/******************************************************************************* * gui/settings/RSPermissionMatrixWidget.cpp * * * * Copyright (c) 2014 Retroshare Team * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * * * *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef WINDOWS_SYS #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RSPermissionMatrixWidget.h" #include "gui/settings/ServicePermissionsPage.h" #include #include #include #define NOT_IMPLEMENTED std::cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": not yet implemented." << std::endl; // The behavior of the widget is the following: // - when default is changed, switch all icons to the default position. Then every icon switch back by the user will be // in the white list. // - each peer/service slot has a switch. If the peer doesn't allow the service, the switch is shown with some // indication. When both the current and adverse permissions are granted, the switch should show it as well. // - we should use tooltips const float RSPermissionMatrixWidget::fICON_SIZE_X = 40/16.0 ; const float RSPermissionMatrixWidget::fICON_SIZE_Y = 40/16.0 ; const float RSPermissionMatrixWidget::fROW_SIZE = 42/16.0 ; const float RSPermissionMatrixWidget::fCOL_SIZE = 42/16.0 ; const float RSPermissionMatrixWidget::fMATRIX_START_X = 5/16.0 ; const float RSPermissionMatrixWidget::fMATRIX_START_Y =100/16.0 ; /** Default contructor */ RSPermissionMatrixWidget::RSPermissionMatrixWidget(QWidget *parent) :QFrame(parent) { _painter = new QPainter(); setMouseTracking(true) ; _timer = new QTimer ; QObject::connect(_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(updateDisplay())) ; _timer->start(5000); _max_width = 400 ; _max_height = 0 ; mHideOffline = false; } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::setHideOffline(bool hide) { if (mHideOffline == hide) { return; } mHideOffline = hide; repaint(); } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::updateDisplay() { if(isHidden()) return ; setMinimumWidth(_max_width) ; setMinimumHeight(_max_height) ; update() ; } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { std::cerr << "mouse pressed at x=" << e->x() << ", y=" << e->y() << std::endl; uint32_t service_id ; RsPeerId peer_id ; if(computeServiceAndPeer(e->x(),e->y(),service_id,peer_id)) { std::cerr << "Peer id: " << peer_id << ", service: " << service_id << std::endl; // Make sure the service is not globally disabled RsServicePermissions serv_perms; rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(service_id,serv_perms); if (!serv_perms.mDefaultAllowed) return; switchPermission(service_id,peer_id) ; update() ; } else if(computeServiceGlobalSwitch(e->x(),e->y(),service_id)) { switchPermission(service_id) ; update(); } else QFrame::mousePressEvent(e) ; } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::switchPermission(uint32_t service,const RsPeerId& pid) { RsServicePermissions serv_perms ; if(!rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(service,serv_perms)) return ; if(serv_perms.peerHasPermission(pid)) serv_perms.resetPermission(pid) ; else serv_perms.setPermission(pid) ; rsServiceControl->updateServicePermissions(service,serv_perms); } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::switchPermission(uint32_t service) { RsServicePermissions serv_perms ; if(!rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(service,serv_perms)) return ; if(serv_perms.mDefaultAllowed) { serv_perms.mPeersAllowed.clear() ; serv_perms.mDefaultAllowed = false ; } else { serv_perms.mDefaultAllowed = true ; serv_perms.mPeersDenied.clear() ; } rsServiceControl->updateServicePermissions(service,serv_perms); } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { uint32_t service_id ; RsPeerId peer_id ; if(computeServiceAndPeer(e->x(),e->y(),service_id,peer_id)) { if(_current_service_id != service_id || _current_peer_id != peer_id) { _current_service_id = service_id ; _current_peer_id = peer_id ; // redraw! update() ; } } else if(computeServiceGlobalSwitch(e->x(),e->y(),service_id)) { peer_id.clear() ; if(_current_service_id != service_id || _current_peer_id != peer_id) { _current_service_id = service_id ; _current_peer_id = peer_id ; // redraw! update() ; } } else { service_id = ~0 ; peer_id.clear() ; } } /** Default