/******************************************************************************* * retroshare-gui/src/gui/gxs/GxsIdChooser.cpp * * * * Copyright 2012-2013 by Robert Fernie * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #include "GxsIdChooser.h" #include "GxsIdDetails.h" #include "RsGxsUpdateBroadcastBase.h" #include "gui/Identity/IdEditDialog.h" #include "util/misc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define ROLE_SORT Qt::UserRole + 1 // Qt::UserRole is reserved for data #define ROLE_TYPE Qt::UserRole + 2 // /* Used for sorting too */ #define TYPE_NO_ID 1 #define TYPE_FOUND_ID 2 #define TYPE_UNKNOWN_ID 3 #define TYPE_CREATE_ID 4 #define BANNED_ICON ":/icons/yellow_biohazard64.png" #define IDCHOOSER_REFRESH 1 //#define IDCHOOSER_DEBUG /** Constructor */ GxsIdChooser::GxsIdChooser(QWidget *parent) : QComboBox(parent), mFlags(IDCHOOSER_ANON_DEFAULT) { mBase = new RsGxsUpdateBroadcastBase(rsIdentity, this); connect(mBase, SIGNAL(fillDisplay(bool)), this, SLOT(fillDisplay(bool))); /* Initialize ui */ setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox::AdjustToContents); mFirstLoad = true; mAllowedCount = 0 ; mDefaultId.clear() ; /* Enable sort with own role */ QSortFilterProxyModel *proxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel(this); proxy->setSourceModel(model()); proxy->setDynamicSortFilter(false); model()->setParent(proxy); setModel(proxy); proxy->setSortRole(ROLE_SORT); /* Connect signals */ connect(this, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(myCurrentIndexChanged(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(indexActivated(int))); } void GxsIdChooser::setFlags(uint32_t flags) { mFlags = flags ; updateDisplay(true); } GxsIdChooser::~GxsIdChooser() { } void GxsIdChooser::fillDisplay(bool complete) { updateDisplay(complete); update(); // Qt flush } void GxsIdChooser::showEvent(QShowEvent *event) { mBase->showEvent(event); QComboBox::showEvent(event); } void GxsIdChooser::setIdConstraintSet(const std::set& s) { mConstraintIdsSet = s ; updateDisplay(true); update(); // Qt flush } void GxsIdChooser::loadIds(uint32_t chooserFlags, const RsGxsId &defId) { mFlags = chooserFlags; mDefaultId = defId; clear(); mFirstLoad = true; updateDisplay(true); update(); // Qt flush } void GxsIdChooser::setDefaultId(const RsGxsId &defId) { mDefaultId = defId; } static void loadPrivateIdsCallback(GxsIdDetailsType type, const RsIdentityDetails &details, QObject *object, const QVariant &/*data*/) { GxsIdChooser *chooser = dynamic_cast(object); if (!chooser) return; int current_index = chooser->currentIndex(); QString current_id = (current_index >= 0)? chooser->itemData(current_index).toString() : "" ; // this prevents the objects that depend on what's in the combo-box to activate and // perform any change.Only user-changes should cause this. chooser->blockSignals(true) ; QString text = GxsIdDetails::getNameForType(type, details); QString id = QString::fromStdString(details.mId.toStdString()); /* Find and replace text of exisiting item */ int index = chooser->findData(id); if (index >= 0) { chooser->setItemText(index, text); } else { /* Add new item */ chooser->addItem(text, id); index = chooser->count() - 1; } QList icons; switch (type) { case GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_EMPTY: case GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_FAILED: break; case GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_LOADING: icons.push_back(GxsIdDetails::getLoadingIcon(details.mId)); break; case GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_DONE: GxsIdDetails::getIcons(details, icons, GxsIdDetails::ICON_TYPE_AVATAR); break; case GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_BANNED: icons.push_back(QIcon(BANNED_ICON)) ; break; } chooser->setItemData(index, QString("%1_%2").arg((type == GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_DONE) ? TYPE_FOUND_ID : TYPE_UNKNOWN_ID).arg(text), ROLE_SORT); chooser->setItemData(index, (type == GXS_ID_DETAILS_TYPE_DONE) ? TYPE_FOUND_ID : TYPE_UNKNOWN_ID, ROLE_TYPE); chooser->setItemIcon(index, icons.empty() ? QIcon() : icons[0]); //std::cerr << "ID=" << details.mId << ", chooser->flags()=" << chooser->flags() << ", flags=" << details.mFlags ; if((chooser->flags() & IDCHOOSER_NON_ANONYMOUS) && !(details.mFlags & RS_IDENTITY_FLAGS_PGP_LINKED)) { //std::cerr << " - disabling ID - entry = " << index << std::endl; chooser->setEntryEnabled(index,false) ; } if(!chooser->isInConstraintSet(details.mId)) chooser->setEntryEnabled(index,false) ; chooser->model()->sort(0); // now restore the current item. Problem is, we cannot use the ID position because it may have changed. if(current_id != "") for(int indx=0;indxcount();++indx) if(chooser->itemData(indx).toString() == current_id) { chooser->setCurrentIndex(indx); std::cerr << "GxsIdChooser-003" << (void*)chooser << " setting current index to " << indx << std::endl; break; } chooser->blockSignals(false) ; } bool GxsIdChooser::isInConstraintSet(const RsGxsId& id) const { if(mConstraintIdsSet.empty()) // special case: empty set means no constraint return true ; return mConstraintIdsSet.find(id) != mConstraintIdsSet.end() ; } void GxsIdChooser::setEntryEnabled(int indx,bool /*enabled*/) { removeItem(indx) ; #ifdef TO_REMOVE // bool disable = !enabled ; // // QSortFilterProxyModel* model = qobject_cast(QComboBox::model()); // //QStandardItem* item = model->item(index); // // QModelIndex ii = model->index(indx,0); // // // visually disable by greying out - works only if combobox has been painted already and palette returns the wanted color // //model->setFlags(ii,disable ? (model->flags(ii) & ~(Qt::ItemIsSelectable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled)) : (Qt::ItemIsSelectable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled)); // // uint32_t v = enabled?