/**************************************************************** * RetroShare is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (C) 2008 Robert Fernie * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include "GxsForumsDialog.h" #include "GxsForumGroupDialog.h" #include "GxsForumThreadWidget.h" #include "gui/settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "gui/RetroShareLink.h" #include "gui/channels/ShareKey.h" #include "gui/common/RSTreeWidget.h" #include "gui/notifyqt.h" //#include "gui/common/UIStateHelper.h" // These should be in retroshare/ folder. #include "retroshare/rsgxsflags.h" //#define DEBUG_FORUMS /* Images for TreeWidget */ #define IMAGE_FOLDER ":/images/folder16.png" #define IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN ":/images/folder_green.png" #define IMAGE_FOLDERRED ":/images/folder_red.png" #define IMAGE_FOLDERYELLOW ":/images/folder_yellow.png" #define IMAGE_FORUM ":/images/konversation.png" #define IMAGE_SUBSCRIBE ":/images/edit_add24.png" #define IMAGE_UNSUBSCRIBE ":/images/cancel.png" #define IMAGE_INFO ":/images/info16.png" #define IMAGE_NEWFORUM ":/images/new_forum16.png" #define IMAGE_FORUMAUTHD ":/images/konv_message2.png" #define IMAGE_COPYLINK ":/images/copyrslink.png" #define TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING 1 #define TOKEN_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_CHANGE 2 //#define TOKEN_TYPE_CURRENTFORUM 3 /* * Transformation Notes: * there are still a couple of things that the new forums differ from Old version. * these will need to be addressed in the future. * -> Child TS (for sorting) is not handled by GXS, this will probably have to be done in the GUI. * -> Need to handle IDs properly. * -> Popularity not handled in GXS yet. * -> Much more to do. */ /** Constructor */ GxsForumsDialog::GxsForumsDialog(QWidget *parent) : RsGxsUpdateBroadcastPage(rsGxsForums, parent) { /* Invoke the Qt Designer generated object setup routine */ ui.setupUi(this); /* Setup Queue */ mForumQueue = new TokenQueue(rsGxsForums->getTokenService(), this); mThreadWidget = NULL; /* Setup UI helper */ // mStateHelper = new UIStateHelper(this); // no widget to add yet connect(ui.forumTreeWidget, SIGNAL(treeCustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(forumListCustomPopupMenu(QPoint))); connect(ui.newForumButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(newforum())); connect(ui.forumTreeWidget, SIGNAL(treeItemActivated(QString)), this, SLOT(changedForum(QString))); connect(ui.forumTreeWidget->treeWidget(), SIGNAL(signalMouseMiddleButtonClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(forumTreeMiddleButtonClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*))); connect(ui.threadTabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(threadTabCloseRequested(int))); connect(ui.threadTabWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(threadTabChanged(int))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(forumMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int)), this, SLOT(forumMsgReadSatusChanged(QString,QString,int))); connect(NotifyQt::getInstance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(settingsChanged())); connect(ui.todoPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(todo())); /* Initialize group tree */ ui.forumTreeWidget->initDisplayMenu(ui.displayButton); /* Set initial size the splitter */ QList sizes; sizes << 300 << width(); // Qt calculates the right sizes ui.splitter->setSizes(sizes); /* create forum tree */ yourForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("My Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDER), true); subscribedForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Subscribed Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERRED), true); popularForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Popular Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERGREEN), false); otherForums = ui.forumTreeWidget->addCategoryItem(tr("Other Forums"), QIcon(IMAGE_FOLDERYELLOW), false); // load settings processSettings(true); settingsChanged(); } GxsForumsDialog::~GxsForumsDialog() { // save settings processSettings(false); delete(mForumQueue); } //UserNotify *GxsForumsDialog::getUserNotify(QObject *parent) //{ // return new GxsForumUserNotify(parent); //} void GxsForumsDialog::todo() { QMessageBox::information(this, "Todo", "Open points:
    " "
  • Restore forum keys" "
  • Display AUTHD" "
  • Copy/navigate forum link" "
  • Display count of unread messages" "
  • Show/Edit forum details" "
  • Don't show own posts as unread" "
  • Remove messages" "
