/**************************************************************** * This file is distributed under the following license: * * Copyright (c) 2010, RetroShare Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include "GroupTreeWidget.h" #include "ui_GroupTreeWidget.h" #include "RSItemDelegate.h" #include "PopularityDefs.h" #include "gui/settings/rsharesettings.h" #include "RSTreeWidgetItem.h" #include #define COLUMN_NAME 0 #define COLUMN_POPULARITY 1 #define COLUMN_COUNT 2 #define COLUMN_DATA COLUMN_NAME #define ROLE_ID Qt::UserRole #define ROLE_NAME Qt::UserRole + 1 #define ROLE_DESCRIPTION Qt::UserRole + 2 #define ROLE_POPULARITY Qt::UserRole + 3 #define ROLE_LASTPOST Qt::UserRole + 4 #define ROLE_SEARCH_SCORE Qt::UserRole + 5 #define COMBO_NAME_INDEX 0 #define COMBO_DESC_INDEX 1 GroupTreeWidget::GroupTreeWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::GroupTreeWidget) { ui->setupUi(this); displayMenu = NULL; actionSortAscending = NULL; // actionSortDescending = NULL; actionSortByName = NULL; actionSortByPopularity = NULL; actionSortByLastPost = NULL; compareRole = new RSTreeWidgetItemCompareRole; compareRole->setRole(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_NAME); /* Connect signals */ connect(ui->filterLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(filterChanged())); connect(ui->filterCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(filterChanged())); connect(ui->treeWidget, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint))); connect(ui->treeWidget, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem*, QTreeWidgetItem*))); connect(ui->treeWidget, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int)), this, SLOT(itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem*,int))); /* Add own item delegate */ RSItemDelegate *itemDelegate = new RSItemDelegate(this); itemDelegate->setSpacing(QSize(0, 2)); ui->treeWidget->setItemDelegate(itemDelegate); /* Initialize tree widget */ ui->treeWidget->setColumnCount(COLUMN_COUNT); /* Set header resize modes and initial section sizes */ QHeaderView *header = ui->treeWidget->header (); header->setResizeMode(COLUMN_NAME, QHeaderView::Stretch); header->resizeSection(COLUMN_NAME, 170); header->setResizeMode(COLUMN_POPULARITY, QHeaderView::Fixed); header->resizeSection(COLUMN_POPULARITY, 25); } GroupTreeWidget::~GroupTreeWidget() { delete ui; } void GroupTreeWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { QWidget::changeEvent(e); switch (e->type()) { case QEvent::LanguageChange: ui->retranslateUi(this); break; default: break; } } void GroupTreeWidget::processSettings(RshareSettings *settings, bool load) { if (settings == NULL) { return; } const int SORTBY_NAME = 1; const int SORTBY_POPULRITY = 2; const int SORTBY_LASTPOST = 3; if (load) { // load settings // state of sort int sortby = settings->value("GroupSortBy").toInt(); switch (sortby) { case SORTBY_NAME: if (actionSortByName) { actionSortByName->setChecked(true); } break; case SORTBY_POPULRITY: if (actionSortByPopularity) { actionSortByPopularity->setChecked(true); } break; case SORTBY_LASTPOST: if (actionSortByLastPost) { actionSortByLastPost->setChecked(true); } break; } } else { // save settings // state of sort int sortby = SORTBY_NAME; if (actionSortByName && actionSortByName->isChecked()) { sortby = SORTBY_NAME; } else if (actionSortByPopularity && actionSortByPopularity->isChecked()) { sortby = SORTBY_POPULRITY; } else if (actionSortByLastPost && actionSortByLastPost->isChecked()) { sortby = SORTBY_LASTPOST; } settings->setValue("GroupSortBy", sortby); } } void GroupTreeWidget::initDisplayMenu(QPushButton *pushButton) { displayMenu = new QMenu(); // QActionGroup *actionGroup = new QActionGroup(displayMenu); // // actionSortDescending = displayMenu->addAction(QIcon(":/images/sort_decrease.png"), tr("Sort Descending Order"), this, SLOT(sort())); // actionSortDescending->setCheckable(true); // actionSortDescending->setActionGroup(actionGroup); // // actionSortAscending = displayMenu->addAction(QIcon(":/images/sort_incr.png"), tr("Sort Ascending Order"), this, SLOT(sort())); // actionSortAscending->setCheckable(true); // actionSortAscending->setChecked(true); // set