/* smplayer, GUI front-end for mplayer. Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Ricardo Villalba <rvm@escomposlinux.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "prefadvanced.h" #include "images.h" #include "preferences.h" #include <QColorDialog> #include <QNetworkProxy> PrefAdvanced::PrefAdvanced(QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f) : PrefWidget(parent, f ) { setupUi(this); #ifndef Q_OS_WIN shortnames_check->hide(); #endif #if !USE_COLORKEY colorkey_label->hide(); colorkey_view->hide(); changeButton->hide(); #endif #if !REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION repaint_video_background_check->hide(); #endif // Monitor aspect monitoraspect_combo->addItem("Auto"); monitoraspect_combo->addItem("4:3"); monitoraspect_combo->addItem("16:9"); monitoraspect_combo->addItem("5:4"); monitoraspect_combo->addItem("16:10"); retranslateStrings(); } PrefAdvanced::~PrefAdvanced() { } QString PrefAdvanced::sectionName() { return tr("Advanced"); } QPixmap PrefAdvanced::sectionIcon() { return Images::icon("pref_advanced"); } void PrefAdvanced::retranslateStrings() { retranslateUi(this); monitor_aspect_icon->setPixmap( Images::icon("monitor") ); monitoraspect_combo->setItemText(0, tr("Auto") ); int proxy_type_item = proxy_type_combo->currentIndex(); proxy_type_combo->clear(); proxy_type_combo->addItem( tr("Http"), QNetworkProxy::HttpProxy); proxy_type_combo->addItem( tr("Socks5"), QNetworkProxy::Socks5Proxy); proxy_type_combo->setCurrentIndex(proxy_type_item); createHelp(); } void PrefAdvanced::setData(Preferences * pref) { setMonitorAspect( pref->monitor_aspect ); #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION setRepaintVideoBackground( pref->repaint_video_background ); #endif setUseMplayerWindow( pref->use_mplayer_window ); setMplayerAdditionalArguments( pref->mplayer_additional_options ); setMplayerAdditionalVideoFilters( pref->mplayer_additional_video_filters ); setMplayerAdditionalAudioFilters( pref->mplayer_additional_audio_filters ); #if USE_COLORKEY setColorKey( pref->color_key ); #endif setPreferIpv4( pref->prefer_ipv4 ); setUseIdx( pref->use_idx ); setUseCorrectPts( pref->use_correct_pts ); setActionsToRun( pref->actions_to_run ); setLogMplayer( pref->log_mplayer ); setLogSmplayer( pref->log_smplayer ); setLogFilter( pref->log_filter ); setSaveMplayerLog( pref->autosave_mplayer_log ); setMplayerLogName( pref->mplayer_log_saveto ); setUseShortNames( pref->use_short_pathnames ); // Proxy setUseProxy( pref->use_proxy ); setProxyHostname( pref->proxy_host ); setProxyPort( pref->proxy_port ); setProxyUsername( pref->proxy_username ); setProxyPassword( pref->proxy_password ); setProxyType( pref->proxy_type ); } void PrefAdvanced::getData(Preferences * pref) { requires_restart = false; #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION repaint_video_background_changed = false; #endif monitor_aspect_changed = false; #if USE_COLORKEY colorkey_changed = false; #endif pref->prefer_ipv4 = preferIpv4(); TEST_AND_SET(pref->use_idx, useIdx()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->use_correct_pts, useCorrectPts()); pref->actions_to_run = actionsToRun(); if (pref->monitor_aspect != monitorAspect()) { pref->monitor_aspect = monitorAspect(); monitor_aspect_changed = true; requires_restart = true; } #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION if (pref->repaint_video_background != repaintVideoBackground()) { pref->repaint_video_background = repaintVideoBackground(); repaint_video_background_changed = true; } #endif TEST_AND_SET(pref->use_mplayer_window, useMplayerWindow()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->mplayer_additional_options, mplayerAdditionalArguments()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->mplayer_additional_video_filters, mplayerAdditionalVideoFilters()); TEST_AND_SET(pref->mplayer_additional_audio_filters, mplayerAdditionalAudioFilters()); #if USE_COLORKEY if (pref->color_key != colorKey()) { pref->color_key = colorKey(); colorkey_changed = true; requires_restart = true; } #endif pref->log_mplayer = logMplayer(); pref->log_smplayer = logSmplayer(); pref->log_filter = logFilter(); pref->autosave_mplayer_log = saveMplayerLog(); pref->mplayer_log_saveto = mplayerLogName(); pref->use_short_pathnames = useShortNames(); // Proxy proxy_changed = ( (pref->use_proxy != useProxy()) || (pref->proxy_host != proxyHostname()) || (pref->proxy_port != proxyPort()) || (pref->proxy_username != proxyUsername()) || (pref->proxy_password != proxyPassword()) || (pref->proxy_type != proxyType()) ); pref->use_proxy = useProxy(); pref->proxy_host = proxyHostname(); pref->proxy_port = proxyPort(); pref->proxy_username = proxyUsername(); pref->proxy_password = proxyPassword(); pref->proxy_type = proxyType(); } void PrefAdvanced::setMonitorAspect(QString asp) { if (asp.isEmpty()) monitoraspect_combo->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); else monitoraspect_combo->setCurrentText(asp); //monitoraspect_combo->setEditText(asp); } QString PrefAdvanced::monitorAspect() { if (monitoraspect_combo->currentIndex() == 0 ) return ""; else return monitoraspect_combo->currentText(); } #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION void PrefAdvanced::setRepaintVideoBackground(bool b) { repaint_video_background_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::repaintVideoBackground() { return repaint_video_background_check->isChecked(); } #endif void PrefAdvanced::setUseMplayerWindow(bool v) { mplayer_use_window_check->setChecked(v); } bool PrefAdvanced::useMplayerWindow() { return mplayer_use_window_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setUseShortNames(bool b) { shortnames_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::useShortNames() { return shortnames_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setMplayerAdditionalArguments(QString args) { mplayer_args_edit->setText(args); } QString PrefAdvanced::mplayerAdditionalArguments() { return mplayer_args_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setMplayerAdditionalVideoFilters(QString s) { mplayer_vfilters_edit->setText(s); } QString PrefAdvanced::mplayerAdditionalVideoFilters() { return mplayer_vfilters_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setMplayerAdditionalAudioFilters(QString s) { mplayer_afilters_edit->setText(s); } QString PrefAdvanced::mplayerAdditionalAudioFilters() { return mplayer_afilters_edit->text(); } #if USE_COLORKEY void PrefAdvanced::setColorKey(unsigned int c) { QString color = QString::number(c, 16); while (color.length() < 6) color = "0"+color; colorkey_view->setText( "#" + color ); } unsigned int PrefAdvanced::colorKey() { QString c = colorkey_view->text(); if (c.startsWith("#")) c = c.mid(1); bool ok; unsigned int color = c.toUInt(&ok, 16); if (!ok) qWarning("PrefAdvanced::colorKey: cannot convert color to uint"); qDebug("PrefAdvanced::colorKey: color: %s", QString::number(color,16).toUtf8().data() ); return color; } #endif void PrefAdvanced::setPreferIpv4(bool b) { if (b) ipv4_button->setChecked(true); else ipv6_button->setChecked(true); } bool PrefAdvanced::preferIpv4() { return ipv4_button->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setUseIdx(bool b) { idx_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::useIdx() { return idx_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setUseCorrectPts(bool b) { correct_pts_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::useCorrectPts() { return correct_pts_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setActionsToRun(QString actions) { actions_to_run_edit->setText(actions); } QString PrefAdvanced::actionsToRun() { return actions_to_run_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::on_changeButton_clicked() { //bool ok; //int color = colorkey_view->text().toUInt(&ok, 16); QColor color( colorkey_view->text() ); QColor c = QColorDialog::getColor ( color, this ); if (c.isValid()) { //colorkey_view->setText( QString::number( c.rgb(), 