destructor */ RSPermissionMatrixWidget::~RSPermissionMatrixWidget() { _timer->stop() ; delete _timer ; delete _painter; } bool sortRsPeerIdByNameLocation(const RsPeerId &a, const RsPeerId &b) { RsPeerDetails detailsA, detailsB; rsPeers->getPeerDetails(a, detailsA); rsPeers->getPeerDetails(b, detailsB); QString stringA, stringB; // name stringA += QString::fromUtf8(detailsA.name.c_str()); stringB += QString::fromUtf8(detailsB.name.c_str()); // location stringA += QString::fromUtf8(detailsA.location.c_str()); stringB += QString::fromUtf8(detailsB.location.c_str()); return stringA.toLower() < stringB.toLower(); } /** Overloads default QWidget::paintEvent. Draws the actual * bandwidth graph. */ void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { //std::cerr << "In paint event!" << std::endl; int S = QFontMetricsF(font()).height(); /* Set current graph dimensions */ _rec = this->frameRect(); /* Start the painter */ _painter->begin(this); /* We want antialiased lines and text */ _painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); _painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing); /* Fill in the background */ _painter->fillRect(_rec, QBrush(BACK_COLOR)); _painter->drawRect(_rec); // draw one line per friend. std::list ssllist ; rsPeers->getFriendList(ssllist) ; // sort list { // sort out offline peers if(mHideOffline) { RsPeerDetails peerDetails; for(std::list::iterator it = ssllist.begin(); it != ssllist.end();) { rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it, peerDetails); switch (peerDetails.connectState) { case RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_OFFLINE: case RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_TRYING_TCP: case RS_PEER_CONNECTSTATE_TRYING_UDP: it = ssllist.erase(it); break; default: it++; break; } } } // sort by name ssllist.sort(sortRsPeerIdByNameLocation); } RsPeerServiceInfo ownServices; rsServiceControl->getOwnServices(ownServices); // Display friend names at the beginning of each column const QFont& font(_painter->font()) ; QFontMetrics fm(font); int peer_name_size = 0 ; float line_height = 2 + fm.height() ; std::vector names ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it) { RsPeerDetails details ; rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it,details) ; QString name = QString::fromUtf8(details.name.c_str()) + " (" + QString::fromUtf8(details.location.c_str()) + ")"; // TODO does not work correctly with hieroglyphs if(name.length() > 20 + 3) name = name.left(20)+"..." ; peer_name_size = std::max(peer_name_size, fm.width(name)) ; names.push_back(name) ; } QPen pen ; pen.setWidth(2) ; pen.setBrush(FOREGROUND_COLOR) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; int i=0; //int x=5/14.0*S ; int y=S*fMATRIX_START_Y ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it,++i) { float X = S*fMATRIX_START_X + peer_name_size - fm.width(names[i]) ; float Y = S*fMATRIX_START_Y + (i+0.5)*S*fROW_SIZE + line_height/2.0f-2 ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(X,Y),names[i]) ; if(*it == _current_peer_id) _painter->drawLine(QPointF(X,Y+3),QPointF(X+fm.width(names[i]),Y+3)) ; y += line_height ; } matrix_start_x = S*5/14.0 + S*fMATRIX_START_X + peer_name_size ; // now draw the service names i=0 ; std::vector last_width(10,0) ; for(std::map::const_iterator it(ownServices.mServiceList.begin());it!=ownServices.mServiceList.end();++it,++i) { QString name = QString::fromUtf8(it->second.mServiceName.c_str()) ; int text_width = fm.width(name) ; int X = matrix_start_x + S*fCOL_SIZE/2 - 2 + i*S*fCOL_SIZE - text_width/2; int height_index = 0 ; while(last_width[height_index] > X-5 && height_index < ((int)last_width.size()-1) ) ++height_index ; int Y = S*fMATRIX_START_Y - S*fICON_SIZE_Y - 2 - line_height * height_index; last_width[height_index] = X + text_width ; // draw a half-transparent rectangle QBrush brush ; brush.setColor(QColor::fromHsvF(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.8f)); brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern) ; QPen pen ; pen.setWidth(2) ; if(_current_service_id == it->second.mServiceType) pen.setBrush(FOREGROUND_COLOR) ; else pen.setBrush(Qt::gray) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; QRect info_pos( X-5,Y-line_height-2, text_width + 10, line_height + 5) ; //_painter->fillRect(info_pos,brush) ; //_painter->drawRect(info_pos) ; _painter->drawLine(QPointF(X,Y+3),QPointF(X+text_width,Y+3)) ; _painter->drawLine(QPointF(X+text_width/2, Y+3), QPointF(X+text_width/2,S*fMATRIX_START_Y+peer_ids.size()*S*fROW_SIZE - S*fROW_SIZE+5)) ; pen.setBrush(FOREGROUND_COLOR) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(X,Y),name); } // Now draw the global switches. peer_ids.clear() ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it) peer_ids.push_back(*it) ; service_ids.clear() ; for(std::map::const_iterator sit(ownServices.mServiceList.begin());sit!