standard to sort ascending // actionSortAscending->setActionGroup(actionGroup); // // displayMenu->addSeparator(); QActionGroup *actionGroup = new QActionGroup(displayMenu); actionSortByName = displayMenu->addAction(QIcon(), tr("Sort by Name"), this, SLOT(sort())); actionSortByName->setCheckable(true); actionSortByName->setChecked(true); // set standard to sort by name actionSortByName->setActionGroup(actionGroup); actionSortByPopularity = displayMenu->addAction(QIcon(), tr("Sort by Popularity"), this, SLOT(sort())); actionSortByPopularity->setCheckable(true); actionSortByPopularity->setActionGroup(actionGroup); actionSortByLastPost = displayMenu->addAction(QIcon(), tr("Sort by Last Post"), this, SLOT(sort())); actionSortByLastPost->setCheckable(true); actionSortByLastPost->setActionGroup(actionGroup); pushButton->setMenu(displayMenu); } void GroupTreeWidget::customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) { emit treeCustomContextMenuRequested(pos); } void GroupTreeWidget::currentItemChanged(QTreeWidgetItem *current, QTreeWidgetItem *previous) { Q_UNUSED(previous); QString id; if (current) { id = current->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString(); } emit treeCurrentItemChanged(id); } void GroupTreeWidget::itemClicked(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int column) { Q_UNUSED(column); QString id; if (item) { id = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString(); } emit treeItemClicked(id); } QTreeWidgetItem *GroupTreeWidget::addCategoryItem(const QString &name, const QIcon &icon, bool expand) { QFont font = QFont("ARIAL", 10); font.setBold(true); QTreeWidgetItem *item = new QTreeWidgetItem(); item->setText(COLUMN_NAME, name); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_NAME, name); item->setFont(COLUMN_NAME, font); item->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, icon); item->setSizeHint(COLUMN_NAME, QSize(18, 18)); item->setForeground(COLUMN_NAME, QBrush(QColor(79, 79, 79))); ui->treeWidget->addTopLevelItem(item); item->setExpanded(expand); return item; } QString GroupTreeWidget::itemId(QTreeWidgetItem *item) { if (item == NULL) { return ""; } return item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString(); } void GroupTreeWidget::fillGroupItems(QTreeWidgetItem *categoryItem, const QList &itemList) { if (categoryItem == NULL) { return; } QString filterText = ui->filterLineEdit->text(); /* Iterate all items */ QList::const_iterator it; for (it = itemList.begin(); it != itemList.end(); it++) { const GroupItemInfo &itemInfo = *it; QTreeWidgetItem *item = NULL; /* Search exisiting item */ int childCount = categoryItem->childCount(); for (int child = 0; child < childCount; child++) { QTreeWidgetItem *childItem = categoryItem->child(child); if (childItem->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString() == itemInfo.id) { /* Found child */ item = childItem; break; } } if (item == NULL) { item = new RSTreeWidgetItem(compareRole); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID, itemInfo.id); categoryItem->addChild(item); } item->setText(COLUMN_NAME, itemInfo.name); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_NAME, itemInfo.name); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_DESCRIPTION, itemInfo.description); /* Set last post */ qlonglong lastPost = itemInfo.lastpost.toTime_t(); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_LASTPOST, -lastPost); // negative for correct sorting /* Set icon */ item->setIcon(COLUMN_NAME, itemInfo.icon); /* Set popularity */ QString tooltip = PopularityDefs::tooltip(itemInfo.popularity); item->setIcon(COLUMN_POPULARITY, PopularityDefs::icon(itemInfo.popularity)); item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_POPULARITY, -itemInfo.popularity); // negative for correct sorting /* Set tooltip */ if (itemInfo.privatekey) { tooltip += "\n" + tr("Private Key Available"); } item->setToolTip(COLUMN_NAME, tooltip); item->setToolTip(COLUMN_POPULARITY, tooltip); /* Set color */ QBrush brush; if (itemInfo.privatekey) { brush = QBrush(Qt::blue); } item->setForeground(COLUMN_NAME, brush); /* Calculate score */ calculateScore(item, filterText); } /* Remove all items not in list */ int child = 0; int childCount = categoryItem->childCount(); while (child < childCount) { QString id = categoryItem->child(child)->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString(); for (it = itemList.begin(); it != itemList.end(); it++) { if (it->id == id) { break; } } if (it == itemList.end()) { delete(categoryItem->takeChild(child)); childCount = categoryItem->childCount(); } else { child++; } } resort(categoryItem); } void GroupTreeWidget::setUnreadCount(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int unreadCount) { if (item == NULL) { return; } QString name = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_NAME).toString(); QFont font = item->font(COLUMN_NAME); if (unreadCount) { name += QString(" (%1)").arg(unreadCount); font.setBold(true); } else { font.setBold(false); } item->setText(COLUMN_NAME, name); item->setFont(COLUMN_NAME, font); } QTreeWidgetItem *GroupTreeWidget::getItemFromId(const QString &id) { if (id.isEmpty()) { return NULL; } /* Search exisiting item */ QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(ui->treeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *itemIterator) != NULL) { itemIterator++; if (item->parent() == NULL) { continue; } if (item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString() == id) { return item; } } return NULL ; } QTreeWidgetItem *GroupTreeWidget::activateId(const QString &id, bool focus) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = getItemFromId(id); if (item == NULL) { return NULL; } ui->treeWidget->setCurrentItem(item); if (focus) { ui->treeWidget->setFocus(); } return item; } void GroupTreeWidget::calculateScore(QTreeWidgetItem *item, const QString &filterText) { if (item) { /* Calculate one item */ int score; if (filterText.isEmpty()) { score = 0; item->setHidden(false); } else { QString scoreString; switch (ui->filterCombo->currentIndex()) { case COMBO_NAME_INDEX: scoreString = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_NAME).toString(); break; case COMBO_DESC_INDEX: scoreString = item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_DESCRIPTION).toString(); break; } score = scoreString.count(filterText, Qt::CaseInsensitive); if (score) { item->setHidden(false); } else { item->setHidden(true); } } item->setData(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_SEARCH_SCORE, -score); // negative for correct sorting return; } /* Find out which has given word in it */ QTreeWidgetItemIterator itemIterator(ui->treeWidget); QTreeWidgetItem *item; while ((item = *itemIterator) != NULL) { itemIterator++; if (item->data(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_ID).toString().isEmpty()) { continue; } calculateScore(item, filterText); } } void GroupTreeWidget::filterChanged() { /* Recalculate score */ calculateScore(NULL, ui->filterLineEdit->text()); resort(NULL); } void GroupTreeWidget::resort(QTreeWidgetItem *categoryItem) { Qt::SortOrder order = (actionSortAscending == NULL || actionSortAscending->isChecked()) ? Qt::AscendingOrder : Qt::DescendingOrder; if (ui->filterLineEdit->text().isEmpty() == false) { compareRole->setRole(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_SEARCH_SCORE); compareRole->addRole(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_LASTPOST); } else if (actionSortByName && actionSortByName->isChecked()) { compareRole->setRole(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_NAME); } else if (actionSortByPopularity && actionSortByPopularity->isChecked()) { compareRole->setRole(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_POPULARITY); } else if (actionSortByLastPost && actionSortByLastPost->isChecked()) { compareRole->setRole(COLUMN_DATA, ROLE_LASTPOST); } if (categoryItem) { categoryItem->sortChildren(COLUMN_DATA, order); } else { int count = ui->treeWidget->topLevelItemCount(); for (int child = 0; child < count; child++) { ui->treeWidget->topLevelItem(child)->sortChildren(COLUMN_DATA, order); } } } void GroupTreeWidget::sort() { resort(NULL); }