/* * Retroshare Gxs Support * * Copyright 2012-2013 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include "GxsIdDetails.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* Images for tag icons */ #define IMAGE_LOADING ":/images/folder-draft.png" #define IMAGE_PGPKNOWN ":/images/tags/pgp-known.png" #define IMAGE_PGPUNKNOWN ":/images/tags/pgp-unknown.png" #define IMAGE_ANON ":/images/tags/anon.png" #define IMAGE_DEV_AMBASSADOR ":/images/tags/dev-ambassador.png" #define IMAGE_DEV_CONTRIBUTOR ":/images/tags/vote_down.png" #define IMAGE_DEV_TRANSLATOR ":/images/tags/dev-translator.png" #define IMAGE_DEV_PATCHER ":/images/tags/dev-patcher.png" #define IMAGE_DEV_DEVELOPER ":/images/tags/developer.png" static const int IconSize = 20; const int kRecognTagClass_DEVELOPMENT = 1; const int kRecognTagType_Dev_Ambassador = 1; const int kRecognTagType_Dev_Contributor = 2; const int kRecognTagType_Dev_Translator = 3; const int kRecognTagType_Dev_Patcher = 4; const int kRecognTagType_Dev_Developer = 5; static bool findTagIcon(int tag_class, int tag_type, QIcon &icon) { switch(tag_class) { default: case 0: icon = QIcon(IMAGE_DEV_AMBASSADOR); break; case 1: icon = QIcon(IMAGE_DEV_CONTRIBUTOR); break; } return true; } QImage GxsIdDetails::makeDefaultIcon(const RsGxsId& id) { static std::map image_cache ; std::map::const_iterator it = image_cache.find(id) ; if(it != image_cache.end()) return it->second ; int S = 128 ; QImage pix(S,S,QImage::Format_RGB32) ; uint64_t n = reinterpret_cast(id.toByteArray())[0] ; uint8_t a[8] ; for(int i=0;i<8;++i) { a[i] = n&0xff ; n >>= 8 ; } QColor val[16] = { QColor::fromRgb( 255, 110, 180), QColor::fromRgb( 238, 92, 66), QColor::fromRgb( 255, 127, 36), QColor::fromRgb( 255, 193, 193), QColor::fromRgb( 127, 255, 212), QColor::fromRgb( 0, 255, 255), QColor::fromRgb( 224, 255, 255), QColor::fromRgb( 199, 21, 133), QColor::fromRgb( 50, 205, 50), QColor::fromRgb( 107, 142, 35), QColor::fromRgb( 30, 144, 255), QColor::fromRgb( 95, 158, 160), QColor::fromRgb( 143, 188, 143), QColor::fromRgb( 233, 150, 122), QColor::fromRgb( 151, 255, 255), QColor::fromRgb( 162, 205, 90), }; int c1 = (a[0]^a[1]) & 0xf ; int c2 = (a[1]^a[2]) & 0xf ; int c3 = (a[2]^a[3]) & 0xf ; int c4 = (a[3]^a[4]) & 0xf ; for(int i=0;i> 4) + sin( (2*M_PI*i/(float)S) * k1 * f) * cos( (2*M_PI*j/(float)S) * k2 * f) * (a[k1+k2] >> 4) ; res2 += cos( (2*M_PI*i/(float)S) * k2 * f) * (a[k1+2] & 0xf) + sin( (2*M_PI*j/(float)S) * k1 * f) * (a[k2+1] >> 4) + sin( (2*M_PI*i/(float)S) * k2 * f) * cos( (2*M_PI*j/(float)S) * k1 * f) * (a[k1^k2] >> 4) ; } uint32_t q = 0 ; if(res1 >= 0.0f) q += val[c1].rgb() ; else q += val[c2].rgb() ; if(res2 >= 0.0f) q += val[c3].rgb() ; else q += val[c4].rgb() ; pix.setPixel( i, j, q) ; pix.setPixel( S-1-i, j, q) ; pix.setPixel( S-1-i, S-1-j, q) ; pix.setPixel( i, S-1-j, q) ; } image_cache[id] = pix.scaled(64,64,Qt::KeepAspectRatio,Qt::SmoothTransformation) ; return image_cache[id] ; } static