"); } void GxsForumsDialog::processSettings(bool load) { Settings->beginGroup(QString("GxsForumsDialog")); if (load) { // load settings // state of splitter ui.splitter->restoreState(Settings->value("Splitter").toByteArray()); } else { // save settings // state of splitter Settings->setValue("Splitter", ui.splitter->saveState()); } ui.forumTreeWidget->processSettings(Settings, load); Settings->endGroup(); } void GxsForumsDialog::settingsChanged() { if (Settings->getForumOpenAllInNewTab()) { if (mThreadWidget) { delete(mThreadWidget); mThreadWidget = NULL; } } else { if (!mThreadWidget) { mThreadWidget = createThreadWidget(""); // remove close button of the the first tab ui.threadTabWidget->hideCloseButton(ui.threadTabWidget->indexOf(mThreadWidget)); } } } void GxsForumsDialog::forumListCustomPopupMenu(QPoint /*point*/) { int subscribeFlags = ui.forumTreeWidget->subscribeFlags(QString::fromStdString(mForumId)); QMenu contextMnu(this); #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::forumListCustomPopupMenu()"; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " mForumId: " << mForumId; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " subscribeFlags: " << subscribeFlags; std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(): " << IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << " IS_GROUP_ADMIN(): " << IS_GROUP_ADMIN(subscribeFlags); std::cerr << std::endl; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif QAction *action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_SUBSCRIBE), tr("Subscribe to Forum"), this, SLOT(subscribeToForum())); action->setDisabled (mForumId.empty() || IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_UNSUBSCRIBE), tr("Unsubscribe to Forum"), this, SLOT(unsubscribeToForum())); action->setEnabled (!mForumId.empty() && IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); if (!Settings->getForumOpenAllInNewTab()) { action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(""), tr("Open in new tab"), this, SLOT(openInNewTab())); if (mForumId.empty() || forumThreadWidget(mForumId)) { action->setEnabled(false); } } contextMnu.addSeparator(); contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_NEWFORUM), tr("New Forum"), this, SLOT(newforum())); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_INFO), tr("Show Forum Details"), this, SLOT(showForumDetails())); action->setEnabled (!mForumId.empty ()); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/settings16.png"), tr("Edit Forum Details"), this, SLOT(editForumDetails())); action->setEnabled (!mForumId.empty () && IS_GROUP_ADMIN(subscribeFlags)); QAction *shareKeyAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/gpgp_key_generate.png"), tr("Share Forum"), &contextMnu); connect( shareKeyAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( shareKey() ) ); shareKeyAct->setEnabled(!mForumId.empty() && IS_GROUP_ADMIN(subscribeFlags)); contextMnu.addAction( shareKeyAct); QAction *restoreKeysAct = new QAction(QIcon(":/images/settings16.png"), tr("Restore Publish Rights for Forum" ), &contextMnu); connect( restoreKeysAct , SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( restoreForumKeys() ) ); restoreKeysAct->setEnabled(!mForumId.empty() && !IS_GROUP_ADMIN(subscribeFlags)); contextMnu.addAction( restoreKeysAct); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(IMAGE_COPYLINK), tr("Copy RetroShare Link"), this, SLOT(copyForumLink())); action->setEnabled(!mForumId.empty()); contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail-read.png"), tr("Mark all as read"), this, SLOT(markMsgAsRead())); action->setEnabled (!mForumId.empty () && IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); action = contextMnu.addAction(QIcon(":/images/message-mail.png"), tr("Mark all as unread"), this, SLOT(markMsgAsUnread())); action->setEnabled (!mForumId.empty () && IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(subscribeFlags)); #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS contextMnu.addSeparator(); action = contextMnu.addAction("Generate mass data", this, SLOT(generateMassData())); action->setEnabled (!mCurrForumId.empty() && IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(mSubscribeFlags)); #endif contextMnu.exec(QCursor::pos()); } void GxsForumsDialog::restoreForumKeys(void) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "RetroShare", "ToDo"); #ifdef TOGXS rsGxsForums->groupRestoreKeys(mCurrForumId); #endif } void GxsForumsDialog::updateDisplay(bool /*initialFill*/) { /* Update forums list */ insertForums(); } void GxsForumsDialog::forumInfoToGroupItemInfo(const RsGroupMetaData &forumInfo, GroupItemInfo &groupItemInfo) { groupItemInfo.id = QString::fromStdString(forumInfo.mGroupId); groupItemInfo.name = QString::fromUtf8(forumInfo.mGroupName.c_str()); //groupItemInfo.description = QString::fromUtf8(forumInfo.forumDesc); groupItemInfo.popularity = forumInfo.mPop; groupItemInfo.lastpost = QDateTime::fromTime_t(forumInfo.mLastPost); groupItemInfo.subscribeFlags = forumInfo.mSubscribeFlags; #if TOGXS if (forumInfo.mGroupFlags & RS_DISTRIB_AUTHEN_REQ) { groupItemInfo.name += " (" + tr("AUTHD") + ")"; groupItemInfo.icon = QIcon(IMAGE_FORUMAUTHD); } else #endif { groupItemInfo.icon = QIcon(IMAGE_FORUM); } } /***** INSERT FORUM LISTS *****/ void GxsForumsDialog::insertForumsData(const std::list &forumList) { std::list::const_iterator it; QList adminList; QList subList; QList popList; QList otherList; std::multimap popMap; for (it = forumList.begin(); it != forumList.end(); it++) { /* sort it into Publish (Own), Subscribed, Popular and Other */ uint32_t flags = it->mSubscribeFlags; GroupItemInfo groupItemInfo; forumInfoToGroupItemInfo(*it, groupItemInfo); if (IS_GROUP_SUBSCRIBED(flags)) { if (IS_GROUP_ADMIN(flags)) { adminList.push_back(groupItemInfo); } else { /* subscribed forum */ subList.push_back(groupItemInfo); } } else { /* rate the others by popularity */ popMap.insert(std::make_pair(it->mPop, groupItemInfo)); } } /* iterate backwards through popMap - take the top 5 or 10% of list */ uint32_t popCount = 5; if (popCount < popMap.size() / 10) { popCount = popMap.size() / 10; } uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t popLimit = 0; std::multimap::reverse_iterator rit; for(rit = popMap.rbegin(); ((rit != popMap.rend()) && (i < popCount)); rit++, i++) ; if (rit != popMap.rend()) { popLimit = rit->first; } for (rit = popMap.rbegin(); rit != popMap.rend(); rit++) { if (rit->second.popularity < (int) popLimit) { otherList.append(rit->second); } else { popList.append(rit->second); } } /* now we can add them in as a tree! */ ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(yourForums, adminList); ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(subscribedForums, subList); ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(popularForums, popList); ui.forumTreeWidget->fillGroupItems(otherForums, otherList); updateMessageSummaryList(""); } GxsForumThreadWidget *GxsForumsDialog::forumThreadWidget(const std::string &forumId) { int tabCount = ui.threadTabWidget->count(); for (int index = 0; index < tabCount; ++index) { GxsForumThreadWidget *childWidget = dynamic_cast(ui.threadTabWidget->widget(index)); if (mThreadWidget && childWidget == mThreadWidget) { continue; } if (childWidget && childWidget->forumId() == forumId) { return childWidget; break; } } return NULL; } GxsForumThreadWidget *GxsForumsDialog::createThreadWidget(const std::string &forumId) { GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = new GxsForumThreadWidget(forumId); int index = ui.threadTabWidget->addTab(threadWidget, threadWidget->forumName(true)); ui.threadTabWidget->setTabIcon(index, threadWidget->forumIcon()); connect(threadWidget, SIGNAL(forumChanged(QWidget*)), this, SLOT(threadTabInfoChanged(QWidget*))); return threadWidget; } void GxsForumsDialog::changedForum(const QString &forumId) { mForumId = forumId.toStdString(); if (mForumId.empty()) { return; } // requestGroupSummary_CurrentForum(mForumId); /* search exisiting tab */ GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = forumThreadWidget(mForumId); if (!threadWidget) { if (mThreadWidget) { /* not found, use standard tab */ threadWidget = mThreadWidget; threadWidget->setForumId(mForumId); } else { /* create new tab */ threadWidget = createThreadWidget(mForumId); } } ui.threadTabWidget->setCurrentWidget(threadWidget); } void GxsForumsDialog::forumTreeMiddleButtonClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { openForumInNewTab(ui.forumTreeWidget->itemId(item).toStdString()); } void GxsForumsDialog::openInNewTab() { openForumInNewTab(mForumId); } void GxsForumsDialog::openForumInNewTab(const std::string &forumId) { if (forumId.empty()) { return; } /* search exisiting tab */ GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = forumThreadWidget(forumId); if (!threadWidget) { /* not found, create new tab */ threadWidget = createThreadWidget(forumId); } ui.threadTabWidget->setCurrentWidget(threadWidget); } void GxsForumsDialog::threadTabCloseRequested(int index) { GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = dynamic_cast(ui.threadTabWidget->widget(index)); if (!threadWidget) { return; } if (threadWidget == mThreadWidget) { return; } delete(threadWidget); } void GxsForumsDialog::threadTabChanged(int index) { GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = dynamic_cast(ui.threadTabWidget->widget(index)); if (!threadWidget) { return; } ui.forumTreeWidget->activateId(QString::fromStdString(threadWidget->forumId()), false); } void GxsForumsDialog::threadTabInfoChanged(QWidget *widget) { int index = ui.threadTabWidget->indexOf(widget); if (index < 0) { return; } GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = dynamic_cast(ui.threadTabWidget->widget(index)); if (!threadWidget) { return; } ui.threadTabWidget->setTabText(index, threadWidget->forumName(true)); ui.threadTabWidget->setTabIcon(index, threadWidget->forumIcon()); } void GxsForumsDialog::copyForumLink() { if (mForumId.empty()) { return; } // THIS CODE CALLS getForumInfo() to verify that the Ids are valid. // As we are switching to Request/Response this is now harder to do... // So not bothering any more - shouldn't be necessary. // IF we get errors - fix them, rather than patching here. #if 0 ForumInfo fi; if (rsGxsForums->getForumInfo(mCurrForumId, fi)) { RetroShareLink link; if (link.createForum(fi.forumId, "")) { QList urls; urls.push_back(link); RSLinkClipboard::copyLinks(urls); } } #endif QMessageBox::warning(this, "RetroShare", "ToDo"); } void GxsForumsDialog::markMsgAsRead() { GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = forumThreadWidget(mForumId); if (threadWidget) { threadWidget->setAllMsgReadStatus(true); } } void GxsForumsDialog::markMsgAsUnread() { GxsForumThreadWidget *threadWidget = forumThreadWidget(mForumId); if (threadWidget) { threadWidget->setAllMsgReadStatus(false); } } void GxsForumsDialog::newforum() { GxsForumGroupDialog cf(mForumQueue, this); cf.exec (); } void GxsForumsDialog::subscribeToForum() { forumSubscribe(true); } void GxsForumsDialog::unsubscribeToForum() { forumSubscribe(false); } void GxsForumsDialog::forumSubscribe(bool subscribe) { if (mForumId.empty()) { return; } uint32_t token; rsGxsForums->subscribeToGroup(token, mForumId, subscribe); mForumQueue->queueRequest(token, 0, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_ACK, TOKEN_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_CHANGE); } void GxsForumsDialog::showForumDetails() { if (mForumId.empty()) { return; } RsGxsForumGroup grp; grp.mMeta.mGroupId = mForumId; GxsForumGroupDialog cf(grp, GxsGroupDialog::MODE_SHOW, this); cf.exec (); } void GxsForumsDialog::editForumDetails() { if (mForumId.empty()) { return; } RsGxsForumGroup grp; grp.mMeta.mGroupId = mForumId; GxsForumGroupDialog cf(grp, GxsGroupDialog::MODE_EDIT, this); cf.exec (); } void GxsForumsDialog::shareKey() { ShareKey shareUi(this, mForumId, FORUM_KEY_SHARE); shareUi.exec(); } void GxsForumsDialog::updateMessageSummaryList(std::string forumId) { QTreeWidgetItem *items[2] = { yourForums, subscribedForums }; for (int item = 0; item < 2; item++) { int child; int childCount = items[item]->childCount(); for (child = 0; child < childCount; child++) { QTreeWidgetItem *childItem = items[item]->child(child); std::string childId = ui.forumTreeWidget->itemId(childItem).toStdString(); if (childId.empty()) { continue; } if (forumId.empty() || childId == forumId) { /* calculate unread messages */ unsigned int newMessageCount = 0; unsigned int unreadMessageCount = 0; //#TODO rsGxsForums->getMessageCount(childId, newMessageCount, unreadMessageCount); std::cerr << "IMPLEMENT rsGxsForums->getMessageCount()"; std::cerr << std::endl; ui.forumTreeWidget->setUnreadCount(childItem, unreadMessageCount); if (forumId.empty() == false) { /* Calculate only this forum */ break; } } } } } bool GxsForumsDialog::navigate(const std::string& forumId, const std::string& msgId) { if (forumId.empty()) { return false; } if (ui.forumTreeWidget->activateId(QString::fromStdString(forumId), msgId.empty()) == NULL) { return false; } /* Threads are filled in changedForum */ if (mForumId != forumId) { return false; } if (msgId.empty()) { return true; } //#TODO // if (mThreadLoading) { // mThreadLoad.FocusMsgId = msgId; // return true; // } /* Search exisiting item */ // QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(ui.threadTreeWidget); // QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; // while ((item = *itemIterator) != NULL) { // itemIterator++; // if (item->data(COLUMN_THREAD_DATA, ROLE_THREAD_MSGID).toString().toStdString() == msgId) { // ui.threadTreeWidget->setCurrentItem(item); // ui.threadTreeWidget->setFocus(); // return true; // } // } return false; } void GxsForumsDialog::generateMassData() { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS if (mCurrForumId.empty ()) { return; } if (QMessageBox::question(this, "Generate mass