/* * "$Id: pqistreamer.cc,v 1.19 2007-02-18 21:46:50 rmf24 Exp $" * * 3P/PQI network interface for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2004-2006 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ #include #include #include #include "util/rsdebug.h" #include "pqi/pqistreamer.h" #include "pqi/pqinotify.h" #include "serialiser/rsserial.h" #include "serialiser/rsbaseitems.h" /***** For RsFileData *****/ const int pqistreamerzone = 8221; const int PQISTREAM_ABS_MAX = 100000000; /* 100 MB/sec (actually per loop) */ /* This removes the print statements (which hammer pqidebug) */ /*** #define RSITEM_DEBUG 1 ***/ pqistreamer::pqistreamer(RsSerialiser *rss, std::string id, BinInterface *bio_in, int bio_flags_in) :PQInterface(id), rsSerialiser(rss), bio(bio_in), bio_flags(bio_flags_in), pkt_wpending(NULL), totalRead(0), totalSent(0), currRead(0), currSent(0), avgReadCount(0), avgSentCount(0) { avgLastUpdate = currReadTS = currSentTS = time(NULL); /* allocated once */ pkt_rpend_size = getRsPktMaxSize(); pkt_rpending = malloc(pkt_rpend_size); reading_state = reading_state_initial ; // avoid uninitialized (and random) memory read. memset(pkt_rpending,0,pkt_rpend_size) ; // 100 B/s (minimal) setMaxRate(true, 0.1); setMaxRate(false, 0.1); setRate(true, 0); setRate(false, 0); { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::pqistreamer()"; out << " Initialisation!" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } if (!bio_in) { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::pqistreamer()"; out << " NULL bio, FATAL ERROR!" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); exit(1); } failed_read_attempts = 0 ; // reset failed read, as no packet is still read. return; } pqistreamer::~pqistreamer() { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::~pqistreamer()"; out << " Destruction!" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } if (bio_flags & BIN_FLAGS_NO_CLOSE) { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::~pqistreamer()"; out << " Not Closing BinInterface!" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } else if (bio) { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::~pqistreamer()"; out << " Deleting BinInterface!" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); delete bio; } /* clean up serialiser */ if (rsSerialiser) delete rsSerialiser; // clean up outgoing. (cntrl packets) while(out_pkt.size() > 0) { void *pkt = out_pkt.front(); out_pkt.pop_front(); free(pkt); } // clean up outgoing (data packets) while(out_data.size() > 0) { void *pkt = out_data.front(); out_data.pop_front(); free(pkt); } if (pkt_wpending) { free(pkt_wpending); pkt_wpending = NULL; } free(pkt_rpending); // clean up outgoing. while(incoming.size() > 0) { RsItem *i = incoming.front(); incoming.pop_front(); delete i; } return; } // Get/Send Items. int pqistreamer::SendItem(RsItem *si) { #ifdef RSITEM_DEBUG { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::SendItem():" << std::endl; si -> print(out); pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } #endif return queue_outpqi(si); } RsItem *pqistreamer::GetItem() { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::GetItem()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } std::list::iterator it; it = incoming.begin(); if (it == incoming.end()) { return NULL; } RsItem *osr = (*it); incoming.erase(it); return osr; } // // PQInterface int pqistreamer::tick() { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::tick()"; out << std::endl; out << PeerId() << ": currRead/Sent: " << currRead << "/" << currSent; out << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } bio->tick(); /* short circuit everything is bio isn't active */ if (!(bio->isactive())) { return 0; } /* must do both, as outgoing will catch some bad sockets, * that incoming will not */ handleincoming(); handleoutgoing(); /* give details of the packets */ { std::list::iterator it; std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::tick() Queued Data:"; out << " for " << PeerId(); if (bio->isactive()) { out << " (active)"; } else { out << " (waiting)"; } out << std::endl; int total = 0; for(it = out_pkt.begin(); it != out_pkt.end(); it++) { total += getRsItemSize(*it); } out << "\t Out Packets [" << out_pkt.size() << "] => " << total; out << " bytes" << std::endl; total = 0; for(it = out_data.begin(); it != out_data.end(); it++) { total += getRsItemSize(*it); } out << "\t Out Data [" << out_data.size() << "] => " << total; out << " bytes" << std::endl; out << "\t Incoming [" << incoming.size() << "]"; out << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } /* if there is more stuff in the queues */ if ((incoming.size() > 0) || (out_pkt.size() > 0) || (out_data.size() > 0)) { return 1; } return 0; } int pqistreamer::status() { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::status()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } if (bio->isactive()) { std::ostringstream out; out << "Data in:" << totalRead << " out:" << totalSent; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } return 0; } // /**************** HANDLE OUTGOING TRANSLATION + TRANSMISSION ******/ int pqistreamer::queue_outpqi(RsItem *pqi) { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::queue_outpqi()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } /* decide which type of packet it is */ RsFileData *dta = dynamic_cast(pqi); bool isCntrl = (dta == NULL); uint32_t pktsize = rsSerialiser->size(pqi); void *ptr = malloc(pktsize); // std::cerr << "serializing packet of size " << pktsize << std::endl ; if (rsSerialiser->serialise(pqi, ptr, &pktsize)) { if (isCntrl) { out_pkt.push_back(ptr); } else { out_data.push_back(ptr); } if (!(bio_flags & BIN_FLAGS_NO_DELETE)) { delete pqi; } return 1; } else { /* cleanup serialiser */ free(ptr); } std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::queue_outpqi() Null Pkt generated!"; out << std::endl; out << "Caused By: " << std::endl; pqi -> print(out); pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); if (!(bio_flags & BIN_FLAGS_NO_DELETE)) { delete pqi; } return 1; // keep error internal. } int pqistreamer::handleincomingitem(RsItem *pqi) { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleincomingitem()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } // Use overloaded Contact function pqi -> PeerId(PeerId()); incoming.push_back(pqi); return 1; } int pqistreamer::handleoutgoing() { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleoutgoing()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } int maxbytes = outAllowedBytes(); int sentbytes = 0; int len; int ss; // std::cerr << "pqistreamer: maxbytes=" << maxbytes<< std::endl ; std::list::iterator it; // if not connection, or cannot send anything... pause. if (!(bio->isactive())) { /* if we are not active - clear anything in the queues. */ for(it = out_pkt.begin(); it != out_pkt.end(); ) { free(*it); it = out_pkt.erase(it); std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleoutgoing() Not active -> Clearing Pkt!"; // std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } for(it = out_data.begin(); it != out_data.end(); ) { free(*it); it = out_data.erase(it); std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleoutgoing() Not active -> Clearing DPkt!"; // std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } /* also remove the pending packets */ if (pkt_wpending) { free(pkt_wpending); pkt_wpending = NULL; } outSentBytes(sentbytes); return 0; } // a very simple round robin bool sent = true; while(sent) // catch if all items sent. { sent = false; if ((!(bio->cansend())) || (maxbytes < sentbytes)) { outSentBytes(sentbytes); return 0; } // send a out_pkt., else send out_data. unless // there is a pending packet. if (!pkt_wpending) { if (out_pkt.size() > 0) { pkt_wpending = *(out_pkt.begin()); out_pkt.pop_front(); } else if (out_data.size() > 0) { pkt_wpending = *(out_data.begin()); out_data.pop_front(); } } if (pkt_wpending) { std::ostringstream out; // write packet. len = getRsItemSize(pkt_wpending); // std::cout << "Sending Out Pkt of size " << len << " !" << std::endl ; if (len != (ss = bio->senddata(pkt_wpending, len))) { out << "Problems with Send Data! (only " << ss << " bytes sent" << ", total pkt size=" << len ; out << std::endl; // std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); outSentBytes(sentbytes); // pkt_wpending will kept til next time. // ensuring exactly the same data is written (openSSL requirement). return -1; } // out << " Success!" << ", sent " << len << " bytes" << std::endl; // std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); free(pkt_wpending); pkt_wpending = NULL; sentbytes += len; sent = true; } } outSentBytes(sentbytes); return 1; } /* Handles reading from input stream. */ #ifdef OLD_VERSION int pqistreamer::handleincoming() { int readbytes = 0; { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleincoming()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } if (!