=ownServices.mServiceList.end();++sit) service_ids.push_back(sit->first) ; static const std::string global_switch[2] = { ":/icons/global_switch_off_128.png", ":/icons/global_switch_on_128.png" } ; for(uint32_t i=0;igetServicePermissions(service_ids[i],serv_perm) ; QPixmap pix(global_switch[serv_perm.mDefaultAllowed].c_str()) ; QRect position = computeNodePosition(0,i,false) ; position.setY(position.y() - S*fICON_SIZE_Y + 8/14.0*S) ; position.setX(position.x() + 3/14.0*S) ; position.setHeight(30/14.0*S) ; position.setWidth(30/14.0*S) ; _painter->drawPixmap(position,pix.scaledToHeight(S*fICON_SIZE_Y*0.9,Qt::SmoothTransformation),QRect(0,0,S*fICON_SIZE_X,S*fICON_SIZE_Y)) ; } // We draw for each service. static const std::string pixmap_names[4] = { ":/icons/switch00_128.png", ":/icons/switch01_128.png", ":/icons/switch10_128.png", ":/icons/switch11_128.png" } ; int n_col = 0 ; int n_col_selected = -1 ; int n_row_selected = -1 ; for(std::map::const_iterator sit(ownServices.mServiceList.begin());sit!=ownServices.mServiceList.end();++sit,++n_col) { RsServicePermissions service_perms ; rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(sit->first,service_perms) ; // draw the default switch. // draw one switch per friend. int n_row = 0 ; for(std::list::const_iterator it(ssllist.begin());it!=ssllist.end();++it,++n_row) { RsPeerServiceInfo local_service_perms ; RsPeerServiceInfo remote_service_perms ; rsServiceControl->getServicesAllowed (*it, local_service_perms) ; rsServiceControl->getServicesProvided(*it,remote_service_perms) ; bool local_allowed = local_service_perms.mServiceList.find(sit->first) != local_service_perms.mServiceList.end() ; bool remote_allowed = remote_service_perms.mServiceList.find(sit->first) != remote_service_perms.mServiceList.end() ; QPixmap pix(pixmap_names[(local_allowed << 1) + remote_allowed].c_str()) ; bool selected = (sit->first == _current_service_id && *it == _current_peer_id) ; QRect position = computeNodePosition(n_row,n_col,selected) ; if(selected) { n_row_selected = n_row ; n_col_selected = n_col ; } _painter->drawPixmap(position,pix.scaledToHeight(S*fICON_SIZE_X,Qt::SmoothTransformation),QRect(0,0,S*fICON_SIZE_X,S*fICON_SIZE_Y)) ; } } // now display some info about current node. if(n_row_selected >= 0 && n_col_selected >= 0 && n_row_selected < (int)peer_ids.size() && n_col_selected < (int)service_ids.size()) { QRect position = computeNodePosition(n_row_selected,n_col_selected,false) ; // draw text info RsServicePermissions service_perms ; rsServiceControl->getServicePermissions(service_ids[n_col_selected],service_perms) ; QString service_name = tr("Service name:")+" "+QString::fromUtf8(service_perms.mServiceName.c_str()) ; QString service_default = service_perms.mDefaultAllowed?tr("Allowed by default"):tr("Denied by default"); QString peer_name = tr("Peer name:")+" " + names[n_row_selected] ; QString peer_id = tr("Peer Id:")+" "+QString::fromStdString(_current_peer_id.toStdString()) ; RsPeerServiceInfo pserv_info ; rsServiceControl->getServicesAllowed(_current_peer_id,pserv_info) ; bool locally_allowed = pserv_info.mServiceList.find(_current_service_id) != pserv_info.mServiceList.end(); bool remotely_allowed = false ; // default, if the peer is offline if(rsServiceControl->getServicesProvided(_current_peer_id,pserv_info)) remotely_allowed = pserv_info.mServiceList.find(_current_service_id) != pserv_info.mServiceList.end(); QString local_status = locally_allowed ?tr("Enabled for this peer") :tr("Disabled for this peer") ; QString remote_status = remotely_allowed?tr("Enabled by remote peer"):tr("Disabled by remote peer") ; if(!service_perms.mDefaultAllowed) local_status = tr("Globally switched Off") ; const QFont& font(_painter->font()) ; QFontMetrics fm(font); int text_size_x = 0 ; text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(service_name)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(peer_name)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(peer_id)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(local_status)); text_size_x = std::max(text_size_x,fm.width(remote_status)); // draw a half-transparent rectangle QBrush brush ; brush.setColor(QColor::fromHsvF(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.8f)); brush.