data", "Do you really want to generate mass data ?", QMessageBox::Yes|QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) { return; } for (int thread = 1; thread < 1000; thread++) { ForumMsgInfo threadInfo; threadInfo.forumId = mCurrForumId; threadInfo.title = QString("Test %1").arg(thread, 3, 10, QChar('0')).toStdWString(); threadInfo.msg = QString("That is only a test").toStdWString(); if (rsGxsForums->ForumMessageSend(threadInfo) == false) { return; } for (int msg = 1; msg < 3; msg++) { ForumMsgInfo msgInfo; msgInfo.forumId = mCurrForumId; msgInfo.threadId = threadInfo.msgId; msgInfo.parentId = threadInfo.msgId; msgInfo.title = threadInfo.title; msgInfo.msg = threadInfo.msg; if (rsGxsForums->ForumMessageSend(msgInfo) == false) { return; } } } #endif } /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /** Request / Response of Data ********************************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ void GxsForumsDialog::insertForums() { requestGroupSummary(); } void GxsForumsDialog::requestGroupSummary() { // mStateHelper->setLoading(TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING, true); #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::requestGroupSummary()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif mForumQueue->cancelActiveRequestTokens(TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING); RsTokReqOptions opts; opts.mReqType = GXS_REQUEST_TYPE_GROUP_META; uint32_t token; mForumQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_SUMMARY, opts, TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING); } void GxsForumsDialog::loadGroupSummary(const uint32_t &token) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::loadGroupSummary()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif std::list groupInfo; rsGxsForums->getGroupSummary(token, groupInfo); if (groupInfo.size() > 0) { // mStateHelper->setActive(TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING, true); insertForumsData(groupInfo); } else { std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::loadGroupSummary() ERROR No Groups..."; std::cerr << std::endl; // mStateHelper->setActive(TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING, false); } // mStateHelper->setLoading(TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING, false); } /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ void GxsForumsDialog::acknowledgeSubscribeChange(const uint32_t &token) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::acknowledgeSubscribeChange()"; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif RsGxsGroupId groupId; rsGxsForums->acknowledgeGrp(token, groupId); insertForums(); } /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ //void GxsForumsDialog::requestGroupSummary_CurrentForum(const std::string &forumId) //{ // RsTokReqOptions opts; // opts.mReqType = GXS_REQUEST_TYPE_GROUP_META; // std::list grpIds; // grpIds.push_back(forumId); // std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::requestGroupSummary_CurrentForum(" << forumId << ")"; // std::cerr << std::endl; // uint32_t token; // mForumQueue->requestGroupInfo(token, RS_TOKREQ_ANSTYPE_SUMMARY, opts, grpIds, TOKEN_TYPE_CURRENTFORUM); //} //void GxsForumsDialog::loadGroupSummary_CurrentForum(const uint32_t &token) //{ // std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::loadGroupSummary_CurrentForum()"; // std::cerr << std::endl; // std::list groupInfo; // rsGxsForums->getGroupSummary(token, groupInfo); // if (groupInfo.size() == 1) // { // RsGroupMetaData fi = groupInfo.front(); // mSubscribeFlags = fi.mSubscribeFlags; // } // else // { // resetData(); // std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::loadGroupSummary_CurrentForum() ERROR Invalid Number of Groups..."; // std::cerr << std::endl; // } // setValid(true); //} /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ /*********************** **** **** **** ***********************/ void GxsForumsDialog::loadRequest(const TokenQueue *queue, const TokenRequest &req) { #ifdef DEBUG_FORUMS std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::loadRequest() UserType: " << req.mUserType; std::cerr << std::endl; #endif if (queue == mForumQueue) { /* now switch on req */ switch(req.mUserType) { case TOKEN_TYPE_LISTING: loadGroupSummary(req.mToken); break; case TOKEN_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE_CHANGE: acknowledgeSubscribeChange(req.mToken); break; // case TOKEN_TYPE_CURRENTFORUM: // loadGroupSummary_CurrentForum(req.mToken); // break; default: std::cerr << "GxsForumsDialog::loadRequest() ERROR: INVALID TYPE"; std::cerr << std::endl; } } }