16 ) ); colorkey_view->setText( c.name() ); } } // Log options void PrefAdvanced::setLogMplayer(bool b) { log_mplayer_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::logMplayer() { return log_mplayer_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setLogSmplayer(bool b) { log_smplayer_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::logSmplayer() { return log_smplayer_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setLogFilter(QString filter) { log_filter_edit->setText(filter); } QString PrefAdvanced::logFilter() { return log_filter_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setSaveMplayerLog(bool b) { log_mplayer_save_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::saveMplayerLog() { return log_mplayer_save_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setMplayerLogName(QString filter) { log_mplayer_save_name->setText(filter); } QString PrefAdvanced::mplayerLogName() { return log_mplayer_save_name->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setUseProxy(bool b) { use_proxy_check->setChecked(b); } bool PrefAdvanced::useProxy() { return use_proxy_check->isChecked(); } void PrefAdvanced::setProxyHostname(QString host) { proxy_hostname_edit->setText(host); } QString PrefAdvanced::proxyHostname() { return proxy_hostname_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setProxyPort(int port) { proxy_port_spin->setValue(port); } int PrefAdvanced::proxyPort() { return proxy_port_spin->value(); } void PrefAdvanced::setProxyUsername(QString username) { proxy_username_edit->setText(username); } QString PrefAdvanced::proxyUsername() { return proxy_username_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setProxyPassword(QString password) { proxy_password_edit->setText(password); } QString PrefAdvanced::proxyPassword() { return proxy_password_edit->text(); } void PrefAdvanced::setProxyType(int type) { int index = proxy_type_combo->findData(type); if (index == -1) index = 0; proxy_type_combo->setCurrentIndex(index); } int PrefAdvanced::proxyType() { int index = proxy_type_combo->currentIndex(); return proxy_type_combo->itemData(index).toInt(); } void PrefAdvanced::createHelp() { clearHelp(); addSectionTitle(tr("Advanced")); setWhatsThis(monitoraspect_combo, tr("Monitor aspect"), tr("Select the aspect ratio of your monitor.") ); setWhatsThis(mplayer_use_window_check, tr("Run MPlayer in its own window"), tr("If you check this option, the MPlayer video window won't be " "embedded in SMPlayer's main window but instead it will use its " "own window. Note that mouse and keyboard events will be handled " "directly by MPlayer, that means key shortcuts and mouse clicks " "probably won't work as expected when the MPlayer window has the " "focus.") ); setWhatsThis(idx_check, tr("Rebuild index if needed"), tr("Rebuilds index of files if no index was found, allowing seeking. " "Useful with broken/incomplete downloads, or badly created files. " "This option only works if the underlying media supports " "seeking (i.e. not with stdin, pipe, etc).<br> " "<b>Note:</b> the creation of the index may take some time.") ); setWhatsThis(correct_pts_check, tr("Correct pts"), tr("Switches MPlayer to an experimental mode where timestamps for " "video frames are calculated differently and video filters which " "add new frames or modify timestamps of existing ones are " "supported. The more accurate timestamps can be visible for " "example when playing subtitles timed to scene changes with the " "SSA/ASS library enabled. Without correct pts the subtitle timing " "will typically be off by some frames. This option does not work " "correctly with some demuxers and codecs.") ); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN setWhatsThis(shortnames_check, tr("Pass short filenames (8+3) to MPlayer"), tr("Currently MPlayer can't open filenames which contains characters " "outside the local codepage. Checking this option will make " "SMPlayer to pass to MPlayer the short version of the