#ifndef RSIFACE_NOTIFY_TXT_H #define RSIFACE_NOTIFY_TXT_H #include #include #include //#include #include class QTimer; class NetworkDialog; class FriendsDialog; class SharedFilesDialog; class TransfersDialog; class ChatDialog; class MessagesDialog; class ChannelsDialog; class MessengerWindow; class Toaster; struct TurtleFileInfo; //class NotifyQt: public NotifyBase, public QObject class NotifyQt: public QObject, public NotifyBase { Q_OBJECT public: static NotifyQt *Create (); static NotifyQt *getInstance (); virtual ~NotifyQt() { return; } void setNetworkDialog(NetworkDialog *c) { cDialog = c; } virtual void notifyListPreChange(int list, int type); virtual void notifyListChange(int list, int type); virtual void notifyErrorMsg(int list, int sev, std::string msg); virtual void notifyChatStatus(const std::string& peer_id,const std::string& status_string,bool is_private); virtual void notifyCustomState(const std::string& peer_id, const std::string& status_string); virtual void notifyHashingInfo(uint32_t type, const std::string& fileinfo); virtual void notifyTurtleSearchResult(uint32_t search_id,const std::list& found_files); virtual void notifyPeerHasNewAvatar(std::string peer_id) ; virtual void notifyOwnAvatarChanged() ; virtual void notifyOwnStatusMessageChanged() ; virtual void notifyDiskFull(uint32_t loc,uint32_t size_in_mb) ; /* peer has changed the state */ virtual void notifyPeerStatusChanged(const std::string& peer_id, uint32_t state); /* one or more peers has changed the states */ virtual void notifyPeerStatusChangedSummary(); virtual void notifyChannelMsgReadSatusChanged(const std::string& channelId, const std::string& msgId, uint32_t status); virtual void notifyDiscInfoChanged() ; virtual void notifyDownloadComplete(const std::string& fileHash); virtual void notifyDownloadCompleteCount(uint32_t count); virtual bool askForPassword(const std::string& key_details, bool prev_is_bad, std::string& password); /* Notify from GUI */ void notifyChatStyleChanged(int /*ChatStyle::enumStyleType*/ styleType); signals: // It's beneficial to send info to the GUI using signals, because signals are thread-safe // as they get queued by Qt. // void hashingInfoChanged(const QString&) const ; void filesPreModChanged(bool) const ; void filesPostModChanged(bool) const ; void transfersChanged() const ; void friendsChanged() const ; void neighborsChanged() const ; void messagesChanged() const ; void messagesTagsChanged() const; void forumsChanged() const ; // use connect with Qt::QueuedConnection void channelsChanged(int type) const ; // use connect with Qt::QueuedConnection void configChanged() const ; void logInfoChanged(const QString&) const ; void chatStatusChanged(const QString&,const QString&,bool) const ; void peerHasNewCustomStateString(const QString& /* peer_id */, const QString& /* status_string */) const ; void gotTurtleSearchResult(qulonglong search_id,FileDetail file) const ; void peerHasNewAvatar(const QString& peer_id) const ; void ownAvatarChanged() const ; void ownStatusMessageChanged() const ; void errorOccurred(int,int,const QString&) const ; void diskFull(int,int) const ; void peerStatusChanged(const QString& /* peer_id */, int /* status */); void peerStatusChangedSummary() const; void publicChatChanged(int type) const ; void privateChatChanged(int list, int type) const ; void groupsChanged(int type) const ; void discInfoChanged() const ; void downloadComplete(const QString& /* fileHash */); void downloadCompleteCountChanged(int /* count */); void channelMsgReadSatusChanged(const QString& channelId, const QString& msgId, int status); /* Notify from GUI */ void chatStyleChanged(int /*ChatStyle::enumStyleType*/ styleType); public slots: void UpdateGUI(); /* called by timer */ private slots: void runningTick(); private: NotifyQt(); static NotifyQt *_instance; void startWaitingToasters(); // QMutex waitingToasterMutex; // for lock of the waiting toaster list QList waitingToasterList; QTimer *runningToasterTimer; // QMutex runningToasterMutex; // for lock of the running toaster list QList runningToasterList; // void displayNeighbours(); // void displayFriends(); // void displayDirectories(); // void displaySearch(); // void displayChat(); // void displayMessages(); // void displayChannels(); // void displayTransfers(); // void preDisplayNeighbours(); // void preDisplayFriends(); // void preDisplayDirectories(); // void preDisplaySearch(); // void preDisplayMessages(); // void preDisplayChannels(); // void preDisplayTransfers(); /* so we can update windows */ NetworkDialog *cDialog; // FriendsDialog *fDialog; // SharedFilesDialog *dDialog; // TransfersDialog *tDialog; // ChatDialog *hDialog; // MessagesDialog *mDialog; // ChannelsDialog *sDialog; // MessengerWindow *mWindow; // RsIface *iface; }; #endif