/******************************************************************************* * unittests/libretroshare/serialiser/rsgxsupdateitem_test.cc * * * * Copyright 2013 by Crispy <retroshare.project@gmail.com> * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include "support.h" #include "rsitems/rsgxsupdateitems.h" #define RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM 0x0010 void init_item(RsGxsGrpUpdateItem& i) { i.clear(); i.grpUpdateTS = rand()%2424; i.peerID = RsPeerId::random(); } void init_item(RsGxsMsgUpdateItem& i) { i.clear(); i.peerID = RsPeerId::random(); int numUpdates = rand()%123; i.peerID = RsPeerId::random(); for(int j=0; j < numUpdates; j++) { struct RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo info; info.message_count = rand(); info.time_stamp = rand()%45; i.msgUpdateInfos[RsGxsGroupId::random()] = info; } } void init_item(RsGxsServerGrpUpdateItem& i) { i.clear(); i.grpUpdateTS = rand()%2424; } void init_item(RsGxsServerMsgUpdateItem& i) { i.clear(); i.grpId = RsGxsGroupId::random(); i.msgUpdateTS = rand()%4252; } bool operator ==(const RsGxsGrpUpdateItem& l, const RsGxsGrpUpdateItem& r) { bool ok = l.grpUpdateTS == r.grpUpdateTS; ok &= l.peerID == r.peerID; return ok; } bool operator ==(const RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo& l, const RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo& r) { return (l.message_count == r.message_count) && (l.time_stamp == r.time_stamp); } bool operator ==(const RsGxsMsgUpdateItem& l, const RsGxsMsgUpdateItem& r) { bool ok = l.peerID == r.peerID; const std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo>& lUp = l.msgUpdateInfos, rUp = r.msgUpdateInfos; ok &= lUp.size() == rUp.size(); std::map<RsGxsGroupId, RsGxsMsgUpdateItem::MsgUpdateInfo>::const_iterator lit = lUp.begin(), rit; for(; lit != lUp.end(); lit++) { RsGxsGroupId key = lit->first; if((rit = rUp.find(key)) != rUp.end()) ok &= lit->second == rit->second; else return false; } return ok; } bool operator ==(const RsGxsServerGrpUpdateItem& l, const RsGxsServerGrpUpdateItem& r) { return l.grpUpdateTS == r.grpUpdateTS; } bool operator ==(const RsGxsServerMsgUpdateItem& l, const RsGxsServerMsgUpdateItem& r) { bool ok = l.grpId == r.grpId; ok &= l.msgUpdateTS == r.msgUpdateTS; return ok; } TEST(libretroshare_serialiser, RsGxsGrpUpateItem) { test_RsItem<RsGxsGrpUpdateItem,RsGxsUpdateSerialiser>(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); test_RsItem<RsGxsMsgUpdateItem,RsGxsUpdateSerialiser>(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); test_RsItem<RsGxsServerGrpUpdateItem,RsGxsUpdateSerialiser>(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); test_RsItem<RsGxsServerMsgUpdateItem,RsGxsUpdateSerialiser>(RS_SERVICE_TYPE_PLUGIN_SIMPLE_FORUM); }