bool CreateIdIcon(const RsGxsId &id, QIcon &idIcon) { QPixmap image(IconSize, IconSize); QPainter painter(&image); painter.fillRect(0, 0, IconSize, IconSize, Qt::black); int len = id.SIZE_IN_BYTES; for(int i = 0; i> 4 ; painter.fillRect(x, y, x+1, y+1, Qt::green); } idIcon = QIcon(image); return true; } bool GxsIdDetails::MakeIdDesc(const RsGxsId &id, bool doIcons, QString &str, std::list &icons,QString& comment) { RsIdentityDetails details; if (!rsIdentity->getIdDetails(id, details)) { std::cerr << "GxsIdTreeWidget::MakeIdDesc() FAILED TO GET ID"; std::cerr << std::endl; str = QObject::tr("Loading... ") + QString::fromStdString(id.toStdString().substr(0,5)); if (!doIcons) { QIcon baseIcon = QIcon(IMAGE_LOADING); icons.push_back(baseIcon); } return false; } str = QString::fromUtf8(details.mNickname.c_str()); std::list::iterator it; for(it = details.mRecognTags.begin(); it != details.mRecognTags.end(); it++) { str += " ("; str += QString::number(it->tag_class); str += ":"; str += QString::number(it->tag_type); str += ")"; } comment += "Identity name: " + QString::fromUtf8(details.mNickname.c_str()) + "\n"; comment += "Identity Id : " + QString::fromStdString(id.toStdString()) + "\n"; if (details.mPgpLinked) { comment += "Authentication: signed by " ; if (details.mPgpKnown) { /* look up real name */ std::string authorName = rsPeers->getGPGName(details.mPgpId); comment += QString::fromUtf8(authorName.c_str()); } comment += " ["; comment += QString::fromStdString(details.mPgpId.toStdString()) ; comment += "]"; } else comment += "Authentication: anonymous" ; if (!doIcons) return true; QPixmap pix ; pix.convertFromImage( makeDefaultIcon(id) ); QIcon idIcon( pix ) ; //CreateIdIcon(id, idIcon); icons.push_back(idIcon); // ICON Logic. QIcon baseIcon; if (details.mPgpLinked) { if (details.mPgpKnown) baseIcon = QIcon(IMAGE_PGPKNOWN); else baseIcon = QIcon(IMAGE_PGPUNKNOWN); } else baseIcon = QIcon(IMAGE_ANON); icons.push_back(baseIcon); // Add In RecognTags Icons. for(it = details.mRecognTags.begin(); it != details.mRecognTags.end(); it++) { QIcon tagIcon; if (findTagIcon(it->tag_class, it->tag_type, tagIcon)) { icons.push_back(tagIcon); } } // Cyril: I disabled these three which I believe to have been put for testing purposes. // // icons.push_back(QIcon(IMAGE_ANON)); // icons.push_back(QIcon(IMAGE_ANON)); // icons.push_back(QIcon(IMAGE_ANON)); std::cerr << "GxsIdTreeWidget::MakeIdDesc() ID Ok. Comment: " << comment.toStdString() ; std::cerr << std::endl; return true; } bool GxsIdDetails::GenerateCombinedIcon(QIcon &outIcon, std::list &icons) { int count = icons.size(); QPixmap image(IconSize * count, IconSize); QPainter painter(&image); painter.fillRect(0, 0, IconSize * count, IconSize, Qt::transparent); std::list::iterator it; int i = 0; for(it = icons.begin(); it != icons.end(); it++, i++) { it->paint(&painter, IconSize * i, 0, IconSize, IconSize); } outIcon = QIcon(image); return true; }