KCheckers is a Qt-based checkers board game.

  Requirements: Qt 3.0

  Installation: Read INSTALLS for more information.

  Information:  If you find any bugs, send a report to wibix@gmx.de.
                For further information and recent versions of KCheckers,
                please visit it's Homepage at 


  Usage:	Read FAQ for more information.

  PDN Format:   For storing the positions of games KCheckers uses the 
                Portable Draughts Notation (PDN) database format. It is
                used by many other checkers programs, and is becoming
                the standard way to swap games.

                PDN is based on the Portable Game Notation (PGN) standard
                which is widely used for Chess.

                For details see http://www.chessandcheckers.com/pdn.htm

  PDN File:   	[Event "Game 1"]
		[Black "Nemet,A"]
		[White "Terens,B"]
		[Date "11.05.2002"]
		[Result "1-0"]
		[GameType "21"]
		[SetUp "1"]
		[FEN "W:WK4,28:BK11,19."]

		1. 4-8 11x4 2. 28-24 19x28 {black win...} 1-0

  Results:    	1-0	White wins
    		0-1	Black wins
                1/2-1/2 Drawn game
                *       Unfinished game

  Game Types:	0:	Chess
		1:      Chinese chess
		2-19:	Future chess expansion
		20:	International draughts
		21:	English draughts
		22:	Italian draughts
		23:	American pool
		24:	Spanish draughts
		25:	Russian draughts
		26:	Brazilian draughts
		27:	Canadian draughts
		28:	Portugese draughts
		29-49:	Future draughts expansion
		50:	Othello
  FEN:		If a game starts from a set-up position, a Forsyth-Edwards 
 		Notation (FEN) header is given with the position.

		W	Turn
		:W	White pieces
		K4	King on field 4
		28	Man on field 28
		:B	Black pieces

  Rules:               	       Board  BackCapture  MoveKing  TakeMax
		International  10x10      +           >1        +
		English         8x8     kings          1        -
		Italian         8x8     kings          1        +
		American pool   8x8       +           >1        -
		Spanish         8x8     kings         >1        +
		Russian         8x8       +           >1        -
		Brasilian       8x8       +           >1        +
		Canadian       12x12      +           >1        +
