#include #include #include #include "rsiface/rsiface.h" #include "rsiface/rspeers.h" #include #include "TrustView.h" using namespace std ; TrustView::TrustView() { setupUi(this) ; trustTableTW->setMouseTracking(true) ; trustInconsistencyCB->setEnabled(false) ; zoomHS->setValue(100) ; QObject::connect(zoomHS,SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)),this,SLOT(updateZoom(int))) ; QObject::connect(updatePB,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(update())) ; QObject::connect(trustTableTW,SIGNAL(cellClicked(int,int)),this,SLOT(selectCell(int,int))) ; updatePB->setToolTip(QString("This table normaly auto-updates every 10 seconds.")) ; QTimer *timer = new QTimer ; QObject::connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(update())) ; timer->start(10000) ; update() ; } void TrustView::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) { if(e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier) { if(e->delta() > 0) zoomHS->setValue(zoomHS->value()-5) ; else zoomHS->setValue(zoomHS->value()+5) ; } } void TrustView::selectCell(int row,int col) { static int last_row = -1 ; static int last_col = -1 ; if(last_row > -1) { int col_s,row_s ; getCellSize(zoomHS->value(),col_s,row_s) ; trustTableTW->setColumnWidth(last_col,col_s) ; trustTableTW->setRowHeight(last_row,row_s) ; } if(row != last_row || col != last_col) { trustTableTW->setColumnWidth(col,_base_cell_width) ; trustTableTW->setRowHeight(row,_base_cell_height) ; } last_col = col ; last_row = row ; } void TrustView::getCellSize(int z,int& col_s,int& row_s) const { col_s = max(10,(int)rint( z/100.0 * _base_cell_width )) ; row_s = max(10,(int)rint( z/100.0 * _base_cell_height)) ; } void TrustView::updateZoom(int z) { int col_s,row_s ; getCellSize(z,col_s,row_s) ; for(int i=0;icolumnCount();++i) trustTableTW->setColumnWidth(i,col_s) ; for(int i=0;irowCount();++i) trustTableTW->setRowHeight(i,row_s) ; // cout << "updated zoom" << endl; } int TrustView::getRowColId(const string& name) { static map nameToRow ; map::const_iterator itpr(nameToRow.find( name )) ; int i ; if(itpr == nameToRow.end()) { i = trustTableTW->columnCount() ; // cout << " -> peer not in table. Creating entry # " << i << endl ; trustTableTW->insertColumn(i) ; trustTableTW->insertRow(i) ; nameToRow[name] = i ; trustTableTW->setHorizontalHeaderItem(i,new QTableWidgetItem(QString(name.c_str()))) ; trustTableTW->setVerticalHeaderItem(i,new QTableWidgetItem(QString(name.c_str()))) ; trustTableTW->setColumnWidth(i,_base_cell_width) ; trustTableTW->setRowHeight(i,_base_cell_height) ; } else i = (*itpr).second ; return i ; } void TrustView::update() { // collect info. std::list neighs; if(!rsPeers->getOthersList(neighs)) return ; neighs.push_back(rsPeers->getOwnId()) ; trustTableTW->setSortingEnabled(false) ; RsPeerDetails details ; // Fill everything for(list::const_iterator it1(neighs.begin()); it1 != neighs.end(); ++it1) { if(!rsPeers->getPeerDetails(*it1,details)) continue ; // cout << "treating neigh = " << details.name << endl ; // cout << " signers = " ; int i = getRowColId(details.name) ; for(list::const_iterator it2(details.signers.begin());it2!=details.signers.end();++it2) { // cout << *it2 << " " ; // Signers are identified by there name, so if we have twice the same signers, this gets crappy. int j = getRowColId(*it2) ; QString trr( (i==j)?"Self":"Trust") ; if(trustTableTW->item(i,j) == NULL) trustTableTW->setItem(i,j,new QTableWidgetItem(trr)) ; else trustTableTW->item(i,j)->setText(trr) ; } // cout << endl ; } // assign colors for(int i=0;irowCount();++i) for(int j=0;jcolumnCount();++j) { QTableWidgetItem *i_ij(trustTableTW->item(i,j)) ; QTableWidgetItem *i_ji(trustTableTW->item(j,i)) ; QColor color ; // check bidirectional trust // if(i_ij != NULL) { if(i_ji == NULL) { i_ij->setBackgroundColor(Qt::yellow) ; i_ij->setToolTip(trustTableTW->horizontalHeaderItem(i)->text() + QString(" is trusted (one way) by " )+trustTableTW->verticalHeaderItem(j)->text()) ; } else { if(i==j) { i_ij->setBackgroundColor(Qt::red) ; i_ij->setToolTip(trustTableTW->horizontalHeaderItem(i)->text() + QString(" trusts himself") ) ; } else { i_ij->setBackgroundColor(Qt::green) ; i_ij->setToolTip(trustTableTW->horizontalHeaderItem(i)->text() + " and " +trustTableTW->verticalHeaderItem(j)->text() + QString(" trust each others") ) ; } } } } }