) { /* sort it into Publish (Own), Subscribed, Popular and Other */ uint32_t flags = it->channelFlags; GroupItemInfo groupItemInfo; channelInfoToGroupItemInfo(*it, groupItemInfo); if ((flags & RS_DISTRIB_ADMIN) && (flags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH) && (flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED)) { adminList.push_back(groupItemInfo); } else { for (keyIt = keysAvailable.begin(); keyIt != keysAvailable.end(); keyIt++) { if (it->channelId == *keyIt) { /* Found Key, set title text to bold and colored blue */ groupItemInfo.privatekey = true; break; } } if ((flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) || ((flags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) && (flags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH)) ) { subList.push_back(groupItemInfo); } else { /* rate the others by popularity */ popMap.insert(std::make_pair(it->pop, groupItemInfo)); } } } /* iterate backwards through popMap - take the top 5 or 10% of list */ uint32_t popCount = 5; if (popCount < popMap.size() / 10) { popCount = popMap.size() / 10; } uint32_t i = 0; std::multimap::reverse_iterator rit; for (rit = popMap.rbegin(); rit != popMap.rend(); rit++) { if (i < popCount) { popList.push_back(rit->second); i++; } else { otherList.push_back(rit->second); } } /* now we have our lists ---> update entries */ treeWidget->fillGroupItems(ownChannels, adminList); treeWidget->fillGroupItems(subcribedChannels, subList); treeWidget->fillGroupItems(popularChannels, popList); treeWidget->fillGroupItems(otherChannels, otherList); updateMessageSummaryList(""); } void ChannelFeed::channelMsgReadSatusChanged(const QString& channelId, const QString& /*msgId*/, int /*status*/) { updateMessageSummaryList(channelId.toStdString()); } void ChannelFeed::updateMessageSummaryList(const std::string &channelId) { QTreeWidgetItem *items[2] = { ownChannels, subcribedChannels }; for (int item = 0; item < 2; item++) { int child; int childCount = items[item]->childCount(); for (child = 0; child < childCount; child++) { QTreeWidgetItem *childItem = items[item]->child(child); std::string childId = treeWidget->itemId(childItem).toStdString(); if (childId.empty()) { continue; } if (channelId.empty() || childId == channelId) { /* Calculate unread messages */ unsigned int newMessageCount = 0; unsigned int unreadMessageCount = 0; rsChannels->getMessageCount(childId, newMessageCount, unreadMessageCount); treeWidget->setUnreadCount(childItem, unreadMessageCount); if (channelId.empty() == false) { /* Calculate only this channel */ break; } } } } } static bool sortChannelMsgSummary(const ChannelMsgSummary &msg1, const ChannelMsgSummary &msg2) { return (msg1.ts > msg2.ts); } void ChannelFeed::updateChannelMsgs() { if (fillThread) { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::updateChannelMsgs() stop current fill thread" << std::endl; #endif // stop current fill thread ChannelFillThread *thread = fillThread; fillThread = NULL; thread->stop(); delete(thread); progressLabel->hide(); progressBar->hide(); } if (!rsChannels) { return; } /* replace all the messages with new ones */ QList::iterator mit; for (mit = mChanMsgItems.begin(); mit != mChanMsgItems.end(); mit++) { delete (*mit); } mChanMsgItems.clear(); ChannelInfo ci; if (!rsChannels->getChannelInfo(mChannelId, ci)) { postButton->setEnabled(false); nameLabel->setText(tr("No Channel Selected")); logoLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap(":/images/channels.png")); logoLabel->setEnabled(false); return; } QPixmap chanImage; if (ci.pngImageLen != 0) { chanImage.loadFromData(ci.pngChanImage, ci.pngImageLen, "PNG"); } else { chanImage = QPixmap(CHAN_DEFAULT_IMAGE); } logoLabel->setPixmap(chanImage); logoLabel->setEnabled(true); /* set Channel name */ nameLabel->setText(QString::fromStdWString(ci.channelName)); if (ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_PUBLISH) { postButton->setEnabled(true); } else { postButton->setEnabled(false); } if (ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { actionEnable_Auto_Download->setEnabled(true); } else { actionEnable_Auto_Download->setEnabled(false); } #ifdef USE_THREAD progressLabel->show(); progressBar->reset(); progressBar->show(); // create fill thread fillThread = new ChannelFillThread(this, mChannelId); // connect thread connect(fillThread, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(fillThreadFinished()), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(fillThread, SIGNAL(addMsg(QString,QString,int,int)), this, SLOT(fillThreadAddMsg(QString,QString,int,int)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::updateChannelMsgs() Start fill thread" << std::endl; #endif // start thread fillThread->start(); #else std::list msgs; std::list::iterator it; rsChannels->getChannelMsgList(mChannelId, msgs); msgs.sort(sortChannelMsgSummary); for (it = msgs.begin(); it != msgs.end(); it++) { ChanMsgItem *cmi = new ChanMsgItem(this, 0, mChannelId, it->msgId, true); mChanMsgItems.push_back(cmi); verticalLayout_2->addWidget(cmi); } #endif } void ChannelFeed::fillThreadFinished() { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::fillThreadFinished()" << std::endl; #endif // thread has finished ChannelFillThread *thread = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (thread) { if (thread == fillThread) { // current thread has finished, hide progressbar and release thread