(1|32):(0); // // std::cerr << "GxsIdChooser::setEnabledEntry: i=" << indx << ", v=" << v << std::endl; // // // clear item data in order to use default color // //model->setData(ii,disable ? (QComboBox::palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text)) : QVariant(), Qt::TextColorRole); // model->setData(ii,QVariant(v),Qt::UserRole-1) ; // // std::cerr << "model data after operation: " << model->data(ii,Qt::UserRole-1).toUInt() << std::endl; #endif } uint32_t GxsIdChooser::countEnabledEntries() const { return count() ; #ifdef TO_REMOVE // uint32_t res = 0 ; // QSortFilterProxyModel* model = qobject_cast(QComboBox::model()); // // for(uint32_t i=0;irowCount();++i) // { // QModelIndex ii = model->index(i,0); // uint32_t v = model->data(ii,Qt::UserRole-1).toUInt() ; // // std::cerr << "GxsIdChooser::countEnabledEntries(): i=" << i << ", v=" << v << std::endl; // if(v > 0) // ++res ; // } // // return res ; #endif } void GxsIdChooser::loadPrivateIds() { if (mFirstLoad) { //whileBlocking doesn't work here. bool prev = this->blockSignals(true); clear(); this->blockSignals(prev); } std::list ids; rsIdentity->getOwnIds(ids); //rsIdentity->getDefaultId(defId); // Prefer to use an application specific default??? if (mFirstLoad) { if (!(mFlags & IDCHOOSER_ID_REQUIRED)) { /* add No Signature option */ QString str = tr("No Signature"); QString id = ""; addItem(str, id); setItemData(count() - 1, QString("%1_%2").arg(TYPE_NO_ID).arg(str), ROLE_SORT); setItemData(count() - 1, TYPE_NO_ID, ROLE_TYPE); } } else { for (int idx = 0; idx < count(); ++idx) { QVariant type = itemData(idx, ROLE_TYPE); switch (type.toInt()) { case TYPE_NO_ID: case TYPE_CREATE_ID: break; case TYPE_FOUND_ID: case TYPE_UNKNOWN_ID: { QVariant var = itemData(idx); RsGxsId gxsId = RsGxsId(var.toString().toStdString()); std::list::iterator lit = std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), gxsId); if (lit == ids.end()) { removeItem(idx); idx--; } } } } } for (std::list::iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { GxsIdDetails::process(*it, loadPrivateIdsCallback, this); /* add to Chooser */ } if (mFirstLoad) { if (!(mFlags & IDCHOOSER_NO_CREATE)) { /* add Create Identity option */ QString str = tr("Create new Identity"); QString id = ""; addItem(QIcon(":/images/identity/identity_create_32.png"), str, id); setItemData(count() - 1, QString("%1_%2").arg(TYPE_CREATE_ID).arg(str), ROLE_SORT); setItemData(count() - 1, TYPE_CREATE_ID, ROLE_TYPE); } setDefaultItem(); emit idsLoaded(); } mFirstLoad = false; } void GxsIdChooser::setDefaultItem() { int def = -1; if ((mFlags & IDCHOOSER_ANON_DEFAULT) && !(mFlags & IDCHOOSER_ID_REQUIRED)) { def = findData(TYPE_NO_ID, ROLE_TYPE); } else { if (!mDefaultId.isNull()) { QString id = QString::fromStdString(mDefaultId.toStdString()); def = findData(id); } } if (def >= 0) { setCurrentIndex(def); std::cerr << "GxsIdChooser-002" << (void*)this << " setting current index to " << def << std::endl; } } bool GxsIdChooser::setChosenId(const RsGxsId &gxsId) { QString id = QString::fromStdString(gxsId.toStdString()); /* Find text of exisiting item */ int index = findData(id); if (index >= 0) { setCurrentIndex(index); std::cerr << "GxsIdChooser-001" << (void*)this << " setting current index to " << index << std::endl; return true; } return false; } GxsIdChooser::ChosenId_Ret GxsIdChooser::getChosenId(RsGxsId &gxsId) { if (count() < 1) { return None; } int idx = currentIndex(); QVariant var = itemData(idx); gxsId = RsGxsId(var.toString().toStdString()); QVariant type = itemData(idx, ROLE_TYPE); switch (type.toInt()) { case TYPE_NO_ID: return NoId; case TYPE_FOUND_ID: return KnowId; case TYPE_UNKNOWN_ID: return UnKnowId; case TYPE_CREATE_ID: break; } return None; } void GxsIdChooser::myCurrentIndexChanged(int index) { Q_UNUSED(index); QFontMetrics fm = QFontMetrics(font()); QString text = currentText(); if (width() < fm.boundingRect(text).width()) { setToolTip(text); } else { setToolTip(""); } } void GxsIdChooser::indexActivated(int index) { int type = itemData(index, ROLE_TYPE).toInt(); if (type == TYPE_CREATE_ID) { IdEditDialog dlg(this); dlg.setupNewId(false, !(mFlags & IDCHOOSER_NON_ANONYMOUS)); if (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { setDefaultId(RsGxsId(dlg.groupId())); } } } void GxsIdChooser::updateDisplay(bool reset) { if(reset) mFirstLoad = true ; /* Update identity list */ loadPrivateIds(); }