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern) ; QPen pen ; pen.setWidth(2) ; pen.setBrush(FOREGROUND_COLOR) ; _painter->setPen(pen) ; QRect info_pos( position.x() + 50*S/14.0, position.y() - 10*S/14.0, text_size_x + 10*S/14.0, line_height * 5 + 5*S/14.0) ; _painter->fillRect(info_pos,brush) ; _painter->drawRect(info_pos) ; // draw the text float x = info_pos.x() + 5*S/14.0 ; float y = info_pos.y() + line_height + 1*S/14.0 ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), service_name) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), peer_name) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), peer_id) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), remote_status) ; y += line_height ; _painter->drawText(QPointF(x,y), local_status) ; y += line_height ; } _max_height = S*fMATRIX_START_Y + (peer_ids.size()+3) * S*fROW_SIZE ; _max_width = matrix_start_x + (service_ids.size()+3) * S*fCOL_SIZE ; /* Stop the painter */ _painter->end(); } QRect RSPermissionMatrixWidget::computeNodePosition(int n_row,int n_col,bool selected) const { float fact = selected?1.2f:1.0f; float S = QFontMetricsF(font()).height(); return QRect(matrix_start_x + n_col * S*fCOL_SIZE + (S*fCOL_SIZE-S*fICON_SIZE_X*fact)/2, S*fMATRIX_START_Y + n_row * S*fROW_SIZE + (S*fROW_SIZE-S*fICON_SIZE_Y*fact)/2, S*fICON_SIZE_X*fact, S*fICON_SIZE_Y*fact) ; } // This function is the inverse of the previous function. Given a mouse position, it // computes the peer/service switch that is under the mouse. The zoom factor is not // accounted for, on purpose. bool RSPermissionMatrixWidget::computeServiceAndPeer(int x,int y,uint32_t& service_id,RsPeerId& peer_id) const { // 1 - make sure that x and y are on a widget float S = QFontMetricsF(font()).height(); x -= matrix_start_x ; y -= S*fMATRIX_START_Y ; if(x < 0 || x >= service_ids.size() * S*fCOL_SIZE) return false ; if(y < 0 || y >= peer_ids.size() * S*fROW_SIZE) return false ; if( (x % (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)) < (S*fCOL_SIZE - S*fICON_SIZE_X)/2) return false ; if( (x % (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)) > (S*fCOL_SIZE + S*fICON_SIZE_X)/2) return false ; if( (y % (int)(S*fROW_SIZE)) < (S*fROW_SIZE - S*fICON_SIZE_Y)/2) return false ; if( (y % (int)(S*fROW_SIZE)) > (S*fROW_SIZE + S*fICON_SIZE_Y)/2) return false ; // 2 - find which widget, by looking into the service perm matrix service_id = service_ids[x / (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)] ; peer_id = peer_ids[y / (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)] ; return true ; } bool RSPermissionMatrixWidget::computeServiceGlobalSwitch(int x,int y,uint32_t& service_id) const { // 1 - make sure that x and y are on a widget float S = QFontMetricsF(font()).height(); x -= matrix_start_x ; y -= S*fMATRIX_START_Y ; if(x < 0 || x >= service_ids.size() * S*fCOL_SIZE) return false ; if( (x % (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)) < (S*fCOL_SIZE - S*fICON_SIZE_X)/2) return false ; if( (x % (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)) > (S*fCOL_SIZE + S*fICON_SIZE_X)/2) return false ; if( y < -S*fROW_SIZE ) return false ; if( y > 0 ) return false ; // 2 - find which widget, by looking into the service perm matrix service_id = service_ids[x / (int)(S*fCOL_SIZE)] ; return true ; } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::defaultPermissionSwitched(uint32_t /* ServiceId */,bool /* b */) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED ; } void RSPermissionMatrixWidget::userPermissionSwitched(uint32_t /* ServiceId */,const RsPeerId& /* friend_id */,bool /* b */) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED ; }