(bio->isactive())) { inReadBytes(readbytes); return 0; } // enough space to read any packet. int maxlen = pkt_rpend_size; void *block = pkt_rpending; // initial read size: basic packet. int blen = getRsPktBaseSize(); int tmplen; uint32_t pktlen; int maxin = inAllowedBytes(); while((maxin > readbytes) && (bio->moretoread())) { // read the basic block (minimum packet size) if (blen != (tmplen = bio->readdata(block, blen))) { pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, "pqistreamer::handleincoming() Didn't read BasePkt!"); // error.... (either blocked or failure) inReadBytes(readbytes); if (tmplen == 0) { // most likely blocked! pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, "pqistreamer::handleincoming() read blocked"); return 0; } else if (tmplen < 0) { // assume the worse, that // the stream is bust ... and jump away. pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqistreamerzone, "pqistreamer::handleincoming() Error in bio read"); return -1; } else // tmplen > 0 { // strange case.... std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleincoming() Incomplete "; out << "(Strange) read of " << tmplen << " bytes"; pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); return -1; } } readbytes += tmplen; pktlen = tmplen; // workout how much more to read. int extralen = getRsItemSize(block) - blen; if (extralen > maxlen - blen) { pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, "ERROR: Read Packet too Big!"); pqiNotify *notify = getPqiNotify(); if (notify) { std::string title = "Warning: Bad Packet Read"; std::ostringstream msgout; msgout << " **** WARNING **** \n"; msgout << "Retroshare has caught a BAD Packet Read"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "This is normally caused by connecting to an"; msgout << " OLD version of Retroshare"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "(M:" << maxlen << " B:" << blen << " E:" << extralen << ")\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "Please get your friends to upgrade to the latest version"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "If you are sure the error was not caused by an old version"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "Please report the problem to Retroshare's developers"; msgout << "\n"; std::string msg = msgout.str(); notify->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, title, msg); } bio->close(); return -1; // Used to exit now! exit(1); } if (extralen > 0) { void *extradata = (void *) (((char *) block) + blen); if (extralen != (tmplen = bio->readdata(extradata, extralen))) { std::ostringstream out; out << "Error Completing Read (read "; out << tmplen << "/" << extralen << ")" << std::endl; std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); pqiNotify *notify = getPqiNotify(); if (notify) { std::string title = "Warning: Error Completing Read"; std::ostringstream msgout; msgout << " **** WARNING **** \n"; msgout << "Retroshare has experienced an unexpected Read ERROR"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "(M:" << maxlen << " B:" << blen; msgout << " E:" << extralen << " R:" << tmplen << ")\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "Please contact the developers."; msgout << "\n"; std::string msg = msgout.str(); std::cout << msg << std::endl ; std::cout << "block = " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[0]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[1]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[2]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[3]) << std::endl ; // notify->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, title, msg); } bio->close(); return -1; // if it is triggered ... need to modify code. // XXXX Bug to fix! //exit(1); // error.... inReadBytes(readbytes); return -1; } readbytes += extralen; pktlen += extralen; } // create packet, based on header. { std::ostringstream out; out << "Read Data Block -> Incoming Pkt("; out << blen + extralen << ")" << std::endl; // std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } // std::cerr << "Deserializing packet of size " << pktlen <deserialise(block, &pktlen); if ((pkt != NULL) && (0 < handleincomingitem(pkt))) { pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, "Successfully Read a Packet!"); } else { pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, "Failed to handle Packet!"); inReadBytes(readbytes); return -1; } } // std::cerr << "pqistreamer:: total bytes read = " << readbytes << std::endl ; inReadBytes(readbytes); return 0; } #endif int pqistreamer::handleincoming() { int readbytes = 0; static const int max_failed_read_attempts = 100 ; { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleincoming()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } if(!