################################################################################ # libresapi.pro # # Copyright (C) 2018, Retroshare team # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # ################################################################################ !include("../../retroshare.pri"): error("Could not include file ../../retroshare.pri") TEMPLATE = lib CONFIG += staticlib CONFIG -= qt TARGET = resapi TARGET_PRL = libresapi DESTDIR = lib !include(use_libresapi.pri):error("Including") INCLUDEPATH += ../../libretroshare/src libresapilocalserver { SOURCES *= api/ApiServerLocal.cpp HEADERS *= api/ApiServerLocal.h } libresapi_settings { SOURCES += api/SettingsHandler.cpp HEADERS += api/SettingsHandler.h } libresapihttpserver { unix { webui_files.path = "$${DATA_DIR}/webui" webui_files.files = webui/app.js webui/app.css webui/index.html INSTALLS += webui_files webui_img_files.path = "$${DATA_DIR}/webui/img" webui_img_files.files = ../../retroshare-gui/src/gui/images/logo/logo_splash.png INSTALLS += webui_img_files # create dummy files, we need it to include files on first try system(webui-src/make-src/build.sh .) WEBUI_SRC_SCRIPT = webui-src/make-src/build.sh WEBUI_SRC_HTML = $$WEBUI_SRC_SCRIPT WEBUI_SRC_HTML += webui-src/app/assets/index.html WEBUI_SRC_JS = $$WEBUI_SRC_SCRIPT WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/accountselect.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/adddownloads.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/addidentity.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/addpeer.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/chat.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/createlogin.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/downloads.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/forums.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/home.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/identities.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/main.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/menudef.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/menu.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/mithril.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/mithril.min.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/peers.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/retroshare.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/search.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/searchresult.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/servicecontrol.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/settings.js WEBUI_SRC_JS += webui-src/app/waiting.js WEBUI_SRC_CSS = $$WEBUI_SRC_SCRIPT WEBUI_SRC_CSS += webui-src/app/green-black.scss WEBUI_SRC_CSS += webui-src/app/_reset.scss WEBUI_SRC_CSS += webui-src/app/_chat.sass WEBUI_SRC_CSS += webui-src/app/main.sass create_webfiles_html.output = webui/index.html create_webfiles_html.input = WEBUI_SRC_HTML create_webfiles_html.commands = sh $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/webui-src/make-src/build.sh $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ index.html . create_webfiles_html.variable_out = JUNK create_webfiles_html.CONFIG = combine no_link create_webfiles_js.output = webui/app.js create_webfiles_js.input = WEBUI_SRC_JS create_webfiles_js.commands = sh $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/webui-src/make-src/build.sh $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ app.js . create_webfiles_js.variable_out = JUNK create_webfiles_js.CONFIG = combine no_link create_webfiles_css.output = webui/app.css create_webfiles_css.input = WEBUI_SRC_CSS create_webfiles_css.commands = sh $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/webui-src/make-src/build.sh $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_ app.css . create_webfiles_css.variable_out = JUNK create_webfiles_css.CONFIG = combine no_link QMAKE_EXTRA_COMPILERS += create_webfiles_html create_webfiles_js create_webfiles_css } win32-x { DEFINES *= WINDOWS_SYS INCLUDEPATH += . $$INC_DIR PRO_PATH=$$shell_path($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_) MAKE_SRC=$$shell_path($$PRO_PATH/webui-src/make-src) #create_webfiles.commands = $$MAKE_SRC\\build.bat $$PRO_PATH #QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += create_webfiles #PRE_TARGETDEPS += create_webfiles QMAKE_POST_LINK=$$MAKE_SRC\\build.bat $$PRO_PATH # create dummy files system($$MAKE_SRC\\init.bat .) } win32 { DEFINES *= WINDOWS_SYS INCLUDEPATH += . $$INC_DIR PRO_PATH=$$shell_path($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_) MAKE_SRC=$$shell_path($$PRO_PATH/webui-src/make-src) QMAKE_POST_LINK=$$MAKE_SRC/build.sh $$PRO_PATH # create dummy files system($$MAKE_SRC/init.sh .) } linux { CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG *= libmicrohttpd } else { mac { INCLUDEPATH += . $$INC_DIR #for(lib, LIB_DIR):exists($$lib/libmicrohttpd.a){ LIBS *= $$lib/libmicrohttpd.a} LIBS *= -lmicrohttpd } else { LIBS *= -lmicrohttpd } } SOURCES += \ api/ApiServerMHD.cpp HEADERS += \ api/ApiServerMHD.h } SOURCES += \ api/ApiServer.cpp \ api/json.cpp \ api/JsonStream.cpp \ api/ResourceRouter.cpp \ api/PeersHandler.cpp \ api/Operators.cpp \ api/IdentityHandler.cpp \ api/ForumHandler.cpp \ api/ServiceControlHandler.cpp \ api/StateTokenServer.cpp \ api/GxsResponseTask.cpp \ api/FileSearchHandler.cpp \ api/TransfersHandler.cpp \ api/RsControlModule.cpp \ api/GetPluginInterfaces.cpp \ api/ChatHandler.cpp \ api/LivereloadHandler.cpp \ api/TmpBlobStore.cpp \ util/ContentTypes.cpp \ api/ApiPluginHandler.cpp \ api/ChannelsHandler.cpp \ api/StatsHandler.cpp \ api/FileSharingHandler.cpp HEADERS += \ api/ApiServer.h \ api/json.h \ api/JsonStream.h \ api/ApiTypes.h \ api/ResourceRouter.h \ api/PeersHandler.h \ api/Operators.h \ api/IdentityHandler.h \ api/ForumHandler.h \ api/ServiceControlHandler.h \ api/GxsMetaOperators.h \ api/StateTokenServer.h \ api/GxsResponseTask.h \ api/Pagination.h \ api/FileSearchHandler.h \ api/TransfersHandler.h \ api/RsControlModule.h \ api/GetPluginInterfaces.h \ api/ChatHandler.h \ api/LivereloadHandler.h \ api/TmpBlobStore.h \ util/ContentTypes.h \ api/ApiPluginHandler.h \ api/ChannelsHandler.h \ api/StatsHandler.h \ api/FileSharingHandler.h