progressBar->hide(); progressLabel->hide(); fillThread = NULL; } #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG if (thread->wasStopped()) { // thread was stopped std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::fillThreadFinished() Thread was stopped" << std::endl; } #endif #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::fillThreadFinished() Delete thread" << std::endl; #endif thread->deleteLater(); thread = NULL; } #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::fillThreadFinished done()" << std::endl; #endif } void ChannelFeed::fillThreadAddMsg(const QString &channelId, const QString &channelMsgId, int current, int count) { if (sender() == fillThread) { // show fill progress if (count) { progressBar->setValue(current * progressBar->maximum() / count); } lockLayout(NULL, true); ChanMsgItem *cmi = new ChanMsgItem(this, 0, channelId.toStdString(), channelMsgId.toStdString(), true); mChanMsgItems.push_back(cmi); verticalLayout->addWidget(cmi); cmi->show(); lockLayout(cmi, false); } } void ChannelFeed::unsubscribeChannel() { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::unsubscribeChannel()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (rsChannels) { rsChannels->channelSubscribe(mChannelId, false, false); } updateChannelMsgs(); } void ChannelFeed::subscribeChannel() { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFeed::subscribeChannel()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (rsChannels) { rsChannels->channelSubscribe(mChannelId, true, false); } updateChannelMsgs(); } void ChannelFeed::showChannelDetails() { if (mChannelId.empty()) { return; } if (!rsChannels) { return; } ChannelDetails channelui (this); channelui.showDetails(mChannelId); channelui.exec(); } void ChannelFeed::setAllAsReadClicked() { if (mChannelId.empty()) { return; } if (!rsChannels) { return; } ChannelInfo ci; if (rsChannels->getChannelInfo(mChannelId, ci) == false) { return; } if (ci.channelFlags & RS_DISTRIB_SUBSCRIBED) { std::list msgs; std::list::iterator it; rsChannels->getChannelMsgList(mChannelId, msgs); for(it = msgs.begin(); it != msgs.end(); it++) { rsChannels->setMessageStatus(mChannelId, it->msgId, CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ, CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_READ | CHANNEL_MSG_STATUS_UNREAD_BY_USER); } } } void ChannelFeed::toggleAutoDownload(){ if(mChannelId.empty()) return; bool autoDl = true; if(rsChannels->channelGetAutoDl(mChannelId, autoDl)){ // if auto dl is set true, then set false if(autoDl){ rsChannels->channelSetAutoDl(mChannelId, false); }else{ rsChannels->channelSetAutoDl(mChannelId, true); } setAutoDownloadButton(!autoDl); } else{ std::cerr << "Auto Download failed to set" << std::endl; } } bool ChannelFeed::navigate(const std::string& channelId, const std::string& msgId) { if (channelId.empty()) { return false; } if (treeWidget->activateId(QString::fromStdString(channelId), msgId.empty()) == NULL) { return false; } /* Messages are filled in selectChannel */ if (mChannelId != channelId) { return false; } if (msgId.empty()) { return true; } /* Search exisiting item */ QList::iterator mit; for (mit = mChanMsgItems.begin(); mit != mChanMsgItems.end(); mit++) { ChanMsgItem *item = *mit; if (item->msgId() == msgId) { // the next two lines are necessary to calculate the layout of the widgets in the scroll area (maybe there is a better solution) item->show(); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); scrollArea->ensureWidgetVisible(item, 0, 0); return true; } } return false; } void ChannelFeed::setAutoDownloadButton(bool autoDl) { if (autoDl) { actionEnable_Auto_Download->setText(tr("Disable Auto-Download")); }else{ actionEnable_Auto_Download->setText(tr("Enable Auto-Download")); } } void ChannelFeed::generateMassData() { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG if (mChannelId.empty ()) { return; } if (QMessageBox::question(this, "Generate mass data", "Do you really want to generate mass data ?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) { return; } for (int thread = 1; thread < 1000; thread++) { ChannelMsgInfo msgInfo; msgInfo.channelId = mChannelId; msgInfo.subject = QString("Test %1").arg(thread, 3, 10, QChar('0')).toStdWString(); msgInfo.msg = QString("That is only a test").toStdWString(); if (rsChannels->ChannelMessageSend(msgInfo) == false) { return; } } #endif } // ForumsFillThread ChannelFillThread::ChannelFillThread(ChannelFeed *parent, const std::string &channelId) : QThread(parent) { stopped = false; this->channelId = channelId; } ChannelFillThread::~ChannelFillThread() { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFillThread::~ChannelFillThread" << std::endl; #endif } void ChannelFillThread::stop() { disconnect(); stopped = true; QApplication::processEvents(); wait(); } void ChannelFillThread::run() { #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFillThread::run()" << std::endl; #endif std::list msgs; std::list::iterator it; rsChannels->getChannelMsgList(channelId, msgs); msgs.sort(sortChannelMsgSummary); int count = msgs.size(); int pos = 0; for (it = msgs.begin(); it != msgs.end(); it++) { if (stopped) { break; } emit addMsg(QString::fromStdString(channelId), QString::fromStdString(it->msgId), ++pos, count); } #ifdef CHAN_DEBUG std::cerr << "ChannelFillThread::run() stopped: " << (wasStopped() ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; #endif }