(bio->isactive())) { reading_state = reading_state_initial ; return 0; } // enough space to read any packet. int maxlen = pkt_rpend_size; void *block = pkt_rpending; // initial read size: basic packet. int blen = getRsPktBaseSize(); int maxin = inAllowedBytes(); switch(reading_state) { case reading_state_initial: goto start_packet_read ; case reading_state_packet_started: goto continue_packet ; } start_packet_read: { // scope to ensure variable visibility // read the basic block (minimum packet size) int tmplen; if (blen != (tmplen = bio->readdata(block, blen))) { pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, "pqistreamer::handleincoming() Didn't read BasePkt!"); // error.... (either blocked or failure) if (tmplen == 0) { // most likely blocked! pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, "pqistreamer::handleincoming() read blocked"); return 0; } else if (tmplen < 0) { // Most likely it is that the packet is pending but could not be read by pqissl because of stream flow. // So we return without an error, and leave the machine state in 'start_read'. // pqioutput(PQL_WARNING, pqistreamerzone, "pqistreamer::handleincoming() Error in bio read"); return 0; } else // tmplen > 0 { // strange case....This should never happen as partial reads are handled by pqissl below. std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::handleincoming() Incomplete "; out << "(Strange) read of " << tmplen << " bytes"; pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); return -1; } } readbytes += blen; reading_state = reading_state_packet_started ; failed_read_attempts = 0 ; // reset failed read, as the packet has been totally read. } continue_packet: { // workout how much more to read. int extralen = getRsItemSize(block) - blen; if (extralen > maxlen - blen) { pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, "ERROR: Read Packet too Big!"); pqiNotify *notify = getPqiNotify(); if (notify) { std::string title = "Warning: Bad Packet Read"; std::ostringstream msgout; msgout << " **** WARNING **** \n"; msgout << "Retroshare has caught a BAD Packet Read"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "This is normally caused by connecting to an"; msgout << " OLD version of Retroshare"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "(M:" << maxlen << " B:" << blen << " E:" << extralen << ")\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "block = " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[0]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[1]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[2]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[3]) << "\n" ; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "Please get your friends to upgrade to the latest version"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "If you are sure the error was not caused by an old version"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "Please report the problem to Retroshare's developers"; msgout << "\n"; std::string msg = msgout.str(); notify->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, title, msg); } bio->close(); reading_state = reading_state_initial ; // restart at state 1. failed_read_attempts = 0 ; return -1; // Used to exit now! exit(1); } if (extralen > 0) { void *extradata = (void *) (((char *) block) + blen); int tmplen ; memset( extradata,0,extralen ) ; // for checking later if (extralen != (tmplen = bio->readdata(extradata, extralen))) { if(tmplen > 0) std::cerr << "Incomplete packet read ! This is a real problem ;-)" << std::endl ; if(++failed_read_attempts > max_failed_read_attempts) { std::ostringstream out; out << "Error Completing Read (read "; out << tmplen << "/" << extralen << ")" << std::endl; std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); pqiNotify *notify = getPqiNotify(); if (notify) { std::string title = "Warning: Error Completing Read"; std::ostringstream msgout; msgout << " **** WARNING **** \n"; msgout << "Retroshare has experienced an unexpected Read ERROR"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "(M:" << maxlen << " B:" << blen; msgout << " E:" << extralen << " R:" << tmplen << ")\n"; msgout << "\n"; msgout << "Please contact the developers."; msgout << "\n"; std::string msg = msgout.str(); std::cout << msg << std::endl ; std::cout << "block = " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[0]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[1]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[2]) << " " << (int)(((unsigned char*)block)[3]) << std::endl ; // notify->AddSysMessage(0, RS_SYS_WARNING, title, msg); } bio->close(); reading_state = reading_state_initial ; // restart at state 1. failed_read_attempts = 0 ; return -1; } else return 0 ; // this is just a SSL_WANT_READ error. Don't panic, we'll re-try the read soon. // we assume readdata() returned either -1 or the complete read size. } readbytes += extralen; } // create packet, based on header. { std::ostringstream out; out << "Read Data Block -> Incoming Pkt("; out << blen + extralen << ")" << std::endl; // std::cerr << out.str() ; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } // std::cerr << "Deserializing packet of size " << pktlen <deserialise(block, &pktlen); inReadBytes(readbytes); if ((pkt != NULL) && (0 < handleincomingitem(pkt))) pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_BASIC, pqistreamerzone, "Successfully Read a Packet!"); else pqioutput(PQL_ALERT, pqistreamerzone, "Failed to handle Packet!"); reading_state = reading_state_initial ; // restart at state 1. failed_read_attempts = 0 ; // reset failed read, as the packet has been totally read. } if(maxin > readbytes && bio->moretoread()) goto start_packet_read ; return 0; } /* BandWidth Management Assistance */ float pqistreamer::outTimeSlice() { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::outTimeSlice()"; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } //fixme("pqistreamer::outTimeSlice()", 1); return 1; } // very simple..... int pqistreamer::outAllowedBytes() { int t = time(NULL); // get current timestep. /* allow a lot if not bandwidthLimited */ if (!bio->bandwidthLimited()) { currSent = 0; currSentTS = t; return PQISTREAM_ABS_MAX; } int dt = t - currSentTS; // limiter -> for when currSentTs -> 0. if (dt > 5) dt = 5; int maxout = (int) (getMaxRate(false) * 1000.0); currSent -= dt * maxout; if (currSent < 0) { currSent = 0; } currSentTS = t; { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::outAllowedBytes() is "; out << maxout - currSent << "/"; out << maxout; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } return maxout - currSent; } int pqistreamer::inAllowedBytes() { int t = time(NULL); // get current timestep. /* allow a lot if not bandwidthLimited */ if (!bio->bandwidthLimited()) { currReadTS = t; currRead = 0; return PQISTREAM_ABS_MAX; } int dt = t - currReadTS; // limiter -> for when currReadTs -> 0. if (dt > 5) dt = 5; int maxin = (int) (getMaxRate(true) * 1000.0); currRead -= dt * maxin; if (currRead < 0) { currRead = 0; } currReadTS = t; { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::inAllowedBytes() is "; out << maxin - currRead << "/"; out << maxin; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } return maxin - currRead; } static const float AVG_PERIOD = 5; // sec static const float AVG_FRAC = 0.8; // for low pass filter. void pqistreamer::outSentBytes(int outb) { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::outSentBytes(): "; out << outb << "@" << getRate(false) << "kB/s" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } totalSent += outb; currSent += outb; avgSentCount += outb; int t = time(NULL); // get current timestep. if (t - avgLastUpdate > AVG_PERIOD) { float avgReadpSec = getRate(true); float avgSentpSec = getRate(false); avgReadpSec *= AVG_FRAC; avgReadpSec += (1.0 - AVG_FRAC) * avgReadCount / (1000.0 * (t - avgLastUpdate)); avgSentpSec *= AVG_FRAC; avgSentpSec += (1.0 - AVG_FRAC) * avgSentCount / (1000.0 * (t - avgLastUpdate)); /* pretend our rate is zero if we are * not bandwidthLimited(). */ if (bio->bandwidthLimited()) { setRate(true, avgReadpSec); setRate(false, avgSentpSec); } else { setRate(true, 0); setRate(false, 0); } avgLastUpdate = t; avgReadCount = 0; avgSentCount = 0; } return; } void pqistreamer::inReadBytes(int inb) { { std::ostringstream out; out << "pqistreamer::inReadBytes(): "; out << inb << "@" << getRate(true) << "kB/s" << std::endl; pqioutput(PQL_DEBUG_ALL, pqistreamerzone, out.str()); } totalRead += inb; currRead += inb; avgReadCount += inb; return; }