ConnectFriendWizard 0 0 1157 873 Connect Friend Wizard :/images/logo/logo_16.png:/images/logo/logo_16.png Add a new Friend This wizard will help you to connect to your friend(s) to RetroShare network.<br>Select how you would like to add a friend: ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Intro Enter the certificate manually &You get a certificate file from your friend &Make friend with selected friends of my friends Enter RetroShare ID manually &Send an Invitation by Web Mail Providers &Send an Invitation by Email (Your friend will receive an email with instructions how to download RetroShare) Recommend many friends to each other RetroShare certificate Please paste below your friend's Retroshare certificate ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Text 20 20 Qt::NoFocus :/images/info16.png:/images/info16.png true 20 20 Qt::NoFocus Include signatures :/images/gpgp_key_generate.png:/images/gpgp_key_generate.png true true 20 20 Qt::NoFocus Copy your Cert to Clipboard :/images/copyrslink.png:/images/copyrslink.png true 20 20 Qt::NoFocus Save your Cert into a File :/images/document_save.png:/images/document_save.png true 20 20 Qt::NoFocus Run Email program :/images/mail_send.png:/images/mail_send.png true 20 20 Qt::NoFocus :/images/ledon1.png:/images/ledon1.png true true Qt::Vertical 20 40 Courier New QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap true 80 The text below is your Retroshare certificate. You have to provide it to your friend 20 20 Qt::NoFocus Paste Cert of your friend from Clipboard Paste certificate :/icons/svg/paste.svg:/icons/svg/paste.svg 24 24 Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon false 20 20 Qt::NoFocus Open Cert of your friend from File Open certificate :/icons/svg/filesharing.svg:/icons/svg/filesharing.svg 24 24 Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon false :/images/accepted16.png Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter Courier New <html><head/><body><p>This box expects your friend's Retroshare certificate. WARNING: this is different from your friend's profile key. Do not paste your friend's profile key here (not even a part of it). It's not going to work.</p></body></html> QPlainTextEdit::NoWrap Please, paste your friend's Retroshare certificate into the box below Certificate files Use PGP certificates saved in files. ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Cert Import friend's certificate... true You have to generate a file with your certificate and give it to your friend. Also, you can use a file generated before. true Export my certificate... Drag and Drop your friends's certificate in this Window or specify path in the box below Browse Friends of friends Select now who you want to make friends with. ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Foff Show me: true 4 false Make friend with these peers RetroShare ID Use RetroShare ID for adding a Friend which is available in your network. ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Rsid Add Friends RetroShare ID... true Paste Friends RetroShare ID in the box below Enter the RetroShare ID of your Friend, e.g. Peer@BDE8D16A46D938CF RetroShare is better with Friends Invite your Friends from other Networks to RetroShare. ConnectFriendWizard::Page_WebMail 9 9 9 9 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Preferred 40 20 GMail :/icons/gmail.png:/icons/gmail.png 32 32 false Yahoo :/icons/yahoo.png:/icons/yahoo.png 32 32 false Outlook :/icons/outlook.png:/icons/outlook.png 32 32 false AOL :/icons/aol.png:/icons/aol.png 32 32 false Yandex :/icons/yandex.png:/icons/yandex.png 32 32 false Email :/icons/mail_128.png:/icons/mail_128.png 32 32 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Preferred 40 20 Qt::Vertical 20 444 Invite Friends by Email Enter your friends' email addresses (separate each one with a semicolon) ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Email Your friends' email addresses: Enter Friends Email addresses Subject: true Friend request Details about the request ConnectFriendWizard::Page_FriendRequest 6 6 You have a friend request from 96 96 96 96 Peer details QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Name: Name Email: Node: Node Email Options 0 0 Add friend to group: 0 0 Authenticate friend (Sign PGP Key) Add as friend to connect with Options Use as direct source, when available Auto-download recommended files Require whitelist clearance to connect Qt::Vertical 20 40 To accept the Friend Request, click the Finish button. Qt::Vertical 488 118 Sorry, some error appeared Here is the error message: ConnectFriendWizard::Page_ErrorMessage error text Make Friend Details about your friend: ConnectFriendWizard::Page_Conclusion 255 255 255 255 255 178 255 255 255 255 255 178 255 255 178 255 255 178 true QFrame::Box QFrame::Plain You have a friend request from 2 Peer details QFormLayout::AllNonFixedFieldsGrow Key validity: Trust level Name: Name Email: Email Location: Location Signers <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Signing a friend's key is a way to express your trust into this friend, to your other friends. The signatures below cryptographically attest that owners of the listed keys recognise the current PGP key as authentic.</span></p></body></html> true This peer is already on your friend list. Adding it might just set it's ip address. true IP-Addr: IP-Address Show Advanced options 6 Add key to keyring <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-size:10pt;">Signing a friend's key is a way to express your trust into this friend, to your other friends. It helps them to decide whether to allow connections from that key based on your own trust. Signing a key is absolutely optional and cannot be undone, so do it wisely.</span></p></body></html> Authenticate friend (Sign PGP Key) Add as friend to connect with Add IP to whitelist Add friend to group: Options <html><head/><body><p align="justify">Retroshare periodically checks your friend lists for browsable files matching your transfers, to establish a direct transfer. In this case, your friend knows you're downloading the file.</p><p align="justify">To prevent this behavior for this friend only, uncheck this box. You can still perform a direct transfer if you explicitly ask for it, by e.g. downloading from your friend's file list. This setting is applied to all locations of the same node.</p></body></html> Can be used as direct source <html><head/><body><p>This option allows you to automatically download a file that is recommended in an message coming from this node. This can be used for instance to send files between your own nodes. Applied to all locations of the same node.</p></body></html> Auto-download recommended files <html><head/><body><p>Peers that have this option cannot connect if their connection address is not in the whitelist. This protects you from traffic forwarding attacks. When used, rejected peers will be reported by &quot;security feed items&quot; in the News Feed section. From there, you can whitelist/blacklist their IP. Applies to all locations of the same node.</p></body></html> Require whitelist clearance to connect Qt::Vertical 38 38 255 255 255 255 255 178 255 255 255 255 255 178 255 255 178 255 255 178 true QFrame::Box To accept the Friend Request, click the Finish button. 2 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Friend Recommendations Recommend many friends to each others ConnectFriendWizard::Page_FriendRecommendations 0 0 0 0 Message: 0 0 StyledLabel QLabel
FriendSelectionWidget QWidget
AvatarWidget QLabel
DropLineEdit QLineEdit
ConnectFriendPage QWizardPage
RSPlainTextEdit QPlainTextEdit