filenames, " "and thus it will able to open them.") ); #endif #if REPAINT_BACKGROUND_OPTION setWhatsThis(repaint_video_background_check, tr("Repaint the background of the video window"), tr("Checking this option may reduce flickering, but it also might " "produce that the video won't be displayed properly.") ); #endif #if USE_COLORKEY setWhatsThis(colorkey_view, tr("Colorkey"), tr("If you see parts of the video over any other window, you can " "change the colorkey to fix it. Try to select a color close to " "black.") ); #endif setWhatsThis(actions_to_run_edit, tr("Actions list"), tr("Here you can specify a list of <i>actions</i> which will be " "run every time a file is opened. You'll find all available " "actions in the key shortcut editor in the <b>Keyboard and mouse</b> " "section. The actions must be separated by spaces. Checkable " "actions can be followed by <i>true</i> or <i>false</i> to " "enable or disable the action.") +"<br>"+ tr("Example:") +" <i>auto_zoom compact true</i><br>" + tr("Limitation: the actions are run only when a file is opened and " "not when the mplayer process is restarted (e.g. you select an " "audio or video filter).") ); addSectionTitle(tr("Options for MPlayer")); setWhatsThis(mplayer_args_edit, tr("Options"), tr("Here you can type options for MPlayer. Write them separated " "by spaces.") ); setWhatsThis(mplayer_vfilters_edit, tr("Video filters"), tr("Here you can add video filters for MPlayer. Write them separated " "by commas. Don't use spaces!") ); setWhatsThis(mplayer_afilters_edit, tr("Audio filters"), tr("Here you can add audio filters for MPlayer. Write them separated " "by commas. Don't use spaces!") ); addSectionTitle(tr("Network")); setWhatsThis(ipv4_button, tr("IPv4"), tr("Use IPv4 on network connections. Falls back on IPv6 automatically.")); setWhatsThis(ipv6_button, tr("IPv6"), tr("Use IPv6 on network connections. Falls back on IPv4 automatically.")); setWhatsThis(use_proxy_check, tr("Enable proxy"), tr("Enable/disable the use of the proxy.") ); setWhatsThis(proxy_hostname_edit, tr("Host"), tr("The host name of the proxy.") ); setWhatsThis(proxy_port_spin, tr("Port"), tr("The port of the proxy.") ); setWhatsThis(proxy_username_edit, tr("Username"), tr("If the proxy requires authentication, this sets the username.") ); setWhatsThis(proxy_password_edit, tr("Password"), tr("The password for the proxy. <b>Warning:</b> the password will be saved " "as plain text in the configuration file.") ); setWhatsThis(proxy_type_combo, tr("Type"), tr("Select the proxy type to be used.") ); addSectionTitle(tr("Logs")); setWhatsThis(log_smplayer_check, tr("Log SMPlayer output"), tr("If this option is checked, SMPlayer will store the debugging " "messages that SMPlayer outputs " "(you can see the log in <b>Options -> View logs -> SMPlayer</b>). " "This information can be very useful for the developer in case " "you find a bug." ) ); setWhatsThis(log_mplayer_check, tr("Log MPlayer output"), tr("If checked, SMPlayer will store the output of MPlayer " "(you can see it in <b>Options -> View logs -> MPlayer</b>). " "In case of problems this log can contain important information, " "so it's recommended to keep this option checked.") ); setWhatsThis(log_mplayer_save_check, tr("Autosave MPlayer log"), tr("If this option is checked, the MPlayer log will be saved to the " "specified file every time a new file starts to play. " "It's intended for external applications, so they can get " "info about the file you're playing.") ); setWhatsThis(log_mplayer_save_name, tr("Autosave MPlayer log filename"), tr("Enter here the path and filename that will be used to save the " "MPlayer log.") ); setWhatsThis(log_filter_edit, tr("Filter for SMPlayer logs"), tr("This option allows to filter the SMPlayer messages that will " "be stored in the log. Here you can write any regular expression.<br>" "For instance: <i>^Core::.*</i> will display only the lines " "starting with <i>Core::</i>") ); } #include "moc_prefadvanced.cpp"